Monday, July 30, 2018


Michelle Malkin aptly describes perpetually angry and perpetually outraged social justice warriors as grievance-mongers. America is not perfect but it is a lovely place with boat loads of freedom and opportunity for everyone willing to get after it.

At least in America, you should holding a grudge against no one. If anyone has a right to hold a grudge, it should be me and other great souls, shunned, discriminated against and picked on a individualist-groupist in America that surround us.

Nonetheless, even I have no real grievances that amount to much. They are ongoing and painful and unjust, but there is still enough freedom and money here that I have been able to cobble together a pretty good life.

I would say that the only legitimate, universal grievance that any American really has is against herself for not self-realizing and refusing to obey and serve the Good Spirits. That grievance against her by the Good Spirits is meritorious and she is to blame. She knows what to do about it, and the Good Spirits are rather forgiving and merciful if we try at all.

Sage Advice

Training is huge. Conceal Carry magazine carries a sound message from USCCA President Tim Schmidt that we not mistake marksmanship for effective self-defense. He recommends classes on self-defense with a variety of surprise happenings where one can better prepare for a violent encounter with an attacker.

I have not taken the training but these simulations really increase one's skill. To move from being a marksman to a militia-ready, street warriors would be in line with bringing to life and effect, God's army of armed, readied living angels here in America.

Larry P. Arnn

Arnn wants to see the Constitution restored to its place as the Supreme Law of the Land. This is critically necessary as a huge step towards restoring America to its political roots as a constitutional republic.

May these vital restorations occur as central to making America great again.

6 Million Strong

Wayne LaPierre reports that NRA members are now almost 6 milllion strong. We need to ratchet that up to 25 to 30 million strong.

An NRA that strong would keep gun-grabbers at bay for 100 years. This base could also serve as our citizen militia against all aggressors and transgressors.

Open Mind

Open your heart and open your mind to receive God communications and instructions: from God directly, indirectly from De's Good Spirits, from lessons gleaned from your personal individuating journey, from sacred text, from the churches, from your heart, through your applied logic, from your study of nature, and from your dialogue with your fellow citizens.

Sacred Texts

Studying, reading and meditating over the messages sent to humanity by God, as De's revealed words recorded in the sacred texts of the world, will teach us , if not everything, most of what we need to know, want to know and will enjoy knowing.

You Will Find God

If you really search for God, you will find De (Deuteronomy 4, 29): "Yet there too you shall seek the Lord, your God; and you shall indeed find him when you search after him with your whole heart and your whole soul." Happy Journey.

Meet Them

It is not enough to know God intellectually or as a theological abstraction.

You must seek a personal relationship with the Mother and the Father, with the Good Spirits. Start talking in prayer, on your knees, and they will come to you.

Mavellonialist Ambassadors

If or when this movement catches on, each of us that are individuators will be closely watched for misbehavior, character flaws and outlandish statements as representative of Mavellonialism, and God's reaching out to De's large souls.

With these heavy responsibilities weighing down upon us, we Mavellonialists must conduct ourselves in private and in public like ladies and gentleman. The collectivists, the secular, the unbelievers and the overt children of darkness hate us and their primary or sole ambition is to destroy us. Our virtues and accomplishments will be downplayed, ignored or flat distorted into something shameful.

Our vices will be magnified, writ large and exaggerated. We are Mavellonialist ambassadors to the world, to the forgotten men and women that are lost, confused, searching, group-living nonindividuators hungry for a change, hungry for spiritual sustenance that frees them from Lera's grip on them.

If we conduct ourselves well, we reflect well upon the Mother and the Father, the deities that we work for and are aligned with.

If we are ogres or criminal, we discredit and bring our shame and embarrassment upon our splendid deities. That is now what Mavellonialist ambassadors do. Their conduct in the world matters.

Getting Lost

Getting lost and staying lost in this fast-paced modern world is tempting, easy and hard to work one way out of the fog.

There are eternal--or close enough to be eternal--core values and core realities that are stars above the fog, the noise, the commotion and electronic flashing, stars that we can hitch our wagon to. Let me lay out a few of them.

First, God the Mother and God the Father are always at hand to love, guide and assist you, should you but reach out and seek guidance, love, advice, direction, support and comfort.

Second, the Good Spirits too are at hand--touch base with them.

Third, self-realize, and as your inner, genuine self comes to the fore and into consciousness, you will never be lost and confused again. You may not know where you are at, but, you know that you the traveler are real, solid and confident and will find you way.

Fourth, your now powerful intellect and honed rational skills will enable you to categorize and organize disparate pieces into coherent, meaningful wholes. It will all start to make sense.

Fifth, your fearless curiosity will help you grapple with the enormousness of the fog, the unknown, the unidentified objects that you are bumping into.

Sixth, your love of truth will help you separate out fact from fiction, and reality from illusion. You will sort things out, and solve many mysteries.

Seventh, your love of discovery will embolden you to study, investigate and sleuth out what is around you, what you are, and where you are, and where all is going.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Do It

Trump said he would be willing to shut down the country to get funding to build the wall. Let us do it as traitors and RINOS McConnell and Ryan are not funding the wall.

No, Dennis

Dennis Prager states that without God, there is no objective truth, no objective moral code, no natural law, that transcends relativistic, ethical human opinion, belief or inclination. Without an all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing Absolute Being, there is no certain moral guide for us that is eternal and indisputable. Without God, we would not know right from wrong, for the most part, and would not be inclined to obey our duty, even if we did recognize, if we did not accept that God exists, is always watching and sees everything we do.

As a metaphysical and ethical moderate, I must disagree with Dennis that there is objective truth that is eternally certain and intellectually or intuitively accessible to our perception and understanding so that we can live by it with absolute confidence that right and wrong are immutably taped out, discernible and can be described in simple, clear but powerful language.

Though I do not know it for sure, and cannot proved that God exists, I am 99.9% sure that God exists that that something approaching what Levin describes as an eternal moral order of natural laws exists, regulates the universe and our behavior while existing in it, and is accessible and translatable into moral guidelines for us to live in accordance with, in line with God's will for humanity.

I do believe and am confident that God exists and that God made the world. I do believe that God devised natural law rules to regulate the created Cosmos. The rules are administrated by the Good Spirits that run this world.

From these natural laws, we can declare self-evident truths that lead right to our Founding Fathers and the natural rights promulgated in the Declaration of Independence and in the Ten Commandments.

Both Prager and Levin, posit that there is an eternal moral order created by the Creator, and that  the certainty of these moral laws are available to guide human behavior. I, as a moderate, dispute that such actual certainty exists or is ascertainable by limited human understanding. But, these given moral laws are so close to being absolutely true and right, as is almost self-evident to our reasoning, our intuition and our experience, that they are practically certain. Practical certainty is strong enough epistemologically, theologically, ethically and metaphysically to build high human civilization on.

The Ten Commandments

Prager has a video on them where he explains that high achievements of Western civilization, like universal human rights, womens' liberation, the ending of slavery and parliamentary democracy, are some of our cultural advancements growing out of--indeed may have never come about--the Ten Commandments. I believe he is correct.

Terrible Disrespect

The unprecedented, vicious disrespect for a conservative, sitting President is mostly unwarranted, and is destroying the country. Where the people lose faith in the system, it can collapse of its own rejected weight.

The thuggish, raging, sometimes violent Leftists may just get  the civil war that they lust after. I hope and pray that that is avoidable. They are using fascist, undemocratic means to overthrow a popular President elected by a majority of the voters--at least Electorally. To overturn this Presidency is to disenfranchise the people that have spoken, and nothing could be more corrosive to the Constitution and the will of the people.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Mad World News

On Facebook today they asked if one is ready to go to war to defend one's rights to free speech and bear arms.

My answer: Where do I sign up?

Doing What Is Best

If you want to do what is best for America, open a business, acquire capital, support the Convention of States movement, vote Republican, arm yourself and lives as a supercitizen, an individuating anarchist.

Walter E. Williams

He has a Prager U video out stating that capitalism is the most superior and the most moral economic system. I could not agree more. I would add that it is the most humane economic system, working hand-in-glove with people exercising their constitutional liberties and natural rights.

Tim The Fence Straddler

Tim Pawlenty refuses to fill out his MGR survey. Here is what I put on Facebook to him: Tim, fill out your MGR survey and quit riding the fence--RINOS are killing America.

Prager's Birthday

Dennis Prager is 70 years old on 8/2/18. I sent him this Happy Birthday salutation: Thank you for existing, Dennis. Your wisdom on happiness, and all of Prager U is a blessing to humanity. Happy Birthday!


Is purusing self-interest the highest good. Probably or close to it. Loving or being moderate or doing God' will may be of higher value, but individuating is probably doing all of these at the same time, effectively and well.


There is the criticism that egoism is a synonym for selfishness. This I vehemently deny. In my experience, I have observed that selfish behavior emanates from joiners, from herd-creatures, from those that are selfless.

The ethical egoist can be self-centered and should be, but that has little to do with selfishness, a much to do with obeying God's commandment to self-realize. To self-realize requires tremendous self-discipline and self-sacrificing, and that would not easily fit into a selfish category.


If you respond to the MAGA push by asking why bother because when was America ever great in the past, you are hopeless, and I will waste no more words or attention on you.

Successful Individuating

You may not be the best or most noble individuator, resulting in your not being selected by the Good Spirits to quarterback God's football team, but you just might be good enough to make the team as a safety.

Be Powerful

If you are a Leftist that hates guns and the NRA, you are depriving yourself of the chance to exercise your power to openly carry, to refuse to be a crime victim, and you are forfeiting your right to defend against yourself against tyrants, domestic and foreign. Is this the way that you want to continue?

Free Associating

I read this mornig that Americans, especially young Americans, are abandoning churches wholesale. If they leave churches, but do not abandon God, that is not so bad. It is a very old Protestant tradition to relate to the Divinity without little Catholic intercession by intermediaries like a priest.

This new development is a sea change, and it could be for the better if done smart and carefully. Suppose that people leave the church, or synagogue but remain on intimate terms with God, Jesus, Allah or Buddha.

If the independent-minded, new faithful would maverize and blend Mavellonialist relating to the Divinty with their conscious act of severing ties with the formal congregation, it could  lead to a wholesome, powerful religious revolution--which is coming regardless.

Highest Confidence

Jeff Sessions announced the other day that he has the highest confidence in Rob Rosenstein. Both of these clowns work for  Trump. He needs to be bold and clear and fire them, and fire them now. He needs an fearless, willful Attorney General like Rudy to root out the damn Deep State holdovers to save our democracy and restore respect for the Constitution. The time for talking is over. These bums need to be tossed out, and the Commander-In-Chief needs to kick ass and take names.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex

This rising young Democratic-Socialist wants to slash military spending, provide Medicaire for all, free college tuition, tax the rich and corporations, and impose a carbon tax.

If Trump is giving us an economic miracle, she would convert America into the Bronx writ-large.

Please, never seek to have influence beyond helping the people of New York City, or run for the Presidency.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

For A Day

Lera rules this world, and this enables and empowers the wicked to live high and well with lots of community approval. They are on top of the world for a day or two, for a few months, maybe for a few years.

One day, perhaps in this world, and certainly in the next world, their day of reckoning will be upon them.

Objective Truth

Does it exist, and if so, is it intellectually knowable? I as a moderate do not believe that objective truth exists period. Still, highly probably true truth does exist and is ascertainable. As a skeptic, an agnostic and epistemlogical relativist, that is as good as I can come up with.


BE strong-minded. Let nothing deter you, profoundly upset you, or blow your mind.

Becoming Wealthy

Becoming wealthy or well-off and worldly successful are foundational prerequisites to self-realizing. Go ahead, make your pile, the foundation for the path of individuation.

Private Property

We have natural rights to own property. We have a natural right not to be robbed of the private property by confiscatory governemnt, by legal chicanery, or shakedown by street thugs.

We have natural rights also to live in mqaximum liberty as inividuating individualists. Let not the Big government, a Nosy Parker community of group-livers, or our familial hurters seek to restrain our expression of these natural rights.

Your Conscience

God gave you a conscience, and an individual sense of right and wrong. God is an individual too, and has a very powerful, innate sense of right and wrong.

Because you are made in God's image and likeness, you know right from wrong, especially if well-raised with a healthy, working conscience.

Follow your moral hunches and they will link you to spiritual and moral heavenliness.

All Steal

Stealing is illegal, immoral, and spiritually unjust as we violate this Biblical and natural law written down for us by God.

Literally, do not steal other peoples stuff. Their individual worth and dignity and independence and well-being is also passing through the things they possess and own.

You are not honest if you advise the dispossessed, the hungry, the poor to steal and that it is moral to do so. To deprive another of his property is to deprive him of his individuality and that is a mortal sin.

To not develop your individuality, or to enslave another into the bondage of group-living are also ways that your nick personal liberty. Do not do it. Or at least do it no longer.

Supplications Received

Do humbly entreat mighty, loving God to answer your prayers, and guide you to where you need to be. You will not regret trying. You will be heard, if not always in the manner that you expected or even demanded.

Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan for Speaker of the House. Now that will get the swamp draining. Then we fire and prosecute the Deep Staters deserving it. Then we hold the Constitutional Convention for Article V. Then we balance the budget, and assign a tax bill per capita to pay off the national debt.

Then we train adults, kids and teenagers to participate and live in America as individuating, anarchist supercitizens. These steps will help MAGA.

Denied Driver's Licenses

Yes, illegal aliens should be denied driver's licenses, and they then should be immediately deported since authorities know who they are and where they are.

Buy them plane tickets home, give them $300 apiece, and then close the damn border, build that wall, and reduce severely all legal and illegal immigration.


I have no blogged for a couple of days, having  been working late a few days, and clearing away weed trees and bushes like buckthorn. I had the latter wiped out, but 2 more just appeared among the purple lilacs on the north side of the house.

For 10 years the down woodpeckers have been drilling holes into the house on the north side. It got so bad a year ago as I battled to respackle and repaint, and they would tear out the dried spackle, that I reluctantyl called an exterminator to have them extirpated. I love woodpeckers but we were exasperated.

The DNR protects woodpeckers, so there are many steps to be taken and documented before the exterminator is allowed to take the birds out.

So we ordered to life-size horned owls and put one at each end of the north side of the house as suggested by experts. It spooked the downy woodpeckers away but also eliminated nesting birds on the north side of the house.

In May of 2010 I broke my right ankle and was home for over a month. I thoroughly enjoyed the lively birds nesting and feeding through the juniper, cedar and apples trees on the north side. Blue jays, nuthatches, woodpeckers, chicadees, cardinals, house finches and robins lived there or made their way through. It comforted me at a time of great stress and anxiety (worrying about the bills).

Now, the owls are there, and the birds are not. I did hear a male cardinal there last night, but that is a rare occurrence.

Now our house appears to be safe, but the birds are gone. It demonstrates to lessons in life that we all need to learn, and heed.

First, the law of unintended consequences. You change one thing, and then something else unanticipated occurs. We drove out the woodpeckers, and all the birds that we enjoyed too. I notice that the south end of our lots has much more bird activity now.

Second, we try to make things better, and our efforts make be complete successes, partial successes, slight failures or total blow-outs. We try different things, and then we learn our lesson, and try again, making needed corrections.

Monday, July 23, 2018

About Time

Trump is moving against Obama-era holdovers that have been using their security clearances to find ammunition and credence to attack Trump. These leaders of the Deep State likely got their marching orders from Obama and Hilary.

These people will need to go to jail after being tried of course, once their crimes have been revealed. That Deep State crowd requires full exposure, and then to be fired, expelled and tried if appropriately guilty.

Trump should fire Sessions and put in Trey Gowdy as Atorney General to start taking this Deep State down.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Great Chain Of Being

This is an ancient cosmological assumption, but I like it. It seems to work. There may be other paradigms for how the world works, but the world being one entity, Fate that is with the Mother and Father up in heaven, and all the various spiritual beings on their descending levels of existence in all the realms of the world, all the way down to hell with Satan and Lera at the bottom of the heap.

I do not know if that is how it actually is arranged, but I find the picture useful.

Prager Rocks

I have long admitted that Prager is likely the world's expert on happiness. He is a very smart and wise man. He has a new Prager U video out on happiness that really knocks it out of the park. His theme is that happiness is not a selfish desire but is a moral obligation.

I would agree with both statements. We are most happy when we are living the life that God commands us to live, as individuators, and that life of enlightened self-interest is not selfish, but will bring happiness to the doer and all around him.

Prager wants people to strive to be happy because the moral obligation is an altruistic necessity. If one is not happy, one takes down everyone around one. Unhappy people make the world worse and happy people make the world better.

Dennis wants us to act as happy as possible in spite of how we feel emotionally or physically, or how lucky or unlucky we have been in our personal lives.

The happier we act can start to affect how we feel, and acting happy can make us feel happy.

The man is a moral genius. He is an altruist and I am an egoist, but I can find no fault with his brilliant advice on how to be happier, and make the world a better place.

I would argue too, as an egoist, that as we act happier, and then begin to feel happier, it is good for the self and self-esteem, and that benefits those around us directly and indirectly.

Keith Ellison

Minnesota's favorite son wants to eliminate all borders between nations. This globalist, extremist, America-hating Progressive wants to be Minnesota's next Attorney General. Will we have gun rights when he gets through with us?


Louis Lamour writes in one of his Westerns about self-respect. Katy Thorne informs her boyfriend Cullen Baker that others will not respect him if he does not respect himself, and there is much wisdom in her observation.

If your are a great-souled iconoclast and rebel, others will still respect you but they may not like you, or want to associate with you, or support the causes that you back.

By all means, respect yorself and do your thing, but realize that there is a worldly price to be paid for nonconformity and the snubbing by you of groupthink.

It is your duty to do your own thing, but the repercussions can be painful.


You are not knowing yourself until you begin the individuation process. You will soon ascertain what you want, what you need, and how to acquire what you need. As your consciousness awakes, many obscure things will become clear to you.

Honing Your Instincts

As you maverize, your connection to the Good Spirits grows far more powerful and clear. They will send you communications and signals to guide you along. Your instantaneous situational awareness will be heightened and quickened. You will recognize the situation at hand, and will react rapidly with the appropriate countermeasure.

What Direction?

What direction are you headed in? Are you maverizing or deteriorating? Are you, your career, your life mission in ascent, upwards and outwards, or have you already hit your peak, and now you coast until retirement, watching TV and then shuffling off to Buffalo?

Psalm 73, 1

The Reward: "How good God is to the upright; the Lord; to those who are clean of heart!


Do not be phony. Be who you are, and do not apologize for stating your values and living your values. If people exclude and snub you for being authentic and open, the loss is theirs.

Dianne Feinstein

She said that all vets are mentally ill in some way, so they should have their firearms forcibly taken away from them?

They are hereos fighting and sometimes dying to keep us safe, rich and free, and their reward when they come home is to confiscate their guns?

Wow! This woman is a primary reason why California has gone off the rails.


He said that it is racist to only allow citizens to vote.

Really? Being a voter in our constitutional republic is a rare and special privilege, and one's race, gender or class are irrelevant and should be. If Chucky is seeking to flood America with endless millions of illegal aliens that come from collectivist, totalitarian countries, and Democrats want them to vote here legally so that these welfare-loving wards of the Administrative State, then denying these criminals their illegal, fraudulent voting opportunity in American elections could be erroneously construed as racist.

We close the borders. We send these people home. Those illegals that stay are never allowed to vote, and we pass a constitutional amendment that all voters will show ID to vote, to protect the Democrats from stealing more elections, on their way to finishing Ameritopia.

Redistributing Wealth

Levin in Liberty and Tyranny wants to end the progressive income tax since it it is used for wealth redistribution.

If we can help the average, adult citizen convert to loving to work, living to work, loving capitalism and wealth accumulation, then he will not need to rob others through government taxation to build his material pile.

Where we do and can make our own money, and plenty of it, we could care less if Warrne Buffet is worth 38 billion dollars.

We made it on our own, and let him keep his stash. This way a liberal elitist like he is has no say in how will live, and nor should he.

Politics Of Division

The Left practice the politics of hatred and division, dividing up all into warring groups, and Barack excelled at this. They want to get us all fighting, so that the federal government can come in as a peacemaker and set up martial law to trigger a permanent police state, their aim all along.

We can disagree and still be friends, but where Leftists aim to use violence and legal coercion to intimidate and rob us of our liberty and prosperity, we must fight back.


They want babies called Theybies, not boys or girls until they select their own gender. Prager is alarmed at this and we should be too. The Mother and Father have genders, and created us with genders.

Let us not stray from first principles, of which the gender you are born with is your gender, period.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Mike Syvertson

My cousin is a bodybuilder and realtor in Fargo, North Dakota. He often comes up with positive thinking mottoes which he shares on Facebook. They are inspirational, whether he is the author of them or not.

Here is his latest entry: "Good manners will open doors that the most expensive education cannot."

Here was my response: "Very True. Very Nice. Ann Landers use to write that a classy person is not one with riches, fancy clothes and an educational pedigree. The only classy person comports herself with class. The classy person treats all with dignity, kindness, courtesy and respect. 

To be courteous and practice good manners are really the Golden Rule in action, and practicing classy, considerate, good manners is consistent with Egoism or Altruism, because it is the Golden Rule in action, and this natural law is one sent down to us by God, and we are to follow it, practice it, and live in accordance with it.

Displaying good manners is our duty, our joy, our mission.

In The Garden

I was in the garden at 6am this morning. It was cool, in the low 60s. I had a bed to weed. The monarch butterflies are out. The pileated woodpecker is screaming as he flies about. The hummingbird is flitting about. The house wrens are giving me grief. Just a nice morning in the garden.

First Principles

For a Leftist: God exists. God made humans that are basically good. God is love and humans naturally love and are naturally loving but society goofs them up. To know God and bring God to earth, be global and for open borders, be selfless and compassionate, embrace big government and guaranteed basic income for all paid for in taxes from all to all. Such selfless generosity is how to roll.

For a constitutional conservative. God exists and God created the universe. God crafted natural laws for humans to follow. God bestowed on humans such unalienable, natural rights as having a right to life, liberty, prosperity and happiness.

Humans are born wicked, but have some goodness in them that can triumph if they live virtuous, godly lives in a constitutional republic. They have a right to defend themselves. They have a right to make money without government confiscation of their wealth and freedom.

Mass Self-Deception

The stunning ability of liberals and people on the Left to believe a web of socialist, group-living, Satan-embracing lies, and, never to waver from believing them firmly, staggers me. Regardless of how often liberal and socialist policies fail when implemented, these true believers deny that such tangible, routine failures are not connected to them, or their failed policies.

How else can we interpret the mountain of evidence that socialism does not work? There is San Francisco with animal and human feces everywhere, California with no economy and incredibly high taxes, Chicago with hatred of the police and contempt for law and order, with legislated severe gun control while group-living, gang-banging young men are killing each other and going to prison while raise by an unwed Mom, supported by the welfare system, and another absent Dad not shaping us his teenage son. Then there are those poor, lost millions of souls Venezuela--you get the picture--big government intervention in private lives, centrally planned economy and groupism, all darlings of the Left--they do not work and spread anarchy, filth, misery, poverty and fascism.

I am not a philosophical purist. No matter what their declared first principles, their a priori reasoning, and their pretty, flawless, consistent chains of reasoning to reach them to conclude as they do, when a policy fails repeatedly, it is not factually true, no matter how valid the syllogism.

An advocate, like I am, of moderate, provisional, a posteriori truth, avows that  the veracity of, the soundness of, and the truth of a statement is directly connected to how it plays out in reality. Even factoring for unforeseen consequences, imperfect implementation, the consistent, total, absolute failure of socialist policies over many decades in many settings, prove that the truths that small government, individual-living and free markets are what work, what render people healthy, wealthy, free and fulfilled.

When will the Left wake up, smell the coffee and admit to their error of their ways? I am not hopeful because they are true believers, and have proven to be very resilient to clinging their disproven, wrong, foolish and tragic set of values.

People are basically wicked. Wicked people live a life of death, lying and slavery. Wicked people do not want to admit that they are wicked, so they run in packs as joining losers and lazy nonindividuators, and they use the popularity game to keep anyone from leaving the herd. They all lie and to each other and reinforce each other, and the tradtion of lies becomes a custom that is passed on from generation to generation.

Until Mavellonialism catches on, and it will eventually after I am gone, there is little chance that the Left and Liberals will change their thinking and their sinful ways.

Once Mavellonialism takes of, then the majority of people will individual-live, will be free, truth-loving, truth-embracing and truth-growing. Their free market maverizing will leave them well off and life-loving. Such a population will have little truck with Leftist solutions. That is the only way to convert the liberals and socialists from lying to themselves shamelessly.

Thursday, July 19, 2018


Free beings are rational beings, conscious, deliberating and planners.

Lower level creatures re not rational, so they ruled by instinct, nature and natural law. They are controlled by natural law--as are rational beings. But rational beings are aware of the law that controls them, and they can modify it, or refuse to obey it. They have free will and the power to choose to work with God's natural law or not.

Natural Law

Natural law applies eternally. God created the universe and put natural law into place to run the universe.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Not Shielded

We cannot hide from the world. We cannot tune it out. We must live in reality, and face the truth with openness, courage and intelligence. When we embrace the world, our lives get better.

Not Smooth

I am not smooth and can be disagreeable. Despite this, I argue that I am a diamond in the rough. Just know that I would force no one to do anything. Just realize that I wish all well, freedom, prosperity, health, happiness and God's blessing.

If I cannot convince you of that, there is no hope for you, and any chance for a relationship between us.

Psalm 72, 18-19

Blessed be the name of glorious God: "Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous deeds. And blessed forever be his florious name; may the whole earth be filled with his glory. Amen. Amen.


Is Existence active and animated by a universal life force, an universal mind that is God? Maybe, but it is also filled with material substance.

Our Public Vocabulary

Levin warns in Liberty and Tyranny that conservatives must get control of the public vocabulary. Once we use our own vocabulary, then we get push our narrative. Then we can take make America back.


I was very surprised to hear that Obama, in a speech in South Africa recently, asserted that the government exists to serve the individual, not the other way around.

Now, that is the stance of the constitutional conservative regarding government size, scope and mission.

Unless Obama has had a change of heart, or is quoted out of context, that is not the way he governed: a king issuing fiats to grow tyranny, grow government, and make all wards of the state.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


AT 645am, last Tuesday, I was in the Twin Cities suburb of Woodbury, doing my weekly check of the Endo-Center emergency generator on the roof. I was half way through checking the Generac when I heard a loon calling. I thought it was a ring tone on someone's smart phone.

I looked up 40 feet above the rooftop, and I watched a lone loon flying northeast out of town and about 50 miles an hour.

I never knew the Twin Cities had nesting pairs of loons. I occasionally see them in the spring, but never in the summer. This is the first summer loon that I have seen in the Twin Cities after living here 36 years.

One never knows everything, and one learns new things everyday.

At The Lake

We get up to our cabin about one weekend a month. Last month, the birds were calling in the yard as flyatchers, vireos and warblers had the place hopping.

This month, it was near total silence for the weekend. Now part of that could be explained by the fact that by the middle of July, many of the songbirds have already hatched out their brood, and no longer are territorial and singing out to make a point of it.

Then, on Saturday, I was working in the yard on my old 1976 Silverado pickup. A cooper's hawk flew into the  pines on the south side of the lot. He landed checked thing out, and took off again. He likely visits an area, takes a few suprise kills, and then flies to another area to kill a few songbirds. He may not have been the only reason that the woods were silent all of a sudden, but he did influence things. A quiet, hiding songbird is one to live a few more months.

The Lack Of Civilty

The lack of civility at work in America now as politics and cultural wars have balkanized the nation into rival factions.

Fanaticism, hatred of differing others, increasing rudeness and threatened violence against opponents, aggressive posturing, impugning the motives of good people that just happen ti disagree with us--all these behaviors set up a situation where those that do not go along with what we say and believe are enemies to be avoided, shouted down even attacked as treasonous and un-American.

We need to agree to disagree and treat each other with civility and respect, or civil war will rend this country apart as we lose our republic and civil society. War, strife, neighbors armed against neighbors, all of these signs of upheaval and vicious bickering will culminate in a police state.


There are many puzzles that we can solve, and should devote the brainpower, energy and musing towards solving these.

Beyond that point, some mysteries are unsolvable, or will remain unsolved for generations.

With this frustrating latter category, we must be humble enough to admit defeat, while crafting and implementing a life battle plan to maverize and get on with living.


I wholeheartedly endorse and support womens' liberation. But, I do so as an individualist, recommending maverizing as an individual for all people, because human liberation as a general goal, will remove most obstacles  thwarting women seeking to liberate themselves.

None can be liberated, endorse human liberation, or claim to promote liberation while plotting to hold women back and down.

A Just Nation

We need to do term limits. We need to build the wall and close the border. We need to end illegal immigration and severely limit legal immigration. Those here illegally: some should be deported and the rest that stay should never have the right to vote.

We need to install a generation of judges that are originalists that intepret not make the law from the bench by interpreting the Constitution as it is written.

We need to send to jail criminals members of the Deep State that broke the laws in Washington. Many of their peers need to be fired. We need to cut their budgets.

We must send a signal that we are a just people with only one set of rules, and that none are above the law.

We need to be a virtuous people that make good laws, outlaw the bad and outmoded laws, and then we obey the good laws that we have.

In these ways we can be a just people.


Make America Great Again: a fine sentiment, a worthy goal. If we make ourselves great in a free market economy, a generation of individuating-anarchist supercitizens, this is how we can best effect and guarantee that America is made great again.

The Split

What is ultimate reality? Is it simply a material entity with no afterlife, no souls, no guiding deities, nothing beyond the grave? It is material, and that is real and permanent, not just Maya (It is more Maya--too a larger degree--than are spiritual entities or beings.) or illusion so much in what it is, but in the way that the self-deceiving observer experiences it or misinterprets it, or lacks sufficient and high enough consciousness to see it for what it is, possessing the ideational power and linguistic prowes to put into words what is the material noumena.

As a modetate metaphysician, I hasten to point out that the immaterial or spiritual world exists permanently too. I would argue that both the noumenal material and the noumenal immaterial do live and do die. Both can be perceived in a truthful, clear way, or in a distorted, delusional way, and this phenomenal apprehension is more in the eye of the self-deceiving beholder than in the shrouded and hidden (sometimes deliberately, intentionally misleading the beholder).

Love Will Find A Way

Love will find a way is the aphorism. That is true. So will hatred.

Find Your Way

God is calling you. Find your way to live in this world as foreordained and expected. Live that way and then find your way home to heaven in the end.

Monday, July 16, 2018

The Direction

The road ahead, the way and direction, for the individuator to travel along, may not be as obvious as a logical thinker in a linear world may first conclude. Fate has many dead ends, detours, and deep ravines that we can crash our vehicle in. There are curves, bumps and steep depressions in the road ahead. One must stay loose, alert and adapt rapidly, playing one's hunches to travel safely and quickly to get to one's first destination.

What It is Not

Intellectual discovery and curious mental excercises and searches are all psychic grist for the mill for the restless, seeking individuate.

To discover what is, what it is, and what he should do with it, or not, or about it, or not, or with his life in general, he  must first establish what is not, what is not for him, what is evil, pointless or enervating, and these latter quagmires are what he shall avoid.

Once he knows what he should avoid and what he should not do, he has accumulated great wisdom, enriching experience and much knowledge about the the world works, and where he fits within it.

He now knows where to go, what to do, how to go about it to serve God, the Good Spirits, himself and others, while spreading love and making money and art, while leading a happy life.

Psalm 72, 1-4

The psalm is famous for its reference to the future arrival of the Messiah, Christ, son of the king. I am interested in a slightly different interpretation with an emphasis on the kingdom symbolizing any kingdom on earth, where leaders, legislators and jurists be endowed with justice, with fair and prudent judgment, with law and order for all treated equally, and with justice for all, and only one standard of justice. May none be afflicted (May the ruler make sure their rights are fulfilled and their needs are met.), oppressed, and may the poor rise up to affluence, not through government welfare, but more so through their own initiative, hard work, cunning money management and raising capital and savings to better themselves materially: "O God, with your judgment endow the king, and with your justice, the king's son; He shall govern your people with justice and your afflicted ones with judgment. The mountains shall yield peace for the people, and the hills justice. He shall defend the afflicted among the people, save the children of the poor, and crush the oppressor."

May the godly, virtuous ruler bring peace to the people and protect all against oppressors and criminals.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


I heard somewhere that ancient Yahweh had a wife, Asherah. I googled that quest and an article from 11/27/2012 by Jen Viegas agreed that God or Yahweh, had a wife worshiped in his temple too.

This powerful fertility goddess, Asherah, translates as Sacred Tree. She is also called Astarte or Istar.

God the Father is heterosexual and need a partner, companion and co-ruler, be she called Mother/Mother Earth/Asherah.

I am not anti-mnotheism, but there are more deities out there, including severely suppressed Asherah.


Friday, July 13, 2018


The more steadfast and faithful you are to the Good Spirits, the more they will be with you always, guiding you through all the ups and down of life, all the good times and the bad times.

Know whom your friends are and acknowledge that in prayers of thankfulness and praise, always and routinely.

The Source

Your soul is your spiritual self, distinct and unique, that is nonmaterial you that is the ghost in your machine, your body, that runs the soul and does live on after you expire biologically,

Step It Up

Levin argues in Liberty and Tyranny that Conservatives must get involved in politics and public governance to stem the influence of Statists that are going forward full tilt to finish the Obama transformation of America. All hands on deck.

Nudge Oneself Forward

It is sufficient to nudge oneself forward in practicing better habits, or reforming the self, individuating more, or striving to be kinder. The Good Spirits neither expect or allow us to lash ourselves. That is an act of self-cruelty that would backfire.

The Perils Of Individuating

The more one self-realizes the more one's consciousness is heightened. The more one's consciousness is heightened, the freer becomes one will, and the more energy one has for good or ill.

This is a time of great danger for the individuator. Should he backslide or elect to serve Satan with all his heart and all his soul, now that he is a much more powerful, capable being, now he really has the talent and focus to sin big time. At this point he can dig a hole in hell for himself from which he will never be able to dig his way out of. With great ability and great power comes much increased responsibility for poor choices made.

God is watching and keeping count, and that is  a most sobering thought. One needs to be cautious, prudent and humble, not to stumble and damage others, the world and oneself.


I am seeing a homeopathic healer and they probe deep into who one is, why one does as one does, what are one's motives and how it feels, described in words.

There is not much about my secret self that this woman has not heard. I told her that I regard myself as a great soul, a prophet sent by God to show De's lost and flailing people how to break through to a better life, and that some of the cruelest things ever done to rejected  me is the crippling loneliness, powerful, permanent social rejection and denigration inflicted upon me by mobs of hating and hateful groupists defying God, defying me, and rebelling against wisdom, love and friendly advice.

She is a liberal but she is a healer, and does listen, really listen. That she too is horrified about what I reveal, and believes none of it, does not surprise me. But, after 14 months, her healing program has helped, so we accept the other without illusion, or resentment.

Yesterday she was probing hard and unrelentingly. She wanted to know what severe, total loneliness felt like, and wanted me to put it into words. I was not unique in struggling for words to describe such a painful, undesirable existentialist position.

I told her that such deep, powerful loneliness is very depressing. It is very frightening. It is what one would flee if one could. It wipes out whatever self-esteem that one still possesses. It is a most unpleasant psychic state. It is what drives people mad, or to murderous rage (enough to take an AR15 and shoot up a McDonalds). It drives  most people to flee back into the crowd into illusion, conformity, uniformity, wholehearted embracing and spouting groupthink and the mendacious pack narrative. It is the most effective weapon that Lera employs to deprive people of individuation, individual-living, godly presence and a life of love, learning and creativity.

I also told her that my ego strength, my love of God, my optimistic spirit, my wilful stubbornness, my positive self-talking to keep psychic madness and collapse at bay, my sense of duty to hold it together for God's sake, and the presence of spiritual goodness in my whole being all have allowed me the will and strength to embrace the loneliness fully, and then it loses its ability, for the most part, to hurt me, to scare me, to drive me to a reduced state of whimpering goo.

Once one walks through the valley of pure aloneness and complete loneliness, and then exits and climbs up out of that valley into the lush green dale just ahead with sunshine and blue skies, there away angels and God to welcome the individuating individualist into their ranks.

Loneliness is sent to us by God to see if we can work through it to find heaven and great-souled living on the other side.

Once we refute and conquer loneliness, then Maya abandons us, and much becomes clearer and more evident as we gain higher and higher levels of reasoning, discovering and intellectual mastery of solved mysteries and dilemmas resolved.

Fear of loneliness is the group threat to keep people down, enslaved, illusion-filled and disillusioned with individuating and living apart from the herd. Better to run with the pack in fantasy, in asleepness, being popular, lazy, nonindividuating and safe, all while being cosseted with assurances that one is perfect just the way one is, and that one needs to improve nothing about oneself.

Work your way through your loneliness, so you too can discover who you are, and converse with the Good Spirits on the other side.

Able To Justify Failure

Leftists may set a record in human history, as its most implacable rationalizers, for their repeated, brilliant, eager facility to explain away socialist failure as due to poor leadership, interference from unsympathetic foreigner like hostile America, harsh economic times, or accidents of history.

The unvarnished truth is that socialism fails wherever implemented, always did and always will. But the Left bounces right back from failure, more determined than ever to keep spreading their Marxist faith upon the entire people, the entire national government.

There are several reasons why they persist in lying to themselves and to the world about this disastrous economic remedy that they keep pushing.

First, they are not with God. God is truth and Satan is falsehood. When Leftists, the godless, embrace socialism, a huge satanic lie, they believe it with all their hearts, and all there minds, and will not be separated from their cherished beliefs.

Second, Leftists travel in packs and those that are collectivist naturally prefer a socialist economy to a capitalist economy favored by individualists.

Third, Leftists are not free and do not want to be free. They detest individualism, free-living, small government and self-reliance. They want all to be controlled and directed, down to picking the socks that they wear, and how many eggs that they can have in their fridge without being arrested and imprisoned as the Communist do to people in Cuba. Socialism, big government, and authoritarian leadership fit together nicely and it achieves several ends for the Left simultaneously.

Fourth, Leftists like group-living, and collectivizing people even more under a socialist  economy and authoritarian, big government reinforces the prevalence of group-living. None are left free to do their own thing.

The Woodpecker

No one knows everything and everyday the world will teach us if we will observe and listen. I was working by what I refer to as our South Flower Bed. The is a mulberry weed tree that volunteered in the neighbor's yard. It is now almost 30 feet high and is covered with perhaps thousands of tasty, edible berries. Chickadees, robins, goldfinches and other are enjoying a well-deserved feast on these berries the last two weeks.

One evening I was hauling buckets of compost for placement around a bed, and I heard a red-bellied woodpecker up in the mulberry tree eating berries. He was not 20 feet away eating berries. He had the smart looking red-capped head, and it shown brilliantly in the evening sun. He saw me and fled immediately, I would not have imagined that a woodpecker would eat fruit, but this one sure did.

Tough Foreign Policy

We should avoid unjust wars, but there are times we have to fight. Pacifism and cowardice incite a bully to be more cruel and more vicious. Putin is a killer and he will gobble up countries if Trump pulls an Obama. Peace through strength worked for Reagan and it will work for us. We are the leaders of the free world and that entails we lead militarily when necessary. We are the world cop, have to be and should be, but it must be done with reserve, with caution, with prudence, with humility, as a last resort, or we become the fascist, world bully that we must be strong enough to thwart militarily. When we need to fight, we must fight, and we must do it to win, and kill them and put them down hard, fast and utterly. There will be collateral damage, but it should be minimized. We must be careful about winning wars and running home because Leftist and isolationists here pull us out too quickly. Once we take it we should keep territory until a stable local authority can take over, lest an ISIS arise when an Obama sends us home too soon. Human nature is wicked, violent, aggressive and we like to rob, beat and kill our neighbors, even on a global level, unless we are stopped by armed opponents. It is democratic and non-imperialistic value systems that render a nation a non-aggressor. Iran, North Korea, China and Russia are all brutal dictatorships with growing militaries and they hold vast acquistional amibitions. Pakistan is teetering on the edge of allowing its extremist internal factions to declare an Islamic state with shariah law imposed on all. With their arsenal of nuclear weapons, they could threaten the world, if not just traditional enemy India next door. I think we should give the military $100 billion dollars this year to work with Israel to perfect an Iron Dome, and laser-guided missile system to have a high capability to detect and incinerate any launched intercontinental, nuclear missile anywhere. We should have satellite-mounted lasers to incinerate North Korea's missile in the ground if he does not denuclearize immedately. NATO, America and Israel should be a committee of world cops with these Iron Dome missiles and lasers to put thugs in Russia, China, potentially Pakistan, North Korea and Iran on notice that they will not be launching nuclear weapons at us or anyone else with any effectiveness, and it might rain down the end of there countries for so attempting our destruction.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Some Thoughts

We do not want UN telling us anything about taking our small arms. Screw them. Some see US military presence abroad as aggressive, warmongering imperialistic and inciting conflict. I regard it as peacekeeping, calming, defensive and preventing conflict. We should avoid war if at all possible, and be the world cop without military input, if possible. We have fought stupid wars, but if it is just, we should fight it to win, and come home quickly, if possible. Our troops staying may stabilize what we have one, in some cases.

Run And Hide

Leftists and Libertarians want to close all our foreign bases and bring all the troops home. Pacificism never works. It invites the nationalistic, imperialistic bullies around the world to attack and invade.

Their strategy of retreat and withdrawal will not keep us our children or our grandchildren safe.


There is supposed to be a new technology to process heavy, sand tar oil for $23/barrel. That would flood America and the world with cheap oil, for domestic use and for international export.

Fossil fuels rule! Let the processing begin.

Stay Armed

I am unaware that foreign alliances violate the Constitution. We do not want to warmongerers but we live in a tough world, and humans have always been violent. We need a strong military presence here and abroad to stabilize things. We are the world cop because no one else is wise enough and smart enough to do it without empire building. Putin, China, Iran and militant Islam are not pacifists so Libertarian idealism and Libertarian pacifism is a form of Leftist naivete. You folks want to out-Charmberlain, Chamberlain, and your well-intentioned stay at home, and put your head in the sand will not keep the various armed fascists around the world for seeking world domination. Only our strength, our global presence and our calming military power keeps them at bay.


Lead Through Strength

America must lead through strength.

I am unaware that foreign alliances violate the Constitution. We do not want to warmongerers but we live in a tough world, and humans have always been violent. We need a strong military presence here and abroad to stabilize things. We are the world cop because no one else is wise enough and smart enough to do it without empire building. Putin, China, Iran and militant Islam are not pacifists so Libertarian idealism and Libertarian pacifism is a form of Leftist naivete. You folks want to out-Charmberlain, Chamberlain, and your well-intentioned stay at home, and put your head in the sand will not keep the various armed fascists around the world for seeking world domination. Only our strength, our global presence and our calming military power keeps them at bay.
No it is ill-conceived for Trump to pull the troops unilaterally out of Europe. Let the Europeans pay more, but stay. It brings the world peace, stability and strength, keeping the empire-builders dampened down.

To retreat to within our borders is isolationism, Resorting to such inwardly looking cowardice will precipitate World War III.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Straight Pride March

Why Not? Everyone else is front and center, strutting their stuff.


We do not want progressive jurists rewriting the Constitution to advance the Statist cause. 

But, when reading history, philosophy or literature, non-textualist interpretations are helpful, even welcome. It is useful to look at the thinker's personal history, his influences, his motives, his ambitions, his idealistic goals, etc.


Textualism is the strict legal theory that a judge shall read and interpret the statute as it is written without bringing in all kinds of extraneous issues. The jurist is to read the text as it is without reading into it what is not there, without rewriting the statute, without legislating from the bench, or formulating public policy.

Sunday, July 8, 2018


The indviduator is skilled and versatile. If he is not good at doing everything, he is good at doing one hek of a lot of things.


The individuator is an individual that is largely self-contained. He is not utterly self-contained, and that is the moderate truth.


You may label me a radical right-winger, but I self-identify as a Reagan conservative, a Constitutionalist, and a classical Liberal.


The Left exclaim that they have a monopoly on compassion and pursuit-of-justice. Therefore, they insist, because they are smarter and morally superior to conservatives and capitalists, it follows further that their selection of Big Government solutions to end injustice, poverty and oppression, is the only logical public policy.

Hold On. If the Leftists actually want to help the poor, the enslaved, the oppressed and the tyrannized, they must provide the people with the courage, confidence, skills and individual initiative to take matters into their own hands, and resolve things on their own. This is the only way for things to improve.

Not The Same

Levin has pointed out that government and  the country are not one and the same. Conservatives can despise bloated government, overreaching government exercising illegal authority far outside its constitutional bounds.

But we do need government, federal and effective, but not avaricious to accumulate power, and meddle in private lives.


I just watched a Newt Gingrich clip of American Exceptionalism. He opines that America is exceptional, not because we are bigger, stronger or richer than anyone else. We are exceptional because we regard our citizens as equal, as endowed with natural rights that make them, not the government sovereign. The people loan power to the government, not the other way around.

When government gets too big, loses it way, or turns despotic, these people have a right, nay a duty, to rise up, overthrown their tyrannical masters, and take the country back.

The people are sovereign.

On Fire

People, as teenagers, are naturally on fire with idealism and high hopes to conquer the world and make a difference.

Groupism and the popularity of nonindividuating kill that off rather early.

Go against the grain, and get fire in your belly and keep it there for life. The Good Spirits will expect no less from you.

Radical Shift

When one practises fanaticism, one reaches a point after which on can no longer keep it secret from the community, the nation even.

The Democrats have been tracking from liberal to progressive stances for decades, but Obama radically shifted it Left. But even he still pretended to be moderate, and he sounded moderate, so he still deceived millions of voters.

The Democrats today are so afraid to displease the socialist base, that they talk socialist, even Communist, about everything.

Now they are stuck Left. They are so out of the mainstream, with such contempt for Midwesterners and the Fly-Over-States that they are rejected by middle class, sensible Americans, not only in the Midwest but everywhere.

You brag about being a radical, and then one day you try acting that way, and pretty soon you are a radical ripped clear away from your temperate, beginning attitude and approach.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Leftist Rage

Trump and conservatives are winning and the Left cannot stand it. They have had their way in America for over 100 years. They cannot stand the concept of a conservative rebirth. That is why they are raging.

We must not be intimidated or cowed by their aggression, public incivility and rudeness. We must restore America to constitutional principles and its former greatness.

We must not lose our liberty and Constitution. Once they are lost it is near impossible to regain them. Once we are lost, the world is lost. Groupism, satanism and collectivism will reign supreme as Leftists and globablists install their one world government, a United Nations with real teeth.

Great Accomplishments, Psalm 71,19

God routinely works miracles, and accomplished the greatest feats with ease: "Your power and your justice, O God, reach to heven. You have done great things; O God, who is like you?"

God is without serious rival.

The Material

Is the material inherently corrupt, dead, transitory, false, illusory and empty? As a metaphysical moderate I must say yes more than no, but my answer is both/and not either/or.

Correspondingly the spiritual is inherently more truthful and formal, good more than bad, permanent more than evanescent, actual more than illusory, full more than empty and veritable more than false.

The Pen

Does the pen on my desk have a soul? As a metaphysical moderate, I am bound to say--sort of. The life force or life principle is in the pen and flows through it. Of course an intelligent, speaking being has a full-fledged soul, with the life force roaring through or even comprising much of her conscious person.

Similarly, the material principle is present in all things and all beings, even if dead, appearing to be wholly spiritual, immortal or in the afterlife.


I am a traditionalist, but I am also a pragmatist and thrive on versatile thinking and responses. To love and conduct ourselves with a strict adherence to established forms and conventions is not only limiting, but limiting quite often in a stupid, foolish or sometimes a flagitious manner.

I am too much of a Midwesterner, too much blue-collar and farm-bred to stand on ceremony, and formality. They have their uses, but are not to be allowed to stifle the individuator because collectivists and nonindividuators too often find comfort in mindless rituals.


Make America Great Again. Let us get at it.


Alexandria Ocasion-Cortez is running for Congress from New York on the platform that one's zip code determines a child's destiny. That is incorrect and is a lie.

Zip codes helps and hurts, but the values with which a child is raised, and grow up in a free, capitalist society like America that likes, allows and rewards struggles for upward mobility--now these 2 latter factors are what make the difference. If a girl would adopt my Mavellonialist values, then literally the sky is the limit as she determines what is her destiny, and how far she wants to travel along that arc of success and accomplishment.

Socialism stunts growth, and is accompanied by a class system and totalitarian government.

Capitalism releases the young to grow, and they get rich or prosperous, at least, and cast system is irrelevant as they do their thing in our constitutional republic.

Evil Spirits

Who are the Evil Spirits. They are Lucifier and his wife, Lera. They are fallen archangels, dark angels and evil guardian angels nibbling at the soul of the humans they haunt, until they come to possess them. Evil spirits are the wicked departed humans, now dead in various levels of Hell. These devils and demons can haunt streams or sacrificial spots, or places of enormity and cruelty. They can be fell minor deities.

Worship them not, and flee from them.

Good Spirits

Who are the Good Spirits? They are spiritual beings, that are spiritually and morally good and loving. They are followers of the great deities. They are archangels, angels, guardian angels, dead ancestors residing in one of the seven levels of heaven and minor deities and spirits that go with a building, a stream, etc.

They are good. They are trustworthy. They love you and help you. Pray to them that you can live and pray well, one day becoming one of them.


In an texting and Instagram world, where emojis and other brand new electronic symbols, how does one not feel antiquated and irrelevant. It is no wonder that millennials and those born after them feel the our heritage, history, the past and classical wisdom are out-of-date foolishness, barbaric, primitive and fountains of hate speech.

Some of what is current is of depth, a real, lasting, substantive contribution to Western civilization and human advancement. Much of it is fluffy, superficial, trendy and encouraging groupism and the rise of evil.

As a deep conservative, I would not, out of hand, dismiss the world of emojis and Instgram. Instead, I would refrain from judging until time and experience uncover what is advancing things, solid and wholesome, over against what is glitzy, dehumanizing and a conduit for satanism getting an even more powerful grip on the young.

By introducing the young to God, the Good Spirits, Mavellonialism, the Great Books, history and the American Way, they too will have the judgement and intellectual horsepower to differentiate between the new that is contributory and enlightening, versus what is seductive and addictive.

Friday, July 6, 2018


It is always useful to question your assumptions, your core beliefs, the efficacy and morality of how you are conducting your affairs. It is also prudent and instructive to question all authority figures: government officials, politicians, ministers, professors, cops and your parents. This does not mean that you necessarily disobey them or disregard their advice and commands, but question them thoroughly regardless.

An individuator, above all else, is a free thinker and a most independent thinker, so accepting anything blindly from any authority figure, on pure faith, is not the way to go.


If you believe that things are hopeless, that all is dark, lost and going to Hades, then you are a  nonindividuator.

Those that individuate do not moan and groan about how dark things are, how without point or meaning that life is or has become. Their lives are bursting with meaning and purpose. God expects a lot from them, and they are working tirelessly to complete assigned tasks.

Lowering The Bar

Another dreary indicator that we are in decline was shown to me on the CNN captions the other morning at the bottom of the TV screen. The reporter was in frantic alarm because 100 million people in eastern America were going to be adversely impacted by hot, muggy weather with heat indexes of up to 105 degrees.

For goodness sake's, people in eastern United States have been putting up with muggy summers for 242 years of our country's existence, and somehow they managed to survive without air conditioning, for the most part.

Educators, the nanny state and the media are turning Americans into wimps.

When, in high school at Hoople, North Dakota in 1969, I walked 3 blocks up town to get my candy bar and bottle of soda at lunch out in the middle of a blizzard. The wind chill was -78 degrees below, F.
 At 20, I piled 900 bales in 8 hours in a sweltering hay loft as they came in by conveyor on a 86 degree afternoon.

My brother-in-law, over 30 years ago, went through Ranger Academy in the army. He later reported that he could not believe what individuals could be pushed to achieve, to higher levels that they did not know that they could achieve.

Mavellonialism is all about pushing ourselves to build our strength, power, intelligence, artistry and endurance to higher and higher levels of performance. Mavellonials requres eager, confident, young heroes with a can-do attitude, not whining as victims and wimpy quitters.

Now, a word of caution. We need to hydrate and be smart in extreme heat. We need to use some sense when pushing ourselves.

Raising the bar should be sensible too. Enforcing high standards is not eqiuvalent to being cold, merciless, cruel or dangerous.

Make Money

Make money before making art, but still make art. Run, contribute to and participate as a supercitizen. Work hard, raise a family, and be active in your community. You should have a full and satisfying life. You will need to plan carefully and use your time efficiently, but you should still have time for making art and loved ones.

This is what maverizing requires from one that would be great and do great things. She will need to forgo group-living, some leisure time and much pleasure, but it is the willing price that she pays to amount to something and someone extra special and very impressive.

To Serve God

To serve God, serve God. Go do it and do not overthink it.

On The Fourth

Jane and I drove up to the hunting property quite early in the morning on the 4th. I put out our flag, and we headed off. We had trails cut into the woods, and were delivering 2 fifty pound salt blocks along paths for the deer. It was going to shower when we got there and the mosquitos were the worst that I have ever seen.

I wheelbarrowed the blocks 750 feet back into the timber to place them. Does and fawns use the salt blocks and then bucks start following the does. Food plots work, but something as simple as their working their way to a $6 salt block can result in a permanent path that they routinely travel along--the DNR told me that.

Right by where I placed the one salt block west of the main deer stand, we discovered a pink wild flower. Jane took pictures of it with her camera and we later identified as a Twinflower, a small evergreen flower with two bell-shaped pink flowers with white trim. Pretty and fragrant it is known to be. Our wildflower book claims these Twinflowers range in the northern part of the state, so Mora must be the southern edge of that.

The yard looks sharp with things smoothed out, the grass growing, the yard freshly mowed and the old house gone. We heard ovenbirds, song sparrows, chestnut-sided warbers and yellow warblers. There are lots of song birds on this property.

The rain, the pending heat and the mosquitoes drove us out of there after a couple of hours, but it is always refreshing and fascinating to leave the city to explore this alternative, natural world.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018


You will not be the first individuator, so you will not be the ancestor to all future individuators. You may be a forerunner to a new school of thought or a new line of investigation and research. That would still be quite brilliant.

There may be some fresh ideas from the world of Forms that you uniquely introduce tot he world, or discover a way to make them relevant tot he existing world. Outstanding.

Cobbled Together

As you individuate, it is natural and normal that your pondering about who you are and what you are becoming will afford you original thoughts, flashes and reasoned generalizations that will further human philosophy. Indeed, you may even invent your fresh, unique school of philosophy. Would that not be a most impressive feat?

Psalm 71, 14-16

May I always sing your praises, O God, and shine light upon your noble and wondrous deeds: "But I will always hope and praise you ever more and more. My mouth shall declare your justice, day by day your salvation, though I know not their extent. I will treat of the mighty works of the Lord; O God, I will tell of your singular justice."

Attacked By Satan

As a great soul, I do not waste much time or reflection, or nursing free-floating dread as to who is out to get me. I know the enemy well. I know his tricks. He is Satan and he does not mean me well. To kill me or make me incommunicado is to strengthen Sa's kingdom here on earth.

The Paradox Of Excluding Illegal Invaders Of America

It  may seem that building the Wall, extremely eliminating legal and legal immigration to our country stepping up deportation of illegal aliens are signs of American bigotry, selfishness and exclusivity.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Americans are the least racist people in the world. Closing our borders and ending illegal immigration are done for reasons of security, reducing crime and regaining control of our borders so that we can assert that we are a country once again unified or at least determined to survive as a nation with enforced border safety and order.

By short term but total, effective exclusion of foreign invaders to our country, we are saving and restoring America, its constitutional system and its culture to its former greatness.

One we right our nation, and raise up a generation of supercitizens, individuator-anarchists, and Mavellonialists, then we can open legal immigration a bit again, and then export this best way of life to the rest of the world so that groupism, totalitarianism and socialism can be overturned there at last. That is the finest form of inclusiveness that we can share with other earthlings, the cultural and political principles governing our higher civilization.

Do Good

Do good for all people all over the world. Individuate.

Last Best Hope

This is the 242nd birthday for our Last Best Hope. Make sure you live and conduct yourself as an engaged supercitizen making it such for many more birthdays.

Buy Some Guns

Buy some guns and be willing and proficient at using them should the need arise. Guns got us free and guns will keep us free. Take that fascists.

Stand For The National Anthem

Salute the flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance--as I did as a child in grade school in Crystal, North Dakota, back in the 60s--and stand for the national anthem. This is the most civilized, the freest, the least bigoted and the most wealth-producing nation that earth has ever had. Be patriotic. Be a proud American. Stand with right and might for a change.

Morally Confused

There are reasons why people are morally confused and misinformed.

1. Mavellonialism is censored and suppressed by those that know or have met me. They do not like me, or what I say or write, so obstructing, demonizing, ignoring and silencing me are means to keep the public from hearing and learning as to what specific action or good or bad.

2. Satan and Lera are strongest and most effective when and where their very existence is not identified, advertised and widely heard about and acted upon. Their wicked deeds and skulduggery need to be exposed, and the public must be sensitized to the presence of evil, and educated as to the means and antidotes for detoxifying these poisons at work in the public and private arenas.

3. The powerful, influential and educated elites control the pulpit, traditional media, the schools, the universities, Hollywood and the entrenched Washington establishment. None of these corrupt, vested interests want moral clarity. It will dethrone them, reducing their power, their influence and their share of the pie.

4. The wicked and powerful, mentioned just above, are most successful at being wicked, where huge centralized institutions, big, vast intrusive government and group-living are their most powerful, speedy vehicles for carrying them to accumulating more power and wealth, at the expense of the public.

5. People have not been exposed to, do not know about, and have not adopted the Mavellonialist life style, which brings them directly to God, good living, right living and right thinking. As a result, they are misinformed and morally confused.

Article V

Article V: it is time to convene it and cut the government down to size before we lose our constitutional republic.

Okay Rush

Limbaugh last week nailed it when it noted that Democrats used to hide their socialist ambitions, their real agenda--like Obama did.

Now, even old time Democrats like Shumer and Pelosi are steering Alt-Left. They do it to please the base, and the debase demands extremist excesses.

In 2018, the Democratic candidates for national office no longer even pretend to be moderate Democrats or modest liberals. Their socialist ambitions and their hardcore Progressive platform are now openly stated, proudly displayed, arrogantly asserted and heartfelt.

Ed Ramsey's first rule of recognizing extremist coming towards you and and whose proponents are up to no good: It bodes ill for society, and danger is very real, when extremists no longer disguise and hide their radicalism. It indicates that the hour is very late; they sense that total victory is close at hand, and, when it is achievable,  the masks slip and their angry, fascist thug-faces exhibit their true menacing  intentions, and ensuing brutal, totalitarian actions.


Remember when comedians were hilarious. The Leftist grim-babies that bash and trash Trump, Republicans and conservatives could serve as henchman for the grim reaper. They are joyless, unsmiling, unhappy, angry and filled with rage and hate. Wow! I would not pay to seem them monologue the public in Vegas.

Constitutional Republicanism

Democracy is the only form of government that is effective, and constitutional republicanism, our American brand of democracy, is the form of government that works best.

Refute fascists, socialists and nationalist that seek to bring their forms of government to your country so that death, poverty, starvation, murder and imprisonment will be your lot. No thanks.

Come Aboard

Come aboard the freedom float of freedom fighters working to shore and and extend the life of this Greatest Nation, humankind's last best hope.

White Privilege

It does not exist, but it is a political attack, guilt trip ruse committed by the Left in this country to pick of whites and bring them down a peg or two.

I believe in natural rights. I believe in ethnic privilege for no group.

I do believe in human privilege. It is a privilege to be born. It is a gift of love, a privilege granted each human baby by God, its creator. It is a privilege for each child to take up the cross, and serve God by individuating and fight for divine justice. That is each child's privilege and honor, and may she rise to the occasion.

Indpendence Day

Happy July 4th! May these nation of 300 plus million citizens long remain free and independent, a  beacon on the hill of liberty, justice, equality and prosperity to billions of oppressed and benighted souls around the globe of our little planet.

As we shook off British colonialism and monarchy in the 1770s and 1780s, may we today shake off all attempts to set up a socialist dictatorship here, may we repulse foreign aggressors like Iran, and may we shut off all immigration so that foreign invaders cannot breed us out, and destroy our nation and best way of life.

Sunday, July 1, 2018


Be well-versed in history of the world, your nation, your state, your community and your family. If you recognize and understand where you come from, you will be much more effective at deciding  best way forward.

Soldier Of God

For you to join the Good Spirits, you must  become unwavering in your willingness to serve as a soldier of God. You may have to take up arms to serve as a soldier of God, but, more commonly, you will serve a fighter morally, socially and politically. Put up your dukes.

To Compliment God, Psalm 71, 8

Keep complimenting God: "My mouth shall be filled with your praise, with your glory day by day."


As you gather your strength and determination, commencing along the road to individuation, there will be powerful, negative social repercussions that hit you where you live. You will be rejected and soundly isolated for your open, brazen nonconformity to mediocre group-living, which you have decisively decided to abandon.

How you react to their reaction to your developing yourself will allow you to handle the isolation without feeling helpless, alone, lonely, isolated, disoriented and cut off from the rest of humanity.
You must embrace God and the Good Spirits, wholesale. With their positive, loving presence in your life, you will survive, keep going and go onto to great victory and impressive accomplishment.

Plummeting Fortunes

You will have major setbacks and pratfalls through out your life. You must remain strong, confident and able to rebound. You get back up, you dust yourself off, you regroup and discover how to make lemonade from the lemon that life has handed to you.

If your faith in God is not shaken, and your self-esteem and sense of optimism do not plummet as did your fortunes, you should and will find a way to bounce back.

Real Feminism

I like my women liberated, strong-willed, and self-determining. Here are some recommendations to mothers and fathers on how to introduce and implement real feminism in their nuclear families.

1. Bring up your daughters to receive NRA gun training. As pistol-packing women, they will be the equal of any man, determined to be free, able to defend themselves, willing to do what is necessary to repel assailants, and skilled at brandishing firearms should the need arise.

2. Bring daughters up to revere the capitalist system. A woman that is educated and certified is a woman that can make plenty of money. A women of prosperous means runs her own affairs, and needs depend upon no man to survive and get along. Then she can marry for love and stay for love, but his wealth  accumulated is largely irrelevant to her. A woman of means is independent. An independent woman is a free woman.

3. I have always believed that on average, women are a bit brighter than men, but their natural maternal instincts and their stronger herding tendencies makes them less confident, of slight lower-self-esteem, and less individualistic on average then men. Men are a bit more loners than are women. Loners are a bit more industrious, a bit more energetic, a bit more confident, are possessors of slightly higher self-esteem and of individualistic drive. She is is brought up to emulate and adopt some of these male traits with her feminine side will be a young woman that is less inclined to tolerance subjugation or domination. She will esteem herself, and will endure tyranny from none. That unwillingness to be dominated is the heart of being liberated, and then maintaining one's independence.

4. Introduce your daughters to egoist ethics. If they can come to understand, believe and accept that they are to esteem themselves, and insist that all around them so treat them as equals, treated with dignity and independence, then your daughters will grasp that enlightened self-love is only a living reality when the agent propounding this moral code treats others as equals, and insists that they treat her as an equal. She will not seek power or sadistic control of any other, and she will rebel--violently if necessary--against any hostile sadist seeking to make her accept a masochistic role as an inferior, abused, enslaved and told what to do and when. Her motto, the Golden Rule, would be: "Don't tread on me, because I tread on none."

5. Bring up your daughters to worship and dedicate their lives to the Higher Power. Whether they worship the Mother or the Father, or both, some some minor, benevolent deity, the divine presence of love and spiritual goodness, are sources of true freedom that will energize, invigorate and keep free and whole their souls in this world and the next.

6. Bring up your daughters as self-actualizing individualists. This way of life is the most liberating way of life conceivable. Read up on my Mavellonialist faith should  you have any questions or concerns.

Leftist Incivility

Leftist incivility is is immoral and totalitarian, and that is the intent of the thugs, intellectuals and rioters that employ such bullying tactics to attempt to silence and to force groupthink and obedience to socialist orthodoxy upon independents, moderates and conservative thinkers.

For these brutes, the ends always justify the browbeating means.

As a Mavellonialist, I wish to put all thugs and attackers on notice, that I will not tolerate being abused and dominated by anyone. Nor will I seek to intimidate or be rude and vicious towards anyone else to force their conformity to my ideology of constitutional conservatism.

We need to disagree but be courteous, civil, tolerant and accepting of those that have different values and differing political opinions than we do. That is the moral, lawful, civilized way to conduct ourselves.

We must condemn incivility from fanatics of any stripe, disassociate with them, and have them arrested where they actually turn violent and unlawful to constrain others involuntarily, seeking to subjugate them.


Leading Democrats are calling for disbanding ICE. Why, these are federal policeman enforcing our immigration laws, which are just and reasonable.

Democrats do not like citizens or citizens' rights. Foreigners here illegally have more rights than we do, according to the Left.

Actually, they do not. We must be a sovereignation of laws, and the immigration laws are to be enforced, and ICE are just the one to do it. Those here illegally must be deported home, promptly, and it is the job of ICE to round them up and send them home.

This foreign invastion must cease, illegal immigration must cease, the wall must be built and illegal aliens must be sent home. Legal immigration needs to be severely curtailed by now, to save our country, our liberty, our constitutional republic,  our way of life, and our economy. Anything else un un-American and Democrats and the Left that hate America, and hate Americans, and want us bred out, and our republic converted into a one-party Marxist state get go jump in the lake.