Saturday, October 31, 2020

Write My Blog, Dennis

 In a recent fireside chat with Douglas Murray, Prager points out that people are ungrateful and ignorant ont appreciate that America gives people freedom, prosperity, equality and opportunity. 

Murray defines these ungrateful people as ignorant and parochial not to realize how wonderful and rare America is.

I realize it and this is why I promote the superior American Way as the primary culture, economic and political system for the world.

Prager's Facebook Notice

 Here is what Dennis wrote one hour ago, this Halloween evening: "

A major difference between the Right and the Left concerns the way each seeks to improve society.
Conservatives believe that the way to a better society is almost always through the moral improvement of the individual -- by each person doing battle with his or her own weaknesses and flaws.
It is true that in violent and evil societies such as Fascist, Communist, or Islamist tyrannies the individual must be preoccupied with battling outside forces. Almost everywhere else, though, certainly in a free and decent country such as America, the greatest battle of the individual must be with inner forces -- that is, with his or her moral failings.
The Left, on the other hand, believes that the way to a better society is almost always through doing battle with society’s moral failings. Thus, in America, the Left concentrates its efforts on combatting sexism, racism, intolerance, xenophobia, homophobia, Islamophobia, and the many other evils that the Left believes permeate American society.
One important consequence of this Left-Right distinction is that those on the Left are far more preoccupied with politics than those on the Right. Since the Left is so much more interested in fixing society than in fixing the individual, politics inevitably becomes the vehicle for societal improvement. That’s why whenever the term “activist” is used, we almost always assume that the term refers to someone on the Left.
Another consequence of this Left-Right difference is that, since conservatives believe society is changed one person at a time, they accept that change happens gradually. This isn’t fast enough for the Left, which is always and everywhere focused on social revolution. An excellent example of this was a statement by the then-presidential candidate Barack Obama, just days before his first election in 2008. To a rapturous audience, he declared: “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
Conservatives not only have no interest in fundamentally transforming the United States of America, they are strongly opposed to doing so. Conservatives understand that fundamentally transforming any society that isn’t fundamentally bad -- not to mention transforming what is one of the most decent societies in history -- can only make the society worse. Conservatives believe that America can be improved, but should not be transformed, let alone fundamentally transformed.
The Founders of the United States recognized that the transformation that every generation must work on is the moral transformation of each citizen. Thus, character development was at the core of both child rearing and of young people’s education -- from elementary school through college.
As John Adams, the second president, said: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
And in the words of Benjamin Franklin: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom.”
Why is that? Because freedom requires self-control. The freer the society, the more self-control is necessary. If the majority of people don't control themselves, the state -- meaning an ever more powerful government -- will have to control them. From the founding of the United States until the 1960s, schools -- and parents -- concentrated on character education. But, with the ascent of left-wing ideas, character education has all but disappeared from American schools. Instead, children are taught not to focus on their flaws but on America’s. Social issues have replaced character education. An example is a new K-12 science curriculum, the “Next Generation of Science Standards,” which will teach young Americans -- starting in kindergarten -- about global warming.
And when they get to college, American young people will be taught about the need to fight economic inequality, “white privilege,” and the alleged “rape culture” on their campuses. Ironically, if there really is a rape culture that permeates American college campuses, the only reason would have to be that there is so little character education in our schools, or for that matter, at home. Fathers and religion, historically the two primary conveyers of self-control, are nonexistent in the lives of millions of American children.
We are now producing vast numbers of Americans who are passionate about fixing America while doing next to nothing about fixing their own character.
The problem, however, is that you can't make society better unless you first make its people better."
There is nothing here that Prager wrote tonight that is not the truth, and I could disagree with none of it, nor could I rewrite or restate what he has written any better than this genius has provided.
If we could do what Prager wants us to do, to be conservative in not seeking fundamentally transform America, while working ceaselessly and productively to develop our person characters, then his vision of future America could be met and improved upon with an addition of Mavellonialist values and religion. May this occur.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Insurrection Act

 Levin wants Trump to win reelction and then impose the Insurrection Act to send looters, rioters, arsonists and violent protesters to jail, to end their insurrection against our way of life. I agree

Maintaining law and order is what Trump will conduct, not setting up a police state.

Mike Syvertson

 Here is a Facebook quote quoted by my cousin Mike Syvertson of Fargo, North Dakota: "Why fit in when you were born to stand out....Dr. Seuss."

Go maverize, stand out as you were born to become who you can be and were meant to become.

Prager's Remark

 Here is what Prager said online today: "It's very sad how willingly and unquestioningly Americans surrender their liberty."


People are born depraved: weak, masochistic, craving safety and security over liberty and openness. Surrendering their liberty allows them to be dominated, pushed around, directed and enslaved--and that is an escape from freedom--that burdensome responsibility to amount to something and then share this earned gift with observant God.

Levin's Warning

 Levin warns tonight that the Marxists have hijacked the Democratic Party, with one only ultimate aim--to take over the government, and erect their Marxist dictatorship.

This totalitarian mass movement is very cruel, very destructive and very wicked. They must be stopped by you, me--all of us, right now, if we are to have a future at all in this country.

400 Mile Marker

 The Trump Administration has now just built their 400th mile of southern border well. Outstanding--add 1200 miles more to it.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Sovereign Individual

 Jordan Peterson claims that the core principle of the Western world is proclaiming the sovereignty of the individual. Jordan notes that each person has a divine spark in his soul, and he is to serve while living a a cocreator of universe along with the Divinities.

Sound like Mavellonialism to me.

Jordan Peterson

 Jordan charactereizes life as suffering tainted by malevolence. I buy that characterization over all. Jordan wants us to take responsibility for bettering our lot, and bettering the world. Sage advice.

The Truth

 Seek the truth above all else. The truth will set you free but the adjustment will hurt like hell.

The Violent Left

 The Left repeatedly resorts to rioting, looting, burning and threatening physical harms against its opponents and enemies. Based upon these violent, intimidating means of bringing pressure against the public to force concessions and desired changes, often not accepted by a majority of the voters, it is not a stretch to regard these militants as akin to violent Marxist planning and reading to use force and terror to overthrow the government.


 Yes, you are part angel. You are also part beast, and that is to be remembered and dealt with head on.

Moral Obligation

 Individuating is your recognition that it is your moral obligation to get yourself free from enslavement by others, it is also your obligation to stay free.

Your Duty

 God brought you into this world and will then take you out of it. Your duty is to return the favor by making something of your life in service to the Father and the Mother.

Raise Your Eyes

 Raise your eyes to heaven and think sweet thoughts about the Divine Couple.

Yes, Joe

 Joe Biden is correct about one thing in this 2020 Presidential election: the soul of the nation is at stake, but Trump, not Biden is its salavation.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Biological Ruthlessness

 I have never gotten over the natural ruthlessness of joiners and group-livers in snubbing and discriminating again someone, a loner or a joiner that is slightly more individualistic than the snubbers, or a members of an outlier rival group.

The societal and social awarding of social capital (the units of popularity allotted to in-group members by the community or clique in question) can be characterized as degrees of being popular--degree of groupist existing--or degrees of being unpopular, degree of indivdidual-existing.

If the Mother and the Father rule heaven, are good and loving, and individualistic, and the Dark Couple rule nature, earth and hell, and are wicked, hating and groupist, generally, the more popular or the more closer in to the center of the group that persons are, the more evil and corrupt they are. Generally, the less popular and farther out from the social center that persons are, the more virtuous, decent and honest they are.

Where biological and social ruthlessness rear its ugly head again and again is when those farther in snub those farther out, creating and reinforcing a hierarchy of popularity ranking. Though it is kind and wise for those joiners closer in to be kind, accepting, and willing to be seen socializing with those farther out (that is what the Divine couple command and reward), that rarely occurs.

What happens routinely is that the one that is more popular opts out for being mean, un-accepting and  rejecting those less popular because that abandoning of those farther out increases social ranking, the one thing that most people crave, and are willing to do almost anything that the group demands to secure social ranking and to increase their social capital. That predictable treatment of unpopular outsiders and indvidualists is selfish, cowardly, wicked but terribly cunning, though the rejecting joiners are growing in evil, the more they side with the insiders, and snub outsiders and the unpopular ones.

That this betrayal of the individualist loners in social settings, by the vast majority if people, joiners born evil and growing in evil by the poor choices that they typically, repeatedly make, is the standard social occurrence.

That so many people side with the joiner and betray and abandon the loners and individualists is an empirical, sociological and biological proof of human depravity at work.


Monday, October 26, 2020

Genuine Conservative

 A genuine conservative believes that there is a human nature that is a trait universally shared by all people, and that that nature is basically bad. I just watched a Prager snippet online in which he answers a caller's question about how to solve the corrupting influence of political power. Prager quotes Lord Acton that power corrupts and absolute (concentrated power) corrupts people automatically.

Prager suggests that most people with amassed power do abuse it for their own benefit, not applying it to help others or the community at large--he notes that there are exceptions to this rule.

He noted that the Founders were conservatives that recognized human frailty and depravity. By taking this into account, they came up with a brilliant political system, our constitutional republic, to separation of pwer and to limit the size of the government.

The Founders wanted to give power, most of it, to the individual citizens.

Prager wants to limit state power and give it to the individual, but Leftists want to limit individual power and give power to the state.

Very articulate, very accurate. I would just take it a step farther, keeping intact our constitutional republic while allowing each citizen to grow as an individuating anarchist and engaged, participating supercitizen.

Objective Reality

 Does objective reality exist. It probably does. Can we know the nature of objective reality, or the objective truth about it. Likely we can. And that is ontological and epistemological moderation.

Stephen Hicks

 Hicks dismisses the political labels of Left and Right as too hackneyed to mean much. I disagree.

A Leftist is a socialist that  loves big government intrusion into our private lives and affairs, and that leads directly to soft tyranny being our new public policy.

A Rightist (American mainstream conservative, not a supremacist, a ultra-nationalist, a Nazi) in America is for small government, self-reliance, balanced budgets, judicial originalism, a strong national defense, the right to bear arms and allowing each citizen to do her thing and exercise her natural rights under this constititutional republic.

There are other dualistic dimensions that Hicks would add--including favoring groupism (Leftism) versus individualism (conservatives and Rightists), that make sense and enrich the labels Leftist or Rightist, but the label must remain central to our political discourse.

Well Said

 My cousin Maureen has a Facebook meme out tonight that bullying at any age is unacceptable. Amen.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

White Privilege

 White Privilege. Really? Does being that the majority in China are Chinese, does that give them Asian privilege? If most Egyptians are Arabs, does that confer Arabian privilege upon them?

In each instance, majority cultural dominance is construed as racist or ethnic privilege.

If we live as individuals, insist that we be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin, and we so treat others, all this talk of white privilege and other identity politics will wither away.

Overcoming Social Forces

 Jordan Peterson disavows the Marxist viewpoint that you are a victim of social forces. He asserts that you are a sovereign individual, and you must take responsibility for your life, and take on and redirect social forces for the betterment of all, starting with yourself.

The Logical One

 The man that would be an individualist must learn to think for himself. He must be realistic, honest, virtuous and live a life of liberty.


 We are born in ignorance and darkness, and the path to self-realization is a journey of awakening. As the years lengthen, one's proximity to enlightenment comes ever closer. With knowledge and awakeness come wisdom, love and piety, and then one is deluded no more, living the truth, loving the truth, and one prefers the truth to lie or falsehoods.

American Iconoclast

 This is the name of a biography written by Thomas Shactman on Eric Hoffer. Schactman had access to Hoffer's papers, and seems well informed with new materials about Hoffer, but something seems to be missing to me.

On one hand Shactman seems intimately to be aware of what made Hoffer tick, and yet he does not seem sympathetic towards Hoffer. He may even believe that Hoffer is not that bright, is incorrect on many issues, and may not be a good person.

Shactman seems like a Leftie, and that he is analyzing and characterizing Hoffer through that prism. If he does not conclude that Hoffer is a genius, a good man, with a passion for the truth as a thinker that anticipates the rise of Mavellonialism, then Shactman in a way does not know Hoffer.

Will Witt

 10/24/20: Dennis Prager carried Witt's podcast this morning about California Governor Gavin Newsom's new fascist decree limiting gatherings at people's homes to no more than two hours, and no more than three families allowed, and no singing tolerated.

This is soft tyranny that will lead to totalitarianism, the Leftist objective. The people are being demoralized and conditioned to accepting deep, wide, intimate governmental intrusion into every facet of their private lives. Witt complains that Newsom has deprived the Californians of their will to fight, to disobey, to think for themselves, to object, to speak out, to even question.

The herd mentality so appealing to people, the natural cowardice of people, and their natural self-loathing, their love of masochism which allows them to build up an addiction to being abused, dominated and pushed around--all these negative human attributes are pushing Californians, our fellow Americans, to getting used to submitting, being taught what to think and how to act. They have lost their ability to speak out and fight back.

Just remember that what Progressives do in California is what they plant to do across the country, and to federalize it. Their weaponizing of Covid is to defeat Trump and push us all towards hysteria, conformity, uniformity of thought, and conditioning us to live under the dictates of Big Brother as the permanent new reality. What scares the daylights out of me is how close the Left has come in this country to making permanent tyranny the Marxist future for all of us to endure and suffer under.

Prager wrote this introduction to the Witt podcast: "Government encroaches on your liberty slowly at first, until you get accustomed to being deprived of it and lose the will to fight back. Will Witt discusses why it's critical to STAND UP for your rights and freedoms in the face of government overreach."

Gentleman, well remarked.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Of Note

 It may seem that propponents and lovers of reason, like Ayn Rand and Stephen Hicks are strict materialists, atheists and and can be either liberal or conservative secular humanists.

As an ontological moderate, I do not agree with Rand and Hicks that there is only the material world, and that man is the measure of all things, and only reason will enlighten us, set us free, make us wealthy, healthy and happy.

I do agree that we should think more than feel, that the material world is real, and I like what these Objectivists have to offer.

But Irrationalists like Existentialists and Theists (some reason about God too) are required, with their faith, uncorroborated belief, and their pious feelings, are required to help us understand God, and make metaphysical sense of the world.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Your Destiny

 Your billet should be your rendezvous with your destiny from whence you embark on your life journey of self-discovery and self-development.


 Jordan Peterson talks much about the need to be competent, hardworking and conscientious--being smart helps--and the more skilled one becomes, and the more dexterous, the more one shall feel confident, calm and assured that one can handle almost any situation. One will still be occasionally stumped, but many riddles and puzzles can be solved.

Never Walk Alone

It is often pointed out by believers and the faithful that you never walk alone. That is true and most encouraging. God is always there, but knocks and will not enter unless you open the door and invite De into your heart and your life. You never walk alone unless that is your election.


 Mark Levin on Page 5 of Plunder and Deceit worries aloud the decline of the American experiment, as postmodernism, Leftism, anti-Amereicanism, Marxism and postmodernism are conflating into a common ambition to undermine, overthrow and utterly destroy the American Experiment--they must be stopped at all costs: "In modern America, the unraveling of the civil society has been subtly persistent but is now intensifying. Evidence of rising utopian statism--the allure of political demagogues and self-appointed masterminds peddling abstractions and fantasies in pursuit of a nonexistent paradisical society, and the concomitant accretion of governmental power in an increasingly authoritarian and centralized federal Leviathan--abounds."

We must fight the Progressive Communists on many levels, in many ways, all while reinvigorating our support and acclamation of our liberty, our constitutional republic, our free markets, the American Way, and an introduction of Mavellonialist ideology.


 If one devotes one's life to answer and fulfill one's divine calling, then one will spend a lifetime self-realizing as an accomplishing, mature, enthusiastic, engaged individualist.

There are some ethical corollaries to this mode of living. First, one must live a life of liberation and self-directiveness in order to serve God genuinely and well. Put simply, this means that one refuses to accept being subjugated by anyone.

The second ethical corollary is that one can only serve the self, love the self, liberate the self and do God's bidding if one refuses, ever, to enslave any other human being who is supposed to be serving God in her own, unique, personally uncovered way.

There is no effective altruism that is not implemented through a  plan of ethical egoism. There is no greater love for another than to set that person free, empowered to do her own thing, really do her own thing.

Just imagine the profound, serious, foreseen consequences and possibilities that flow out of this for effective feminism, for reducing if not eliminating class inequality, for advocacy of a free market economy, for writing and following religiously a constitutional model or legal system embedded in constitutional republicanism manned by individuating, anarchist supercitizens.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

The Ruling Generation

 As adults in the ruling generation, it is our public duty, our responsibility to leave the country in better shape than when we inherited from our foreparents. We today let the Envirostate grow in power and reach, bankrupting the entire economy as the government, at several levels, consumes ever more of the GDP.

This criticism is the one that Mark Levin levels against the current generation of mature American citizens and it is tough to hear, but it is medicine that we need to ingest. This is his criticism on Page 3 of Plunder and Deceit: "History confirms Burke's observation. To embrace the moral order as parents nurturing their children, yet to abandon the moral order as members of the ruling generation, thereby contributing to predictably deleterious public policies with prospectively calamitous outcomes, is a decadence that leads to unstable and potentially oppressive or even tyrannical conditions which, in the end degrade and disassemble the civil society and consume their children's generation and generations beyond."

We need to stand up to Progressives and limit the size of government, set the people free, and turn the free market loose.


 Jordan Peterson talks of hierarchies being a natural human condition that inevitably arise in organized society, and he is correct about this.

He distinguishes between corrupt hierarchies of power-seeking ruled by rotten tyrants at the top versus honest hierarchies of competence in which individualists in a free market economy compete and cooperate. This life creates great amounts of wealth, freedom and opportunity for the members of society, and is fairly just.

Okay, I accept this over all. My belief in personal capacity for marvellous self-realizing, inherently possessed by every interested or uninterested person, must be reconciled with Jordan's recommendations to avoid bad corrput hierarchies, and to live within a society structured around good, competent hierarchies.

I have long written that depraved humanity is evil because people hate themselves, natural altruists. They are perfectible as educated egoists that have learned to love themselves, God, the world and others. Such benevolent egoists will live the anarchist lives of individuated and individuating great souls and supercitizens. They will live in a constitutional republic with not many and not very developed hierarchies of competence.

Altruists, born and reinforced by poor values, exist within society in extensive, overlapping hierarchies which breed mob person, infected with groupist ideology and group-living. The greater the size, reach and power of the institution in question the smaller, more enslaved and unhappy and poor are the individuals affected by it.


 Information is important, and it needs to be factual, actual and objective. Once you have good information, then you can reason well and come to the right answers for how to live.

Monday, October 19, 2020

To Vote For Trump

 Democrats claims that a vote for Trump is a vote for racism. I counter that a vote for Biden is a vote for tyranny.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Making A Great Soul

 You will not transform yourself into a great soul, if you do not, early on, make the unshakable commitment to believe in yourself long before anyone else does, even if they never change this approach towards your worth and prospects.

Cancel Culture

 We need to cancel Cancel Culture right now and forever. No American should be targeted or victimized in the name of uniformity of thought, mob enforcement of political correctness, and for being a foe of the tyranny brought to bear by Leftist ideologues. It must stop now, the only recourse consistent with the American Way.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Psalm 111, 9

 God honors De's covenant by sending deliverance to his people. When you are hurting or needy, talk to the Mother and Father: "He has sent deliverance to his people; he has ratified his covenant forever; holy and awesome is his name."

Psalm 111, 6-8

 God makes known to De's people the power of De's works and we should give praise, show thanks and attend services celebrating De's munificence, to demonstrate our awe and appreciation: "He has made known to his people the power of his works, giving them the inheritance of the nations. The works of his hands are faithful and just; sure are all his precepts. Reliable forever and ever, wrought in truth and equity."

Note that this is one of the few entries in the Bible alluding to the juxtaposition of truth and godly efforts. I believe that one is not godly if one does not love the truth and ever seek for the trut.=h.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Your Language

 Your words need not be offensive, vulgar, raunchy, inflammatory or incendiary, but speak plainly and speak the truth, period--let the chips fall where they will.


 Let not your doubt about having the absolute truth, or whether or not evidence and reasoning cannot be proved to be objective and absolutely certain. They are largely correct and objectively real, and that is good enough for humans to make decisions and get on with their lives.

Creeping Socialism

 Creeping socialism is just a euphemism for creeping tyranny, We loves it incrementally a few feet at a time, and one day the hard tyranny is here to stay.

Jake Dusenberg

 I just called these 6 Democratic members of the Minnesota House of Representatives to push them to vote  yes tomorrow (10-12-20) to end Walz's emergency power grab.

Here is the script that Jake wanted us to use leaving voicemails for these legislators:


Rep ______, Governor Walz just extended his self-declared emergency powers again. That's 209 days of an "emergency". He's grossly abused these powers to shut down our economy, limit our civil liberties, and most importantly, take over law-making powers in our state. It's time you vote to take back the Legislature's power by voting YES on ending Walz' Emergency Powers on Monday."



 I just saw a short video on Prager, and the Wise One informed us that freedom is a value not an instinct. Only a thinker (He and I agree on this.) that believes in the universality of original sin visited upon every human being would state that freedom is a learned value, not a basic instinct. We crave safety and security over freedom, and are willing to sell our souls, betray our friends and loved ones, abandon God and our sincerely held values, our dignity, our our freedom, our very lives for a scrap of social approval, some modicum of security, some short term safety gained. We are not very impressive creatures most of the time.

We must be trained up right by pastors, teachers and loving parents to learn to love, to be strong, sturdy individuals, to discipline ourselves, to think for ourselves, to be unselfish, to be courageous in the face of danger, to refuse to renounce liberty no matter the price paid.

The Wise One insists that values matter. Mark Levin warns us repeatedly that liberty is the most important value that we should never compromise over. As the Wise One complains, this lockdown that is constitutionally, medically, legally and morally wrong is a tyranny that Marxist governors inflict upon healthy adults. It must end now.

We Share With Them

 Multiculturalism be damned, the world needs to adopt the American Way, not the other way around, because our values are the best, and they need to blend our values with theirs in their home countries and when they come here to live.

Governoe Noem of South Dakota

 Kristi Noem to run for President as a Republican in 2024.

Tom Shactman's Mistake

 I have strongly dissented from Shactman's characterization of Eric Hoffer as  racist against blacks. He may have been in part, but, in the main, he just was not willing to be politically correct, even back then, and wanted to challenge black America with tough love. 

I have tried to right show that Hoffer is an individualist, and believed that the individual is sovereign, and if black Americans moved away from group-living and the fatalistic vestiges of their tribal heritage, and adopt the Horatio Alger values that helped millions of people reach prosperity in free market, liberal democracy of America. The Left mis-identifies such a view as racist, but Hoffer like me and other conservatives are profoundly pro-black, because like Prager we know that American black youths, equipped with the right values, as free standing individuals, will be free, prosperous and unstoppable, and these values are the traditional, conservative American values that Prager and Hoffer support. This support does not make them racist, but they are politically incorrect and viciously maligned and falsely accused of being against blacks.

The Left loves to accuse all conservatives of being racist because that is the most damning criticism of anyone's moral character than can be hurled at them in America. Once you are accused of being a racist, and the label sticks, you are discredited and besmirched forever after that, whether the accusation is merited or not. I want to defend Hoffer's good name for this good man does not deserve this hurtful mischaracterization.

One of my favorite Hofferian books is "The Syndicated News Articles" by Eric Hoffer put together in 2010. I wish to review what he wrote on Page 129 of that book: "It always seemed self-evident to me that a free society is a skilled society. No matter how free its constitutions and laws, a society will not be free if its people lack technological, social and political skills to do the world's work and manage affairs without tutelage and minute supervision.

It follows that if we want to bring freedom to non-free countries we cannot do it by inculcating a sense of freedom, or by having them copy our constitution, but by transmitting to the common people the technological and social expertise which would enable them to do things on their own without masters to push them around."

Hoffer does not mention African nations here explicitly but they are included under his phrase "non-free countries". For black there are here for that matter to be free, they must be skilled, accomplished achievers wielding technological, social and political skills to do the world's work and manage affairs--personal and public--without tutelage and minute supervision from and army of federal, state, county and municipal social worker types and intellectuals directing their lives down to the last detail.

It is probably okay to inculcate them with a sense of freedom, and have for them a constitution and just laws written, but blacks require the technological and social expertise able to do things on their own without masters to push them around.

If the majority of blacks are able to individual-live and live self-sufficient lives, here and abroad, in a society with constitutional protections, a liberal democracy with limited government,  and working and participating  in a free market economy, blacks can compete with anyone and flourish. This Hofferian stance is utterly non-racist, humanistic and humane. This is what I want Tom Shactman and the world to recognize and remember about this brilliant, kind and good man.

The War

 By taking out Trump, the Left, the Democrats and the media, the communications wing of the Democratic Party,  are attempting to take out the American People. This red-hot cultural war and political assault on all that is capitalist, free, civilized, and normal in America is a soft revolution, a diabolical, desperate attempt to wipe out our traditions and all that we cherish.

Feeling Lost

 It could be that loneliness is an emotional or psychological awareness or angst, which at the bottom, is a feeling of being abandoned, lost, isolated, disaffected and estranged from others, from society, from nature, from the universe, and even oneself.

The cure: there probably is no lasting cure because we were involuntarily thrust into this world by nature or God, and we are half animal and half-angel, so the painful process of sorting that out is a most inescapable, difficult challenge at the best of times.

We can heal the wound, or heal what ails us at the core of our being, at least more the most part, by aligning ourselves with the Divine Couple, the creators of the universe, the natural world. As loving, active creators and engineers in our personal lives of self-realizing, we come to grips with being forever alienated from nature. 

Humans, angels and the Divine Couple are creators of nature, and cannot immerse themselves in nature, so this sense of strangeness, apartness from nature, and loneliness in the natural world, in some or several senses even rebuffed by the biological and physical world that they have wrought, is their destiny.

By assuming the role of creator, steward of and caretaker of the creatures in nature and the natural world itself, here on earth and through out space over time, the sense of alienation and loneliness are sublimated in the act of creating and maverizing as a living angel, an advanced co-creator of the Divine Couple that also stand apart from nature.

As a maverizing co-creator, the engaged and awakened individual is siding with the Mother and Father, and working for them directly. That individual will no longer feel estranged or lonely.

Levin Censored

 Mark Levin's Facebook page was censored on 10/5/20 by Facebook. Facebook claimed that Levin was posting falsehoods. Conservative intellectuals have blamed Facebook, Twitter and other online platforms for partiality towards Democrats and Progressives by suppressing, censoring, limiting the market for or outright banning conservative thinkers.

Prager wants a repeal of Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act so banned conservatives can the high tech companies for censorship of free speech. Cruz claims that democracy and free speech are imperiled and he is correct.



 Guns Rights Protection in the White House--would that not be a dream come true.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

To Be Poor Is Criminal

 We should send the message to each poor person, or most of them, that it is a crime to be poor, and that it is her fault, and she needs to get off her duff and improve her lot. Does this sound heartless, cruel and blaming the victim? It is, but it is also irrelevant.

If we can, in America restore our constitutional republic, cut loose our free market economy, preach Mavellonialism, the sovereignty of the individual, and lend a helping hand (mostly encouragement not a check or subsidy), she can Horation Alger her way to upper middle class prosperity.

Now we can praise that victim for saving herself, because government agency saves none, for it is a do-it-yourself world.


 This DODO video is so inspirational--9/22/22020: the little kitten who was paralyzed on his back legs was to be put down, but a woman took him home and they worked together to get him to walk normally. It teaches me that disabled people of all kinds can overcome a very great deal, almost working miracles, if they want to, are motivated with a powerful will, and are encouraged in a nurturing, social surrounding. All are sinners, all have some level of wickedness in their souls, mental illness in their psyches, and flaws to bear. This basic existential givens are there but are the material to build upon to lead a happy, successful, meaningful life. If that Pet Mom and little kitty can accomplish great things, so can the rest of us, regardless of where we start at, what handicaps we are plagued by, or what obstacles are in front of us.

McCloskeys Indicted

 Cannot the State Attorney for Missouri, the governor or their legislature intervene to protect the fine, innocent McCloskeys against the rogue, vicious, totalitarian local DA that is punishing them and persecuting them for standing their ground and defending their castle. This is pure injustice and must be thwarted right now. Do we need a gun rights rally in St. Louis to show support for this brave, ethical couple, or do they need a go-fund me page?

More On Jordan Peterson

 I am obsessed with Jordan Peterson's insistence that hierarchies are human destiny, and most of the work, the productive work, and the innovation and creativity is generated by the top 5% of humans. Where human nature is not trained to maverize, he is correct. Where people naturally just stumble along untrained, primitive, lazy savages that they are, instinctive, passive, fatalistic, asleep not unawakened, he is correct. Natural man lives in hierarchies, which hold humans back and down, and Satan and Lera do their best work in that environment.

If we rear up a generation of individuating anarchist maverizers and supercitizens, hierarchies become very small, only the lean, honest, essential frameworks of hierarchies will continue to exist, thus liberating human beings to be all that they can be. This can all take place with the constitutional republican system that is America with its concepts of limited government, the free market economy running pretty much wide open with little government intrusion and management of it.

As maverizers the less talented 95% will use whatever God-given talent they possess to develop into living angels, and what a contribution they will make to society. Their best, and the best of millions of other average people, will be so miraculous, fantastic, wonderful, productive and brilliant, that they will run a classless, upper middle class, deinstitutionalized society with the top 5% still splendidly out doing the other 95% at the top of the heap, but it will not matter, because all have a role to play, and we don't know who is the creative original thinker that introduces that one terrific idea that save humanity, or propels it forward into a new future on some planet not yet discovered, not yet colonized.

It might be an Argentinian from some highland mountain region that has just the genetic makeup, the unique-God inspired soul, the experience and environmental inputs that generate the greatest, most useful insightv imaginable. Who knows--the idea could come from an immigrant from County Kerry, or from Nigeria.

One of Eric Hoffer's greatest insights was his ability to capture the pulse of the common people, and he was no racist, but his insights could be generalized to characterize all humanity. An example is his famous, favorite story of the truck loads of bums and street people loaded onto trucks and sent into the Californian mountains to build an road. They lacked structure, hierarchy, supervision from a class of elite managers, and they built the road, and worked together, to build a beautiful road. 

Hoffer, the genius of truth, knew down to his toes that the common people are loaded with talent. They do not need elites, hierarchies or a caste system for them to flourish, run society from the bottom up, or get things rolling at room temperature. Sorry, Jordan, but your elitism is shining through. 

The top 5% can be freed up to do remarkable original work while the 95% run society and maverize and do it with minimal supervision, and scarce but strong, effective, lean governmental structures to guarantee their rights, property, lives and liberty. 

Jordan, we need not snub elites or hierarchies: we just need to keep them out of political power (another idea that I owe to Hoffer) so that they cannot get in the way and gum up the works.

Friday, October 9, 2020


 Jordan Peterson has been accused of being a sold out apologist for the male, capitalist patriarchy, and his brilliant but suspected rationale that hierarchies are natural, inevitable and desirable as the best and brightest among us rise to the top of every hierarchy, based on the superior IQ, the hard work and conscientiousness.

He has a point about hierarchies and that is how it has always been. He is moderate though, and points out that hierarchies often become corrupted, and the the dispossessed may rise up and over-topple it.

I cannot fight his conclusions but suggest that he does not possess the whole appreciation of the problem as I do from the perspective of Mavellonialism: since I accurately describe the problem, I am confident that my solution will work, helping hierarchy-destined humanity to escape the worst of its inequities, unequal outcomes and the suffering endured by millions of have-not at the base of the pyramid.

Peterson avows that we naturally and inevitably end up living in social systems replete with hierarchical structures. We naturally are also lazy, unambitious, preferring safety to adventure, dependence and security over independence, self-reliance and risk. We are born cowards, born evil, born to run in groups and to refuse to individuate, and born to serve Satan. These are all default positions.

What if the Light Couple and their saints, angels, followers and living angels have learned to unnaturally good, smart, self-realizing, self-loving, curious, adventurous, individual-living, and serving God? What if God sends De's angels to guide us and teach us to living as pious but temperate individuating life as anarchist supercitizens.

Imagine what a society of individuators working, making money, self-realizing and running the constitutional republic could accomplish. Their class would be roughly a one class, classless society, an upper middle class system, a capitalistic society with a few rich people and a few poor people.

Hierarchies would still exist but the self-legislating, anarchist supercitizens would keep hierarchies honest, competent and minimally interfering with the lives of the liberty-loving individuator anarchists, having become very sophisticated, spiritually-oriented and unnatural, reasonable and alert, impossible to make group-livers, stratified automatons niched at various levels of the hierarchies, dead, compliant and without plans dreams or hope.

End Minnesota's Lockdown

 How do we end the lockdown in Minnesota? How to we rescind the Governor's emergency powers, and remove his mandate to wear mask in public places. To wear a mask, whether efficacious or not, in public places should be voluntary not mandatory for healthy adults.

How do we end the lockdown and rescind the dictator Walz's emergency powers. Well, when things go wrong in a democracy or in our constitutional republic, we place responsibility with those that have the power: the people. If things go well, they get the credit. If things go poorly, they get the blame.

If Republican and Democrat politicians in the state House and Senate are selfish, expedient, cowardly traitors to the people that do not vote to rescind the governor's Marxist state of emergency, it is their fault but mostly the fault of the voters that do not grab them and Walz by the scruff of the neck and demand that this lockdown end immediately. 

The people have the power and the responsibility so the arrival of tyranny in Minnesota is their fault.

Governor Whitmer

 According to Glen Beck:

"She said the president is 'complicit' with 'hate groups'" None of us in the conservative movement condone or do not express outrage at the right wing kooks that plotted to kidnap Governor Whitmer, but as Levin noted last night, nor is it acceptable, and is just as outrageous for Whitmer to blame Trump for what some fringe fascists on the right do.

She is a nasty, vicious, authoritarian Leftist that would make a great dictator for the coming Marxist totalitarian state the the socialists and Democrats are fomenting government overthrow for.

I sympathize with these violent kooks in Michigan, on the far right, but I condemn for willingness to resort to violence. This discredits the most worthy conservative movement, and plays right into the hands of nasty liars and fanatics like Whitmer and her Communist ilk.

We have to oppose tyranny, but must do it legally within the system as long as possible.

Whitmer is to be condemned for her smears against the President and all peaceful, law--abiding, principled conservatives.

The identity group politics that is all the the Democrats have to offer are leading to the rise of white supremacist cells that too play group politics and want their identity group to win, and this is what Jordan Peterson warned against about 2 years ago. When the Left plays identity politics, the right wing can too, and they will play to win. But that winning is ends in race war, civil war and tyranny either on Left or the right.

We must continue our conservative agenda but it must be peaceful, law-abiding (unless a President Whitmer or Harris in 10 years do set up a socialist police state in Washington--then a right to rebel becomes a duty to rebel by taking up arms, an extension of our unalienable right to vote and be an active citizen).

Peterson is against collectivist groups, either on the Left or on the Right, because they invariably lead to tyranny over the people. We must be conservative, but moderate and individualist and for liberty, peaceful solutions and law-abiding negotiations.

This is where the Michigan conspirators went wrong: they formed cliques, and then cells, and then they become Nazi terrorists, and that allows the FBI, the governor and the federal government to take them out.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Will Power

 Jordan Peterson to the contrary, talent is not just the province of the brilliant. Will power, tenacity and hard work makes every individual able to achieve almost anything, and that is the definiton of self-realization, accessible by all average people.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

More On Peterson

 I listen to lots of You Tube videos as I drive to and from work, and Jordan Peterson, a brilliant, good and decent man, psychologist and philosopher, is a bit of a snob. This is understandable because he views the world from his lofty perch of natural brilliance,  a genius with his IQ of 150, so he assumes that hierarchies are biologically necessitated by our very natures, and he likely is accurate about this. He refers to hierarchies of power and hierarchies of competence.

In honest, efficient hierarchies, the competent, brightest people rise to the top of the hierarchy, do most of the inventing and creating, do most of the work and much of the best work, and that is how it should be according to Jordan. Fair enough.

I work for God as an individuator, a living angel and a budding great soul. I believe that even average people as maverizers, maximizing their potential, can be so original, brilliant and insightful that their output will stagger the rest of the world, even much smarter geniuses and maverizers like Jordan.

In a constitutional republic, run by the little people, the millions of individuating anarchist supercitizens, there will still be some institutions and hierarchies of unequal power and competence--I work for God and the Mother and the Father are my bosses, much smarter than I am, and far more powerful, way up at the top of the hierarchy, but I have enough money, power, authority and liberty to feel grateful and satisfied with running this corner of my canton, while the Mother and Father run the universe.

In light of these coming realities, the inequality of talent, the inevitable existence of institutional structures and hierarchies, and the inequality of outcome are true, but not that big a deal. This is how I would reconcile what Jordan is offering with Mavellonialist optimism about the talents of each individual, average or exceptional.

Being A Great Soul

 Existing as a great soul occurs when an individual, conceivably any individual, goes big, bold and beautiful--as I heard someone say the other day--makes the extremely ambitious, personal commitment to self-realize in a meaningful, prodigious way.

As the underway journey of a great soul is unfolding, she grows in consciousness and godliness, existing in an earthly and yet transcendent, objective mode, increasingly focused upon the view and experiences of the universe such as God and the angels practice and perceive.

This transcendent, bird's eye view regards the huddled masses of nonindividuators, milling about with no real aim to target.

Likely different cliques of pygmies, from different parts of the world, speaking languages that a foreigner cannot understand. Still, their predictable treatment or mistreatment of a misunderstood great soul born into their disparate communities, will not vary much from country to country.

This archetypal, unconscious discriminatory reaction of cliques from around the world towards any great soul in their midst is an indirect proof that spiritual games and roles well up out of the human soul and psyche, an indirect proof of the existence of the Mother and of Lera.

Spurned Great Soul

 All my life I have been a spurned, great soul. I am no saint, no born hero, but my gift/curse from God was to be born with soul-consciousness, that I was a great soul, should I work hard at it. Somehow, I was born with an acute but realistic sense of my own greatness, or potential for it. I am a sinner, and a flawed man, but a great soul works from where he is at with what God gave him to work with, sins, warts and all visible for all to see but, of course, describing my sins and warts are all that my nonindividuating, groupist, mediocre little souls, choose to recognize as my reality. I am more victim than victimizer, but it has been this way for 66 years, and likely will end this way.

When a rejected, mocked, shunned great soul, like me, is kept silenced, unheard, unheeded and isolated from social intercourse and influence, this is what the popular mob commits upon any that non-conform.

The way it works are that the Mother and Father are the Great Individualists, the Mightiest Maverizers. They are the Queen and King of the Loners, the great souls.

The Dark Couple, Lera and Satan, are leaders of the pack or the mob. They are pure wickedness itself as the ultimate altruists and  the most selfless creatures in existence. They are extremely popular.

When family, neighbors, coworkers, friends and those I encounter on social media, make a splashy public display of shunning me, it far increases their popularity, their rank in the social hierarchy, and takes them deeper and deeper into sin as they sin again and again against relatively blameless me, victimizing a scapegoat without cause. None are so hated as the one that people target for discrimination that least deserve it; indeed, under this paradox, they hate him the most, that is least deserving of their baseless retribution, so murdering him is not out of the question, and they, the self-deceiving, are now so far along in their rottenness and moral decay, that they literally can justify as holy and ethical, whatever cruel behavior that they wish to engage in. They justify their misbehavior with ease.

These children of darkness, these in-crowd joiners disassociate from good loners, the children of light. They realize that to side with, defend or back off the mob of persecutors of the individualistic innocents would be to commit social suicide, as their social ranking would tank. It is selfish, cowardly and cunning for them to side against him with the pack, even though they well know that his persecution is unethical and unwarranted.

This leads to my recognition of a powerful, foundational moral paradox: it is the groupists that are demonic and sold out to the Dark Couple. These pure altruists, these selfless joiners, are cowardly and selfish.

Ironically, the persecuted loner or great soul, driven by self-love--and through enlightened self-love to move towards loving others, God and all living things--is the least selfish and the most courageous human, on average, that is existent.

Monday, October 5, 2020


 MLK was correct: what matters is the content of your character, not the color of your skin, or the identity groups that you belong to or could claim. If you are color-obsessed, you support identity-politics, and you are a collectivist. If you care about about someone's character, you are pro-individualist.

I Do Not Care

 I do not care what is your race, your gender, your class. You are a unique individual and what you

intend to do about it, and with your God-given talents, is what interests me.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Your Presence

 May your very presence be construed as good news rather than bad news to be dreaded and guarded against.

It Matters

 How we treat other people matters. We should love and esteem ourselves, and this is how we should treat others too. That would be consistently admirable ethical behavior.

The German Farm Woman

 I was reading one of my home county newspapers tonight, and read an obituary of one  sturdy German American farm woman, named Esther, that died in North Dakota on March 24, 2020. If I could quote from her obituary: "She was a self-starter and if she saw something that needed to be done, she would just do it. She was a hard-working, strong, determined and independent German woman to the end."

Esther's can-do approach to life is inspirational and to be emulated. If young people could come to realize that they come from God, are to make something of their divine gifts, as personal talent-development is an offering back to God, then too being self-starters like Esther was would be a fine way to live and grow.


 This blog entry is my analysis of a 48 minute video by journalist Douglas Murray with Jordan Peterson; it was conducted i  2018. The title of the interview is where Right and Left to go wrong in politics.

Peterson opined that since World War II the Right has been boxed in rather successfully and fascist claims of racial and ethnic superiority are now discredited. (From me--that view seems right.)

Jordan notes that people naturally form, work and live in hierarchies, and that it is not only inevitable, but it is desirable for the smartest and most conscientious rise to the top of every hierarchy, and that is good for them and for society. The less talented and less successful people will just have to suck it up and endure it. (I suggest that if all maverize, the hierarchies become less relevant, and even 2nd rate minds and talents are so creative and smart and successful, that it does not matter who is above or below each person on the hierarchy.)

Jordan teaches that hierarchies go wrong when they become corrupt and incompetent, and those then running them are not the best and the brightest, but are the most cunning, thuggish or brutal, and then the Left is right in challenging the corrupted hierarchy. The Right should be challenged if it runs, supports or tolerates a corrupt hierarchy. Fair enough.

Jordan dismisses collectivists on the Right or on the Left for their identity politics and tribalism, and a return to tribal warring and unrest, offering instead that the individual is sovereign in the West and should be.

Murray worries that the nonexistent but nascent Alt-Right could gain steam if their interest in IQ as related to ethnic group superiority. 

Jordan describes the Left as suggesting we all segregate ourselves into our identity groups as victims and oppressors, and the oppressors should then feel guilty, repent and step aside, but Jordan worries that they will turn fascist and pure ethnic or racial groups and play identity politics to win.

Jordan's worry and my fear are that the Left radicalizing all into rival identity groups will lead to the rise of the actual existing Alt-Right and the rise of fascism. One extreme breeds the other, and in America with its tolerant, non-racism emphasis on individualism, we were  moving away from these more primitive modes of existing.

Murray asked again about Alt-Right bringing up IQ, and Jordan said the research shows that IQ is reliable and does predict different IQ levels and outcomes for different races. Ashkenazi Jews and Asians score highest on IQ tests. Jordan assert that IQ predicts long term life outcomes.

Jordan and Murray agree that instrincic human worth is universal, and having a higher IQ may make smarter people more successful in the world but there worldly success and material superiority is not the same as moral worth.

Jordan notes that the Left rejects IQ research, leading to an even bigger mess, denouncing IQ and the whole system as rigged.

Jordan blames Harvard for rejecting IQ-like SAT tests in favor of subjective personality standards, which is corrupt reverse discrimination to warrant not allowing too many Asian get admitted to make room for blacks and other minority students. Jordan did assert that objective personality tests gauging things like conscientiousness may be used to counteract too many Asians promoted just based on IQ scores.

Jordan skewers Harvard as keeping back the talented students, by their politicizing and corrupting the admissions process. The fallout is bright students turning cynical, and society loses because the best are not allowed to go to the top of the hierarchy so give the benefit of their brilliant work back to society that gains from their genius.

Murray brings up that if a conservative becomes a bit more conservative, he is immediately smeared as having converted right into an Alt-Rightist, a pure fascist. This is a lie.

 Jordan agreed: the Leftists can make may transformations, becoming more radical without having been labeled as Communist.

Why Fascist so discredited but not Communists? Fascists just recognized as apriori selfish, cruel, exclusionary, exclusive and tribal.

 Communists talk nobler: universal just, equality of outcome, utopia for all, inclusionary, well-intentioned, for the brotherhood of all men, all humans. Seems kinder, but both fanaticism and collectivists turn into pathological ideologies, and suffering and murder of tens of millions of people on both side does result.

Peterson believes we now can detect that Leftism has turned evil and rotten with obsessive concentration of certain buzzwords highly indicative that this identity politics and political correctness has deteriorated into the rotten and rotting ideology of Communism. Jordan identified these buzzwords as: diversity, inclusivity, equity, white privilege, systemic racism and exaggerated claims of an oppressive patriarchy.

Leftists striving to bring totalitarianism and socialism to America are guilty of what they accuse honest and honorable Americans of, that land of individual rights, liberty, prosperity, freedom of worship and freedom of choice.

Jordan concludes by admitting that any hierarchy dispossesses some and and be brutal, even if a competent  hierarchy. He says it differently from Winston Churchill, but it amount to the same difference, Winston quipped that democracy was the worst form of government except for all others.


Free Speech

 Free Speech is free speech, with very few exceptions, excepts perhaps the traditional limits on this unalienable right, like not being free to slander, threatening to murder someone verbally or yelling fire in a theater.

Beyond, those reasonable, moderate restrictions, no more restriction must be allowed--not as hate speech to please Progressives, the politically correct, for them to shut down speech that they detest.

Free speech, free thought and free action are what the individuating supercitizen requires.

Not All Equal

 Not all values systems are equal. Ours in the West is superior.

Least Racist

 Dennis Prager points out that America is the least racist multi-ethnic, multi-racial country in the world.

Amen to that.

Saturday, October 3, 2020


 Dave Rubin in a concise Prager U video on tolerance gives the following two definitions of tolerance:

A)   Tolerance is the ability to live with people whose opinions and behavior are ones that you do not agree with.

B)   To live and let live is tolerance. I agree, but if someone is wrong, following inferior values or doing wicked things, I will speak out against it, but will not move against them with force unless they are say robbing  my neighbors with a gun.

Rubin goes on to offer that we require tolerance of others opinions to live in a free and functioning society. US is built on tolerance. Rubin suggests that tolerance is an implied, unstated social contract among citizens, universally accepted, acknowledged and honored from the inception of our nation, and that the guarantees of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness so sanctified in the Declaration of Independence makes necessary this unstated social contract of mutual tolerance so we can do our thing only by allowing our neighbors to do their thing.

I have long thought that the American system of government enshrines the best aspect of the Age of Enlightenment: the individual is sovereign, but must be virtuous, active citizen, enjoying his God-granted unalienable natural rights while moderately allowing his neighbor the same powers and capacities of expression.

The Left today is totalitarian in its values and ambitions. Therefore tolerance and freedom of speech are to be swept away. If others do not act, live, think and speak in complete conformity and uniformity to the dictates and principles of the radicalized Left, they are total sinners, incompetents, outlaws and heretics to be imprisoned, burned at the stake or executed.

Leftist intellectuals and ideologues firmly believe that they are superior, smarter, wiser and better than any opponent. Only those that they like or agree with are to be tolerated, Rubin observes. They will educate the masses on how to live and think.

These are scary, mistaken, dangerous people.

Praer and Dave Rubin on Jordan Peterson

 These interview of Prager by Rubin was to defend Peterson after his "fall from grace". They noted the lie of the Left that Jordan is an alt-right guru for angry young conservative men. Prager pointed out that it is a lie of project, that the angry young men and women in America are on the Left, not the Right. They feel like unfortunate victims of a totally corrupt, rotten America.

Prager assures us that Jordan is addicted and flawed but a good man, and I think that is so. He loves the truth. He hates evil and pain, but seeks to make the world a better place with less suffering. Jordan is a good man.

Some interesting Pragerism during the 20 minute interview:

A)   All or most men should grow up, get married, start a family, and be willing to be a mature, manly adult, acting as a father-figure to younger man, helping him to grow up.

B) Jordan is correct; life is difficult and truth and meaning must be sought. To have a conscience is a universal condition, but we must nurture and heed this conscience, adopt responsibility, grow up, lead a good life and make the world a little better through self-improvement and self-discipline rather than seeking to remake the world out there.

C) Prager notes that we cannot admire someone that is perfect. Only a flawed person like Jordan, Moses or Churchill still do great things in spite of their flaws and imperfection. Even our heroes have feet of clay. Amen, I agree.

Michigan Unlocked

 The Michigan Supreme Court just overruled Gov. Gretchen Witmer, depriving her of her fascist emergency powers to keep that state locked down, quarantining healthy adults. Minnesota now needs to follow suit.




More On Prager

 Prager offers many wise mottoes, but here is one of great significance.

1.: "Most people are cowards, or sheep."


 Their willingness to go along with whatever is happening is the source of building evil in the world. People are afraid, too slavishly deferential and obedient to authority to object to its wrongdoing and bad practices. They are easily intimidated, unwilling to oppose wicked ways practiced by the group that they belong to.

Only as individuators and individual-livers, will people build a strong enough, a wise enough and kind enough soul, centered in serving the Good Spirits to live courageous lives, not matter how the world treats them. If society wants the majority of citizens to live as ethical, stand-tall-when-it-counts, ethical heroes, it must raise them and train them as individuators.

The First Presidential Debate

 10-2-20: Dennis Prager had his fireside chat today and noted that the debate was not elevated and sophisticated but was degraded, just another American institution degraded, another sign of our cultural and moral decline.

He noted that public cursing, public nudity, public confessons of private problems (the Jerry Springer syndrome), political, unfunny late night TV. the weaponizing of NFL games, etc.

Our private lives were where we were more open but in the public life we were to be more polite, self-controlled and decorous. He is correct, but socialist, postmodernist deconstructing of our modern, Judeo-Christian American political system and way of life for 50 years has done its damage.

Things are now worse than before, and will get worse almost assuredly. Public virtue even if not so noble in private may seem hypocritical, but public standards must be maintained.

Why I Love Reading Dennis Prager

 Read this quote to recognize why I lover reading Dennis Prager: "Capitalism teaches people to work more; socialism teach people to demand more. Which attitude do you think will make a better society?"

As usual, the wise Prager is spot on. We should all be ardent Ayn Rand devotees when it comes to her unbridled affection for capitalism. We must allow self-interest (Enlightened self-interest not selfishness is the virtue.) virtue to be taught to young people as  the prime moral motive. With that they must learn to clean up their room, take personal responsibility, work on self-perfecting more than seek to change the external world, go work hard and honest, and make lots of money under the for-profit free market system. Let us create a lot of life. Once the basic material needs are met, people can worry about purer pursuits, while still working and still living in the practical, everyday sphere.

The Wicked Progressives

 These detractors of Trump that wish him ill do it because they hate him directly. They also are so vicious because they hate the Silent Majority that he represents, loves, is one of and is fighting for. If they can take him down, and silence and divide us by splintering us into warring identity groups, then it will be easier for them to take over the government, the ultimate, corrupt aim, the focus of all that they attempt. These Democrats and Leftists are a wicked people, without redemption. Those among them that are liberal will hopefully abandon these radicals on Election Day, and return to being sensible, American-loving Blue Dog Democrats that we can do business with, honorably compromise with, be civil towards, and do legislation with, because the liberal goal is reform not revolution. The liberal plan to reform but not overthrow and destroy America will bring them back to normalcy, where common ground is formed. Those people are the ones that conservatives can do business with.


The Christian Embassy in Israel wrote this today: " Israel’s very name is being ERASED FROM THE BIBLE by people trying to rewrite the very Word of God."

 Revising the Bible to meet the politically correct needs of postmodernist ideologues is an abomination. Jesus was a Jew, I hope that they remember.

Chris Wallace

 He was criticizing the Trump family for not wearing masks to the debate. This little Rat RINO dirtbag needs to crawl back over the CNN where he belongs.

Friday, October 2, 2020

God Bless Them

 God Bless The Trumps--may they recover from Covid-19 quickly and completely.

The Civil Society

 On Pages 1 and 2 of his book Plunder And Deceit, Mark Levin asks if we can love our children and yet betray generations not yet born. It is easy to anticipate that his answers are yes and yes. Following from the World War I generation and strengthening since the Great Generation of World War II forward, each successive ruling generation has made unfortunate public policy decisions that hurts those to come. By growing government, we bankrupt our grandchildren, grow federal tyranny, and unintentionally may well lead to the death of the constitutional republic. All of us share some blame and responsibility for promoting and backing disastrous, socialist public policies.

Our job as the current ruling generation is to preserve the country for those coming after us, consistent with America bequeathed to us by earlier generations of Americans. This is what Mark advises. We wish to preserve the civil society.

Here is Mark's definition of the civil society (Page 2): "However, there are accepted norms of behavior, a moral order--born of experience and knowledge, instinct and faith, teaching and reason, and love and passion--that provide definition for and boundaries between right and wrong, good and evil, and fairness and injustice, applicable to families and society alike. Hence, a harmony of virtuous interests, informed by tried-and-true traditions, customs, values and institutions, and cultivated within families and the larger community, preserves and improves the human condition, one individual at a time, and one generation to the next. Broadly speaking, this is the civil society."

That  moral order, that civil society, is the American Way of life, and it must be restored and preserved for the Left has worked hard, with great focus, energy and effectiveness, to blow it asunder.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

The Enemies

 The rich and the poor all hate the middle class and hate America. The middle class and working people are the ones that love America, and defend it as Levin points out.

My hunch is that what is moderate is good, and the middle class thus is the morally and culturally most superior class on earth, and this is why they, not the extemist, groupist rich or poor, love mass culture America.

Understanding The Left

 Here is a paragraph that I copied this morning directy from a Facebook posting from Heritage Foundation: "“Critical race theory,” which has its roots in Marxist principles, claims that all problems in American society can be blamed on racism, and that white people are oppressors based only on the fact they are white."

The trick to understanding the Left is to start with three fundamental assumptions about what they say and do: First, they are wicked people seeking to gain power over others, and inflict pay, suffering and terror upon all their victims. They are what Jordan calls upset people whose anger, bitterness, resentment and hatred of self and others  has morphed into cruelty--they can now never hurt others enough or destroy enough to fill satiated.

Second, they lie about 80% of the time. Their hold narrative about whites, individuals, religious belief and West is a tissue of lies registering their loathing and jealousy towards anyone that is happy, at peace and free, not bound by their Progressive corruption, violence and sickness.

Third, whatever they accuse whites, Americans and Westerners of is projection, clearly demonstrating their secret aims, which they will execute, once they have the power and numbers to impose their reckless will upon society. Marxism breeds only poverty, totalitarianism, class society and a return to the vicious tribal warfare and group identity rivalries that Peterson is warning about. Their racism against white is also anti-Semitic, and a 2nd Holocaust against Jews and a first Holocaust against whites is slated and to be scheduled once their construct their Ameritopian hell in Washington. Whites, conservative, Christians, Jews and individualists are their selected victims and these oppressors and their social devil worship causes most of the problems of society.

These people are without hestitation, redemption or an ounce of mercy. We must fight them by every nonviolent and, as a last resort, by taking up arms to stop them in their tracks. Such wickedness must not be tolerated and accepted.

Outsider Communicating

 What fascinates me is that there must be a set of biological/syntactical/linguistic/psychological rules governing human communication. These rules, that people instinctively understand, govern the easy ability for joiners and nonindividuators, even in dry, electronic, social media exchanges, quickly, almost instantaneously to detect and accept the lies, group connection, the emotional warmth separating group communications from the rejected, shunned, segregated truth-blazing, great-soul announcing, the cold dry galactic logic of a developed individuator.

All the time I drop in uninvited on exchanges on Facebook and write a small paragraph (which I often post on my blog site), it is usually is greeted with no response, silence, or sometimes vile rejection. People know who in the crowd belongs and who does not.