Monday, April 29, 2019


The Moms Demand Action radicals at a rally today at the Minnesota State Legislature came out and accused gun lovers and 2A supporters of being white supremacists, racists promoting white nationalism.

These people can never argue principles and defense of liberty: they always call conservatives names, and accuse us of being evil and bigoted, whereas they are noble, pure, kindly and for common sense gun control.

Gun gun grows the government and the police state. That is all that it accomplishes.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

NRA Controversy

Dear Wayne LaPierre:                                                    4/28/19

I am a proud, no-compromise member and generous, loyal supporter of of the NRA, AFC and MGR. AFC and MGR, both of which heroically, consistently, patriotically and aggressively are hammering at state legislators, Congress, the public and the NRA and all weak pro-compromise, "nice" gun lobby groups willing to cut deals to infringe on our right to keep and bear arms as individuals and as unofficial members of a citizen militia.

It seems incontrovertible that you and Chris Cox are appeasing the Left and the gun-grabbers with a decades old tradition of talking tough but cutting deals slowly eroding our gun rights and depriving us of infringed upon gun freedoms.Your latest support for red flags gun legislation that Graham, Rubio are pushing and other is pure treachery, and pure betrayal of gun-lovers.

At the federal level and at the state level, thousands of conservative Democrats, RINO Republicans and conservative politicians (the latter actually are for a pro-gun program, and vote against the gun-grabbers) are graded high by you regardless of how they vote. For example Graham and Rubio have A ratings with the NRA despite bringing forth ERPO legislation to take away guns without gun owner due process without their conviction for a crime. Your federal support for this crap gives gun-grabbers an open gate to march through, and then on a state level grab guns from all kinds of sub-groups in the name of safety and reasonable gun control legislation.

Wayne, you ran Oliver North out, and you circled the wagons and stayed in power. Okay, know that I will keep my basic membership with the NRA but no money until you apologize for being a compromiser and make the following reforms. Stay in power and get your 6 million dollars a year in salary, but do your job, or we grassroots citizens and gun owners will desert you permanently because you have betrayed our trust and generous donating.

This is what I demand:
1. Apologize to the members, the public and gun owners everywhere for being weak on disallowing any compromise on any gun-grabbing anywhere on any level of government. If you would accept coaching from AFC, you would restore the faith of the members and the public. With your great connections, skill, size and budget, with a no-compromise stance, you could save gun rights in America from the fascist Left out to disarm the public as they conspire like the Nazis to disarm the public before they take over America with their hard tyranny, a one-party socialist dictatorship, and that is true, sole, final solution and objective that they work tirelessly to push upon the American people. Your inside-the-Beltway, swamp-dwelling, cover provided for gun-grabbers of all shapes and sizes is pure treason, as they point to your A-ratings, your sponsorship, your writing gun-grabbing bills, will lead to a disarmed public, a cowed public, with guns confiscated with only federal and local police with guns. If you are not alarmed and scared as I am, either you are complacent and corrupt or you just want to make more money and just allow the Leftist drift of our civil society to head right for Ameritopia and socialist despotism.
2. With your new no-compromise stance on gun-control, you appoint or elect Aaron Dorr from AFC to replace Ollie North as President of the NRA.
3. You immediately and openly and sincerely work with AFC, MGR and all other gun rights groups so all are on the same page with an absolutely binding no compromise stance on any gun control legislation anywhere.
4. You work with and through lobbyists if you want to but too often lobbyists are coopted by corrupt, sleazy politicians on every level of government, and become part of the gun-grabbing movement providing cover for sell-out compromiser. No more Judases, no more. Let every lobbyist obey or be fired that all gun rights organizations will on every federal and state level through out the nation come with an annual gun-rights legislative program to be pushed everywhere, even in Illinois, that moves gun rights forward. All parties are to stay on offense everywhere, whether in legislative or Congressional majority or minority status, always forcing litmus test votes to run on and force politicians to run on, openly declaring by action how they really think and believe. On defense, you work with all gun-rights groups everywhere to fight and vote fiercely against any kind of gun-grabbing legislation anywhere. No compromise, ever! Loud and proud and with God, the Bible, our guns and our beloved guns and the Left can go to Cuba if they cannot stand it.
5. You must work with gun rights groups to rate every politician and every candidate for every office on every level of government through out the land. If a candidate refuses to fill out the gun-rights questionnaire, they automatically have an F-rating with no support, no citizen votes, no endorsement and no money for their campaign. If a candidate does not vote for every gun-rights bill and against every gun-grabbing bill every time, they get a F-rating with all the opposition that gun rights groups can muster. The leaders of AFC and MGR have taught me that we must not be polite to those that betray our natural rights, our unalienable liberties and our right to bear arms. Whether the President, Congress, pastors, judges, commentators, men, women, politicians on any level, Republican, Democrat, Independent or Libertarian talk, act, vote and bring legislation that provides absolute protection and extension of gun rights, we will treat them with courtesy, respect, praise and support. When friend or foe strays or openly is for gun-grabbing, as you in the NRA have been doing for too long and with horrible red flags legislation right now, we will be loud, critical, insulting (sorry), protesting, and fighting against all detractors with everything we legally can muster. Political correctness and Minnesota nice, be damned, we patriots must defend our right to bear arms against the totalitarian Left so that we can make America great again and restore the constitutional republic with its lovely and incomparable Bill Of Rights.
6. Aaron Dorr of AFC correctly warns that the might NRA may cost us dearly in 2020 or beyond with their sleeping with the enemy, the gun-grabbers, while bragging about how tough you are while raking in the dough and doing terrible damage to gun rights.

Your siding with gun-grabbers, your swamp-dwelling misinforming President Trump about the dangers of red flags gun legislation may cost Trump his reelection in 2020 as gun owners desert him or do not vote because he did not veto ERPO fascist legislation in Washington.

Your siding with gun-grabbers allows the gun-haters on the Left to come further and further towards infringing upon our 2A rights until President Kamala Harris issues an executive order in 2023 to confiscate all privately owned guns from citizens. When those of us that protest take up arms in revolt, she will then declare a state of emergency and assume dictatorial powers, temporarily only of course (in reality the change will be to Communist thuggery forever), and then she can use federal police agencies, nationalize all local police agencies, and call out to Army to put down the insurrection. This is the nightmare future that the NRA may well usher in.

Ed Ramsey
Bloomington, Mn.
Blue Collar Philosopher and Patriot: see

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Appoint Him

Appoint Mark Levin special prosecutor to nail these illegal coup plotters and administrators, conspiring to take Trump out.

Stay Alert, Stay Active

Anyone, once successful and an insider lobbyist, could compromise and sell out and join the swamp, betraying voters and citizens. To keep a grassroots lobby honest, it is not up to the Dorrs so much as it is up to the grassroots members. You the citizen must be vigilant always, and that is the price of liberty. Stay alert, stay aggressive and keep us always armed and always free, no compromise.

My Signed Open Letter To The President from AFC

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of over a million gun owners who are represented by the state level gun rights organizations that have signed this open letter, we are writing to urge you to publicly oppose ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation and to veto the bill should it land on your desk.
This legislation was heard in the Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 26 and, based on the comments from lawmakers on both sides of the partisan aisle, it seems likely to move forward at a rapid pace.
While the National Rifle Association (NRA) is urging you and Congress to advance this legislation, we are writing to let you know that they are wrong, and that they are giving you bad political advice.
The truth is that there is an open revolt underway right now, with grassroots gun owners leaving the NRA in droves, furious with this latest betrayal. You can see this for yourself by spending five minutes on their social media platforms.
These gun owners consider passage of ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation as an unforgivable political sin, and they are rightfully angry at organizations and lawmakers who are pushing for it.
There are several reasons why we are urging you to publicly oppose this legislation. Please allow us to briefly state our objections to this bill.
First, this bill destroys the idea of ‘innocent until proven guilty’ by allowing someone’s Second Amendment right to be suspended and their firearms confiscated BEFORE they have been convicted in a court of law for a criminal offense!
The concept of innocent until proven guilty is sacrosanct in American jurisprudence. Allowing this bill to become law would upend that, and violate the 5th, 6th, and 14th Amendments in part or
in whole.
Second, the bill allows the states to utilize ex-parte hearings as a part of the process. As you undoubtedly know, this means that the gun owner in question would have no idea that his Second Amendment rights are on the line until the police are at his home with an order to confiscate his firearms.
This means that a gun owner would not be able to confront witnesses, examine the evidence brought against him, have the benefit of counsel present or any of the other due process protections that he is entitled to. Allowing this bill to become law would violate the 5th and 6th Amendments in part or in whole and would set a terrible precedent.
Third, this bill is clearly designed to be rapidly expanded to allow an ever growing number of people to petition the court to remove a person’s firearms. One of the witnesses in the hearing yesterday was already urging Congress to expand the list of people who can file these petitions to include all mental health staffers.
Another witness from yesterday’s hearing, Kimberly Wyatt, is actively pushing for legislation in Washington State to allow a ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ order to be issued against minor children. Once the minor is subject to the seizure order, the police would disarm the minor’s parents! This bill would literally require a parent to surrender their firearms (while facing no charges) or be forced to have their children live elsewhere.
For these reasons, we would urge you to publicly oppose this bill.
America sat back and watched in disgust last fall as your Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, was maligned and falsely accused of rampant sexual impropriety. Thanks to his ability to recall dates and facts, legal representation, and the help of the FBI who could run an around-the-clock investigation into these claims, these allegations were seen for being the lies that they were.
If ‘Red Flag Gun Seizure’ legislation passes, every gun owner in America would be vulnerable to losing a Constitutionally guaranteed right in the same manner! Only instead of their rights being attacked in public for all the world to see, as was the case for Justice Kavanaugh, a gun owner’s freedoms would be attacked in secret court proceedings that the gun owner would know nothing about.
As someone who has been repeatedly maligned by the press and many others, you know just how dangerous these allegations can be. Please don’t allow gun owners to be subjected to losing their freedoms and their firearms in this manner, especially as they have never been convicted in court of a crime.
Your mention of a veto on H.R. 8 has done much to galvanize Senate Republicans who are feeling heat from all sides to take action on that bill now that the House of Representatives passed it. We would ask that you do the same thing regarding S. 7, or any similar legislation.

Aaron Dorr, Executive Director, Iowa Gun Owners
Christopher Dorr, Executive Director, Ohio Gun Owners
Patrick Parsons, Executive Director, Georgia Gun Owners
Benjamin Dorr, Executive Director, Minnesota Gun Rights
Alexandra Salsman, Political Director, Missouri Firearms Coalition
David Ball, President, Wyoming Gun Owners
Jason Storms, Chairman, Wisconsin Firearms Coalition
Thomas Walker, Chairman, North Carolina Firearms Coalition
Greg Pruett, President, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance
Greg Pruett, Political Director, Washington Gun Rights

Friday, April 26, 2019

Do They?

A gun owner posted the question that the NRA may be compromising and sold out as to allowing gun-grabbing because someone has something on them. That could well be true, but the bottom line is one cannot give in to blackmail, or allow groups, the government or evil people to own one. One must rebel, be honest and outspoken, and allow them to do their worst so one can remain free, honest and uncorrupted.

Here was my response: "Maybe they do, but a man of courage and principle will tell his blackmailer, that the past be damned, hurt me if you can, I am now taking the high road and standing for liberty, rights and limited government."

The Truth

A gun lover posted yesterday that our right to keep and bear arms is a natural right given to us by God, not by the Founding Fathers and not by any legislators, and they cannot under natural law, under the Constitution, or legally by any federal or state statue infringer upon our right to bear arms.

Some minor infringement like not owning RPZS, a nuclear weapon, or grenades by be constitutional, but no infringement beyond that. All should own a AK47 if they want to, and are not a felon, and are not criminally insane.

The Gun Lobby Community

The gun lobby community must go no compromise everwhere, taking their lead from AFC. Here is what I posted: "Jeff: the Dorrs are honest, principled and no compromise. You waffling Iowans need to embrace them, champion them and go no compromise now and forever. Stop the gun-grabbing crap in your state, and get constitutional carry and stand your ground passed in Des Moines right away. Aaron may not be a polished lobbyist, but he like Trump is a diamond in the rough. We need to bring together all gun lovers to defend our rights and quit bickering internally. The whole gun culture must go no compromise and kick NRA ass and RINO Republican ass to go no-compromise everywhere in every state and on the federal level."

Lobbyists Eventually Betray The Public

Lobbyists eventually or usually betray the public that they serve and are financially supported by. Here is what I posted with American Firearms Coalition, that I love: "Can people trust American Firearms Coalition? Yes, for now they do not compromise. The NRA compromises and allows infringement. So does the USCCA, at least temporarily. So does Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus. Should AFC ever join the swamp, begin compromising, begin to betray 2A, I will take my dollars and support to whomever is no compromise in action not in the rhetoric. Lobbyists start out grass-rooted but eventually sell out and become the system. It is human nature, and the Dorrs are human so they may not always remain pure and honest. I hope I am wrong. The voter and gun owner must trust but verify, and let his group know that no compromise means that today or 20 years from now, or I as a member will fire their butts, right now every time."

Thursday, April 25, 2019

No Cash

I have given the NRA thousands of dollars, no more, pal, for traitors and compromisers.

Veto It

I hope Trump gets good advice at the NRA Convention and threatens to veto any red flags federal legislation.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Attacking The Messenger

Better to attack the truth-teller and easier than fessing up and sinning no more.

Holding The Line, Message To The Senate

Action Center

Hi Edward in Minneapolis, MN!
Minnesota Senate - Get a SPINE!
There's a war being waged against our Second Amendment Rights in Minnesota, and it is reaching a fever pitch.

Bloomberg's militants in our legislature, combined with his paid front-groups like "Moms Demand Action," are angling into position to pass 'Red Flag' gun seizures and Statewide Gun Registration.

Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman will soon cram these bills through the Minnesota House, and the battle will move quickly to the Minnesota Senate.

That's why Minnesota Gun Rights has had extensive meetings with Senator Paul Gazelka, but I'm afraid we have bad news for gun owners.

Republican Senate Majority "Leader" Paul Gazelka, after we explained how perilous his position is, doesn't want to stand up and fight.

MGR staff even provided a road-map to victory, outlining a step-by-step plan to fight back and stand tall for gun owners!

But alarmingly, Republican Senator Majority "Leader" Paul Gazelka is promising to hold hearings and perhaps a vote on gun control in the Senate if the bills pass the House.

➜➜ He has zero intention of yanking lyin' Senators Scott Jensen or Paul Anderson back in line - when both of those Republican senators supported these gun-control bills last session.

➜➜ He has zero intention of forcing Big Gun Control on defense by passing a Stand-Your-Ground bill.

Sadly, it's up to you, me, and thousands of our gun-owner friends across Minnesota to Stand and Fight!

If gun-control is to be stopped in Minnesota, it will only be because gun owners banded together and FORCED our Senate into blocking Bloomberg's maneuvers.

So join with us and demand that your state senator stiffen their spine and VOTE NO against Bloomberg's 'Red Flag' gun seizures and Statewide Gun Registration using our pre-written message.

Please don't wait - Act NOW!

-- Ben Dorr, Director
Minnesota Gun Rights
My MGR sent me this pre-written message to the Senate to stop gun control. I sent it on. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Unfounded ERPO Seizures

USCCA will only underwrite unfounded ERPO gun seizures. How about underwriting any ERPO gun seizures and opposing red flag legislation everywhere, Timmy?


USCCA, grow a spine, no compromise ever.

The Nudge

To love your children, let them know in public that you are loud and proud of them, and that you believe in them. If you believe in them, they will begin to believe in themselves, and will often build a successful life out of their self-confidence that they are worth the effort, that they deserve to excel.

It Continues

The war between my family and me continues and will likely never abate until the last one of us is in the grave. I texted my oldest brother today with this message: "If any Ramsey wants to visit us the door is open, no conditions. I am a nice man with a good heart but people have to take me as I am."

USCCA Waffling

I love USCCA like I loved the NRA. I do not want any position from these groups that compromise, that allow any Red Flag confiscations without due process rights. If Schmdt does not promise that, my $400/year to USCCA will wander.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Easter Worshipers

Democrats like Obama and Hilary excoriated terrorists that murdered about 300 worhsipers at Easter services in Sri Lanka. They would not refer to the victims as Christians, murdered by Muslim terrorists, once again committing murder in God's name.

The Left destroys all that it touches, and their progressive predilection for denying what is true and obvious is indicative of their deceitful, rotten hearts and their anti-Western plans.

Et Tu Brute

Is USCCA supporting red flags leglislation too like the treacherous, sold out NRA? I  give $400 a year to USCCA--will they even be there to defend me when my guns get confiscated? Does anyone that I have given money to not compromise on gun rights but MGR?

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Soren Kierkegaard and Max Stirner

They were both pioneers and forefathers of existentialist thought. They were both either students or studied Hegelian thought, revolted by his Objective Idealism, his idolatry of the state and collectivist downplaying of the individual citizen, to be owned and directed by the all powerful state.

They favored subjective epistemology and individual rights. They were contemporaries. I wondered if they heard of each other or studied each other. That might make an interesting book to research and write.

Notre Dame

With that cathedral burnt to ruins, the secular, European intellectuals want modernistic, secular themes and a minaret included.

No, it is a Christian, Catholic cathedral and let it be restored as such. It is part of our great, inestimable, impressive Western heritage, and it need be altered not one with by those that hate Christianity, hate whites, hate the West, and seek to extirpate Western Civilization.

The Article

4/21/19: I found an article on the Internet, maybe Facebook, and it was downright chilling. I copied the article and shall comment on it. This article for Mailonline was written by Kate Pickles on September 18, 2015. Part of the article may be a video in which the speaker, an Imam named Sheikh Muhammad Ayed gave a speech at Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in all of Islam.

The Imam informs Muslim migrants to Europe to breed children with Europeans to conquer their countries, and vows: 'We will trample them underfoot, Allah willing.'

He said Americans, Italians, Germans and the French were forced to take refugees and claimed Europe was only welcoming refugees as a source of labor. He said Europeans are facing a demographic disaster.

The imam is quoted: "Throughout Europe, all the hearts are enthused with a hatred towards Muslims. They wish that we were dead but they have lost their fertility, so they look for fertility in our midst. We will give them fertility. We will breed children with them, because we shall conquer their countries."

Pickles writes that Italy has the lowest birth rate since 1861 with 8.4 per 1, 000 people, and it is similar in much of Europe.

Let me quote from Pickles directly: "Birth rates are far higher in the Middle East and Sub-Saharan Africa, which is where most of the migrants are coming from. The notion of using mass migration as a form of stealth jihad is outlined in the Koran which states 'And whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on earth many locations and abundance.' To move to a new land in order to bring Islam is considered a meritorious act.

And here in Minnesota we have Obama to thank for giving us 150, 000 Somali immigrants with un-Americans values and Ilhan Omar with her anti-American views and policies.

This article is quite an eye-opener. This is why Trump must close the border, end illegal immigration, and severely curtail legal immigration until we have time to allow conservatives to retake America and undo Progressive destruction of our government, our young people, our morals, our educational institutions, and our far over-regulated economy.

Once we restore the American Way, and convert our legal immigrants to vote conservative and support America, and increase our own native birth rates, then we can allow some modest, legal immigration to resume in 10 to 20 years or so.

We do not need Islam here and Shariah law. Whatever country they go to, they will not assimilate but will breed out the natives and take over that country. That is their modus operandi as Pickles reveals.

Sri Lankan Bombers

This Easter bombing of Christians in Sri Lanka was likely perpetrated by Muslim extremists, that are murdering Christians, all over the world.

If Islam was a religion of peace, as the politically correct insist, or would be known and regarded as a religion of peace, its imams and political leaders of Muslim nations around the world must immediately come out and condemn religious mullahs and teachers that justify for young men the acceptance of murdering foreigners and unbelievers in God's name. Only Satan likes religious war and religious murder. Why are Muslim leaders around the world silent about this. They either approve of it and fund it, or at least do not oppose it, and wipe it out in their countries of origin. Until they do, Islam cannot be a religion of peace.

Confederate History

Should Confederate History still be a part of our history, and taught to all our children and college students? Heck yes and absolutely. The Confederacy was part of our founding, and had much to offer history and civilization, racism and slave-owning to the contrary.

Should the statue of Kate Smith in Philadelphia be uncovered, her version of American the Beautiful still shared at baseball games, etc.? Heck yes and absolutely. So she sung a couple of racist songs in the 30s. I am sure most entertainers of those times did that.

We cannot judge people by the values of our times, and we cannot take their thoughts and behavior out of context of the times that they lived in, and what they knew, did and said. Mark Stein, filling in for Rush the other day, warned that the irresistible urge by the Left and the political correct to rewrite history is a totalitarian, favorite tactic used by the Soviets and totalitarian Communists. That should alert us to what we are dealing with should they gain power over America.

We are a national of politically correct cowards that allow Leftist factions and bullies to debunk, destroy and dethrone cultural heroes of the American past one at a time.

Why should we renounce and repel all such mendacious, bullying historical revisionism?

First, the attackers, that self-describe themselves  as not compassionate, kind, enlightened, culturally, intellectually and morally superior elitists in seeking to downplay and eradicate American culture and history. They reject America as flawed, oppressive, racist, sexist and slave-owning from its inception, so rotten and evil that it can only be destroyed, and be replaced by globalist, Leftist ideology and communist tyranny.

America is not perfect, but she is pretty darned good having offered unparalleled wealth, liberty, tolerance, racial harmony, peace and justice for hundreds of millions of Americans, and have brought Pax Americana to the rest of the world since WW II. It is not perfect, but it is very good.

Leftist intellectuals demand that we are totally perfect at all times, from 1776 to today, in every occasion, or the exception to our goodness and excellence is is the fact justifying destroying our good America. Leftists hate America, period. They are fanatics, true believers, that have lied about America repeatedly in a big way that it is without merit or value, and is rotten in every way. They have never told the truthful and are so vicious, and unpatriotic traitors as anti-Americans that they should be opposed on all they say, do and propose.

They crave the power of intellectuals, elites and bureaucrats over the masses. Their lust for power is a deadly, bottomless addiction. They hate the masses and want them to be slaves ruled by these masters in the totalitarian government. They are not compassionate. They want to use force, terror, the threat of jail and worse to coerce Americans to be under the federal thumb. They are not kind.

Everything they touch they destroy. Leftism, statism, socialism and totalitarianism is all they offer and it has ruined billions of lives and wrecked every country that it is been inaugurated into. This group-living, tyranny-infested, classless communitarian future that they offer humanity is not enlightened but is crude, destined to fail and never works. These progressives are harbingers of social, economic darkness that is stupid, cruel and causes ignorance, superstition, poverty, human rights atrocities and violations, hunger and disease where it is implemented.

It is America with its mass culture, its free markets, its liberty, its tolerance, its science, it boundless opportunity, and its constitutional republicanism that is morally, intellectually and culturally superior. So we love football, MOA and Walmart. No problem: add some Mavellonialist doctrines such as individual-living, bearing arms, self-realization and turning our people into lawful anarchist supercitizens serving in God's army till they are 70 years old, and we will the the light on the hill for all benighted peoples around the world to emulate and marvel.

Leave our heritage alone, you Progressives, and go live in Cuba if you are unhappy here.

Pastor Greg Locke

He has some powerful, inspirational, conservative messages for the public on politics and Trump for 2020: my comment to him on Facebook: "Vote for Trump, vote for an American future."

Mitt Denouncing Trump

Here is my Facebook comment to Mitt Romney: "Mitt, you are John McCain next generation. Your voters need to recall your ass home, and fire you, so you can go back into seclusion as a bitter, jealous, nasty, unhappy man that need to be out of the public eye and forgotten by history."

Mark Levin on Facebook--4/18/19

Here is what he wrote: "President Trump, his family, his staff, his campaign, etc. never colluded with Russia. The president never interfered with the investigation. In fact, he gave unprecedented access to staff and documents. He never asserted any privilege. Thus entire Democratic-press effort to ruin this president has been exposed. Now it’s time to investigate the true perpetrators of this coup attempt. And for we, the people, to hold the press to account."

Mark, if Trump would listen to you, we would make America great again in his second term, as we close and secure the borders, balance the budget and build back our military dominance, all while enjoying our unalienable rights and free market choices in this restored constitutional republic.

76 Degrees

It is Easter Sunday here and Bloomington and we soon will be mowing lawns. I have to get the mower running, tuned up, filters cleaned oil changed and blades sharpened. I use Honda mowers, good starters overall. One is for here in town and one is for the lake, about an acre and 1/2 to mow by hand. The hunting property lawn is farmed out until I get a shed built there and a  ride-around mower.

I have to keep things mowed and trimmed,  but it is hard to keep up with all these Scandinavian neighbors with their pristine, manicured lawns. But American has always been a country run by the common people, and if people want to take prime care of their homes and yards, their primary assets, then more power to them. Add a little self-realization and individual-living to that bourgeois culture, and the American Way can become one of international significance and sway.

Ed Ramsey,

Friday, April 19, 2019

Go AFC (American Firearms Coalition)

Go AFC, save America by saving our gun rights at the federal level.

Arthur Brooks

This morning I watched a delightful, short video on Facebook, narrated by Arthur Brooks, leader of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. The Heritage Foundation is involved here somehow as the video is part of: Let Freedom Speak, The Daily Signal.

Brooks encourages the viewer by pointing out since the 70s 2 billion earthlings have been lifted out of severe poverty and cruel starvation. He goes on to claim the the free enterprise system or democratic capitalism will lift another 2 billion out of poverty in the next few decades without socialism, Communism or the nanny state. How will this occur--through the forces of market capitalism not fettered and strangled by governments and politicians.

Brooks lists five factors that make capitalism the marvellous, wondrous wealth generator of the world:
1. Globalization (not Leftist globalization of one world government or socialism or Communism taking over and ruling all nations--my parentheses and emphases) of market economies.
2. Free trade.
3. The rule of law--honest government where bribes, corruption and nationalization of private property is disallowed and punished.
4. Property rights.
5. Culture of entrepreneurship.

So, let us spread the American Way to the world in forms of constitutional republicanism, individual achievement,  and free market economics.

As we oppose and end totalitarianism and authoritarian despotism and their accompanying state capitalism or outright communist economics, we will help peoples help themselves to make lots more money, to care for themselves and to have enough wealth to enjoy life, and Brooks lists the 5 factors of capitalism that will help these peoples achieve their material goals,

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Stay The Course

Do not allow your enemies and detractors to control how you feel, what you think or how you act. These foes will lambaste you and strive to destroy you. Let not their excoriations overturn you life plan to serve God and maverize. Tune out the chatterers, slanderers, liars and naysayers.

Unalienable Rights

These rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and we must never allow Leftists to infringe them or outright outlaw them.


Space: it may be the final frontier, or your favorite Adirondack chair spot by the fire pit in the back yard but moving, living and going about lie are all about what you do within and with the space that you inhabit and travel through.

Space can be limited or unlimited but it is a key existential factor for you to deal with.

Psalm 86, 4-5

Gladden my soul, dear God, by receiving my prayers and supplications: "Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul; For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in kindness to all who call upon you."

Immediate Insight

If you wish to possess immediate insight into what is tue and what is false, or what is good or what is bad, you must love the truth and love God, and then your subconscious will feed you the accurate hunches.


The other night my wife and I were watching the 2004 movie Troy starring Brad Pitt as Achilles.

Achilles tells Briseis a secret, that the gods are jealous of humans.

I was struck by that, and agree with it. Humans are born sinners and born to die. These conditions of existence may seem like curses and events that severely curtail us, and they can be.

They may also serve as the greatest blessings given humans by God, or the gods. If we can overcome our mortality nd suffering by loving, individuating and giving back so society, we will have transcended our sinning and our mortality.

If the gods are born perfect and immortal, their effort to overcome adversity may come to easy for them, and their lack of meaningful activity may cause they to be bored for eternity.

Humans can, if they persevere and overcome their limitations, do something great and impresive with their short, challenging, rich lives.

On The Radio, #II

Prager this 2019 spring on the radio asserted that his is a tragic view of life. I have the identical view of life. Prager offers that suffering, death and the existence of evil on earth are problems that we are must encounter and work on. Dennis feels that we are happy when we are not suffering. By coping and being as positive and activistic as possible despite suffering, I suggest that we can still be happy, but it is an informed happiness.

Those that regard life as a comedy only are devastated when they encounter suffering, loss and adversity because they cannot come to accept that things may not work out for them in this world, and that significant suffering. Their shock makes them quite unhappy, because they do not how to account for suffering in the world.

Bad Side Effect

One day in 2019, Prager on the radio worried that virile masculinity has been so downplayed and devalued that American men may not longer even be staunch fighters and soldiers.

As an advocate of all being armed to the teeth, and all serving in the army of God between the ages of 17 and 65, I want my soldiers to be macho and militant, so that they can defeat the enemies of God on earth.

On The Radio

A couple of weeks ago Prager announced, on the radio,  that baby boomers were sinners with values, and that was not so bad. Many would inveigh against them as hypocrites, but I have long written that it is better to be a hypocrite  not daring to be open about one sinning, than to be a full-throated, open, demonic sinner, an out-of-the-closet demon fanatical about sinning.

Prager on a parallel track largely said the same thing: he accuses Leftists of  being moral nihilists: if Americans on the Left believe in nothing, and anything goes, so anyone can be openly corrupt and sinful, thus without the social requirement any longer to be hypocritical, no longer pretending to be virtuous, claiming to still abide by moral standards.

Prager worries that without hypocrisy, pure evil and pure sinning will be the new moral low, the culture of lawlessness ruling the land.

Again, his stance on hypocrisy reveals his support for moral moderation.

Prager The Moderate

Prager on the radio today, about made me fall over. He characterized Leftists as immature teenagers that perceive the world as black and white, an inaccurate, rigid viewpoint that denies the existence and application of moral complexity.

He identified conservatives as mature, regarding life and people as morally complex. His example: a truth-teller can tell an occasional lie, but that does not make him a total liar as the Left would conclude.

A conservative would see him as a truth-teller, however flawed.

Prager just described moderation as virtue, and fanaticism as evil. Closely related to this immature moral outlook is emotional, ethical decision-making, not the judicious, temperate outlook of calm logic and disccernment evidenced by a sensible adult.


Prager keeps mentioning something of overarching importance. He notes how rare and special America is because the Founding Fathers set up our Constitution to keep government limited.

Much of the rest of the world is is run by tyrants at the head of huge government apparatuses. What is precious and unique about our constitutional republic is its ideal of limited government. Prager noted today that we must limit immigration because migrants comes from these countries run by tyrants, and these citizens from home expect and admire huge central government, and that will unhinge the America's legal system and political structures.

Equality And Fraternity

The Left prefer emphasizing equality and fraternity over liberty.

Where there is enforced equality, there is the attempt to use government force to compel that all are regarded as equal by being treated exactly the same, with identical outcomes, without individual leeway to make the money one wants and to maverize in perfect liberty.

To enforce equality and fraternity--especially characterized  as identity politics--authoritarian governmental control of the private sector and civil society must be insisted upon by the public.

Where fraternity and equality are set up as mandatory for all by big government, groupism and statism grow tyranny across the land.

Where individualism and liberty are the rule of law, then freedom rings loud and strong. There individualism, limited government, God and the rule of law reign.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

To Kill A Baby

Imagine plotting to go to Mall Of America to try and kill a baby? How sick is that?

Sunday, April 14, 2019

The New Governor Goofy

According to a lead article in the 4/14/19 StarTribune, Socialist Governor Tim Walz is riding the political correctness train to its logical conclusion. He strives for an ever more diverse workforce driven by Progressive standards of inclusion, diversity and equity.

He has statistics broke down to capture precise representation of work numbers for the executive branch of state government: 54.9%; women, staff with disabilities, 8.8%; people of color, 14.3%; veterans, 8.8%=86.8% non-white males that make up 13.4% of the Minnesota population. Are straight white males 13.4% of the general population in Minnesota? If their statistics are right, and minorities in Minnesota are 20% of the population, and 80% are of European ancestry, and of that about 40% of the population is white male, how did a 13.4% executive branch number come about?

My suggestion: make sure that you have a little of all kinds working in your administration and I hope they are not tokens but are actually the best qualified person for the job.

I would recommend that Mavellonialism  be adopted by the state of Minnesota as the unofficial state religion (It is unconstitutional to declare an official state religion.). As we train a generation of young adults to enter the work force for public or private employment as maverized, individuating anarchists the vast majority of these job candidates will be so exceptional in certification, work ethic, creativity dependability, reliability, street smarts, willingness to care and get along with other team members, that they could be from any identity group and it would be irrelevant because all would be qualified and all would be worthy of hire and retention. 

Then this silly game of hiring quotas can wither away, and identity politics can disappear with it. That is how I respond to the pious, insincere socialist numbers game hiring practises bragged about by the new Governor Goofy.

Ben Shapiro

He narrates a brilliant, irrefutable Prager U video (perhaps Prage's best video ever) on why the West is so successful, and he praises the West for giving us religious tolerance, the abolition of slavery, universal human rights, the development of the scientific method, invented most of the modern world, brought billions out of poverty and gave women and minorities rights, etc. Shaprio notes that the modern world is Western or aspires to be Western.

The two springs of Western Civilization are from Jerusalem (revelation from Yahweh and Christ) and from Athens with the Greek classical thinkers that used reason and logic. The Good God made the moral universe, and this transcendent Being shared certain fundamental truths with his primary creation, Man, of who he demanded moral behavior.

Westerners realized that we have purpose and that history moves forward, thereby progress was forthcoming. Pagan religions taught that the universe was illogical and random, and that history was cyclical, so why try improve anything or make anything better in this world
Observe the activism, the worldly and otherworldly faith and secularism, the wondering, the reasoning the questioning and intellectual curiosity that Western people started to display and exercise. Notice the debilitating falailsm and lack of questioning that kept pagan peoples static, unchanging and timeless.

Westerners, from its Judeo-Christian roots, learned to accept that each human life is part divine, unique, special, and to be cherished as God's children and this led to all lives being regarded as valuable, as human rights, democracy and free enterprise arose in the West.

Without faith and revelation the West would decline into scientific materialism and nihilism as we are but specks of star dust in a cold, empty, meaningless universe.

Without reason and fact-checking, pure faith would unhinge religious fundamentalism as unprovable principles as the only path to meaning. Modern Islam is not a peaceful religion because there is too much passion and fanaticism and absolutism without reason, moderation and tempering logic to calm down true believers.

The advance of science and culture in the West was propelled by Greek belief in in natural law. They used logic, reason and experimentation to uncover the telos or purpose of the universe as natural law and as moral law that governs human affairs and behavior. The human telos or purpose then, is to reason and think.

Ben advises the viewer to stick with reason and revelation and not follow Progressives that reject both, replacing them with feelings and ideology and mass movements (my wording) that will result in the rise of moral disorder and chaos.

I would like to see Western Civilization made great again and to add Mavellonialism to the culture bedrock.

Freedom Works

Freedom Works has a video online today by Judge Andrew Napolitano explaining how the Commerce Clause was put in the Congress to encourage and regulate trade between states.

He complains that Congress and the Courts have interpreted the clause as granting almost unlimited government authority over Congress.

My question is how to we elect politicians and judges to roll back this jurist, congressional and bureaucratical, unconstitutional overreach into the world of commerce and private property rights?

We must elect politicians and judges that are originalists. We must pass COS, and we have to become originalist voters as tired of big government as they were in 1797.

Reverse Hate Crime?

Emmanuel Deshawn Aranda is a young black male that threw a cute 5 yer old white boy off a third floor balcony at MOA yesterday. They did not know each other, and the attack seem unprovoked.

Now Aranda has has previous trouble at the Mall and had been banned before and apparently suffers from mental illness.

Part of me wonders if this is a reverse hate crime. If a sick white dude threw a little black boy off of a third floor balcony 50 feet down, the issue of racism and hate crime would be screamed from the roof tops, whether or not evidence or the facts supported that.

Any reader familiar with my work know that I assert that we are all born corrupt and bigoted against other racial and ethnic groups. I believe that whites do hate blacks a bit, and I believe most blacks naturally hate whites a bit.

Admitting this is our common humanity admission, and is the  jumping off point for making things better.

That we commit hate crimes against anyone or discriminate against anyone is never acceptable and must be condemned and punished even if the perpetrator is poor, criminal or mentally ill.

Candace Owens

She is leading the Blexit movement to get black Americans to leave the Democratic Party and join conservatives and Republicans. It is a slow exit coming, but it would be great news for blacks and for America.

As an individualist and Mavellonialist, God has instructed me to tell De's people that, in America, with its riches, liberty, equal opportunity, constitutional protection and fantastic prospects, it is criminal and a vicious lie to brainwash any group of Americans into believing and accepting that they are so held down, so held back, so victimized, that they cannot get ahead in America, especially without government intervention, guidance and protection.

With our push to make America great again on the way to making it the greatest country ever, we will offer each citizen the fantastic, traditional opportunities coupled with Mavellonialist advice on how to individuate. Then it will be impossible to hold back any black American, or any other human being for that matter.

This talk of victimization does enslave blacks, does keep them on the ghetto, urban plantation and denies them their human rights in so many ways, on so many levels.

With A Gun

Yep, it does take a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun, and that is the purpose of 2A. The law-abiding American gun wield is the good guy with the gun holding off rogue federal police, outlaws, crazies, terrorists and invaders. Let us keep all Americans armed to the teeth and ready to repel all hostile comers.

Lahnee Chen

This Prager U video that pans Sander's plan for single payer health coverage as a right for all Americans, an idea that time has come.

The downsides to socialized medicine are many and daunting. They are articulately and honestly laid out in this clear, simple, scary video. This video and its narrator should be played and addressing Congress, and sent around the country to warn the people against this utopian nightmare pushed by the Left.

God's Gift

God gave us guns to defend America from enemies from within and without, from criminals and crazies and from Leftists wannabe tyrants.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Where We Differ

Stirner's individualism is too radical, too hyper. I am an individualist, strong than the individualism advocated by the Founding Father, but not against a federal union as a constitutional republic, not in denial of natural rights, not against a federal union of representative government, a sense of community with the rule of law; but I am not as radical an individualist as is Stirner.

I am more of an objective individualist and Stirner is more of a subjective individualist.

I love reason and concept and am more optimistic of their meaningfulness, truth value and probable certainty than is Stirner.

He dismisses all collective causes and ideology as spooks, fixed ideas and false targets to pursue, and I think his dismissal is too extreme. I do agree with him that people should be wary of committing terrorism for the cause or their ideology.

Stirner And I

Stirner is usually classified as a psychological egoist. I am a psychological altruist.

Stirner is not easily to classify ethically, he likely is more of an ethical egoist than a ethical altruist but he does not rule out selfless motivations, and all moderate ethicists, like I am,  would admit that both altruist and egoist motives may be good or evil, as studied on a case by case basis. I am an ethical or normative egoist.

Stirner is regarded as a rational egoist in that it is reasonable for people to pursue their own self-interest, and in generalized statement, I would be considered, overall, a rational egoist too.

My Book

I am researching my book on egoism, and have finished up my work on Mandeville, but Stirner is giving me fits. I cannot read him in German, and I do not know how reliable my translation of his main work is. He wrote obscurely in good German philosophical style. I am struggling with him, but I need to work my way through this.

Clearly Stirner refuted the radical anti-individualism of Hegel. It is easy to anticipate in retrospect that there is direct conceptual linkage between Hegel's insistence that each individual's ultimate purpose was to serve the cause of the state and how that led to totalitarian communitarianism on the right and on the left, of the kind that wrecked the lives of billions, in the 20th century.

Stirner the anti-statist and anarchist is an intellectual bulwark against justifying totalitarian governments existing and receiving popular support.

Max Stirner: Anti-Statist

Stirner apparently was an anti-statist as I am and it is not surprising that radical individualists like us would oppose the imposition of massive federal government upon the free-roaming private citizen.

Minnesota Legislature just passed a hands-free law to fine car drivers texting or being on cell phones while operating motor vehicles.

Minnesota is a socialist soft tyranny, and they deny that they are restricting liberty, that this is all aout public safety and for the common good.

They are statists and keep expanding state control into private lives and liberty and privacy are disappearing. Liberty is the issue and they hate it and are taking it away from us, one law at a time.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Infringed Upon

The Right To Bear Arms is not an unlimited right, but it, like any other constitutional right bears very little infringement until the written, legal restrictions do infringe upon our liberty, our civil right to keep and bear arms as individuals. With all the capitulation by the NRA over the last 50 years, the level of infringement or encroachment is now pure infringement, the slippery slope down to registration, confiscation and imposition of federal despotism. Anymore compromise to to allow the states and federal government to violate the Constitution.


The art of living well is to nurture the self through life plan and action plan of self-realization: through that permanent, busy, deliberate process of self-loving, self-disciplining and self-nurturing, one grows in creativity, talent, brilliance, intellectual insightfulness and moral goodness. It is the only path that any human should really consider following.

The New Year

It is already four months into the New Year, so it might seem a bit lame, a bit tardy to bring up New Year's resolutions now, but here goes with an invitation.

If you seek to awaken your slumbering self, to bring meaning, divine love and illumination into your life, nibble at or eat heartily at the table of the Good Spirits, where laid out before your eyes are a cornucopia of individuating possibilities.

Resolve, to banquet with the Good Spirits, often and repeatedly.

My Apologetics

Christians offer their apologetics in defense of their faith. So where is the Mavellonialist apologetics written by me?

It does not exist, and may never be written for I am 64 years old already, and this philosophy and theology of the maverick is still a work in progress.

If I live to be 95, perhaps on my 91st birthday, I will start writing the Mavellonialist Apologetics: it is an gargantuan undertaking, but of vital value and importance.

Psalm 86, 3

God, you are my God: "You are my God; have pity on me, O Lord, for to you I call all day."


Levin noes on Page 43 of Liberty and Tyranny that Statists detest the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, backed by the Creator of the Universe with natural law to operate it, with unalienable rights bestowed upon humans, that Progressive have no right to restrict or deny.

What Progressives cannot abide is their situational invention of what legal dos and don'ts that they legislate, being thwarted or found unconstitutional by orginalists and constitutional conservatives. The Statists desire no restrictions on their ability to grab more and more private power unto the sprawling government via statute, judicial overreach and commisarial ruling.

They claim the self-appointed mantle of social justice warriors, and being soldiers of good fighting for equality, human rights and economic rights, but their real aim is to acquire power unto themselves at the expense of each and every American citizen.

No Mystery

It is no mystery to this writer that humans are complex creatures of mixed motives, good intentions interwoven with their bad intentions, their noble impulses entangled inextricably with their hateful urges. Indeed, to seek to separate them would smash a soul into cosmic dust, and kill the human as a living animal.

We are half angel and half beast, and the beast or devil within us is the stronger, more feisty, more vibrant animating force in us. We are basically beasts, in an evil world run by Satan and Lera, a world of injustice, corruption, despotism, wanton cruelty, ignorance, superstition, poverty, sickness, violence, lawlessness and exposure to brutal natural forces.

Is there any hope? Of course, like Prager I have always believed that life is tragic, but the moderate love of truth in me, makes me qualify that proclamation immediately. Life is tragic naturally, immediately, and socially but it need not be that way or stay that way.

We are part angel: if we admit that we are wicked, are beasts, are sinful and nasty creatures out to harm others and ourselves, then we have found the key to unlock the gate into the garden of Eden in this world, and its golden staircase up to heaven to the New Jerusalem on the hill, on the cloud, where the mansion of the Father and Mother having thousands of rooms for us to reside in after death.

There is then great potential for happiness and moral and spiritual victory for humanity as private persons and en masse in this world and in the next, if we recognize what we are, what we are up against, and ascertain the steps required to ameliorate our sorry state, and then act upon what God has taught us and revealed to us.

Thursday, April 11, 2019


The Left lie all the time and smear people with hurtful labels, under the m. o. of personal destruction to silence critics and shut down discussion of good ideas.

Conservatives are nationalists, so the Left  accuse nationalists of being white nationalists, white supremacists and nazis, but it is the globalists are are obsessed with race, gender, class and color--these over-emphases on global citizenship, and destroying national borders will bring about racis, totalitarianism and collapse of liberty and civil rights world wide.

We conservatives that are American nationalists may be white but we are not white supremacists nor American supremacists: we just want our sovereignty respected, our citizens heard and obeyed by the politicial class, and our borders closed.

Reaping What Is Sowed

Why do gun rights advocates go after Republicans, not just Democrats? RINO Republicans and weak legislators are attacked by MGR because they attack MGR and its members, and because they are not defending gun rights, and not advancing gun rights.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019


A supporter from Grand Forks, North Dakota said hi to MGR on Facebook.
My response: "Grand Forks, my home area--you should start North Dakota Gun Rights."

Linda Runbeck

If Linda Runbeck wants to make amends with MGR, she should do an about-face, not be quiet but become a warrior and champion for Minnesota advancement of gun rights like sponsoring bills this year on constitutional carry and stand your ground.

Another Principle Revealed

4/10/19: Another principle of grassroots lobbying revealed through MGR: Republican legislators will not tell gun owners yes or no: they give the great non-answer: I am pro gun-rights, I once cosponsored constitutional carry, I once voted for stand your ground, and other excuses and diversions.

Militant Democrats and Progressive ideologues openly promise to vote to ban guns, and do vote and advocate according to their principles.

We need supercitizens that are smart, principled and not easy to deceive, misdirect or divert. They force candidates to lay out yes or no answers to how they will bring forth certain legislation and will vote on certain legislation. Once elected, they had better stay faithful and complete their promises and keep their promises or else be recalled or not reelected.

The citizens, the supercitizens, must select sterling quality candidates, persons of honor, honesty, bluntness, and prinicpled truth-telling. If the candidates selected and elected are statesman, then they will be far more faithful and honorable to the citizens that put them into office.

No Free Hit Policy

Ben Dorr and Trump have the no free hits policy. If RINOS, Leftists, Democrats, sell-outs and swamp-dwellers attack them, they swing back hard each and every time. They do not pull a meek George W. Bush and allowed the vicious fake media hacks and ideologues to slam and smear him into the low 30s in the polls, disemboweling his Presidency, his potency, his reputation. Constitutional conservatives need to be feisty, loud, proud, aggressive, in-their-face and keep politicians knowing that we are the boss, and that they work for us, and they will obey their employer, or be fired for non-performance, for lying, and growing the federal monster. Fight on for the Constitution and for liberty.

To run our constitutional republic, to restore it, and to extend it, we will be polite and cooperate when doable, but will not be slapped around, bullied or dismissed by Progressive fanatics. We are in this to win, and will not apologize for bringing our A-game feisty assertiveness.


Democrats: the party of infanticide and gun-grabbing.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

No Compromise

No Compromise. No A Ratings and no endorsements for those that allow infringement on our gun rights. No gun rights organization that is for compromise on gun rights should never receive money or support from a gun owner.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Faimly Dynamics

Family dynamics are always a double-edged sword. On one hand each child requires a married mom and dad that love themselves, each other, and their children. The parents need God in their lives, and need to raise the children to be disciplined, hardworking maturing individualists and individuators in order  for them to take their place in society as adults, to reproduce and live as contributing members of society in the future to pass on good  values and wholesome culture to their children and grandchildren. Healthy family dynamics make for healthy communities, and healthy communities make for functioning states. Functioning states and provinces make a country run smooth and well.

The family dynamic, without Mavellonialist insight and correction, is the greatest source of evil in the world, ancient or modern. Satan runs this world. People are basically evil, and people are selfless, with low self-esteem, and keeping people living and existing in herds keeps them evil, hateful, cruel and easy to keep subjugated as mediocre nonindividuators.

Evil is perpetuated and spread from generation to generation by familial suppression of its individual children. Satan and Lera use destructive group dynamics within each family unit to exploit the natural childhood, masochistic need to surrender, sell out and conform, the innate childhood cowardice and eager willingness to be tyrannized, the desperate human craving to conform to the most stifling inhumane group and familial demands, so that they can be popular and belong, by selling out, by betraying their innate call from God to stand up and maverize.

Each group in the world, and the family is no exception, requires its pecking order to be reaffirmed, its recognized status of insiders, its emphasis on the rewards of rank and status conferred by remaining a conforming insider to be reinforced by selecting and identifying a member to be the outcast, the rejected one, the whipping girl or whipping boy.

Family is the ancient, primitive biological unit for social grouping of parents and offspring. When parents set up who is in and a joiner, and who is out, the loner, and the whipping girl or whipping boy, that ugly, pain-saturated sets of behavior are established across generations, and the adult children will enforce them until all are dead and departed from this world.

These ancient, debilitating, cruel and unjust familial patterns of favorite, conforming, grouped children versus not-favored, nonconformist, individuating children are patterns that will not be rectified without reforms.

First, all people must accept that they are flawed and evil. Second, they must accept that they are natural joiners, and must reject that instinct, and live as God-seeking, God-obeying individuators that individual live. They must pledge, as adults, to live as heterosexual, married adults that are a family unit that raises children as individuators and individualists, a group, biological unit in which each child is treated more or less equally, without favoritism or discrimination.  That does not mean treating them exactly the same, but they should all be valued and allowed their liberty and self-actualization while being trained, disciplined, educated and loved as they grow into adults themselves.

In this way, the individual child, the family, the community and the nation will enjoy the benefits of family dynamics while eliminating a major source of dysfunction and suffering in the world, the group-oriented, group-living family unit.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Be Heard From

Pitch in and do your share, make a great advocate for goodness and righteousness.


Sometimes life delivers us a sound drubbing, but that is no occasion, let alone a legitimate reason, for being a quitter, resigning from life.

The Connection

In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 43, Levin notes how tolerant Americans areas the Founders linked liberty and religious liberty together: "The Founders were remarkably foresighted. It is no accident that Americans are among the most religious and tolerant people in the world."

Psalm 86,3

Call on God to chat, to visit, to say thanks and to offer praise, not just when you are desperate for consolation, aid and protection: "You are my God; have pity on me, O Lord, for to you I call all day."

Absolutely Certain

There are statements and conditions that are absolutely certain or indisputably true, but there are not many of them, and we may not be able to identify many of them that are so certain.

Bossing God Around

Are you inclined to give God orders? That is a bad, even dangerous idea.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Communication I Signed From MGR To State House Members

Look at all the unconstitutional violations potential and mentioned in this communication by gun-grabbing legislators:

In the very near future, radical Minneapolis Democrats will be voting on the worst gun control we've ever seen in Minnesota history.

HF 8, Universal Gun Registration, would make instant FELONS out of gun owners for passing down a family heirloom rifle, or for even loaning a friend a shotgun for a weekend hunting trip.

HF 9, Red Flag Gun Seizures, would DESTROY our right to due process and obliterate our 2nd, 4th , 5th and 14th Amendment rights by allowing virtually anyone to make the claim that you're "dangerous" and have your firearms seized without so much as a hearing.

The only way we are going to stop it is if we stand up and fight back.

We need to remind them that we'll hold them accountable with a vengeance at election time if they sell us out!

So please contact your legislator and tell them to vote NO on Red Flag Gun Seizures and Universal Gun Registration!

Don't wait, STAND and FIGHT NOW!

Petition I Signed From MGR, Petition To Minnesota Senate, 4/4/19

Whereas:S. F. 434 and H. F. 8 would make criminals out of law abiding gun owners and institute a statewide registry of every firearm in the state of Minnesota; and
Whereas:S. F. 436 and H. F. 9 would strip Minnesotans of their gun rights with ZERO due process and before being convicted in court through so-called ‘Red Flag Gun Seizures;’ and
Whereas:Gun owners are the reason why the Senate flipped in 2016 after gun owners ousted anti-gun Senators in Senate District 2 and Senate District 17, giving you the majority that you currently enjoy.
Therefore:As a voter and proud gun rights supporter in Minnesota, I insist that you hold the line for gun owners and kill these bills once and for all without granting them so much as a hearing! I will be watching closely to see what you do with these bills.

Ben Dorr Nails It

Ben laid out the MGR and AFC model of citizen lobbying tonight. Swamp-dwellers and sold-out lobbyists hang out in St. Paul and in Washington all the time, cozying up to politicians until they own the politicians and the politicians own them, and big government, bureaucratic overreach, tyranny and turncoat, spineless politicians grow socialism and gun-grabbing, not liberty, gun freedom and capitalist choice and wealth.

The swamp-dwellers in St. Paul say the doors are doing nothing, and are never seen at the Capitol, so they are doing nothing but grabbing donor money to enrich themselves. To be in the swamp currying favor and being owned, sold-out, neutered and controlled by elitist insiders is lobbying from the top, and it does not work, and the masses and the public interests are ill-served, denied, even betrayed.

The Dorrs use social media, and spend 90% of their time out with the public, firing up the grassroots members, so they will be a vast army of lobbyists doing their own lobbying, reaching out to swamp-dwellers, a bottom-up grassroots army that is very effective and powerful.

This model of lobbying remains independent and militant and no-compromise, while the ones at the Capitol all the time become tired, pacified, owned and without teeth.

Imagine what I could do with supercitizens as anarchist-individuators if they mobilized by the thousands and millions, and set into motion the Dorr model of bottom-up mass lobbying as they masses speak with one, united voice to promote a legislative program that they have agreed upon.

Ben articulated this on his video tonight (3/4/19) in a few sentences.

Only Choice Acceptable

The only choice acceptable for any gun rights organization, going forward, is no compromise: Get militant or disband.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Blow It Off

There is  lot of crud being written and announced out there, but you need not accept it or be influenced by it, all the while denouncing and openly countering it.

Psalm 86, 2

Dear God, please keep us alive and safe: "Keep my life, for I am devoted to you; save your servant who trusts in you."

As You Seek

As you seek after insight and truth, you will discover answers to many questions. Your thinking processes by logical workings will provide you with many answers. Flashes of comprehension and intuited flashes will take you further along the path to more knowledge.

At other times you will feel the answer.

Use all epistemological means to understand and learn all you can all the time.

Americans Can Be Free

Americans can be free and yet pious and tolerant. We welcome all but insist that no state church or sharia law shall disrupt the national politic.

Get Out There

Speak your maverized truth and get  your ideas out there in the marketplace of ideas.
Do not allow society to maroon you on an island of suppression, isolation and silence. Be loud, be proud, be heard.