Monday, May 27, 2019


The lover of truth and understanding is always about context. Without context, you lack the facts, the motives, the reasons for why people do as they did and do--you lack core and sufficient understanding to make a fair judgment or reach a judicious conclusion.

In A Vacuum

You do not live in a vacuum. You are what you are due to the efforts and sacrifices of those that came before you. What you do and what you give back will forever alter and shape the lives of those that are not yet even born. Shoulder that responsiblity with concern, care and resolve.

The Purposeful Life

Life is not meaningless and without purpose. God exists. God loves us, and expects great things from us morally and behaviorally. Nonperformance and noncompliance will not be excused or go unpunished--may that scary reality provide meaning for your empty life, if nothing else does.


It is hard to read Stirner. One must love German philosophers but if they could slenderize their apologies, making them linear, clear, concise and to the point, the understanding of their worthy words would be more forthcoming.

Necessarily True

Are there statements or facts in reality, of a spiritual or physical nature, that are necessarily true or necessarily false? Probably, but most statements or facts are likely probably true or probably false. That is moderate truth.


The extremist argues for the existence and irrefutable supremacy of apodeictic truth. The moderate counterargues for the validity and soundness of eristic truth. I am on the latter side of the argument.

The Wall Of Separation

I do not have time to write of it now, and will revisit it later, but in Liberty And Tyranny, Levin argues that the strict wall separating church and state in all federal aspects of American life is a recent, modern invention of Progressive judges.

I believe that Levin is correct, and will go into it deeper. I would add now that the natural law of moderation does seem to offer this idea of a neutral public arena, but it is something that I want more time to explore.


You need not preach the religion of Mavellonialism with evangelical zeal, but vouch for its veracity and worth, proudly but gentlye, persuasively but never with an iron fist.


Evanescent is human life, but the maverized life is, at the same time, a life of unique feats and brilliant creation, a life of immortal consequence.

Speak Of God's Glory

Speak of God's glorious, of the glorious things, overarching love and wondrous deeds that De has wrought and brought to pass.

Psalm 87

In Psalm 87 is the idea that Zion is the home of all nations. Yahweh is special and all the nations can learn from the Hebrews and must protect Jews, the chosen children of God.

Stirner And Hegel

Roughly, I regard Hegel as a theist, an absolute idealist, a collectivist.

Stirner is an atheist, a  subjective materialist, and individualist.

The Common People

May the common people be constituted by uncommon people, by citizen soldiers and anarchist individuators.

The Bosses

When individuating supercitizens are the average, common American citizen, then rule of themasses by elites will be a thing of the past.

When all are elite, engaged, smart, knowing and willful, it is impossible to order them around and direct their lives. Such high quality voters, educate formally or informally, will be the boss, and disallow permanent politicians or unelected, tenured professors, or faceless bureaucrats to rule them.

The masses may even be academics, but working with their hands, and being employed in business and in the real world will give them common sense and practical wisdom enabling them to adjust laws and policies to people, not vice versa.

Limited Government

We need limited government, with representative politicians that can be removed and are not permanent holders of power.

Memorial Day

Today is a federal holiday, a day upon which Americans do or should remember, mourn and celebrate the ultimate sacrifice paid by those veterans that lost their lives fighting in the defense of this greatest nation. May our good citizenship serve to celebrate their heroic sacrifice.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Wes Cecil On Max Stirner

Cecil, on Stirner in his Youtube video, points out that Stirner is a forgotten philosopher that come into vogue and out of vogue.

I believe that egoist philosophers become forgotten philosophers that tend to be discriminated against by altrutist intellectuals in academia and in media and publishing, so egoists like Mandeville, Stirner and Ed Ramsey will tend to remain relatively unknown and soon forgotten as students and graduate students are not introduced to them.

If one believes in human depravity like I insist upon, that is another reason to be discriminated against and kept unknown and unpublished, and not taught in school and Academia. How can I reach people with the good news of Mavellialism is I am silenced and kept marginalized?

Wes Cecil On Max Stirner

Cecil, in his 55 minute Youtube on Stirner, claims that Stirner insisted that people were basically good, so that all the rules and state required by Christians worried about natural human depravity being socially channeled, checked, canalized and shaped, were unnecessary, and even may distort people and make the sick.

I know we are born wicked, but the state makes us even sicker, so we require individualism and anarchism to overcome our natural sinfulness, and for society not to make people sicker, but to help them to get well.


If one lived for thousands of years, for millions of years, or forever, would that being be an individualist or a joiner?

I believe that God exists for millions of year, if not forever, so being an individualist is what God is, and extremely long-lived beings, especially deities, would be alone, stand alone, and would not be joiners.

Stirner And The Incorporeal

Stirner rejected abstractions as incorporeal phantasms, spooks or ghosts, not as spiritual existents or Forms, but as unreal, nonexistent fantasy, not concrete and not existing.

The unique self, the individual, does exist in the flesh and blood, is conscious, so to not be alienated from the self, and to live authentically, the individual must serve his own cause only, not some abstract noun that is a spook.

Jordan Peterson

I watched one Youtube video in which he was asked by the interviewer if he was invited by Marxists to debate them. He refused to because their brutal excesses in the 20th century led to mass murder and untold suffering. He wonders why, in polite society, Marxism is not as discredited as would an apologist for national socialism be. He is not fan of collectivism on the left or on the right.

Marxism should be that discredited so that it is no longer an acceptable economic or political solution--socialism too.

Stirner The Revolutionary

Max Stirner was a revolutionary, but not a socialist or Communist. His brand of revolution has no label, but I will refer to it as subjective anarchism, an offshoot of individualist anarchism.

My own brand of individualist anarchism is objective-subjective anarchism, a brand of anarchism in which the individual's worldview is more objectivist than subjectivist, but moderate love of truth necessitates both orientations in worldview.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Psalm 86, 15-17

Dear God, you are merciful and gracious: "But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in kindness and fidelity. Turn toward me, and have pity on me; give your strength to your servant, and save the son of your handmaid. Grant me a proof of your favor, that my enemies may see, to their confusion, that you, O Lord, have helped and comforted me."

Psalm 86, 14

Dear God, I am beseiged: "O God, the haughty have risen up against me, and the company of fierce men seeks my life, nor do they set you before their eyes."

Get Started

Embarrassment over knowing less is the emotion that keeps many people from ever developing their abilities and talents. Everyone starts at the bottom, the beginning. Everyone  begins as a novice. Stay at it over time and you will grow in knowledge and talent--your time of serving as a tyro to be mocked and dismissed will soon fade away.

The Origin

The origin of your natural rights come from God, Deself, and it cannot be more authoritative than that.

It Exists

God exists and God created the world, all its creatures, and humans too. God is a god of Spiritual and Moral Goodness, so De requires from each of us ethically good behavior as accompanying our being saved, our carrying good souls, a positive, wholesome, soulful aura.

God wrote natural law as the guiding principles regulating and directing this Cosmos, and this set of laws running this world are its biological order, and its moral order.

Moderate Behavior

To act moderate is wise, loving, smart and laudable, most of the time. To be measured and prudent, temperate and apportioning time, money, effort, support and input is to act like a good person would act.

Of course there are times where is is right and proper to be fanatical, imprudent, excessive and obsessed, but these occasions are infrequent and these mandated exceptions to the moral rule of moderation are the exceptions that prove the rule.

Apodeictic Certainty

To know for sure that something is absolutely false clearly undemonstrable is a rare gift, if indeed it is an intellectual actuality for any human to know and possess.


The moderate philosopher would aver that a critical study of everyone and everything is a most useful, necessary and clarifying undertaking. But, it is only the initial phase of intellectual study and investigation.

One must move from the negative, deconstructing, beginning process of analysis and move forward and over into that more positive and mature phase of thought processes and problem solving, namely, once one has broke the whole into its parts, then one must reassemble the parts into a working or meaningful whole, and the general characterization or conclusion reach about the person or phenomenon studied and researched should be a finished, intelligible description of the whole person or thing, illuminating, substantive and informative.


Socrates is famous for positing that the unexamined life is not worth living. You cannot maverize if you have not examined your own life, and the motives and assumptions upon which you base and justify your actions. Question and ponder away.


If you have developed to a certain level, and then tapered off, planning to coast for the remainder of your life, get over it. You are in a rut. Your memes of become repetitive shibboleths, and your shopworn thought patterns desperately require reworking.

You must push yourself upward and forward. Continue to grow, excel. push and refine as long as you draw breath. This is what the Good Spirits expect from you and demand of you.


Visualize yourself 10 years from now as the maverized person that you, in your wildest dreams, would want to become. If you get to work right away, and work towards that point, you may well make it there.

Friday, May 17, 2019

We Lie

We all lie a lot much of the time. One of the most pernicious and influential lies that we tell ourselves and our neighbors is that we are better than others. If we are smarter, more talented, better credentialed, better educated, richer, better looking, or a popular winner in the eyes of an adoring public, we still do not quite believe we are so worthy unless there are individuals or classes of individuals to look down upon.

Thus we gain a slight upper position in wealth, social standing or at work, and we immediately swell up and declare, believe and act as if we are better than those around us, less fortunate, or less well-positioned in the community.

To sneer at the public as inferio riffraff  or contemptible ragtag and bobtail is to damage the target and to harm ourselves in the process,

One cannot individuate and be a moral, happy person while living and enforcing tyranny over others as a slaveholder.


To reason is not only an incomparable, epistemological tool or technique for arranging our ideas into recognizable patterns, and cogent arguments, it has a moral component. Reason, that is temperate, measured and proportional, enables its owner to rely on it to guide his decisions, appraisals, judgements and reactions in ways consistent with leading a moderate and good life.

Moral Order

Levin articulates that we require a constitutional republic, the institutional and legal, framework to keep us free and independent of despots and excessive government intrusion into our lives. The virtuous citizens living under such legal sturcture must follow natural law, and live by and keep intact the moral order flowing from such divine law.

In this way the civil society is kept alive, functioning and vibrant.

The Suppliant

Plead with God each day to rescue our greatest nations from satanism and Leftism aiming to take us down, and convert America into hell on earth, that fundamental transformation that Obama promise us 11 years ago.

Psalm 86, 13

Dear God: thank you for showing me the light and the way back to you: "Great has been your kindness towards me; you have rescued me from the depths of the nether world."

Puzzled Rush

I know that Rush is opinionated and has a huge ego, but I enjoy his deep understanding of the Left, and his uncanny and prescient delineation of what Leftists think, and what they are up to.

He knows them as well as anyone in America. He spoke yesterday of some outfit (on 5/17/19) that gives talking points to the various news outlets to make sure that they all use the same words, and use the same responses to the events of the day. He and conservatives are noticing that Leftist journalists and politicians, and Progressive pundits across the land how all speak with one voice.

Rush expressed puzzlement and amazement that they continue to speak with one voice and none dissented in the 2 &1/2 year soft coup attempt to take out Trump, based upon an obviously fraudulent dossier and dirty tricks about non-existent Donald-Russian collusion to impede, smear and ultimately remove a sitting President.

Rush is astounded that none of them broke ranks with their peers to protest that it was all a malicious hoax, even though such an honest, courageous, public protest would make great career sense--if they could stand the heat and rejection. Not one intellectual from the ruling class elite broke ranks, not one. Why is that  Rush asked. I believe I have the answer.

The Leftist infection has been spreading through the body of American culture, government and its politics for over a century now. It culminated with Obama, a nasty, true believer, dictator and pure hater of all things American.

He is gone from the scene now but his minions and converts are everywhere in Hollywood, in think tanks, in Academia, the school system, traditional media, in the churches, in the court system, in the innumerable bureaucracies, in political offices on every level across the land.

These educated, intellectuals have come into their own, and they are the ruling class clerisy that seek to wipe out the common person, constitutional republic that was traditional America. They are powerful, smart, cunning, organized, excellent communicators all singing the same song, and all are on the same team: they would wipe out Western values, the white race, capitalism, liberty of any kind, our constitutional republic, our right to keep and bear arms as individuals. They are pure Marxists, and they love totalitarian despotism, and that is what they are bringing to America, and they may very well be unstoppable.

Rush, these Progressive intellectuals speak with one voice, because they are groupists, joiners, conformists and group-thinkers. They are true believers advancing their religion, Leftism. They are at the vanguard of this mass movement to cover America and then the world with Marxist, globalist darkness. They are enslaved to this dark cause that they deserved. They no longer have good wills, free wills, independent thinking, or the courage of dissent. They all serve their Master, Obama. No matter how brilliant, how credentialed and how promising they once were as separate individuals of integrity, now are now servants of that Master, and his faith, Progressivism. They have sold their souls to this cause, and must speak with one voice as true believers must do.

They have but one desire: to advance their cause across America and enjoy complete and total victory over traditionalists, freedom-lovers, resisters of any ilk and conservatives of any stripe. They will wipe out the American Way Of  Life, and bring atheistic, Communism to our shores. They will sacrifice anyone and anything to gain their end, and their addiction to corrupt and total power if bottomless, and it compels them to seek after it without yielding, without compromising, without pause.

These journalists on the Left speak with one voice, Rush, because the cause they serve deserves it, and demands it of them. They can and will do as they are told.

Eric Hoffer warned us 70 years ago that intellectuals have always sided with those in power and those in power unite in their perpetual conspiracy to hold down, hold back and to supervise those in bondage, the common people, those inept naughty children so naturally in need of direction from their betters, their rulers that rule by natural right--so they think.

Rush, that journalists speak with one voice against Trump over a hoax that they invented, and that they are militant in still back it does reveal how sick they are, how determined they are to bring darkness, suffering and tyranny to Americans, and how close we are to losing our freedom, our prosperity, our wonderful way of life to these educated haters, conspirators and vile people

A Shout Out To Ben Dorr

You walk with God and are doing God's work, saving America as the freest, least prejudiced, best armed, most prosperous nation on earth. This why you sleep well. You have fought the good fight against the Leftists, the children of darkness of this generation. You have thwarted their plot to confiscate our guns, our liberty and constitutional republic. This is why they rage against you. This is why they hate you. Sleep well and Minnesotans owe the Dorrs and MGR much praise and gratitude. If this is what beef-eating, Bible-reading, gun-toting, cornfed, freedom-loving sons from northwest Iowa bring to the Midwest, we need more of it.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Immigration Policy

We need tough standards: building the wall and putting 50,000 troops on the Mexican border to end illegal immigration. It is doable, lawful and humane. Those here illegally should be sent home, and they and their offspring that are allowed to stay should not be able become citizens ever. We need to cut way down on legal immigration too. Then, once we have restored the American Way of Life and Made America Great Again, if we want some modest immigration, in 20 years or so, okay but they must assimilate or go home.

Psalm 86, 12

Glorify God's name: "I will give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify your name forever."


Some things are irriating or so unpleasant that they must be checked and obviated forthwith.

For much of the rest of it, ignore them lest you be taking offense all the time, at whatever grates on your nerves.

Be Grateful

Thank the Good Spirits for each new day, and be grateful for your many blessings.

Your Rights

You enjoy unalienable rights bestowed upon you by your Creators. Among these rights is the right to live freely, and to self-actualize, putting your free choices into effect.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

The Way

I have long supported gun rights, and as a personal project, I have wanted  to study MGR, a principled, courageous grassroots lobby group from the ground up, a no compromise stance on gun control.

My intent was to discover how they did what they did and suggest that they serve as  a prototype exemplar for how supercitizens across our great land could defend our rights and constitutional protections against Leftist encroachment, by adopting their no compromise stance.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Get On Offense And Stay There

We bring forth pro-gun legislation whether we have both houses, only one house or both houses and the governorship. Always on offense, always, That is how we swing the republicans, independents and swing districts to start siding with a pro-gun agenda until we are a pro-gun state.

Now I Am A Bot

MGR fired off so many thousands of emails and calls to gun-grabbers and losers on the Left that they accused us of not being real people sending real emails that the emails must have been computer generated.

Here was my online retort: Yeah, as a bot I send out 30 minutes a day being a bot while sending this emails and calls out to losers and gun-grabbers.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


It matters not where one lives. One can be crass, anti-intellectual and disinterested in anything beyond personal pursuit of pleasure and the vain chasing after social trappings and rankings in Harvard professorial lounges, in the salons of New York and Washington, DC. One can find, happiness, fulfillment and bliss while working in the oil fields south of Dickinson, North Dakota. Any human, anywhere, under any circumstances, can rise above her natural state an actualize her creative potential in fabulous ways. Human potential and talent on tap, when unleashed and directed by the self with humor, spark, imagination, hard work and discipline, is almost without limit or predictability. This release of inner potential is controlled by any person with the guts, will, vision and self-insistence to see it done. That person can live in Cooperstown, North Dakota or in Manhattan. It is not where we live, but how we intend to live that provides us with something important and meaningful to do no matter where we reside.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Supporters of Child Murder

DFL State Representative John Lesch calls gun rights supporters child murder apologists. Notice that he is an abortion funder and a DFLer using tax dollars to kill babies. Notice that his Progressive nanny state policies made big city dsyfunction possible to teens grow up in broken homes with no dads so they run the streets, unsupervised in gangs with illegally bought or stolen guns in defiance of Illinois countless gun control laws--kids killing kids and the Democrats made it possible so indirectly they have childrens' blood on their hands. Then they will not push urban prosecutors to enforce existing gun laws to put away felons committing crimes with guns to get them off the streets forever. That too has led to more children being slaughtered. But take away the constitutional rights, instead, of law abiding citizens. It is all about bringing gun confiscation and tyranny to America, another scheme of the vile Left.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


Socrates scolded thousands of years ago that the unexamined life was not worth living. Boy, was he spot on. So, examine your life, your being, your mind, your world, your relationship to the Divinity and the universe. May your thorough, never-ending examination of life  lead to  maverize as a life-calling.

The Irrational Person

There are those that refute claims to certain knowledge, that humans, by applying words, concepts, science, logic, language and mathematics to beings and objects in reality, can only offer opinions, indeterminate conclusions expressed in vague terms, or more loosely yet as meaningless, imprecise and obscure words.

Clear-Cut Answers

Explicit, definitive answers to one's questions and queries are highly desirable and sought after, if one can acquire them. Otherwise, our speculations and educated guesses are what we have to offer.

Ordered Liberty

I suppose it may be considered meaningless gibberish and a contradiction to allude to ordered liberty but this paradox, this existential paradox and dilemma, is esactl how people remain free and yet moral, free and stable for decades and decades as a society. Liberty without order is lawlessness, pandemonium, destructive anarchy, chaos and social collapse. Order with liberty is a police state and liberty is soon extinguished in favor of authoritarian rule.

Just So

Yest there are apriori truths that are absolutely certain and necessarily true, but most propositions are open to question, qualification, interpretation and dispute, but the latter propositions are also the most prolific and promising for intellectual growth and human advancement.

The Result

In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 43, Levin notes that our First Amendment protections regarding religious liberty being enjoyed by all has led to " . . . Americans are among the most religious and most tolerant people in the world."


Mark Levin in, Liberty and Tyranny, writes on Page 42: " It is little understood that the Declaration was a declaration of  political and religious liberty."

With that understanding there can be no state religion, no religious tests and no duty to believe or believe a certain way or follow a specific doctrine.

Psalm 86, 11

Dear God: instruct me: "Teach me, O Lord, your way that I may walk in your truth; direct my heart that it may fear your name."

Psalm 86, 9-10

One day God will rule earth again and all will sing De's praise: "All the nations that you have made shall come and worship you, O Lord, and glorify your name. For you are great,, and you do wondrous deeds; you alone are God."


There is much dysfunctionality at work in the world, but let not its impairment be part of your efforts. Do your job, keep your house clean and attractive, love your family, your God, your guns and your country, and keep things running normally, efficiently and smoothly.

A Hostile World

It may be a hostile world, but you do not need to be a suspicious, unfriendly person. Give people the benefits of the doubt, be friendly with all, and defend yourself assertively when you must.

The Boss

The people are the boss but only as supercitizens can they make this stick.

As A Mavellonialist

According to Yahoo, supposedly William Gladstone once said that when the power of love replaces the love of power, the work will know the blessings peace. Jimi Hendrix made this wise quote famous. Below is my version of it:

As a Mavellonialist, and as well as a normative and rational egoist, I suggest that God, an Individualist the loves the Divine Self first, and then loves all of De's creation powerfully but secondarily. It is no stretch then to recommend that all youth be taught to follow God's example as maverizing individuators and mini-creators maximizing and actualizing their power to become, and that this is public and private power to love, good for the self and good for the community. Lucifer exists and is the ultimate joiner, the leader of the mob, that selfless monster of seething hatred of others and Saself, so palpitating and tremoring that Luficer can never kill enough, corrupt enough, or bring enough souls together in a mass movement, a totalitarian regime or in a rotted mob life style to be rid of his utter self-contempt. His conspiracy to take all of God's children to hell can never be successful enough for him to feel one bit relieved of his misery. His is self-enslaved in his own wickedness and cruelty, and his unlimited love of power over others, so that his subjects are deprived of will, power to become, power to love, the power to be independent, the power to bask in God's light, is that sick love of power that spurs forth the children of darkness to war incessantly against the children of light in this world, a fallen world of satanic dominance, group-living and human, instinctive drives to join and remain damned, separate from a Divine Mother and a Divine Father.


Dennis Prager expound at length for the need for clarity in thought, expression and communication, and his advice there is wise as ever. If one cannot put one's ideas into clear, concise language, laying out one's apology or argument in a easy-to-follow linear argument, then one's thinking likely is muddled, obscure and only half-formulated.

I promised my wife that I would have  take a stab at laying out the interconnectivity or the dissimilarity that organically exists between Stirnerism and the Philosophy of Mavellonialism. Because my understanding of such similarities  and divergences are yet being formulated by me, this premature attempt must fall short, but here goes anyway.

Max Stirner is a psychological egoist. He believes that humans are motivated by self-interest, and I disagree. I believe people are motivate by selflessness, by putting group needs and group concerns in front of satisfying personal needs and private concerns.

Stirner believed that people were basically good, so there was little need for structure and laws to govern them and force them to behave. I believe we are born depraved but that inborn wickedness exemplified by the prime motivator of selflessness is made worse by too much government, too many laws, too many hierarchies to many restrictions on personal liberty. If each citizen can learn to maverize, or develop the self based upon self-love and self-interest, then individual anarchism with a thin layer of government on top is the way to roll.

Stirner was an atheist. I am a theist and polytheist.

Stirner's epistemology is hard to pin down but here goes. If Hegel is an objective idealist, most confident that reason, concepts, language and logic will provide us with certain knowledge about the world, then Stirner,  as a poststructuralist and nihilist that espouses that the personal self is an-ever changing, creative nothing, that language, reason and concepts can never capture intelligibly, then his epistemology is pessimistic about the possibility for human understanding of ultimate issues, or grasping and defining the essential nature of Noumea.

I am an epistemological moderate. I believe that absolute knowledge, certain knowledge exists and is intelligible to God with De's 10 trillion point IQ. That such existing certainty is accessible, understandable, able to be quantified and communicated in simple clear terms by humans with an IQ of 125, appears unlikely.

What we must and should settle for is what is reasonable and predictive: we can settle for knowledge of probable certainty. This we can hang our hat on and build a life around. This provisionally optimistic view of epistemology allows me to posit that God exists, that God created the world, that God set up natural law to run that universe, that natural law as moral law is available and translatable into human language to guide human behavior. That translation is strong enough for a just God to assume that we have deliberative thinking prowess and free will sufficient for us to be held accountable for our deeds and spiritual and moral character in this world and in this next, being sent to heaven or hell based on our actions and faith, or the lack thereof.

God the Father and God the Mother are married individualists motivated primarily by self-interest but selfessness is an important secondary motive. The community and the common good are to be met without excessively taxing or depriving individual citizens of their liberty to pursue their unalienable rights as they will and wish to.

Friday, May 3, 2019


Are there only the omnipotent deities that exist: Brahma, Jehovah or Allah? Or are there rival or lesser gods too?

As a conservative Unitarian-Universalist, I answer that there is a pantheon of male and female deities that exist in heaven, and the male and female head deities may seem, be or come close to being omnipotent with less powerful gods and goddesses following their lead.

Psalm 86, 6-7

O God, I know that I can count on you for your blessing, protection and presence in my hour of great need and danger as my enemies close in upon me: "Hearken, O Lord, to my prayer and attend to the sound of my pleading. In the day of my distress I will call upon you, for you will answer me."

Human Nature

Human nature never changes. We are what we were 100 years ago, and 5,000 years ago. This is why history is critically necessary to study. We are intimately connected to and would act similarly in given historical settings as our ancestors.

The Progressives have long regarded human nature as good as malleable and perfectible. It is not good, not very malleable and only perfectible as individuators  work hard to improve a stubborn, resistant self.


Those on the Left are America-haters. They are constitutional nihilists. They deny the divine source of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, dismissing these all-important documents as mere period pieces from 18th century history, out of date and irrelevant to the needs and political philosophy of our day.

Clearly Demonstrable

Is anything ever clearly demonstrable or unquestioningly provable. I believe not often, but it does occur.

As a moderate epistemologist, I will settle for achieving probable certainty or probable knowledge most of the time, for that we can confidently build a life on in most instances.

Are You Retrograde?

Have you fallen from grace? You, like all of us, have fallen from grace, at least upon occasion. We are all sinners with feet of clay, so such a descent is normative and inevitable.

If you repent, beg God's forgiveness, and get back on the straight and narrow path, you can redeem yourself and be received back into God's good graces once more.


The public is the boss and politicians are not our leaders or our bosses. They are to obey us or be fired, recalled or not reelected.

Supercitizens call the shots and never take the leash of their representatives.

Walt Kelly

In the 60s he composed the famous meme, "We have met the enemy and he is us." That was anti-Vietnam satire at the time and is irrelevant for my interests in this motto. We have met the enemy and he is us.

If one advocates individualism and maverization as I do, then we are the personal enemy of personal success, and we are the personal source of success when we do well. We own our failure and our attainment.

Mass Media, Well-Used

Facebook is how MGR reaches citizens on the grassroots level to be motivated and activated to pressure politicians and defend our 2A rights.

The Honor

Thanks, Ben. It is such a privilege and blessing to live in the greatest nation in the world. That our Founders had the wisdom and integrity to revolt to gain freedom, and the foresight to craft a legal document over 200 years ago, staking out 2A in the Bill of Rights, so that an armed populace would have an individual and collective right to bear arms to fend off all scoundrels and aggressors, specifically domestic tyrant-wannabees, that way of life must be preserved, and those of us in the gun rights movement must do all that we can do legally to keep the Left and gun-haters from disarming the public.

Double Standard

Only the Right has to be Minnesota Nice.Leftist poiticians and protesters can lie, can be vicious, slanderous and violent and the press gives them a pass.

Dear Green Dealer--No!

Time for a metro-Leftie like you to walk away from that ivory tower that you spent 45 years working in: forsake your fake climate change hoax, Progressive attack on American free enterprise, on our constitutional republic, our oil driven prosperity, and the statism central command economy that you Lefties seek to sneak deliver upon the American people, an authoritarian regime with plenty of new green deal goodies for crony capitalists, and Cuban poverty for the rest of us deploreables, pushed around by the ruling elite that you seem to represent.

Kids Protesting

Australian babies skipping school, brainwashed zombies, tools of the Left as modern day Maoists sick children onto the streets in support of a hoax climate change revolution to topple free peoples, free economies and democratic governments. The Left only destroys: they will set up a statist dictatorship, a centrally planned economy, stone-age comfort and ongoing poverty, the great moral alternative that these babies work towards.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Green Energies

We need our fossil fuel advantage, capitalism and the internal combustion engine for another 40 years. This socialist crap that you are pushing to bring fake climate change and ecoterrorism to America is destructive economics best kept on your Western island.

An Armed Citizenry

An armed people are a free people with full enjoyment of their natural, inalienable rights. NRA compromise allows incremental infringement of our 2A rights. Soon the Communist, despotic Left will come out for confiscation, and unleash full strong tyranny upon the citizens.

2A Function

2A is about hunting and leisure shooting but mostly it is about the people defending the country against federal tyranny, against criminals, against crazies and terrorists under the guise of self-defense, a God-granted natural right, predating the Constitution and even legal statute.

AFC Is Running

AFC is the grassroots coming to life and taking it to the gun-grabbers.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

It Passed

Democrats and DFL House members bringing universal gun registration and red flags to a voter near you. First they take away your due process, then they take your guns because you are 'crazy". Then if the Senate buckles, they register our weapons, and then President Harris will issue an executive order to confiscate our guns, and then set up her socialist police state.