Saturday, August 31, 2019

What To Revere

Revere God, your independence and the American Way of Life, but not much else.

There are many things and values that you can cherish or be amazed by, but slavish adulation is not a healthy response to these fixed ideas.


It never hurts to beseech God humbly, earnestly or bent knee when seeking blessings, protection, love, companionship, conversation or answers.


You will be regarded as your estimable if you individuate versus vegetate as a life plan.

Psalm 94, 22

God is your main support: "Yet the Lord is my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge."

Psalm 94, 16-19

Who will defend you against raging evildoers out to do you harm? "Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand by me against evildoers? Were not the Lord my help, I would soon dwell in the silent grave. When I say, 'My foot is slipping,' your kindness, O Lord, sustains me; When cares abound within me, your comfort gladdens my soul."

God And Truth

God is love and God is truth. Therefore, he who speaks truthfully, most of the time, is loving and does the right thing.

Satan is hate and Satan is lies. He that rapes language and robs it of its meaning, definition, conciseness and clarity is hateful and ambitious to spread wickedness in the world. For where the populace do not know good from evil, and lack clear, simple terms, language and concepts to identify what is good to be praised and emulated, and to categorize what is wicked to be shamed and rejected, those masses are easy to stampede into darkness and evil ways, before they know what they are up against, and what they have agreed to.


Your chicken will come home to roost if Kamala becomes dictator for life, opening borders and grabbing guns.

Straight Pride

Boston had a Straight Pride Parade--about time!

Segregating Again

There is a movement on the Left to allow or insist on racial segregation for blacks on college campuses. The Left are racists, and reverse racists, and in 30 years they are going to start a race war to wipe out whites, or kill us all off.

The collectivists and the groupists are the one's obsessed with race.

We need to emphasize people's individual characterists and personality, and their race must become an irrelevant identity marker.

Only a de-emphasis upon race or group-affinity can wipe out racism and prejudice of all kinds.

No Dogs Please

Apparently Muslims in Manchester England were protesting against citizens walking their dogs in public as offensive, and a violation of shariah law.

Here is but another example of Muslims not assimilating into Western culture, but seeking to inflict shariah law upon Westerners in an effort to take over every Western nation, and Islamicize it under shariah law.

Shariah law needs to be outlawed in America, and we must insist that immigrants assimilate, not vice versa, we natives conforming to and converting to their foreign ways.

Nature Reconsidered

Eric Hoffer regarded nature as a place whereat humans are eternally alienated. He was correct as usual.

God the Creator is good, loving, a scientist, an individualist, an engineer, a machinist, an intellectual and an artist.

God is my generic name, designating two good, divine Beings, God the Father married to God the Mother.

Now humans are born evil, but posses a latent capacity for love and goodness, that with proper training and years of hard work, can become persons of good moral nature and of good will, worthy of divine grace and salvation.

As humans maverize, they grow into living angel-hood, their divine calling answered and being met by their conscious, active efforts. As humans maverize into individuator anarchism, they become part of the creator class of good, divine beings that create and manage and administrate God's created kingdom.

As creators, humans live more apart from nature, and in society and artificial human centers (even if a single hut in the Amazonian jungle), and living apart from nature is where goodness resides, for the most part. God the Father and God the Mother, the Divine Couple, live in heaven, are transcendent more than immanent, and rule nature but are not immersed in nature.

Lucifer is married to Lera, and these Dark Divinities, are in immersed in nature more than in the city, although they reside everywhere, even transcended among the stars.

Immersed in nature is the center of all evil, and hell may not be below the earth as in the earth. Environmentalists are really devil-worshipers as they insist that humanity go back to nature and be immersed in it. Mother Earth is really just nature where the Dark Couple rule, Satan and Lera.

Father Sky is the residence in the starts, in human cities and human abodes and transcendent in heaven itself, and these good environments are where humans should reside, and grow in love, good spirituality and divine favor.

Now, the law of moderation applies to all of this. There is sin in technology and in the city, and there is natural goodness in nature, so we need a balanced, mixing of all these elements to live well and happy, but, in general, humans are better in the city, and worse when creatures of nature.

Yes And Yes

Should President Trump serve a second term? Yes.

Should Confederate History stay in our country? Yes.

These are two of the question/headlines on Facebook postings this morning, 8/31/19.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Dan Brown

My son just gave me Origin to read, and I have just started. On Page 6 the Bishop remarks to Kirsch that it is a benefit to believers to hear from unbelievers: "It is in hearing the voice of the devil that we can better appreciate the voice of God."

Is this paradox true? Yes, in that God created us as basic sinners, reared in a sinful world ruled by Satan, and we instinctively run in packs (pack-living reinforces our altruistic tendency, our hateful and hating orientation to others and the self), we not only hear the voice of the devil, but we are drenched in satanic thought, feeling, worldview and culture. What amazes is that people are as good as they are, as orderly and civilized as they are (Jordan Peterson, are you reading this?), and that they hear the voice of God, of conscience, at all.

Having knowing the voice of the devil, we are able to appreciate that voice of reassuring love and hope, God's comforting, pleasing, uplifting and loving words for us.

Unbelievers, materialists, secularists and scientists provide believers with an alternative view of the world, so in the name of moderation, it is important and valuable to hear that voice. It is painful but beneficial to hear from them, but hear from them we must, and we religious folks must never quash dissenting, or alternative voices.

So moderation dictates that believers must hear the voice of unbelievers, and the religious must hear the voice of Satan, but, not too much, not too often, or the faithful will begin to be converted into unbelievers and satan-worshipers. A taste of the countering views suffice, and then believers need to stay focused on God and believing. They must remember that God is love, and to love is to worship free will and liberty. In the name of maintaining free will and liberty for all, the voices of the satanic and the unbelievers must not be persecuted, silenced, or legal coerced into lip service or forced conversion.

Forced conversion is spreading tyranny, fanaticism and group-dominance, and these bad means guarantee the victory of the bad end, Satan's control of the world and that we seek to avoid at all cost.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Uncompromising And Confrontational

According to Ben Dorr of MGR, our enemies, of us gun rights hardliners, accuse us of being uncompromising and confrontational.

 I am for moderation as an ethical norm, but Progressives are so bent on taking our guns, disarming all Americans and installing their Marxist dictatorship against a defenseless, unarmed population, that their utter seriousness about grabbing power, shredding liberty, and subjugating fellow Americans, that their extreme, threatening militancy as a vicious mass movement can only be halted by counter-militancy and confrontation.

If you are walking down the street, with your piece in its holster, and two young men in  car, pull up and brandish guns to rob you, their militant, criminal aggression must be countered with effective, even lethal counter-force right now. There is no time to negotiate: their thuggish terrorism and brutal fanaticism mandates a similar, effective response from their victims, and that response is moral even obligatory.


We have our hands full fighting to save gun rights, here, in Ohio and around the nation but we cans till prevail if we fight hard, relentlessly, and band together.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Far Afield

We conservatives must fight back hard to keep the Left from keeping its promise to gut the Constitution. They seek to rewrite it with arbitrary man made language to suit the introduction of controlling legal statutes moving us away from liberty, and increasingly under the thumb of commissars shackling us for the common bad.

Levin, Liberty and Tyranny (Page 51), denounces this trend: " To say that the Constitution is a 'living and breathing document' is to give license to lawless and arbitrary activism. It is a mantra that gained purpose in the early twentieth century and is paraded around by the Statist as if to legitimate what is illegitimate."

Denying Natural Rights

Many anarchists, Leftists and perhaps Libertarians deny the existence of God, natural law, natural rights and a transcendent moral code to guide and direct errant human so that they do not fling off the vestiges of civilized behavior in favor of some atavistic law of the jungle alternative.

Once these secular humanists reject the concepts of Divine Providence and the Maker's gift of inalienable rights for humankind, it is an easy step to deny that the Constitution is anything more than an old, outmoded, changeable, fallible document that must be gutted and revamped in service of the new world order. This is the world we face going forward.

The Perceiver

The maverizer is bathed in divine truth. With such a bird's eye view, he will envision all that he encounters and wrestles with in ways that bring into sharp contrast, how each person, object and event under his ken are acting, interacting and what they social role is.

He will get it right about others and the world.

Our Appetites

Our appetites, feelings and temptations are just natural, and we should not feel guilty experiencing them. If they are hateful, vicious or criminal urges, then we must not deny feeling them, while we obey  our moral training, and admit to them, while not yielding to them, or encouraging them.

Temperate eating, temperate drinking,and  temperate sexual activity are ways in which we can enjoy our basic appetites without surrendering to and being controlled by them.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

We Are Only Human

We will fail, make mistakes, goof up and occasionally commit a major blunder.

Making mistakes need not be fatal. Indeed, they offer us opportunities to admit our frailties, and admit it to the world, as we regroup, examine what failed, and what could work. We have gone back to the drawing board, have formulate a new plan, and doubtless will do better.

To fail is human. It is angelic to regroup and succeed the second or third time. That is how we learn, gain ground and build confidence that we can do better next time.


The successful maverizer will be creative and the objects of art and newness that he fabircates may be few in number or many. How prolific he is or is not really does not matter.  Quality over quantity is the name of the game here.


It is natural to be nervous, apprehensive, worrying about everything, in a state of agitation over every little blip in the road. Happiness is moving away from this emotional state of overreacting to every little happening. One begins to acquire a state of peace and optimism, even while still feeling fussed, scared and vexed by daily occurrences.

Perhaps one is learning to not feel the worry so long or so intently, as one adapts.

Apperception And Individuation

As the individual grows in maverized style, his awareness of the world and of his own consciousness will be more in depth, more precise, more accurate and better informed. It happens almost automatically.

Colin Kaepernick

He recently referred to America as the worst country in the world. Not only is he utterly wrong,  he demeans the reputation and standing of the best country in the world.


One of the reasons that the Democrats are losing ground among voters is their socialist radicalism.

Another is their atrocious, cruel language and utter loathing of political opponents. What takes the cake is when Bill Maher, commenting on  David Koch's recent passing,said "F___ him, I am glad he is dead and I hope he suffered terribly."

These Progressive celebrities are without morals, manners or decency. How are we to have bipartisanship and civil discourse, let alone a civil society, when one speaks so filthy about political opponets? Maher's employer should fire him to send a message.

Chad Day

Day wrote an article on 8/25/19, picked up by Drudge Report that values that define our national character are no longer so influential or sought after. Yoonger people do not emphasize patriotism, religion and having children so much. Back 20 years ago, these values and working hard were important to Americans.

Add to this the sd reality that so many Millennials and Generation Z adults find socialism attractive, and it is not hard to see why America has lost its way, and is in trouble.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Be Philosophical

Let your speculative genius run Rampant! Trot out your hunches, you insights, your syllogism, you rambling thought processes, and your irregular demonstrated proofs.

Think, think, think. Question, question, question. Talk, talk, talk. Explore, explore, explore. Experiment, experiment, experiment. Listen, listen, listen. Be insatiably curious and investigative. Examine everything and what is behind it, above it, below it, leading to it, and leaving from it. Invite God to light up your creative muse.

Construct grandiose palaces of concepts intended to explain how society, how you, how the universe works. Have fun. Take it seriously. Do philosophy, and do it your way.

My Logic

My logic is not traditional, Scholastic logic, and nor is it formal or mathematical logic. It might be dialectical, but for sure is is moderate logic, whatever that means.

Page 50

On this page of Liberty and Tyranny Mark Levin hammers home the point that the conservative, the originalist, view of the Constitution is the only valid way to read the Constitution: "There really is no other standard by which the Constitution can be interpreted without abandoning its underlying principles altogether."

Constitutional Separation Of Church And State

There is no constitutional separation of church and state. But the citizens, armed with virtue and piety, living principled, disciplined, sober, temperate lives  as living angels and patriotic citizens in this American constitutional republic, will operate in their private and public  capacities, with God permeating their words, thoughts, deeds, rituals and ceremonies. But their love of liberty, their respect for the inlienable right of others to follow God or not, as they choose, their moderation and their tolerance with disallow them using their majority faith to bully into subjection minority dissidents so ever present and outspoken in society.

Justified By Faith Alone

One person asked me about my Mavellonialist plan for salvation. This person pointed out that, like Luther, I conceived of humans as born into original sin, suffering from natural depravity from birth. This person asked how my plan for salvation differs from that of Luther.

Luther argues that we can be saved, not by our personal efforts, but only by our faith, our acceptance of God's freely offered grace, forgiveness and salvation. Only our faith in accepting Christ's freely offered gift of divine life will save us; our soul will not be saved through good works or our personal efforts.

I do not quite agree with that. I believe that our personal efforts and good works do help tip the scale in our favor, but I also acknowledge that grace is a free gift from God that we do not earn. I am not a follower of Jesus, but I honor his work and sacrifice on the cross.

Here are my recommendations for the personal human journey.

First, for the naturally unrighteous to grow into righteous and divine holiness, equipping them for salvation, they must acknowledge that they are born wicked. Their free, conscious admission of private, personal guilt is critical, not unlike the alcoholic not being able to begin recovering until he confesses openly that he is addicted to demon rum.

Second, the agent must make good, sound choices. She must invite God into her life. She must want to lead a good and holy life. She must accept God's grace and forgiveness. She must love God, herself and others. As she grows in spiritual holiness, her consciousness will grow in awareness and intelligence. As her knowledge, experience, logical choices and wisdom grow apace, her will becomes much freer, even almost completely free. I avow that a free will of great knowledge is a good will as the agent chooses to be good more than bad as she now understands the stakes involved. An evil will is mostly the will of a wicked robot doing bad because he must, but not from election but from being controlled by internal or external forces compelling him to so misbehave.

Third, she must be educated to the reality that this world, this Vale of Tears, has always been ruled by Satan and Lera, and her journey to God is an intentional act of disobedient to and defiant against this fell couple that rule this world.

Once she appreciates the truth about the world, then she will redouble her efforts to liberate her soul from sin, from being inner directed by a bad will, by an sinful will, no longer hearing and complying with orders from Satan and Lera.

Fourth, pack-living reinforces our sinful living. She may still associate with others but individual-living is her future, preferred lifestyle.

With these Mavellonialist tips, we can go from leading lives of natural sinners, running in packs,  wicked robots of muted free will and dull consciousness, serving the Dark Lord and the Dark Lady.

We can go over to the light side, serving the Father Light and Mother Resplendence. As the will is now good, free, full functioning and radiating with God's presence, love and blessing, these living angels, the walking saints, the individuators will help the Divine Couple of Light take this world over.

Mavellonialist Schema

I have my outline of my systemic philosophy system,  and am ready to share it with the world. But it needs more clarity, more smooth and demonstrated reasoning before it is complete. That is now, slowly underway.

Confident, Not Bumptious

Be assertive, speak out and fight back against all aggressors and insulters. Have the last word but not not be needlessly loud, arrogant, cloddish and rude. Good manners and gracious behavior in public is welcome, even expected, where possible to show them.

Psalm 94, 12-15

Willingly hearken and receive God's instruction: "Happy the man who you instruct, O Lord, whom by your law you teach, Giving him rest from evil days, till the pit be dug for the wicked. For the Lord will not cast off his people, nor abandon his inheritance; But judgment shall be with justice, and all the upright of heart shall follow it."

Psalm 4, 11

Human vanity and delusions rule: "The Lord knows the thoughts of men, and they are vain."

Friday, August 23, 2019

Stephen Harper

Harper narrates a recent Prager U video in which he points out how Israel is one of the freest, most prosperous, most humane and most tolerant nation in the world.

Still Leftists, Muslim fanatics and nations call for boycotting Israel, and some even call for its annihilation.

This vicious anti-Semitism, now on the rise again, occurs for several reasons.

First, Jews are God's chosen people, so in a world of basically evil people, running in packs, and taking orders from Lucifer and Lera, the actual rulers of this world, it is quite understandable that what they seek most is to murder all of God's children on earth as the fastest way to assert total hegemony over this world for hundreds of years.

Second, Leftist in America and Europe hate and seek to destroy all thing Western and American, and kill or enslave those that are Jewish, Christian, free, democratic, capitalist or conservative in ideology.

It is the mendacious, vile Left that still glorifies and promotes socialism and Marxism in spite of 70 million people murdered by Communists in totalitarian regimes in the 20th century. Communism should be as shunned, disgraced and excoriated and fascism, but it is still touted as an ideology of social justice, equality, equity, peace, tolerance and equitable distribution of wealth.

Progressives so loathe Westernism, Americanism and capitalism that they side with Muslims against Israel as they have steadfastly backed Communists against the West. Jews, Westerners, Americans, and capitalists are their bitter foes to be eradicated. They enthusiastically embrace Islam and Communism based upon the cynical principle that the enemy of their enemy is their friend.

Third, Islam needs reform desperately, and it must come from within. No longer can small earth tolerate a major religion whose leaders, national foreign policies, and over a billion of the "moderate majority" of its adherents stay silent, passive or not actively waging violent war against its internal Muslim extremists that would use foreign policy, boycotts, terror and war to attack Israel and exterminate it from the face of the earth. Unbelievers that will not convert must be killed as the  worldwide caliphate is the totalitarian future that its extremists envision as the future of humanity.

I have long written and advised that Muslims must moderate, modernize and demilitarize.

It is near impossible for short-memoried, laid-back Westerners and gentle Progressives to appreciate the historical, ferocious capacity for dominance, and the unflailing will rule the world that permeates the Muslim psyche, even that of its moderate and peaceful majority.

Islam is an old mass movement, so unique and powerful, that, in its active phases, like its resurgence of the last 60 years, something in its theology, its militant mullahs, and its domestic and foreign policy, allow the fanatics among it to never tire, never waver and never cease agitating to wear down and wipe out religious, ethnic, cultural and foreign competitors.

It is unprecedented that any foe should show such murderous intent, such unrelenting aggression against, and such endless attacking an innocent, victimized target of religious bigotry as the Muslims engage in seeking to end Israeli's existence.

There will never be peace for Israel, or even a future, unless Israel and the West to defeat Muslims opponents of Israel that it enjoys 500 years of peace, or unless Muslims Mavellonialize, and on their own decide to bother Israel no more.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Max: Cut Him Some Slack

I have been noticing the contempt, putdowns and dismissal that intellectuals express toward Max Stirner for his gentle, quiet, nerd-like, middle class existence and loser status (poor, in debt, unable to support his wives and devious about running up debts and seeking to avoid creditors, dying alone in penniless poverty).

The detractors mock Max, noting how his loser, wimpy real life performance starkly contradicts his bold, masterful proclamations about the egoist that owns the whole world, for his own enjoyment, confidently performing and experiencing all in accordance with his own internally-authored code, boasting aggressively that all is his property if he has the power and wields that power to grab all that he can. Right is might and one is mighty and well-propertied by grabbing all that one can without qualm, without apology. To contrast this ideal with the actual Max is to contrast Captain America with some meek, quiet librarian, leading his plain, uneventful life, working second shift for life that the local, branch library.

My response: the critics have a point and the stark contrast is remarkable. Only God knows the human heart and its secret motivations, so only God can judge us. We can judge performance, and accurately and righteously praise or condemn it, for example complaining that Stirner did not practice what he preached.

I am more merciful, because we do not know how strong, how willful, now much spare psychic confidence and energy Stirner retained, after writing his books, to realize his ideals in personal life. It may well have taken every ounce of talent, money, energy and focus to get as far as he could before he wore out, stopped cold, and coasted for the rest of his life.

I know that we great souls are so alone, and so socially ostrasized, that the enormous psychological energy required just to keep sane, keep positive, keep going, to want to live and not commit suicide, to stand so alone against silence, nothingness, and, to bare, alone, the constant, conscious, surface-realized encountering of immediately present, exposed meaninglessness from Being seeming like death, eternity, eerie nothingness and a cold impersonal universe--all of this wears on the self, grinding it down into gloom, the desire to conform, to obey "the they", to no longer serve God, to maverize no longer, going no further.

What impresses me is that Max got as far as he did, not how he failed to practice what he preaches.

Stirner The Moderate

I am a voluntary moderate: I choose and openly communicate this choice to the world and myself, to posit this as the first moral principle of the universe: that is, the middle way is the way to travel.

An involuntary moderate is one that stumbles into moderation by accident, or is temperate by personality, a lukewarm personality, or is a pragmatist or an opportunistic fence-straddler. Or an involuntary moderate may be so naturally, and, not being self-aware,  is unconsciously moderate in choice and action.

An avowed moderate, as I am, is a moderate averring that the good person steers to the middle of things most of the time, under most circumstances. This is a conscious, deliberate, prescriptive plan of behavior, so it is espousing moderation in the positive sense.

A moderate, in the negative sense, is a moderate in that he intuitively does not like extremes and rebels against them. His rebellion against extreme poses in an instinctive reaction, not a formulated code of response.

Max Stirner is a negative moderate in this way: as a unique self, beholden only to himself, he rejects serving any cause or abstraction, on either the Right or Left, spiritual or secular. He realizes that serving a cause outside of oneself alienates the individual, as he sickens himself by living inauthentically in service of furthering worshiped cause. This true believer is a group creature (note under my moderate ethics, to join and be serve any ism wholly is fanatical, and these are the core elements of an evil existence. Only the moderate individual, individual-living, moderate, temperate and rational can serve a cause without excessive self-sacrifice or unquestioning obedience, or fervent conformity and loyalty felt and demonstrated.)

It would seem safe to me to classify Stirner as an involuntary moderate. He never, officially, proclaimed to the world that the middle is the way. But he did do some famous dialectical balancing of the monarchy as the thesis and liberal, bourgeois democracy and humane liberalism as the antithesis, offering his Romantic worldview, the Unique One and His Property, the anarchist egoist, as the synthesis.

Jeff Riggenbach, Libertarian writer and PhD, is, I believe, the narrator and author of an Youtube video, A Biographical Sketch of Max Stirner (UoE Podcast), put out in 2017. Riggenbach describes how anarchists and academics refuted Stirner's works due to their  absurdity, their nonsense, their self-contradictory, illogical and paradoxical attack on the objective order alleged to constitute the universe created by the Lawgiver.

He is onto something here. An aside first, as an amateur philosopher, there are admitted, maybe fatal gaps in my knowledge, training and technique as a thinker. A sound grounding in formal logic, both scholastic and symbolic, American and analytical would have me better prepared to understand the fuzzy logic of moderate logic, and how paradox fits into this logic. I am 65 years old already and may not have time to sort out how paradoxical writing and thinking play a central role in moderate reasoning and logical argument.

With this deficiency full noted and admitted, I will speculate that Stirner the Western Buddhist writes as a negative moderate, and that his inconsistencies and two-sided stances on everything is why he comes across as nonsensical and absurd, to be discountenanced and disregarded by linear, logical critics.

As a positive moderate, my writing is likely as absurd and paradoxical as Stirner's is, but it is a mistake and a disservice to us to dismiss us out of hand, as a waste of time, and the writers if gibberish.

The moderate worldview is riddled with paradox and absurdity, but these may be our greatest gift to the world, and replete with promising, original ideas originating from them.

Like Stirner, the radical individualist, I likely will die alone and forgotten, perhaps to be rediscovered postmortem. To be individual and moderate is to go against the norm, the popular, which is to run in packs, adopt extreme stances and to service some abstraction and group ideology outside of the self.

Some final thoughts about Stirner the negative and involuntary moderate: Riggenbach, in his Youtube video, explains how Stirner did philosophy like an artist and writer. He made assertions but did not offer smooth, valid logical demonstrations of his tight, closed reasoning. No wonder his reasoning seemed absurd, convoluted, even senseless.

I do philosophy similarly. As a moderate I would recommend to the logical purists that dismiss Stirner as a nihilist (he was one more than he was not) and giberish-writer, that is is the thinker that writes and paints philosophy like the practitioner of fuzzy logic, such as Stirner practiced, are the superior philosophers because they think and write, tapping into all forms of logic in the universe, and they and their thinking will be the most original and productive thinkers. Hoffer the involuntary moderate, notes often that the stretched soul makes the best music, and it is the soulful pulling and tugging between contrary desires in that soul that is the fountainhead of moral and artistic excellence. Do not be too quick to dismiss Stirner.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Michael Knowles

He narrates a Prager U video in which he did some research on the Alt-Right. He reminds the viewer that they are few in number, whereas millions of citizens are Leftists.

He proves that the Alt-Righters are really very similar to Leftists. Both are obsessed with race and identity politics. Human value is linked to racial heritage. They want special status for European-Americans.

They disdain the individual and are all about group identity, like the Marxists on the Left are.

Knowles lists three traditional conservative values that made America great the pioneer spirit, entrepreneurial drive and individual acceptance of individual responsibility.

The Alt-Right reject God, champion white identity politics and insist the the individual is subordinate to the collective. These fascists are not part of the conservative movement. We repudiate them.

Friday, August 16, 2019


TODAY, Jane and I have been married 42 years. She is definitely the greatest blessing of my life, and I hope I fulfill that role for her.

Marriage is not for everyone, but it brings companionship, maturity, meaning, motivation and love to those who undertake this blessed, sacred sacrament, a divinely sanctioned union between a man and a woman.

The Choice

Dennis Prager is right in advising that we choose to be happy or unhappy. By respectively adopting a good or a bad attitude, that is how life comes to be seen an experienced by us.

As a traditional Jewish moralist, both he and most existentialists would offer that we exercise free will, should we choose to exercise it, as it is an inborn condition of the human psyche.

Now, it is known that I am a determinist more that a free-willer, and believe that the deck is unevenly stacked against humans, so much so that they are born evil, can only choose evil, and Satan runs society, so all they know is evil, and they run in packs, and pack-living is innately.

Does that sound like I am an enthusiastic supporter of people being happy, being called to choose and being responsible for their choices and actions? It may not but I do support people living as individualists, exercising their will, however free it is, and I do stress that a positive attitude is basic to surviving let alone succeeding.

As a truth-teller, I am going to contradict myself and urge people to lie to themselves here, a little: by living as if the fiction of being free and enjoying free will, of adopting a positive attitude, and by individual-living. People still have enough free will, can live independently enough, can be optimistic enough that such wholesome adopted habits allow for them to be free, and exercise free will, to be positive and activistic. Over time, these positive postures and uplifting actions will become true, and the agent so living is a "truly good and cheerful person and individuator".

Hoffer believes that we are shallow creatures, at least on the surface, so just making superficial changes will lead to substantive character growth and gain over time.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Spiritual Monism

Is spirit or reason the only substance in the universe, and all else us but maya or mere appearances or phenomena emanating from it?

I am a dualist. I believe that both spirit and matter are eternal and objectively real, although each can be encountered as noumena or as phenomena.

From Pure Reason

Is knowledge derived solely from pure reason? If it is certain knowledge, it is likely derived from pure reasoning. It is conceivable that some certain knowledge could be sourced from intuition, flashes of imagination, internal sensations or sentiments, or from generalizing from personal experience.

A posteriori reasoning will redound to our accumulated probably certain knowledge and that is enough to hang our ethics and epistemology on.

Traditonal Wisdom

Just because a motto or piece of wisdom is traditional does not imply that it is hackneyed and shopworn. More likely, the proverb expresses in a few concise words, a universe insight, of profound and eternal consequence and import. You would do well not to dismiss it out of hand.

Your Conclusions

To love, to live, to experience is to form opinions, to reach conclusions. As long as your conclusions are realistic and reasonable, you likely are not too far afield.

Past Master

Whether credentialed and formally educated, or amateurish and self-taught, you can master any subject that you put your mind to. You can become a leading expert, even the foremost authority, on this adopted subject. That is what self-realization is. Go for it. Get good, get smartest, and think original thoughts about your subject matter, and in the process wow the world.

Moderate Logic

Moderate logic is philosophical argumentation that utilizes both logical and illogical concluding from premises to conclusions, resorts to valid and invalid syllogistic forms to lay out its apologies, and relies on hunchs and worldly experience to bolster true and sound conclusions.

Mike Pence

I admire him for his faith, and faith and virtue makes for good citizens and good leaders. Levin acknowledges this in Liberty and Tyranny, Page 48: "Moreover, for the Conservative, as it was for Burke and the Founders, faith is not a threat to civil society, but rather vital to its survival."

No Theocracy

In Liberty and Tyranny, Levin insists that (Page 46): "A theocracy is not established if certain public schools allow their students to pray at the beginning of the day, or participate in Christmas or Easter assemblies . . ."

As long as Americans, with some modest religious prayer, rituals and mentionings in the secular, public arena, pray and worship without seeking to run a one-religion state, or coerce other-believers or unbelievers, they do not violate the Constitution.

Venerate God

If you wish to convey to the Father and the Mother that you love De wholly, that you worship their very existence and presence as the chief sources of love, hope, joy and meaning in your life, just express it in your own way, in your own words.


One could but need not employ such means as an extreme or peak experience, or some mind-altering drug, or holy rolling on the the carpet as participant at a religious revival, to encounter and commune with the Mother or the Father.

A quiet, subdued, pleasant meditation, prayer or casual conversation with these Deities, on a one-to-one basis may well render the same intensity, the same depth of joy, the same powerfully felt love, presence and divine wisdom as gained through any dramatic, mind-bending approach of relating to the divinities.

Stirner On Youtube

There are far more videos on Stirner on Youtube than of Eric Hoffer. Why is this so? My theory is that Hoffer is not understood. He is celebrated but not understood. His disciples, even the great Thomas Sowell, do not really know what to make of him, or what to do with him.

My theory is that Hoffer is the first Mavellonialist thinker, a future, coming ideology not yet fully laid out as a system. Hoffer is less emphasized on Youtube than is Stirner because the libertarians, egoists, anarchists and individualists all get Stirner, but Mavellonialism is too new to penetrate the consciousness of people, yet.

Psalm 94, 1-4

How long,  O Lord, shall your children on earth be afflicted by murderous enemies? It is written: "God of vengeance, Lord, God vengeance, show yourself. Rise up, judge of the earth; render their deserts to the proud. How long, O Lord, shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked glory, mouthing insolent speeches, boasting, all the evildoers?"

Psalm 93, 5

God's decrees, communicated to humankind through a shrewd reading of natural law, by intuitive revelation, by sacred test and honoring the living saints and wise teaching elders, are to be heeded and put into effect: "Your decrees are worthy of trust indeed: holiness befits your house, O Lord, for length of days."

For Its Own Sake

The seeking after knowledge, wisdom, new discoveries, creative expression, fresh insight, spiritual awakening and enlightenment are all most worthy goals. But, they while necessary, they are not sufficient for human happiness, and the migration of the human soul into heaven in the afterlife.

What one knows and learns must also have had a deep impact on one's life, one's choices, and one's moral bent. Knowledge must convert to personal wisdom. Creative expression must inform and find expression one's one life and behaviors. Fresh insights must encourage the principle of love as one's guiding affirmation of all in this world and in the next, communicated as spiritual and moral goodness.

What one has gained in comprehension of concepts in the world of abstractions must now become real and concrete in our lived personal lives.

Offensive Lawns

Now The New York Times wants to ban our lawns as racist, hard on the environment, and indicative of human dominance of nature.

The intellectuals on the Left work tirelessly to undermine  belief in any of the cultural institutions enjoyed by middle America. Their conspiracy is to separate Americans from faith in and belief in anything that they hold dear.

If the Left succeeds at separating the people from faith in and confidence about all things American, then they are ripe for being brainwashed to embrace totalitarian Marxism as an alternative future. If the Left destroys American and Western ethos and values as planned, the people, require some struture to live under and believe in, offer up atheism, materialism and Communism as fitting cultural substitutes.

These Leftists do not mean us well, and do not know how inferior are these substitutes. They do not realize or accept that these substitutes usher in tyranny, human rights abuses, suffering, poverty and hardship wherever implemented. Leftists are supremely self-confident, and totally mistaken in what they offer.

Today they attack the lawns, tomorrow they close golf courses and McDonalds, and the day after they they confiscate guns.

Reverse Discrimination

I have long opined that we are all sinners, all prejudiced naturally, and all prone to be racist, sexist, whatever. As we confess that we all are bigoted sinners, then we can put aside bigotry against anyone, and advocate that each human is an individual, and a potential individuator, to be judged by the content of her character, not the color of her skin, as MLK wisely advised.

When Leftists accuse Trump, conservatives and white males of being racist and white supremacists, they are keeping all living and identified by group identity. One's group identity is one's destiny, and there is no life our meaning separate from one's group identity. Group identity politics are guaranteed to fan the flames of hatred, bigotry and persecution against traditional, decent, non-bigoted American groups--whites, Christians, conservatives and individualists.

The Left is pushing race war and they work hard to install their Marxist dictatorship so that they can work to legally persecute, alienate and eventually conduct genocidal purges of whites, Christians, individualists and conservatives.

These people are vicious, and they are not kidding.


NAGR, well said on line, 8-13-19: "Mr. President, letting SWAT teams raid the homes of law-abiding gun owners and seize legal firearms based on anonymous accusations, without the accused present in court, is NOT due process. Stop pushing "Red Flag" gun confiscation laws."

We need to kill these Red Flags bills on a national level and on a local level.


Thousands of protesters in Hong Kong waved the American flag and sang the American national anthem as the Red Chinese government wants an extradition law to send dissidents from China from Hong Kong for prosecution.

These brave protesters are fighting for liberty and human rights, and may they not be crushed by the ugly, cruel might of the Communist juggernaut headed towards them.

Chris Cuomo As Fredo

Dennis Prager warns that no public figure in public places should be harassed, bulled, insulted or assaulted. He argues that this is but another indication of degenerating conditions in the American culture, as the civil society shudders from the blows from mouthy, discourteous, rude adults misbehaving in public. I believe that Fredo is a dirt bag of the first rank, but he should not be bothered in public, as long as Progressives agree to allow conservatives not to be bothered as they dine out. And let poor Mitch McConnell convalesce at his home without bothering him.

No More

No more compromising. If we allow RINOS, Democrats and metro-Lefties to infringe on the Second Amendment any further, we will allow the flood gates open to be washed away all gun rights, until we are disarmed, and vulnerable to tyranny and abuse from government officials at all levels. It worries me and saddens me that our President and our federal Republican Senators are supporting the gun-grabbers.


We are not very tightly wrapped as a race. We not only hurt strangers, but we hurt the ones we love, and should love (the self).

Tp Preserve The Civil Society

Though it is inevitable that we will disagree, may we be civil to people that disagree with us. One interpretation of the Golden Rule may be not to like or not argue with those of polar views, but it is the categorical imperative to treat them with courtesy and respect, not demean their character, or insult or threaten their dissenting views. We are so polarized today that the civil society is teetering on collapse, like what happened in not so merry-old-England in the days of Cromwell.

Sunday, August 11, 2019


There is always an element of doubt, a chance of being mistaken, even if one knows the truth, or believes that one sees what is true. What cannot be countenanced, though we honestly disagree, is for any on us to attempt to force others to see things our way, resorting to social pressure or legal authorities to enforce uniformity in thought and word.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Rosanna Arquuette

She laments that she is shamed by her being white and privileged. Well, I am proud of being white and I apologize for nothing, and feel guilt about nothing. I do feel privileged to live in America, and know from the bottom of my hear that, for any American, they enjoy the same privilege, and that the sky is the limit should they will and work to make an exceptional life for themselves.

Truth Suppressed

Truth and political correctness are not equivalent, tautologous or synonymous. Where the truth cannot be spoken without the speaker being cast out and ostrasized, thought control and speech censorship are the forerunners of the death of a great people, and the onset of totalitarian overlords.

In Danger

Trump and other Republican politicians caving to the Left, endangering our gun rights. I am very worried.

Dear Cousin

This is what I wrote to my Irish-Canadian cousin, on Facebook. Apparently, she wants guns regulated in America.

Dear Cousin:

"We will not have gun control here, Cousin, because our Constitution guarantees our natural right to keep and bear arms as private persons. We do not want Progressive fanatics, gun-haters, and freedom-haters on the Left, foreign or domestic, telling us what to do or infringing upon our Second Amendment rights. The Left has no problem butchering millions of babies, and has no problems with thousands of inner city children of color being butchered by gang violence, with illegal guns in the hands of those that devalue life, like their parents and politicians devalue the life of the helpless unborn. These Democratic strongholds have the strictest gun control laws in America and the highest murder rates. Taking away guns from law-abiding Americans will not end the murder of children by children in urban areas. The Left pleads common sense gun control for reasons of public safety but they always lie and scheme. They want the American pulbic disarmed, guns confiscated, to pave the way for a Marxist dictatorhsip. We will not surrender our guns so that Beto O'Rourke or Kamal Harris in 2023 can declare martial law and set up their cherished Marxist dictatorship. Maduro kills his disarmed civilians in socialist Venezuela, and that is what you Progressives want for America. No, I say, and I will fight to the death to keep your damned, greedy, hateful hands off our our precious liberties and gun rights. Canada and Europe and Venezuela need the citizens to have guns ownership and rights like Americans do. The world requires more Americanization, not less.

Breaking Through

Max Stirner is very difficult to read. Any German philosopher is difficult to read, in part due to the language barrier, and in part because they are not writers of straight-forward, concise, clear and discernible prose such as Hoffer writes. Add to this Stirner's wise guy reputation, and his satire, his linguistic tricks and his linguistic eccentricities, and coherent translation and comprehension become very difficult.

I was reading the Wolfi Landstreicher/Bob Black translation of The Unique and His Property. It came to me in a flash that Stirner is what I would characterize as a negative epistemological moderate, while I am a positive epistemological moderate.

Stirner is warning us that anytime our affair, our cause, our general concepts, our passions or our desires are objectified by us as a universal idea that exists independently of us, outside of us, reified, it has become a spook. When we become obsessed with that spook, worship it, advocate it fanatically, and are obsessed with it, our bondage to it is immoderate, unhealthy, immoral and leads us into trouble and suffering. We are alienated from our ownness.

Stirner is warning us not to live this way and perceive this way. If this cause is zealously proselytized by millions of true believers, then it is corrupting and immoderate.

I agree with all that but want more moderation.

By regarding the world as a a whole to be perceived, described, categorized and encountered by us as rational, temperate, truth-loving, freedom-embracing existents, that self-realize and follow God, then our thoughts, feelings and experiences will inform us as to what concept, passion or intuition is in balance, and when do we not completely reject it, but downplay it for a bit by accentuating and practicings its opposite for awhile, This positive, epistemological moderation will enable us to see the world as it is on the way to individuating success.


Joe's Straw Man

Joe Biden offers this straw man: "Poor kids (reverse dog whistle for children of color) are just as bright and talented as white kids."

Joe, what American and what white person ever announced that minority children are not as bright and talented as white kids. We all agree on this.

So what has gone wrong, that so many of them under-perform (and plenty of under-performing white kids too, exist, please remember)? Progressivism has sickened many of these children of color so that they under-perform in school, at work as adults, and they end up in trouble with the law.

I could not agree more, with Biden. This is why we need to raise all poor kids, of any race and any background with the value system of traditional, middle class white families, with a Mom and a Dad, that are married, employed, heterosexual and totally involved with the children. They need to be pro-American, have moral values that they live by, openly worship and bring the kids up in a faith to venerate God. They need to be pro-Constitutional republic, to favor a capitalist system, and to advocate small government. It would help if the children were taught to self-realize, and work very hard and be very self-reliant. With these values inculcated and exemplified by loving parents, all kids, of any race, are as bright and talented as white kids, Joe. We do not need the nanny state to ruin and corrupt children of color anymore, Joe. Progressivism is the most racist ideology in the world. It has led to thousands of minority children being butchered in our cities, by gang violence, with illegal guns in tightly gun-controlled states. As Prager warns, you Leftists destroy everything that you touch. Baltimore and Gary are your legacy.

Thursday, August 8, 2019


Eric Hoffer advised that real, lasting, substantive reform must come from the people, from the bottom up.

What Minnesota Gun Rights is doing through grasssroots, citizen lobbying, if they, the Tea Party and COS can unite and work together, and add in my Mavellonialist, engaged supercitizens that are gun-toters, individuator anarchist enjoying themselves in this constitutional republic as citizen soldiers and individuator anarchists, that groundswell will transform into a tsunami.

Gun Control

Ben Dorr warns that mental health legislation concerning guns is always gun control as Leftist doctors and psychologists favor restricting liberty. It always leads to vets and others losing their gun rights, probably for life. Hell no, no compromise, period.

Quisling Lang

So Minnesota Republican State Senator Andrew Lang is offering to bring forward re flag legislation so is less controversial than universal background checks and bans on assault weapons. Tell him to go pound sand, and I hope we primary this jerk out of office.

I Favor Keeping Due Process Rights

We can have red flags laws or we can have due process rights, the right to enjoy guns and liberty, or live in tyranny. I choose liberty, due process and gun rights uninfringed.

Under Assault

Due Process Rights are under assault by that automatic weapon of tyranny: the elected politician.

Due Process

Due process will be denied gun owners once red flag laws are funded federally by Congress, and passed by state after state.

The movement to end liberty and gun rights in America is a red-hot push right now, and we patriots and conservatives are fighting for our political lives.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Kamala The Potential Dictator

Communist Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is most willing and eager to send cops to people's homes to confiscate banned firearms. I am unpopular with my neighbors. If Minnesota adopts red flags laws, how long before the Bloomington police kick my door in at 5am and if I brandish my bed side gun because I think it is a home invasion, will they execute me in my own home for having done nothing wrong? Is this the America bequeathed to us by the Founding Fathers?

Monday, August 5, 2019


Trump came out for the red flags legislation. Trump is a New York Republican, and gun rights are not his natural interest. But, he is what we have to work with. He wants to get reelected, and he needs gun owners and gun rights advocates to do that. We need to fight hard to shut it down at the federal level and then stop it at the state level.

Sunday, August 4, 2019


There are no second-rate intellects, only second-rate wills about the requirement to individuate or not.

Stirner"s Pessimism

I imagine that Stirner would not posit that we can ever have knowledge of noumena. If the self is a creative nothing and words and thoughts cannot describe what it is or is made of, with certainty, it does not leave us much to build on.

A Bit Optimistic

I am a bit of an epistemological optimist. I think we can get an inkling or gain some knowledge of and appreciation of things in themselves, as they are in reality. We are not just limited to appearances, but are able to sense, experience and perceive things as they are.

To Second-Guess

Do not second-guess the decisions of those around you for they surely will take offense.

But, second-guess your own decisions, frequently, to follow and understand your thought processes, and to discover where you can think more logically, efficiently and practically next time.


You need not be so pollyanaish that you are excessively optimistic, rollicking through the clover and skipping down the sidewalk, but you should be grateful, pack a good attitude, and see the good in life, people and situations where possible.

To Descry

You should be alert and curious every day, striving to see the ordinary a new way, and to detect patterns and regularities that govern life and the world.

Humans only grow by learning about the world around them and themselves.

There It is

Mark Levin has asserted that there is no constitutional guarantee of separation of church and state, and that pure secularization of government with no religious input (Page 45 of Liberty and Tyranny) in public affairs was a concocted, invented fabrication foisted onto the American public under the 1947 Everson v. Board of Education, a decision written of by Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black.

We do not want a state church or official theocracy, but faith is allowed in government as the Founders intended. Government is not a pure neutral zone, purely secular.

Progressive Rationalizations

Progressives regard themselves as superior to, more compassionate than, more sensitive than. smarter than, better educated than, more rational, more scientific, better read, more professional, and much more experts at matter of public policy than conservatives for the common people.

These Leftists gave us 60 years of running Chicago and Baltimore. That is all we need to know about their failed policies.

Can It

Can knowledge be had by humans? Yes. Can it be gained only or mostly from pure reasoning? No, but that may be our primary source of acquiring knowledge about the world.

Philosophical System

Is Mavellonialism a philosophical system? It is. It is an intellectualist system, seeking through thought, research and reflection to try make sense of the world and bring into light what is the human fit in such a world. Spirit/Reason/Form/Essence is either the only and ultimate substance, or is the most developed and informative one underwriting the universe.

Psalm 93, 5

God's word is solid, and De's promises are always met and kept: "Your decrees are worthy of trust indeed: holiness befits your house, O Lord, for length of days."

Psalm 93, 2

God's kingdom is eternal, and will always be there: "Your throne stands firm from of old; from everlasting you are, O Lord."

Bill de Blasio

No Comrade, we will not let you become President, to gut America the Beautiful.

Cory Booker

This hater of America and whites, accuses Trump of being a racist, whose racism offends our sensibilities, and promotes alt-right weirdos like the anti-Hispanic killer in El Paso.

No, the killer is responsible for his murder. But you Lefties will use this set of killings to jinn up hysteria for gun control and gun confiscation. Once you set up your Marxist dictatorship, then we will see how many your Stalinist dictator murders in the name of ideological purity. How many abortions and mercy killings of the elderly, disabled and the infirm will ensue.

We need the young to know God and morals, so that this slaughter does not repeat itself.

We need guns in every church and shopping center and school to put down armed killers quickly.

Trump is a good man, a bit soft on gun rights, and I hope and pray that Leninists like O'Rourke and AG Barr do not convince Trump to work with Congress to restrict our gun rights. It is  coming.

Beto O'Rourke

This hater of America and whites, accuses Trump of being a racist, whose racism offends our sensibilities, and promotes alt-right weirdos like the anti-Hispanic killer in El Paso.

No, the killer is responsible for his murder. But you Lefties will use this set of killings to jinn up hysteria for gun control and gun confiscation. Once you set up your Marxist dictatorship, then we will see how many your Stalinist dictator murders in the name of ideological purity. How many abortions and mercy killings of the elderly, disabled and the infirm will ensue.

We need the young to know God and morals, so that this slaughter does not repeat itself.

We need guns in every church and shopping center and school to put down armed killers quickly.

Trump is a good man, a bit soft on gun rights, and I hope and pray that Leninists like O'Rourke and AG Barr do not convince Trump to work with Congress to restrict our gun rights. It is  coming.

El Paso Killer

The mass shooting in El Paso and in Ohio once again demonstrate that we need more armed and carrying citizens at venues of all description so that a good guy with a gun can put down the bad guy with a gun to minimize damage. It also again highlights the insanity of gun-free zones.