Sunday, June 30, 2019

Jordan Pederson Speaking To Dennis Prager

Pederson was talking to Prager at the May, 2019 Prager U Summit. I just watched the video, and took 5 pages of notes which I want to lay out in this blog entry.

For most of my life, I have believed that people were not born good, but depraved. My psychology professor, a blond 40 year old Leftist and likely atheist secular humanist at NDSU in the fall of 1972 for doubting human goodness She sneered, and said that is a conservative position, implying that only a backward hick would be so unenlightened and conservative.

I have written in many places in my books since then that the radical conservative is one that believes that Satan exists, that it is a wicked world, that we are born depraved, and that we must struggle to be good and make the world a better place, and work our way back to God. It requires courage, tenacity, persistence and firm will to become and remain a good person. It must be the person's primary goal despite disadvantages attached to such self-positioning.

What comes out of this discussion is that true conservatives deny that human nature is good. All other putative conservatives remain liberal regarding this fundamental point, this first principle. Both Prager and Jordan are conservatives like I am regarding accepting this first principle of ethics.

Dennis introduces Jordan by allowing that his (Prager's) infallible goodness detector notified him right away that Jordan was a good man. As an aside, I too have that goodness detector and it works for me most of the time and explain why I dislike and disassociate with some people that seem fine to those around me, and I am blamed as unsociable if a conflict should arise, as groups revile me.

Jordan did not like being called good but he knew 40 or 50 years ago that humans have a deep capacity for evil, and that he personally had that same capacity. I too have long accepted that I am capable of great cruelty.

Jordan was horrified at human wickedness. Jordan advises us to read history as the dance of perpetrators, not victims or heroes. Jordan warns that if he accepts being called good, it becomes dangerous to believe that one is good, and no longer capable of cruelty or sinning. Jordan tries not to be evil--that is negative goodness I say, but positive goodness is trying to be and do good.

Dennis responded that Jordan has and would agree with Dennis that adopting the conservative, tragic view of life (we are sinners and the world is filled with sin and suffering) is the only way to be happy. Jordan urges people to know their full abilities, penchants and capacities, to know who you are in order to be happy and complete.

Dennis asked Jordan if he believes in God. Jordan did not like that question but did answer it in a round-about way. Once a person accepts that the conditions of human life are so shocking and tragic, one could despair and lose faith that goodness and God exist.

Jordan does believe in God but counters that belief in the divinity is not just so saying, but it must be lived and acted out in many complex but unitary behaviors as a whole person affirming God's existence. Jordan warns that to truly believe in God would require that one be maximally truthful and maximally courageous. If we developed this set of active behaviors, living at 70% of our talent potential, it would be a remarkable testament to our belief in God.

Dennis at graduate school had an epiphany that the fear of the Lord was the beginning of wisdom. Because his bright professors did not believe in God, they had no wisdom and brainwashed their young students with nonsense. Jordan responded that if you do not believe in God, you will believe in anything, a quote from Chesterton.

Jordan suggests that humans require a narrative metaphysic to hold it together, predicated on something transcendent and absolute, or must settle for something else or nothing (nihilism I add).

Jordan refutes that argument of Rationalists or Atheists like Richard Dawkins anticipate that if they can rid humans of silly superstitions, then humans will  become Rationalists like him, but Jordan disagrees.

Humans are only superficially rational, but are deeply irrational, deeply flawed and barbaric, requiring that narrative metaphysic with moral instruction to prevent all from being at war constantly with all, tearing each other apart. Our only hope is to see the divine spark in others as persons of dignity and worth, and then to treat them humanely in accordance with this recognition.

Jordan knew that Satan existed, so he concluded that out of logical necessity, God exists (I agree totally,).

Dennis and Jordan discuss that because America is so good, peaceful, free, tolerant and wealthy, Americans come to regard humans as good, because we are too sheltered against evil.

Jordan argues that war is the default position in the world, not peace. The miracle that is America where we live in peace, prosperity and liberty is to be preserved, though the Leftists vehemently dissent from this perspective. I believe that the Left is a mass movement out to wipe out America, white, patriarchy and all Western values, so their revolution is dangerous, wicked and completely harmful and destructive.

Dennis laments that 50% of young Americans view America as a rotten place, and that the West is an oppressive patriarchy.

Jordan responds that America is not perfect but is pretty good. He urges that people be grateful for how good they have it here (I suggest that it is about as close to Utopia as it is as can ever be constructed as a culture, society and political arrangement.).

Jordan castigates Academics so utterly without gratitude (and without wisdom or truth, I add) about their native culture. Dennis wants to strip universities down, and mostly abandon them because they are destroying the young and society itself. Jordan reluctantly agreed. Jordan accuses Academics of sickening America with their postmodernist, collectivist, toxic doctrine.

Jordan asserts that the controversy about suppressing and discriminating against conservatives and their presence and free speech on campus is really not the core issue. The core issue is that free speech is individualist free speech.

Jordan argues that the great fundamental truth of Western thought is sovereignty of the individual. The sovereign individual is made in God's image. (We are coming close to my theological conclusion that the Mother and the Father, the First Couple of the World, are its most powerful and talented Creators/Individualists/Individuators.). Jordan dismisses the PhD collectivists, the hordes that hate him and seek to see him fired from Academia and totally ruined, as furious because he has exposed what they are up to, teaching the West and the young that the fundamental principle of the sovereignty of the individual is an absurd phantasm, so there is no unique self, no soul, that has an original, significant and valuable message to share with others, as freely offered free speech.

Leftists, Academics and Collectivists seek to wipe out individualism and wipe out the West. If all anyone on campus is is a member of a group, then group speech, controlled speech is all that matters, as individual speech or free speech is curtailed, silenced and deadened.

Jordan insists that we as individuals do have the capacity to communicate intelligibly as individuals, sharing the fruits of our thinking and experience, our unique individuality as we express this in free speech to others free spirits that use their free speech and communication to exchange ideas and negotiate a mutual peace.

The Progressives Nihilists in Academia want individualism wiped out and free speech eliminated. There is only group speech from one group expressed against group speech from a vying group. All that is left is raw power grabbing of group versus group, a Hobbling nightmare.

Pederson criticizes Academics as cowards unwilling to live as individuals to bear up and face the world as a private person of courage, curiosity and wisdom. They seek to turn all youths into weakened snowflakes that cannot make it on their own be themselves or think for themselves.

Jordan warns that if evil exists and something went wrong, it is your fault, not anyone else. (Sounds like Isaiah Berlin about total personal responsibility, I suggest). Jordan challenges the audience that the world would be a lot better, if each of you were a lot better.

He predicts that tyranny (a mass of lies) can be overthrown by individuals telling the truth. If you do not speak up against soft totalitarians soon hard totalitarians will be kicking your door in.

I enjoyed this video. It just reminds me that the world severely needs and is just about ready to receive Mavellonialist philosophy.

A Life Of Service

A life of service to the community and to and for others is lauded and laudable. We always should do some volunteer work for the common good. Altruism is a second-tier moral motivator.

The primary moral motivator promoted by God and the Good Spirits is the egostic motivator. The common good is best served, most of the time, not by direct intervention and focused self-sacrifice, by indirect service to the community and to the nation.

You serve all best indirectly as you carry out your life plan of self-actualization.

Are You Safe?

Are you safe? Who knows? There are no guarantees in life.

If you obey the law and live in a free country, you should not end up in prison, or arrested by the county attorney.

If you are an unrepentant sinner that defies and taunts God to God's face, you likely are not safe in this world, and most certainly not in the next, regarding the salvation of your soul.

If you go unarmed, and a thug breaks into your house to rape, rob and murder, and you are defenseless, I do not characterize that as living safely.

If you go to bars and pick fights, or engage in road rage, playing chicken in your car on the free way, or enjoy escalating quarrels with neighbors, I would not say that you are living safely.

If Kamala Harris becomes President in 2020, and declares national emergencies to confiscate guns, to take over and nationalize the economy under the feigned emergency of climate change, and to open the borders to all from anywhere with promises of instant citizenship the second any foot steps foot on American soil, then I would advise that you are in extreme danger as Kamala's soft dictatorhip degenerates into a hard Marxist dictatorship.

I will be tried, imprisoned and executed as a subversionist traitor and enemy of the state.

Do I feel safe? Well. I fight the good fight and then what happens, happens, and I must deal with what comes.

Two Laws Of Moderation

Roughly, there are two laws of moderate ethics that I propose.

First, Aristotelian moderation. One should not be so brave as to be reckless. One should not be so lacking in moxie that one is irresolute to take a stand and do what is right, when one clearly recognizes one's duty, and must do what is right, right now, regardless of consequences or personal blow back felt for right choice made. One had decided and one must act now, this second.

Second, any cause pursued for the sake of humanity, for the common good, for the universal good, pursued by its true-believing, altruistic advocates out to convert all humanity to adherence to this creed, converted body and soul, converted by any means necessary (terrorism, murder, ostracism, totalitarian dictums, dissenters sent to the gulag, wars of conquest) to achieve what is noble and best for each and all, be they receiving it voluntarily or involuntarily.

When true believers spread their ism by the sword, that is using a bad means to accomplish a good end (whether the end is actually good for all or just considered as such by the true believing advocates).

Using violent, intolerant coercive means to compel resisters to join the holy cause is always demonic.

What is morally and spiritually good comes from God and the Good Spirits. Compliance and alliance must be gained by gentle persuasion, by gentle proselytizing, by rational persuasion, and always the targeted person's personhood and free will acceptance or rejection must be heard, honored and never punished or overwhelmed cause advocates using intimidation and threats to force conformity upon rejecters and deniers of said proffered faith or cause. If rejecters break the law, or break natural law, then the just legal system of this world and the next will punish them, but the that is not within the jurisdiction of the proselytizers.

What is morally and spiritually wicked comes from Satan and the Evil Spirits. They insist upon universal acceptance and adoption by all, body and soul, by all people everywhere, with pure conformity in thought, word and deed with their unholy cause.

What is evil is extreme and altruistic. What is evil is violently enforced upon all. Violent means are a hateful means to extract universal conformity to a bad end, disguised as a good end.

The totalitarian application of this violent extreme means to forcing  people to join any cause, even a good cause, transforms all causes into demonic causes. Not only must the ends be justified by a good, gentle and moderate means, but resorting to a evil, violent, authoritarian, extreme means corrupts all good ends, destroying them.

To sum up the second rule of moral moderation: the gentle, voluntary, moderate means of inviting others to join and serve one's favorite cause is the only good means that will bring about a noble end sought, and is the only means of ensuring that the noble dream does not transmogrify into a totalitarian monster once implemented.

Saturday, June 29, 2019


So you grew up poor in most humble, meager conditions. If you live in America, get educated, work hard, save your money, and have a plan for achieving success, prosperity and happiness, you can make all your dreams come true. Have at it in this greatest country.

Weak Creatures

We are weak creatures. We have feet of clay. If we pray for assistance from the Good Spirits and pray for forgiveness for our sins by the merciful Mother and Father, there is hope for us that we can become good people that lead good lives, and may well make it to heaven to enjoy a rewarding, bliss afterlife, Not bad, not bad at all.

The Citizen

In Liberty and Tyranny, Levin In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 39, argues that God made the universe, set in motion the laws that regulate and operate it, and that this Creator also created humans, and they too are governed by a moral code that extends right out of God's natural law: "Man is more than a physical creature. As Edmund Burke argued, each individual is created as a unique, spiritual being with a soul and conscience, and is bound to a transcendent moral order established by Divine Providence."

No Max Stirner atheism, nihilism and skepticism here. Levin believes in God, in optimism about our ultimate fate, and believes in God and God's merciful presence and plan for humanity.

Levin asserts that this moral order gives humans a certainly true and binding set of moral dos and don'ts by which to live and die. No Stirnerian, poststructuralist relativism here.

Lewvin On God

In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 35, Mark Levin points out the limits of science and reasoning: "They can explain the existence of consciousness, but they cannot explain why there is consciousness."


A humorous Will Witt Prager U video illustrated how young adults on a California beach did not know why we celebrate the 4th of July. Witt's witty, implied criticism is that history, Western culture, geography and traditional values are not what these young adults were taught in school.

Too bad, so sad. No wonder 50% of milllenials favor socialism over capitalism.

Cindy Chou

Cindy Chou at being successful in business in the world of fashion: "Success isn’t just a monetary value, it’s having the freedom to be who you are and do what you want to do."

Let me break that down. Success is not just a monetary value and money will not bring happiness, but it is a key factor in being happy. The freedom to be who you are and do what you want to do can come from being successful, or it can occur for, to and in the life of a  a poor tenant farmer in rural Arkansas.

You are called by God to live, and live well and brilliantly as an indviduating individual. That is being who you are and who you were meant to be, be you still that poor, unsuccessful 
Arkansas farmer, or rich, famous, adulated Cindy Chou.

Never-Trumper Mitt

Here is my Facebook response to Mitt: " Time for you to shut your traitorous, sniping face, Mitt, and to back the President. Saudi murder is not nice, but we need this ally against Iran--think globally, Mitt, for a change, and do not forget that we had to side with the killer Stalin in WWI to take out the maniacal butcher, Hitler. Jamal Khashoggi to the contrary, Trump must side with the Saudi Prince."

Build It

Answer your  calling, please God and build your legacy. You have run your race, are still running it, but may what you can devised, created and achieved, be your gift and blessing back to a needy but unheeding world.

No Immanuel

No, Kant, you were a sharp cookie and your critical philosophy paid and pays big dividends, but that is now the primary intellectual project central to self-actualizing. The primary emphasis of the brilliant, creative, imaginative and logical individuator to to spin theories about reality, to engage in riotous monologue, reflections, ruminations and conversations about what is the world, what is humanity about, what is our role in the universe, and how do love and God fit into it all.

Critical Philosophy

Of immense value and importance is critical philosophy, with its analytical thinkers with their penchant for clarifying our reasoning and employment of language, questioning our assumptions and arguments.

For me, always speculative philosophy is more interesting and more productive. Hoffer long had written that it is the playful, the open-ended tinkering, the profitless, impractical wanderings of children and dreamy adults, the investigations triggered by the most mundane even trivial motives, these activities will bring unpredictable, unanticipated, indirect benefits to humankind. Complete independence of thought, the absolute right to investigate anything and utter freedom of expression will make people smarter, happier and a whole lot more advanced.

Psalm 90, 16-17

O Eternal God, may your guidance and workings be evident and appreciated by all your children: "Let your work be seen by your servants and your glory by their children; And may the gracious care of the Lord our God be ours; prosper the work of our hands for us.!

Psalm 90, 14

Bless us anew each day by your benificence, and by your actual, constant presence in our lives, O God: "Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness in all our days.:

Take A Chance

Reason a posteriori, take a chance as to reaching occasionally the wrong conclusion. What is gained in living and being out the in the world is well worth the risk of being mistaken.

From Experience

All reasoning is helpful, insightful and uplifting, but a posteriori reasoning, knowledge gained from and made about what we have experienced and observed, that is perhaps the most useful and informative. The individual must get out there and live and reflect and generalize about she has come up against. There is no substitute for that.

On The Ropes?

Is your life on the ropes? That is okay. The revolution starts from where you are at right now, with what money, talent, health, ability and general circumstances that your are living under, as the springboard. It matters not how far you get along the road of self-realization, as long as you are finally serious about this grand undertaking.

To Flounder

Is your life floundering? Are you going nowhere fast? Talk to the Good Spirits and craft a plan for beginning to individuate--all of a sudden your life will be filled with success, purpose, pride and happiness.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Psalm 90, 14

Pray for God's presence and kindness: "Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and  gladness all our days."

Psalm 90, 1

God has always  been there for us: "O Lord, you have always been our refuge, through all generations.

Psalm 89, 31-33

God will honor De's covenants with humans, but still will punish us for sin, crime and our unwillingness to follow De's law: "If his sons forsake my law and walk not according to my ordinances, If they violate my statutes and keep not my commands, I will punish their crime with a rod and their guilt with stripes. "

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Bodh'ran Boys

These three Irish brothers have an online video of their drum work and tap dancing. I have always claimed that children are overflowing with gifts and talents usually left undeveloped and allowed to wither. Not so with these precocious brothers.

Do You Know?

Do you know the way to heaven? Will your proclaimed route the best road for achieving this paramount task? If you seek heaven, you do not have to know the way, or even the most direct route. All you have to do i to seek God, and God will find you instead, blazing a path for you to follow home.


Many are sophomoric, confident that they are ready to rue the world and teach their lessers how to live and what to do.

No one knows everything, and we must be willing ever to grow, listen and be taught. We must take calcuated risks and try new things, and venture to make mistakes. This is how we learn and grow, and the porcess is never complete.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


Am I sophisticated? No. Am I a complex person? I am in the sense of being a moderate. Do I have wide worldly experience? No, but I know well the world of work, business and commerce.


Should your path flow inward spiritually as you develop a communion with the divinity contact in the inner recesses of yor soul.

We should reach inward to God and outward to God, but reaching out is more significant than where we reach to.


There are two types of ambition. The bad kind is to strive for more and more power over others, gathered in one's fist, to rue others with. That is a cruel, destructive, dangerous ambition. It will not render the guru wielding it happy or satisfied, but his addiction is now so strong and insurmountable that he goes on and on gathering ever more power to himself, ruining all that he touches.

The wholesome kind of ambition is to seek to actualize one's potentiality.


A family member was castigating me for supporting conservative Christians and Hobby Lobby. She asked in disbelief how I could find common cause with them.

My reply is that, despite their sometimes excessive zeal and proselytizing, they are fairly gentle, tolerant civilized people. They believe that homosexuality is a freely chosen, deviant lifestyle and that marriage is a sacred sacrament between men and women. They believe that life begins at conception and that each fetus from conception has a soul, so to abort a baby at any stage up to birth is murder, because God commands us not to kill.

Now I agree with them mostly but not entirely, but here is not the time and place to digress into that. Like Confucius of old, I agree with conservatives that each individual--born rotten (my opinion at least)--requires moral training and wholesome upbringing to learn good habits that become so natural and personal that the person's soul, character, will and behavior are good and civilized behavior. If children are raised by a mother and father, married and devoted to raising their children of one of their primary reasons for living, then the children will make it. This is why I admire traditional Christians--they get all this.

The Left so hates America and all of Western Civilization that they believe that all is beyond redemption here. The only alternative is to wipe out everything in America and start over. Men are brutes, whites are irredeemably racist, and America is so unjust and rotten, that it must be wiped out forthwith.

If backers of Hobby Lobby and lovers of the Confederate flag speak their mind, I back them because we need all strains of conservatism front and center and united to withstand the insane, aggressive Left.

Monday, June 17, 2019

We Good

Stirner insists that we are born good, and that the state shackles, sickens and corrupts each individual.

We are born bad, and that abstraction, a set, unchanging human nature, is pure reality, no spook, but it is nonindividuation, demon worship, group-living and serving the state that make us tainted, unscrupulous and weak.

No, Max Warns

Max does not suggest that the individual should sacrifice himself for a higher cause, or any cause at all.

Suspicious Stirner

Max denounces causes, isms, universals, abstractions and principles that people sacrifice their live for. Max disregards these general concepts as fixed ideas, as spooks, that are phantasms, unreal, nonexistent, without reality, without substance, without thingness.s

Born In Sin

You are a fell beast a a child, drenched in sin. This is your blessing, this is your curse. You need to learn to be good, to become a moral person, long habituated to act and do good so that your secondary good nature is your will, your person, your soul. Good habits, long practiced, make for the arrival of a good adult on the social scene. Make it happen for you.

Do It Yourself

Life is a do-it-yourself enterprise. There are few or no cosigners to share the load with. Do not even seek after such patronage or partnership.

To Understand

All my life I have been fascinated by how things work and what makes the world turn as it does. Understanding is a precious gift shared by De with his attentive, faithful, alert, curious human followers.


Stirner was a philosopherr even if he was a severe nominalist, and epistemological pessimist about human opportunity or ability to discover truth, good, beauty, love, justice and liberty.

Philosophy is is search for and the love of truth and wisdom. Objective reality exists and we can know it. Spirits and forms exist and we can know them. Words are intelligible and universals do convey meaning--sorry Max. but you are a needed and useful corrective.


What does real life experience teach me? What are the results of the experiments and tests that I have conducted? To what general conclusions to I arrive at based upon what I have observed? Whatever theories woven or generalizations proclaimed by me are invaluable. They are rooted in reality, in my life, my consciousness at work in the real, everyday world. Such ratiocinations keep fresh and flowing the well of human knowledge, wonder and inspiration.

A Posteriori

To ascertain the the facts at hand in common sense reality, right in front of one's face, and then to reason from what appears to be the case, that is a most productive, informative, fruitful way of reasoning. It may not deal in complete truth and utter falsehood, but it is illustrative nonetheless.

The Source: Psalm 89, 15-16

Spiritual and moral goodness flow out of God and are God's essence: "Justice and judgment are the foundation of your throne; kindness and truth go before you. Happy the people that know the joyful shout; in the light of your countenance, O Lord, they walk."

Psam 89, 9

God is without rival: "O Lord, God of hosts, who is like you? Mighty are you, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you."

Unconscious Evil?

Is primeval chaos really unconscious, random evil? It could be, or has that potential. Is primeval, natural order really unconscious, patterned goodness. It could be. Potentiality is not actuality but the predispositions are inbuilt.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


He urges that reason, science and consciousness are all studied and debated over by the modern secularist, but the religious stance, accepting God's existence, presence, mastery over us, and endless invovement with us, will make clear how these elements of secularism should be balanced and understood.

Leave It Be

Our natural rights are are divine, natural, abstract, eternal rights, but they exist and cannot be stripped from us, altered or denied. They are not empty abstractions or spooks--sorry Stirne--these rights exist, and are not to be tampered with by the Left, annoyed and thwarted by them and their constitutional obstacle to the avancement of the Progressive agenda.


You should be a philosopher, first and foremost. You should be able to handle with flourish and elan, enough words, concepts, and reasoned thesis to be able to write an apologetics in support of your position, should the need arise.


If your thoughts, words and deeds are measured and proportionate, your judgement and tact are those of a considerate, wise, good person.

The Sons of God, Psalm 89, 6

God promises were, are and ever will be fulfilled. The sons of God sing hymns of praise in God's name: "The heavens proclaim your wonders, O Lord, and your faithfulness, in the assembly of the holy ones."

The assembled holy ones are the sons of God, the children of light, the children of God, those heavenly spirits so referred to in the footnotes of my Catholic Bible (The New American Bible, published in 1970) on Page 661. These heavenly dwellers, these angels, may they have living angel counterparts here on earth and may you be prominent and in good standing among their ranks.

Psalm 89, 2

I will remember and apprication God's many gifts: "The favors of the Lord I will sing forever; through all the generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness."


Your way of life, your culture, your value system may seem dated, weather-beaten and uncool, but be not dismayed. That which objective and eternally just and good must not be tossed out because it is a time-worn Western custom. That which comes from God, and is of the most cherished value, does transcend fads and fashions. Stay the course, and live by your old values.


Be not roped into a project, a movement or way of life that conflicts with your personal preferences your moral code, or with the one aim in life that is you and that is what you are and must chase after to ever know happiness and contentment at all.

Stirner And Private Property

Stirner extols the virtues of enjoying owness of private property, one's possessions, property, dreams, thoughts, wishes, choices and behaviors. I heartily concur.


Is freedom tautologous with self-control? It might be.

Stirner Is Incorrect

Basically Stirner is an individualist anarchist that reason that, since people are basically good, they deserve and can handle living in society with few or no laws, rules or police officers to enforce compliance upon the citizens. A vast, enormous expanding federal government would make people sick and dysfunctional, which it does.

Unlike Stirner, I am an individualist anarchist that asserts and knows that people are basically depraved, and only living as individuating anarchists can save them from their basic natures. Group-living, institutional- belonging, and big government dependence all conspire as Satan so planned for them to make people even sicker and crueler than they would have been on their own.

Need Both

Of course Stirner was a radical individualist, too much so. Still, even he saw the value and usefulness in having and enjoying peers, friends, associations and governmental institutions.

I would second the motion, adding that they be limited in size and coercive prowess.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Effective Fighters

It occurred to me today that if the Elves of Tokien are immortal, purely good angels without free will, and the orcs are mortal, wholly evil creatures that cannot help but be what they are, then men, dwarves and hobbits are basically evil creatures with some residual capacity for good who wield some free will.

My mind was wandering in speculation as I dreamily wondered who would be the most effective fighter against evil, elves or men. The elves might be the most powerful and constant opponents of the Dark Lord, but it would be men that would be the most effective fighter against the orcs and their master.

Why you ask? It is because being born part evil allows humans to understanding the evil foes of God and De's followers. It takes a thief to catch a thief and an evil person to know how an evil foe thinks, and how to best take advantage of their flaws and weaknesses.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Stirner The Anarchist

Stirner, the indivdualist-anarchist revolutionary, believed that people were basically good, so too many laws, rules and legal constraints made people sick and troubled, not law-abiding and moral.

I too am an individualist-anarchist revolutionary, but I assert that people are basically bad. As obedient society insiders, they are naturally bad, group-oriented (which reinforces there badness) and live as social creatures (further reinforcing their natural badness).

We always need law and order, but the locus of legal and moral order and control is best situated in the rational soul of the individuating-anarchist supercitizen. We still require some small, limited government and some institutional presence, but people can learn to be good, and as they follow and serve God, they lead lives of moral freedom, balanced with internal order, and moderated appetites. In this way they become good and productive members of society.

Facebook, Google And Amazon

They have a monopoly on the Interent, including search engines. Breitbart today (6/2/19) has an article in which Kevin McCarthy wants this monopoly broken up.

It is food for thought--we want all points of view to be heard and accessible, not silenced and suppressed.


Trump should start the tariff on all goods coming in from Mexico at 30% to force their government to shut down illegal immigration right away.

Virginia Beach

Amy Klobuchar is just another dishonorable, power-hungry, cynical Progressive trying to become President, grow the state and reduce our liberty, especially our 2A rights. For her to politicize this tragedy at Virginia Beach for personal gain is shameful and brazen. I am willing to bet that Progressives like her, in Virginia, turned that municipal workplace into a gun-free zone, a perfect target for an armed psycho to inflict maximum damage. Leftists like her created this mess, and then double down after a tragedy, and demand common sense gun reform, in name of protecting the children, to promote safety. Such draconian gun-grabbing is unconstitutional and ineffective. It takes a good municipal manager with a gun to stop the deadly rampage by a disgruntled employee, before it starts. More guns in more places is the only way to protect the public, employees, shoppers and churchgoers.

Stirner And Abstractions

Stirner warns us not to live our lives for some abstraction, some incorporeal concept, a phantasm, a spook. Only the individual is unique, real and concrete. He should only live for his own cause, not some external ism that does not even exist. For example, fighting and being willing to die for one's country, an abstraction that has no existence.

Stirner has a point: I am more optimistic about capturing meaning and the worthiness of sacrificing oneself for exterior causes, than Stirner is, but his powerful repudiation, of being a true believer that will make the idealism of one's rabid ideology or cause concrete by using murder, torture, coercion, violence and force to compel people to adopt and live in accordance with the dictates of that ism, is an intellectual and moral corrective that we must heed and follow.