Saturday, December 31, 2016

10 Point Buck

After deer hunting season was over, and I missed my 8 point buck  up north of town, I was driving the shuttle bus to the airport and right across from Lindbergh Terminal I noticed a 10 point buck eating in the early winter afternoon, in the brush, across from the highway. He was accompanied by a doe.

He looked to thin and bedraggled, worn out really, I hope he survives the winter, as the rut obviously took so much out of him.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Divine Justice Meted Out

Psalm 18, 28: "For lowly people you save but haughty eyes you bring low."

This is a common, rercurring Biblical them that the proud shall be humbled and the humble shall be exalted.

If I may interpret this worldview, the proud are the worldly, the followers of Satan, the cruel, unjust followers of Satan that  exploit, oppress and murder the children of light. The proud are well-off, worldly and powerful, but Yahweh shall humble them in this world and the next.

The lowly are otherworldly, decent and faithful followers of Yahweh, that little worldly and material wealth, success, popularity and clout.

In the next world, and maybe even in this world, the lowly shall be raised up to a place of prosperity, recognition, admiration and acclamation.

In traditional, Biblical sociology, both the exalted and humbled, in this world, would be group-living.

All that I would add as a Mavellonialist is that the lowly are the individuators, sans popularity and clout, although their self-esteem is relatively high and healthy. The individuator is otherworldly.

The exalted are still groupist, although they have poor self-esteem, are worldly and satanic, whether they consciously know it or not.

God Answered David's Prayer For Rescue And Relief

Psalm 18, 7: "In my distress I called upon the Lord and cried out to my God; From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears."

Alter Your Destiny

Your destiny can be altered by your vision, your energy, your effort, your will, your hard work and imaginative adjustments. So alter your destiny. Aim high. Why settle for less?

Respect For Authority

A woman my age, at work, was informing me that doctors in Thief River, 40 years ago, were authority figures, obeyed by patients without question or hestitation. She recalled that her mother accepted as gospel whatever the doctor advised, and followed his instruction to the letter.

She noted that doctors are no longer revered that way.

We were discussing how a decline in respect for authority figures and traditional faith, mores and morality is what is rife today, with the decline in moral values generally, and it contributes to our decaying society and dying civilization.

I did not openly disagree with her, but it is obvious that for traditional, groupist people, a strong obedience and reverence towards, and deference to authority figures like doctors, politicians and police officers was necessary for maintaining a virtuous people and a civil society of law and order.

If there is not a healthy, rational scepticism towards authority figures, we remain groupist, uncivilized, backward superstitious, poor, evil, ignorant, hungry, oppressed and stagnant.

As we move towards individual-living, the individuated anarchist, the supercitizen, will each be her own authority figure and follower. A confedereacy of this cooperative peers shall populate society as they achieve and keep harmony by balancing self-interest and the public good.

This supercitizen will obey and respect God and the Good Spirits while thinking for herself, living and ruling her own small kingdom, and doing her own thing--which is the thing desired by the Good Spirits at the same time.

Authority is still respected but is self-authorized.

Build That Wall

Build that wall to save Mexico and America. That way we can restore our country and then share our American Way with the world, their only way to salvation.

So You /do Not Believe In God

So you do not believe in God. That is your right, but for me it makes no sense to live alone in a cruel, meaninglessness universe without love, comfort, guidance and reassurance from the Higher Power.

Good Intentions

Good intentions are not enough; we have to do the work, live and work realistically, to bring about the completion and success of our goals. Good intentions are necessary but not sufficient to leading a good, responsible life.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Big Government Politicians

These purveyors of graft, bloated federalism, the nanny state and citizen dependency on federal bailouts  bribe and lull the sleeping masses with empty promises. Still, they days are numbered.

Out of the Trump presidency and the established Tea Party movement, the rising up and the arrival of the individuated supercitizen anarchist voters upon the scene will really send Washingtonians reeling.

We supercitizens will take control, keep control at the federal level, keeping things permanently small, affordable and well run.

What You Deserve

Get the respect that you deserve.Build your own life, maverizing all the way.

Judgment Day

Judgment Day: we will all see it twice: once when we are at the end of our days personally, and again at the end of time.

The Dam Will Break

Mavellonialist truth will only be held back for so long. One day, maybe sooner than you bargained for, the dam will break, and the avalanche of water burst, and gushing down will flood and wash away lies, filth and corruption. So anticipate that the world will be inundated, and board the ark of the Good Spirits right now.

None Are Innocent

In the battle by the children of light to wrest this corrupt, fallen world from the children of dark, it needs being said that none are innocent. All have skin in the game, and most are running in packs doing the work of, or at least not restrictng the rampages and outrages of Satan and Lera.

Almost all are corrupt, almost all lie and betray. Where are my chanpions? My defenders?

Not Smug

Wayne LaPierre and the NRA are nit resting on their laurels. They realize that the billionaires, the Progressives and the Obama judgeds still hate guns and gun-owners and must be squelched and kept down, going forward.

Wayne is pushing  for national right-To-Carry with reciprocity.

He wants gun-free zones outlawed.

We must on offense and preserve and expand gun rights forever. Let this be going on offense for all conservative causes.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Whatever It Takes

So you want to maverize. So you are super-ambitious, determined to be all that you can be. This is wonderful. That is admirable. Still, unless your ambition and determination grow out of a "whatever It Takes" personal philosophy,  you will not make it. Make sure that you means what you say and then live it, do it. Good luck.

Fake News

Lying is an abomination unto God. Those that tell the truth, reveal the truth, share the truth and seek the truth are those that seek it because it is the ambience for love, individualism, goodness, freedom and beauty ti grow and prosper.

Those that fabricate and disseminate fake news are only reinforcing alll that is sad and bad in this world.

Boycott the fake new dispensers and reward and heed the truth-tellers even when what they tell you is hart to hear and bear.

Deep Faith

Your deep religious faith in God will get you through adversity and difficulty. When you come out the other side of the obstacle, stop and thank God for empowering you to surmount it all.


I will be exploring this philosophy suggesting that humans can evolve physically and intellectually beyond their current limitations, especially with the aid of science and technology.

I subscribe to that but do so under self-realization theory, living the life of an evolving, living angel in the service of the Good Spirits.


When a maverick like me accuses abusive groupists if maltreatment and discrimination, they resentfully, vehemently deny picking on us.

But amidst their lies and denials, they repeat the same discriminatory practises and behavior again, and again and again.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Maverizer Support

There are two kinds of si[[ort for aspiring maverizers. The passive, soft, negative kind of support is to leave him alone to do his thing without meddling or thwarting him.

The passive, hard, positive support comes from a fellow maverizer, or one that approves of people self-realizing to the max possible.

Both kinds of maverizer support are rare, and indicate that the supporters, to varying degrees, are practicing individual-living as well as support it as a wholesome lifestyle. The hard support is even rarer than the soft support.

Handle Your Own Money

Make your own money and handle your own money.Remain vigilant, strong, willful and fiercely independent. Allow none to control your finances or destiny.

In exchange, you refuse to dominate and control the affairs of others.

Muslim Fanaticism

Because pure Muslim has so much fanaticism, violence, imperialistic attacking and theological totalitarianism built into it as a religious tradition, it follows that most Muslim--and most of them are devout--adhere to and advocate its radical programs and expansionist agenda.

Maverizers, Beware

Until individual-living is a worldwide social norm, maverizers can never trust anyone completely, even themselves, because disloyalty and treachery are commonplace.

As a rule, maverizers are the most trustworthy of people, so if a mverizer runs into another maverizer, that person is likely to be a true friend.

No Money

Obama and UN outlawed Jewish land settlements. Ted Cruz says no money for UN until that vote is reversed. Good call.


All I want for Christmas is to see Mavellonialism start to gain followers and to spread out across the world.


The action if morally good that creates the greatest happiness for the greatest number. Of course this consequentialist ethical theory is of secondary importance, but that which helps the majority feel happy or protected is important and must be heeded by ethicists.

My reaction as a principled moderate: utilitarianism is a second level moral requirement upon the individudal and upon all citizens.

The Kantian nonconsequentialist ethical theory is closer to what is our primary moral duty. We should do what is right because that act, in and of itself, is the way for us or any other person in identical circumstances, to act. That is our imperative.

We should do our duty and do what is right, but we also need to be aware of the consequences of our actions, relying upon feedback from others, rethinking the rightness and outcome of our decisions, as to how they influence neighbors, family, the community and future generations.

Common sense, practical considerations, showing mercy and forgiveness, and utilizing our moderate sense of when to follow the exception, not the strictly binding moral law--all these inputs will move our moral choice selected away from rigid, fanatical concluding and destructive, absolutist traps.

As a general rule, what is good for the individual (but each individual must be maverized for this to work) is what is good for society as a consequence.

The greatest good and the greatest happiness for the majority if citizens can be defined as what is variably and opendedly good for each maverizing individul within that community or nation.

The Nature That We Inherited

That irksome, trying besetment that we all inherited and share, our sinful, fallen natures, is that blot on our souls that require immediate, effective remedy if we are ever to know and experience love, spiritually good presence, divine salvation, and any lasting sense of happiness.

Since we are intelligent creatures with some free will, with depraved natures, and with a scary freedom from instinctive controls on our misbehavior, that we adopt and accept from the Father and the Mother, a moral code to guide us to live and act better and humanely, is a must for us to survive as a race, and to be receptive to receiving offered divine grace.

Following Your Conscience

Each child requires two loving, firm heterosexual parents to bring them up right, to teach them right from wrong, and to instill a conscience in them.

Now there are sociopaths like Jeffrey Dahmer hat are unable to receive moral training. There are those that are mentally ill that likely do not recognize right from wrong.

There are those that are spiritually as wicked as an orc, so their free willed choice will be to commit cruel, selfish, hurtful acts upon others, from a very tender age.

There are those that are wired to loved wickedness, so the instilling of conscience in their psyche will not take due to their genetic, feral affinity to demonic pursuits.

These exceptions to the contrary, if most children are reared in a normal, nuclear family, with a strict but kindly Mom and Dad, their natural wickedness can be tamed as they grow to adulthood with a self-loving outlook, a healthy functioning conscience intact, and with their parentally activated, burning desire to maverize in the service of the Good Spirits, established.

These young maverizers of conscience would run a society well.

Happy Holidays

I came in at 8am and a Muslim woman at the desk, whom I admire, get along with well, and whom I am quite fond of, greeted me with the salutation, "Happy Holidays". I responded "Happy Holidays".

A few minutes later I was talking to some young workers in the back office, one of whom is a nice, naive, quite uneducated, uninformed Bangladeshi girl. I told them about my greeting exchange with the Somali woman. The Bangladeshi girl asked me why the Somali woman uses the phrase, Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas.

I explained that Merry Christmas is offensive to educated, committed Muslims that do not want to reminded, by the Christian majority, of their religious preferences and predominating cultural influences.

They feel that Christians should suppress the expression of their values and cultural customs so as not to infringe upon Muslims in their midst.

Just then I saw the Somali woman standing behind my chair, and listening to the whole exchange. She just smiled, turned around and left.

We cannot become highly civilized, coexist peacefully and grow into a society of super-acheivers unless we have maximum tolerance, practice significant zones of privacy and moderate acceptance of the presence of differing others around us.

That requires that guarding one's speech and mores practiced in public and private for fear that one's politically incorrect speech and one's politically incorrect writings or actions will offend Muslims or other minorities--or the majority for the fact--is something that must disappear.

We need to be fearless intellectually, allowing others maximum lawful liberty to express themselves as they will.

There is nothing wrong with being respectful and diplomatic. These are are social virtues. There is a moral obligation to reject, block and disavow racists and haters of every description.

That said, we must insist that each American work to individuate, live as an individuating anarchist and supercitizen, practicing radically free speech and radically free actions, with minimum government or societal interference and quenching.

Only a people of advanced individualists, pursuing their private lives--replete with public policy applications--of maximum legal liberty enjoyed and executed as they chase after life, liberty, amassing property and the pursuit of personal happiness, will take us to Utopia, or get as close as any group of humans can.

It would not hurt American Muslims to say Merry Christmas to each and every Christian and non-Christian American like me at Christmas time. It would serve as an important and significant advancement in their ethical and cultural reformation as they learn to adopt and assimilate to the American Way, now that they are Americans too.

American Muslims must moderate, modernize, pacify, tolerate, individualize and promote personal liberty and personal intellectual search for truth. If they succeed at this, they will still follow Allah with honor and faithfulness, but they will demonstrate to Muslims all over the world, the way that they must go in order to promote world peace, and to help guarantee the survival of humanity.

Next year, I hope that Somali woman greets me with a heart, well-meant greeting of "Merry Christmas", but I will not bet the rent on it.

Belated Merry Christmas

I worked a 14 hour shift on Sunday at the hotel, so I missed Christmas, and did not writing for a few days.

I wish a Belated Merry Christmas to all readers, and hope and pray that 2017 will be a special, rewarding year for you and yours as you answer God's call to  heed your inner voice, and be reborn as that remarkable, talented living angel that you potentially are, and were always meant to be. Merry Christmas.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Border Control

We need tight, effective border control and all illegal immigration cut off to keep our national sovereignty.

A nation without borders and limits on immigration is a global province for the one world government on its way, black helicopters and all.

No Religious Test

We need not a religious test for those entering America, but we do need political and economic tests to weed out totalitarians, Communist, jihadists, caliphate-spreaders and socialists.

Dumb Lefties

Those that hold liberal views can be good people but their values make them dumber more evil, more stupid, inferior, lying, fanatical, groupist, dishonest, violent and mob followers.


Breitbart tonight reports that Milo is the most disinvited campus speaker, as politically correct  censorship by campus professors, officials and progressive students reaches a new high which is actually a new low.

We need to pull the financial plug on these Communist training camps for the young. Defund them, let them die on the vine and then we will see about advanced education for our children.

Fight Back

Never just stand there and be a victim of anyone's, anywhere, anytime. Assert yourself, defend yourself, be armed, trained militant and ready to shoot if cornered and there is no other way out, no way to save your life.

Fight back--it is your duty as laid down by the Good Spirits.

There I Said It

Either genetically or culturally, the white peoples--the Russians to the contrary as the most groupist and corrupt of white ethnic groups--are a bit more inclined to be individualistic, pro-liberty and a bit more rational than other peoples of color around the world.

Let the racist faultfinders of darker skin tones and the rabid white progressives snarl, gnash their teeth and hurl insults, threats, smears and accusations against me. It is too late in the race for human survival to waste words, so let me make the truth real plain and obvious.

God as the Father and the Mother are individualists. They are rational more than emotional, and loners more than joiners. They are good more than evil, and are moderate more than fanatical.

Non-white peoples of the world, whether genetically or due to generations of historical conditioning, are a bit more groupist, socialist, illogical and corrupt. This makes their cultures, economic institutions and government entities more barbaric, more inefficient, more limiting of human potential, poised to enslave and keep impoverished the masses and to keep a caste system in place.

We want all peoples of the world to live like the Father and the Mother. Non-white cultures are inferior to white cultures, but non-white peoples are not inferior to white peoples at all.

With the right values all peoples of the world will do very well. For them to learn to follow the Father and the Mother, and to emulate the Good Spirits by living as living angels and supercitizen, armed, free market, anarchist individuatiors.

By adopting the American Way and Mavellonialism, blended with local customs, religions, folk ways and institutions, peoples of all colors around the earth can come to enjoy freedom, peace, prosperity, personal fulfillment and divine presence.

As they individual-live and self-realize, they will be anarchist, individuated individualists. As such they are emulating the Father and the Mother, and they will be logical, moderate, loving, good and temperate.

Do these things and come to know happiness, prosperity and freedom here on earth. Reject this prophet and the wisdom shared from the Good Spirits and unhappiness, want and serfdom under corrupt Satan and Lera will be your bleak, bitter future.

Protect Our Borders

We must eliminate illegal immigration and severely limit legal immigration. We must seal our borders and enforce our existing immigration laws. We must protect our national interests and our  national sovereignty. As conservatives point out, if we do not enforce our borders, we have no nation to save and protect.

We must defend and preserve the American Way, and then export it, constitutional republicanism, Mavellonialism and pro-capitalism to the world; that is their only future, their only worldly salvation, but we must restore all such political and economic miracles at home first, before we can export it.

Preserving our borders is a strong, necessary first step to stabilizing the home front.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Psalm 18, 1-4

King David thanks Yahweh, for assistance and wins: "I love you, O Lord, my strength, O Lord, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer. My God; my rock of refuge, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Praise be the Lord, I exclaim, and I am safe from my enemies."

It would not hurt for you to give thanks to the Father and the Mother for the many blessings, protections and benefits that they have heaped upon you. A little gratitude goes a long way. They do not insist upon your gratitude, or require it, but it deeply moves and pleases them when it is freely offered.

Think Your Way To Happiness

It is well known and accepted that criminals and the insane are able to reason and plot, and this offers irrefutable proof that thinking and logically plotting a course can be used to achieve evil ends. Therefore, reasoning is part evil since it can be a tool of evil.

Nonetheless, feeling and illogical thought processes serve the cause of wickedness and group wickedness routinely, even though the emotion of love and wise hunches prove that sentiment can serve the cause of goodness.

Still, none of this disproves the main characterization that the wise and the good think more than they feel, and the unwise and the sinful feel more than they think.

How To Invite God Into Your Life

The best and least painful way to bring God into your life and soul is for you to accept divine salvation consistently, gradually, a little at a time, easing into a state of grace, the smart way not to hurl yourself into cognitive shock.

Still, many cannot ease into anything. Their all-or-none personality requires of them that to welcome God into their lives, they do it whole hog or not at all. And that is just fine because making this spiritually transformation is vital if they are ever to be happy and enjoy the afterlife.

So, they commit wholeheartedly, instantaneously and all at once. They leap into the ocean of good spirituality with one huge cannonball jump--they have gone over to the right side of things. They will never regret so doing.

The Best Is Yet To Come

The best is yet to come for you if you are saved and in the ranks of the Good Spirits.

If you are lost, apart from them and in the ranks of the Bad Spirits, and you continually insist upon traveling down this path, then for you the worst is yet to come, if not here, then in the after-life.

Taught On School

On Facebook tonight it was noted that gun safety used to be taught in school. Would it be helpful for children to  be taught that again, and love of the flag, love of America, patriotism and the wonders of capitalism. Now these  subjects would be educational!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Spiritual Cannibals

Satan and Lera are spiritual cannibals that devour human souls whole or in part, cooked or raw.

The Mother and the Father do not conduct themselves in this terrible manner. They instead bring love to humans, nourishing the human heart and soul, guiding them into spiritual adulthood so the agent may live out her days as a maverized, living angel.

Are You The Problem?

Yes, the Good Spirits are feisty and warriors, armed, able, ready, fit, and willing to fight to the death to defend God's interests.

Nonetheless they are blessed, loving spirits, and to be holy and blessed is to be a peacekeeper by nature, practice and choice, and to be a war-maker only out of necessity and to the degree required to vanquish the children of darkness.

Following their lead, you would be wise to deescalate fractious situations, and to defuse fights and potential flare-ups.

He who escalates disagreements into fights and wars is not blessed and not good.

Deescalate trouble, do not inflame a borderline situation.

Through God

Whether the path is curvilinear, straight, rocky, smooth or up and down, the only way home after death, the Big Sleep, is through God, awakening in God's arms in heaven.

Resecue Me, Dear God

Let not the children of dark prevail against me: Psalm 17, 13, 14: "Rise, O Lord, confront them and cast them down; rescue me by your sword from the wicked, by your hand, O Lord, from mortal men. . ."


An intellectual is one that enjoys thinking, learning, discovering and gaining skills and knowledge. He may not be the most credentialed or best educated, but his love of learning is second to none.

He is not sway or impressed by passing fads, or frivolous obsessions. He seeks after substance, explanations, discoveries and the facts and real aspects available for investigation and exploration.

Merry Christmas

Say Happy Holidays if  you want to, but Merry Christmas is just fine. If it offends Muslims here or abroad, well that is just too bad. They must just suck it up here in America, and let the majority culture have its way.

Monday, December 19, 2016


Listening to CNN this morning, and to local news outlets, they are all blathering on and on, whining about Trump becoming President, and for the need to abolish the archaic Electoral College system.

It is depressing, infuriating and profoundly disturbing to here this: what it reveals that the pundits, reporters and Leftists that know better, utterly hate America and her divinely-granted political and constitutional system, and use Hilary's lead in the popular vote to justify abolishing the Electoral College, that brilliant, humane setup that protects minority rights and individual preferences from mob rule and socialist tyranny backed by voters from about 3 big blue states.

That millions of leftist low information voters are chanting, "Kill the Electoral College" points out how little they understand, know or appreciate about our most precious, humane, enlightened and liberating election guarantees that in part are enforced by electors abiding by the Electoral College majority that Trump has put together.

I am horrified at how lost so many millions are, and we conservatives have a lot of work to do to win over the people that want the Electoral College wiped out. The people are dumber and sicker than many understand.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Family=Nature's Clique

The family unit is nature's biological/sociological clique. This being my premise, it makes sense and is predictable the joiner parents of individuators and the joiner offspring of individuatorsusually betray, attract, out, rebuff and turn on their individuator, immediate relatives--as do the many cliques/groups out there in society beyond the family unit.

To cure society from groupism, satanism, suffering and death, we have to rethink and retrain nuclear families made up of heterosexual, grouped traditional parents and joiner children to stay united as a unit while personally maverizing and rewarding, supporting and encouraging the other multi-generational members of the family to maverize.

As individuals individuate within our nuclear families without punitive repercussions, and with open, organized familial approval, then society can be converted away from groupism, and moving positively towards individualism and the living angelic state.

Where I Reside

I live in my own fantasy world (we all do more or less). We base our lives upon the dangerous, disastrous, tempting, self-defeating assumption that how we live and what we believe is how all others live and believe or should.

It comes as a barely survivable shock to recognize that many, maybe most others, do not think like us, do not wish us well, may even plot our demise as they pursue means and ends so altered from our means and ends.

That they diverge from our expectations about how life should turn out is a given. Conforming to our world view just ain't going to happen!

I was sharing this moment of clarity with Jane and here was her reply: "The greatest gift that we can give anyone is to listen to them, really listen to them." Amen.

God The Supreme Good, Psalm 16, 7-11

"I bless the Lord who counsels me; even in the night my heart exhorts me. I set the Lord ever before me; with him at my right hand I shall not be disturbed. Therefore my heart is glad and my soul rejoices, my body, too, abides in confidence. . .You will show me the path of life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever."

Yahweh or the Mother and Father will show you the path of life away from the corruption and departure of the body as your soul, for the righteous and faithful, ascends into heaven to take up residence.

You may stay in heaven forever, or for 3,000 years, after which God sends you out on a mission somewhere in the universe.

Personnel Is Policy

This is what Levin points out while lamenting the RINOS favored by Trump for jobs in his Administration.

Personnel is policy is a motto that could serve as a heads-up for people like you trying to do God's bidding, trying to live right and do the right thing. If you are maverizing and growing spiritually like a living angel should, then you are doing what you can to further God's plan to populate Lera's universe with Good Spirits, angels for living and dead (biologically dead but spiritually alive), so that God can rule this world once again.


The chickens always come home to roost, always. Just make sure that they are the variety and number of critters that you bargained for.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

No Salvation Online

One cannot reside in cyberspace, and nor is there salvation online. Online time and effort is a useful tool, but is never an end, a substitute for living in the real world, where we need to stay, to maverize well, let alone at all.

Renovation Time

A curative renovation is required for you to leave behind your pokey, lackluster, dull-as-ditchwater life and personality. Upgrade yourself and improve yourself for a lifetime. Now that is living, and living prayer granted to God above.

The Dakota Pipeline

It sounds like Trump will allow it to be built and let the oil flow as soon as he is President.

The Indians need money, jobs and prosperity to give their children a bright, American future. The energy industry and capitalist system would liberate, enrich and empower our Indians, unlike the Progressive allies that they now embrace, which have nothing for them but further, unending despair, poverty and Third World living conditions.


As we race along the causeway of progress, it is inevitable that all will become strangers to their own selfhood in light of trying to handle the ever expanding, rapidly transitioning world just chugging along.

The best defense against becoming lost in the dust storm of the world whirling about in front of one's face, is to tirelessly, effectively self-heal.

As one maverizes, and loves and serves the Good Spirits, one is possessed of a healthy, spiritual core, a centered, positive soul, allowing one serenely to process all the incoming, bewildering changes.

This imperturbable, optimistic inner self thrives on ingesting change, as this centered soul absorbs superficial and substantive change alike. This centered self is so completed and relaxed that the onslaught of changes are weathered with ease, seed and good humor. This individual weathers change smoothly and victoriously.

The Just Are Welcome In Heaven

Psalm 15, 1-3: "O Lord, who shall sojourn in your tent? Who shall dwell on your holy mountain? He who walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in his heart and slanders not with his toungue; Who harms not his fellow man, nor takes up a reproach against his neighbor."

A Reality

Could Conceal-Carry become a reality in Minnesota? We should be able to carry without a permit, and it should be federal legislation too. Is our Legislature ready to join many of our surrounding states in bringing for this reform?

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Do You?

Do you have it going on? If not you should. If you do, good job, but keep it going on for a life time. God expects no less from you. The Mother and the Father are brilliant individualists, very talented artists, Loving and Master-Scientists.

They expect great things from their followers.


Why settle for being nothing, very little or barely an average achiever? Why not become something, impressive, great, exceptional, and this expectation will one day be the new normal, remarkable and great will be the new average.

114 Years Old

The oldest American right now, acording to Drudge Report, is 114 years old.

This should be celebrated, and soon may become a typical old age for Americans.

If we maverize, join and serve the Good Spirits, and grow angelically, then so long living will be commonplace.

The Will To Win

I hate to ruffle middle class feathers weary of a long Presidential campaign, but vigilance must be eternal, and the political campaign to restore and protect the Constitution, our republic and our liberties, is a battle that never ends.

Two things that we can learn from the Left. First, they all and most always stick together. They hate, seek to destroy, to dominate and wipe out any conservative opposition. The Right never gets united, and work together; they do the circular firing squad thing all the time.

Second, the Left never rests; they always battle forward using Holly-wierd, the press, the professors, the clergy, the bureaucrats, the politicians, the billionaires and the judges to advance their cause decade after decade. They are fanatics, but their lack of morals and desire to win and keep winning at any cost by any means is a willfulness that serves their cause well, even while it hinders and destroys the American people.

The Right must unite and be focused on promoting the conservative cause and agenda without ceasing, without rest, without hesitation and weariness. They must promote it in their personal lives, their family lives, their community, on all political levels and internationally.

If we can mix Mavellonialism with the American way and sell it to the world, then we have really accomplished something.

Cruz Report

A college council in California, according to Ted Cruz, recently voted to ban flying the American flag at the student government building because the flag was an offensive weapon of nationalism, colonialism and imperialism.

It is a symbol of nationalism, but it is not a symbol o colonialism an imperialism. It is a fantastic, noble symbol of constitutional republicanism, individual liberty and free marketeering.

It is the Left with their push for globalism, communism and one one-world government that are the colonialists and imperialists.

We need to defund colleges by pulling back the money and building more Hillsdale Colleges to break up the Leftist indoctrination camps called universities.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Unchanging Moral Truths

There are unchanging moral truths like virtue comes from God, love is all,  a moderate stance is the that noble middle, self-interest and cherishing private are inextricalbly linked to liberty, etc.

As an extension of the law of moderation being practiced, our understanding of what virtue is, and how our refinement of it makes us wiser and better with time, because we must virtuously grow, advance and improve or stagnate and die.

Do Not Settle For What Is

How things are is not now things have to stay. Galvanize you this approach will do if you dare towork for change and improvement.

Be Forthright

Long ago, I planned to tell the truth to the public the plain truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I consistently inform the public concerning what I am up to, and what my Mavellonialist philosophy is all about.

I reveal early and in advance what I will be up to. If any join my faith and cause, of course I am elated. If they reject it, I am disappointed, but then move on. People's compliance with my wishes, demands and commands. is voluntary.

In the long run being forthright and non-coercive will win people's trust, respect, admiration and support. There is no better way to win loyalty.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

To Rule The World

It not interesting, desirable, acceptable or legal to scheme to rule the world. You must not seek, desire or plot to rule others.

Settle for ruling yourself. By gaining mastery over the self, by maverizing, you may be impressive enough, original in thinking and accomplished, that you deeply influence the rest of the world, but that clout is indirect and voluntary and that is the best and all that you may seek after.

Does Evil Serve Good?

Evil needs to be opposed and defeated, but I am afraid that its presence in the world is eternal, and our victories against it likely are required, but temporary an passing.

We are limited, our power to do good is limited, so we cannot enjoy ultimate success by defeating evil forever. That is a hopeful thing, actually. Evil in the world gives us a reason to live and struggle to be good and extend goodness around us. We can choose to oppose it, and do good for its own sake. Our arduous efforts to fight evil and do good is noteworthy, noticed by God and the Good Spirits.

That we are called to serve God and oppose evil are summons that make our moral battles meaningful and ultimately to be rewarded by long or eternal staying with God in heaven.

What Exists

Spirits exist, both good and evil, and because they exist the Father and the Mother, and Satan and Lera, exist also.

We are to do and be spiritually good, and out of this grows and extends our ethical requirement to do and be good. So do and be good, and you will be on your way to existing as a living angel.

Few Answers

On the big and ultimate questions, such as does God exist, we may never know or not know for sure, as long as we live.

This said, we can still believe, and enjoy God's company, discovering and knowing while alive, what will be revealed to us after death when we approach heaven for our reward and promotion.

Source Of Pride

The American Way is a fantastic source of pride and joy, not just for us, and for the world to emulate. Enjoy it, proclaim it, advertise it, embrace it, and spread the good word.

Be The Exception

Be the exception--love God, obey God and follow God: Psalm 14, 2-3: "The Lord looks down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there be one who is wise and seeks God. All alike have gone astray; they have become perverse; there is not one that does good, not even one.

All sin, all are born in sin, but most remain godless. When will this improve?

Britiish Muslims

Their Council, it was reported in Breitbart tonight, arrogantly demanded that white Britians integrate with English Muslims, not the other way around.

What is my response:

1. Too many, perhaps a majority of Muslims are fanatics, and really believe and act as if they are the one truth faith and culture, so this justifies coercive forcing of unwilling others to join their faith and assimilate into their belief system or else.

2. Like Leftists, they are totally united and never quit coming, never cease seeking to expand their sphere of influence.

3. Westerners must begin by eliminating all Muslim immigration unless they sign a willingness to assimilate into our culture. They can keep their beliefs and deity, but moderating, modifying, modernizing and pacifying are unconditional preconditions. Gone are their spread the faith by intolerance, aggression jihad and holy war.

4. They must assimilate or stay gone. That is how it is, as we strive to protect ourselves and preserve our wonderful way of life.

What Are You?

Are you barely alive, without decency, kindness, hope, diligence and prayer?

Though you are a soul-less corpse, at least in your soul, why don't you make a radical, dramatic switch, and pray to and serve the Good Spirits. It will do you and the world some good, and your soul will begin reviving and coming back to life.

Monday, December 5, 2016

At Work In the Universe

There is meaninglessness and madness at work in the universe.  God exists and nudges and instructs  us to love and be love, and to strive for spiritual and moral perfection.

Our sacrifices and suffering for the sake of God will earn us next worldly rewards. Life, death, good and evil are exist and mostly follow God's code--in time it will be revealed as explainable and can be understood, with Divine help.

Proud America

Be proud of this great nation, this beacon of liberty, riches and opportunity that draw people from all over the world.

Immigrants need to leave their socialism, their groupism, their militant faiths and their addiction to big government behind when they come here, or they will grow Progressivism and reduce America towhat they fled from.

The Moderate

Unless a believer is a rational theist, willing to draw up belief in God, conduct scientific experiments and to share his faith with others, he is not much a a believer, and is certainly no moderate, and that is a serious deficiency.

Where Are We Headed?

We are headed in the wrong direction. To right our direction, we must embrace the American Way, restore the constitutional republic, embrace individualism and capitalism; then we may come back as a nation, as a people.

Going To Any Lengths

When a militant group squares off against an individuator, things can turn very ugly. What matters to a growing, spreading mob is that they expand their power, grabbing every victory while they are on a roll spreading their fell cause across the land, crushing all rebels and dissidents in their way.

They want to squelch independent voices, singling out their competitors and enemies, blocking their people and initiatives.

The mob fanatical and out of control. They are utterly ruthless and without principle or restraint.

They serve the Devil, so selling their soul and engaging in any violent or vicious behavior to allow Satan to triumph is all they care about. They will do anything to anyone to grab power and stay in power.

Their life, their joy, their cause is belonging to their group, perpetuating their group, and by increasing the size and support for their group. They are formidable and tough to withstand.

Fellow Travelers

Many loner radicals are finding a fanatical, terrorist clique, connection andimam mentors on the Internet.

Why does not a moderate, blue collar intellectual, loner and great soul like I am not received any interest?

People are attracted to evil solutions and bad prophets; good prophets with real, promising voices like I am are left abandoned and crying in the wilderness.

Friday, December 2, 2016

The Power Of Hate

The power of hate is that selfless, bottomless loathing aimed towards inwardly the self, and externally against the collected acquaintances, the Evil Spirits and the Fell Divinities.

All the hatred, suffering, unethical behavior and destruction of all in contact with such Black Hole existence are the matrix out of which Satan has erected his rule of this world, and this is how fallen, sinful humanity is disabled in their individual and collective wills, to rebel, love and follow the divine light to happiness and freedom.

The power of powerlessness is an eternal force, and it is powerful indeed, and cunning are its wielders, but they can and must be defeated, if we humans unite with the Good Spirits to see them once again rule the earth.

The Power Of Love

Progress cannot be arrested by Lera and the children of darkness once the Good Spirits and the children of light are organized, armed and self-launched towards loving the self, the others, the good angels and the Divinities. Progress will unfold, and the Mother and Father will rule the earth once more.

Pound Away

Work at all that you pine for. Eventually, most or all that was the stuff of your wildest fancies conceived of in your work, will become a reality, And that is most gratifying as an elderly, great achiever looks back on what she has done with her life, in service to the Good Spirits.

The Hungry Heart

If you have no curiosity, no spark, no love of life, no will for learning, knowing, loving, living and becoming, growing into the ranks of the Good Spirits, then you do not possess a  hungry heart, a voracious appetite to be and grow.

Your lassitude, your puny life force are evinced in the meager desire emanating from your empty and shriveled heart.

Where is your desire to work, aspire, dream, envision and want. Make all that you want be transmuted into what you need to be happy and work to learn what, acquire what and become all that it takes to transform into all that you wanted to become.

Your hungry heart will motivate you to find a way to get there.

Do You Need To Be Rich

No, you do not, but being prosperous, and free of financial worries is never a bad place to be.  I would like to chime in with the recommendation that young people get a college degree or trades certification, so they can make a decent income.

Robert Kyosaki, the financial guru, now somewhat discredited, did make some instructive suggestions about paying yourself first (a fund for investing), building assets not liabilities, etc.

If young people can start early being frugal, investing 10% of their gross income, and learn to invest, build a business, or launch a start up company, their private wealth and property, are the necessary and sufficient material launch pads, for self-realizing, the path to God and the Good Spirits.

God is not at all anti-worldly and anti-money; God wants control of this world again. De just advises that our material pursuits are a tool and means to leading a good life, they are not the end, the good life itself.

Therefore, a moderate, ambitious plan and desire to acquire wealth and property allow for higher or high self-esteem, the psychological and spiritual underlayments of living the life of the individuator, the living angel existence of a good angel, who enjoy the highest self-esteem of good will and love of others, the De, and the self.