Monday, July 31, 2023

The Supreme Ruler



On Page 7 of The Cavalier Chronicle is the paper’s weekly homily, entitled The Supreme Ruler. Here it is: God exalted Jesus so the world would confess Jesus is Lord. Every knee will bend before Jesus. Every person will declare that Jesus is Lord. This has not happened yet. Help bring it about in church this week as you confess Jesus is Lord. . . . Jesus Christ is Lord. Philippians 2: 5-11.


My response: God the Father and God the Mother will exalt whom they will, and humble whom they will.  Is Jesus Lord. He certainly is a mighty deity, and worthy of love, devotion, respect, and obedience.


It is less important for me who is The Supreme Ruler than it is that a believer worship a benevolent deity, however exalted or modest, and I think, despite what was written, 2000 years ago, Jesus the Divinity, the Moderate and the Individualist would not have a problem if someone worshiped Allah or Mother Earth.


The new, progressive, more peace-creating religious stance—which I support--is that followers of the various benevolent deities move from being hostile, mutually exclusive, and at times violently competitive with rival denominations and faiths and adopt a relationship based on mutual inclusiveness, peaceful tolerance, coexistence, cooperation, and mutual affection.


They can continue to agree to disagree about which deity is the one, the truest, the most real and that is supreme overall all other deities, but no longer will they take up the sword to make their point.

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Think for Yourself


With her protagonist in The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand represents Howard Roark as the brilliant, original thinking idealist that compromises never, says what he thinks and cares not one whit what others think or oppose.


I advise that we be people-friendly, as diplomatic as we can be while speaking with originality and absolute honesty.


Pete Keating is a minor antagonist to Roark, but he represents the everyman in the pack antithetical to all that here Roark exemplifies: nonindividuating, joining, conforming, popular and worldly successful but not able to solve tough technical problems, or decide how to move forth in his career without consulting with Roark first.


I mostly approve of Rand’s novelist contrasting the joiner good by with the brilliant, principled loner, unpopular and kept poor by the worldly and connected because he refuses to kowtow to them.


I would add that the Pete Keatings of the world have plenty of talent and ability, but they do not choose to use it to the maximum, self-realizing each day, every day for all of their remaining lifetime.


Let me quote a few lines from Page 33 of the book: “Come on,” said Roark, “you’re not being afraid of me are you. What do you want to talk about?”


“It’s about my scholarship. The Paris prize I got.”




“It’s for four years. But on the other hand, Guy Francon offered me a job with him some time ago. Today he said it is still open. And I don’t know which to take.”


. . . “If you want my advice, Peter,” he said at last, “you’ve made a mistake already. By asking me. By asking anyone. Never ask people. Not about your work. Don’t you know what you want? How can you stand it, not to know?”


My response: it is acceptable even commendable to ask others what they suggest, but the final decision should be one’s own, after getting to know the self fairly well by reading, thinking, dialoguing and self-realizing throughout one’s teen years.


I admire Rand for pointing out that the individual should control his own work or career, and I would add moral or theological decisions.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Howard Roark, Superman


Howard Roark is a superman, and thus is not quite believable. Here is what Ayn Rand wrote about him on Page 26 of The Fountainhead: “Look here, Roark,” said the Dean gently. “You have worked hard for your education. You only had one year to go. There is something important to consider, particularly for a boy in your position. There’s the practical side of an architect’s career to think about. An architect is not an end in himself.  He is only a small part of a great social whole. Co-operation is the key word to our modern world and to the profession of architecture in particular. Have you thought about your potential clients?”


“Yes,” said Roark.


“The Client,” said the Dean. ‘The Client . . . Your only purpose is to serve him. You must aspire to give proper artistic expression to his wishes . . .”


“Well, I could say that I must aspire to build for my client the most comfortable, the most logical, the most beautiful house that can be built. I could say that I must try to sell him the best I have and teach him to know the best. I could say it, but I won’t. Because I don’t intend to build in order to have clients. I intent to have clients in order to build.”


“How do you propose to force your ideas upon them?”


“I don’t propose to force or be forced. Those who want me will come to me.


My response: Ayn Rand was a great soul. Howard Roark is a fictional great soul. I am a great soul. It is possible that there are emotional supermen or psychopathic narcissists like Roark that are so supremely self-confident and wholly independent and able to stand on their own without any effort to cooperate or please the groups around them, that they remain unaware of their pure unpopularity and being hated by all around them, but I doubt it. They would be rare birds indeed.


We are social creatures, and we should self-realize and go against the group, the zombie-like peers, against educational thugs and bureaucrats like the Dean that break all the young people that enter their programs. But such noble and obligatory rebellion against collectivized institutions comes at a very high emotional price: it hurts like hell, but that is the route the maverizer must take. Roark’s ability to care not one whit what anyone thinks or recommends is not credible: it is inhuman. Rand often seems too idealistic, and her paragons and their standards of self-expectations are a little too severe, too pure. He does not seem flesh and blood real to me.


She must have suffered at the hands of similar groupists thugs pushing against her all the time but she lived the life of the creative rebel, pushing back against the conformists pushing at her, just as she encourages Roark to do.


The Dean is horrified that Roark is indifferent to the opinions of others and does not even care to try and persuade them to his point of view. The Dean dismisses him as a dangerous monster not to be encouraged but thwarted at every turn.


The Dean seems quite believable to me.


Roark, Rand’s paragon individuator and creative rebel, is so consistently individual and self-directing, not caring a whit what anyone else thought, that he does not come across as real. We feel, we hurt when others shun us, we doubt ourselves when everyone denounces our goals, our values.


Still, though Rand is too idealistic in her portrayal of Roark, that we should all aspire to be as perfect and strong and unfeeling as he is, her basic advice that each person should maverize is wisdom itself.


Rand again is too idealistic that the architect or artist of any kind should work to create original excellence, never pandering to popular taste, just doing his own lonely thing, until the public wakes up and realizes that products crated by this genius are worth buy and supporting.


The creator or artist should do his own thing, on his own, in his private life, and then slowly introduce it to the public to see what the reaction is: if it is favorable and supportive, he can introduce more and more of his works for sale.


We all must cooperate a little bit and be a bit practical and lower our standards so that we can make some money, and our family can eat. The Dean is not completely mistake, and Roark the elitist snob is not totally correct in his pure, uncompromising stance.


Still, overall, my sympathies lie with Roark and Rand, not the Dean and the masses. I am not against the masses though: I just want them to self-realize so that they can become superior humans and brilliant artistic creators per capita.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Holy Spirit


From the July 19th, 2023 copy of The Cavalier Chronicle, I will lay out their weekly homily, and then comment on it: “The Best Influencer: It is easy to be influenced. We see it in our society all the time. God’s way of leading God’s children is by the Holy Spirit. The results are good for everyone. This week, in church, learn about how to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.”


My response: it is easy to be influenced when one is a collectivist, a joiner, a follower and a group-living nonindividuator. (Romans 8:12-25.


One should think for oneself as an individuating, rational being. Being influenced by the God, the Holy Spirit and the Good Spirits is a winner.


I note that the author of these homilies advises people to learn from the pastor in church, and that is a way to go.


It would seem that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are top-drawer deities whereas the Good Spirits that I pray to and talk to are angels on a lower level of the Great Chain of Being.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Exodus, Chapter 8, The Second Plague


Pharaoh, remaining hard of heart and rebellious against the Lord, would not let the people go, so Yahweh afflicted Egypt with the second plague. Finally, Pharaoh had enough, and summoned Moses and Aaron to him, promising if they would remove the frogs, then he would let the Hebrew people go from bondage. Yahweh removed the frogs and then Pharaoh broke his promise, and still refused to let the people go.


There are several lessons here: God is telling us that if we are on the wrong path, or sinning with gusto, he will send us warning communications to straighten up and fly right. If we make the adjustment, great; if not, we are headed for hellfire.


I do not know if it rises to the level of being a sin that cannot be forgiven, but promising God to start behaving, with the intention in advance to renege and break one’s word as soon as God cuts one some slack, is a dangerous, audacious act of treachery and promise breaking that one should not engage in, but that is how Pharaoh seeks to betray and manipulate God, a foolish, useless maneuver. Now, God is angry, and you do not want God’s wrath being poured down upon your head, ever.

Exodus 7:8-13


In the excerpt quoted after this, it is amazing how the Bible shows that God talks to his prophets and representatives, in this world, and how they perform miracles in front of Pharaoh and his court. It would indicate to me that we are so secular, and devoid of divine presence in our lives, that we do not converse with or see spirits or divinities walking the earth among us, though they do, and we would see much more of them directly if we but believed and welcome them in.


The quote from The New American Bible: The Lord told Moses and Aaron, “If Pharaoh demands that you work a sign or wonder, you shall say to Aaron: Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, and it will be changed into a snake.” Then Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the Lord had commanded. Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and his servants, and it was changed into a snake. Pharaoh, in turn, summoned wise men and sorcerers, and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did likewise by their magic arts. Each one threw down his staff, and it was changed into a snake. But Aaron’s staff swallowed their staffs. Pharaoh, however, was obstinate, and would not listen to them just as the Lord had foretold.


My response: Pharaoh makes demands of Moses and Aaron, supernatural signs of their power, and God commands them to give the demonstration. These prophets face demands and commands from opposing parties.


That Aaron and the magicians are able to convert staffs into snakes is a sign that miracles or magic are able to function in this world and overrule the laws of physics and reality. They also reveal that opposing spiritual forces, one good (the Lord) and one evil (the magicians and their pagan deities) are at work here.


Note the impressive symbolism of Yahweh’s power being greater than those of the pagan deities, as Aaron’s snake at the pagan snakes.


Pharaoh should be shocked and in awe of Yahweh’s demonstration of superior supernatural clout, but he remains unimpressed and unmoved. Evil people rebel against God and are sure they are right and invincible, and God foretold Pharaoh’s cruel obstinacy, and yet the Pharaoh wielded free will, at least in part, and this is one of the moral and metaphysical mysteries that we cannot solve: God exists, evil exists; God knows the future with a high degree of certainty, and yet we are free to choose as we will, but will receive divine justice in this world and the next for choices made.


Here is that same excerpt from the Holy Bible (KJV): And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, When Pharaoh shall speak unto you, saying, Show a miracle for you: then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod, and cast it before Pharaoh, and it shall become a serpent.


And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharaoh, and they did as the Lord had commanded: and Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh, and before his servants, and it became a serpent.


Then Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers: now the magicians of Egypt, they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For they cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents: but Aaron’s rod swallowed their rods.


And he hardened Pharaoh’s heart, that he hearkened not unto them; as the Lord had said.


My response: note that there are two spiritual forces at work in the everyday world here; good miracles provided by Yahweh, and evil miracles to counter these from Egypt’s sorcerers.


Both forces vie for worldly power and control, and to woo humans to their cause. Both seem to provide evidence of a natural world obeying natural law, and yet, occasionally, supernatural law intercedes, for good and for evil, to override natural laws, so that good and evil miracles occur. There is so much going on here, and implicit in this simple, Old Testament narrative.

Miracle Rain


I know it is proverbial to repeat, but one does not know how good one has it, until privation makes one realizes how much one misses something, something that one had taken as automatic give one by God, nature, Fate, government or by one’s own effort.


Good health is the classical example. We do not appreciate this great blessing until we are sick, broken, disabled, perhaps terminally ill.


Having enough money and a little more is quite desirable, but good health is far more important. Do not throw it away with both hands because it shall leave you on its own, soon enough, at the end of your days when you are sick, dying and then die.


We have endured a terrible drought and much excessive heat this summer, and over a wide range of US, not just the Twin Cities.


It will be perhaps 97 degrees today, and close to 20 90-degree days so far this summer. I water one to two hours a day or every other day, trying to keep our flower and vegetable gardens alive, and it is a struggle.


Overnight, we go .95 hundredths of an inch of rain (the Mother’s gift to us), and this morning the entire yard, including yellow, dead patched of crunch grass are green almost instantaneously.


This thunderstorm gift is the most rain that we have received over the last 6 weeks, and it is heating up almost right away, but it shows how quickly nature turned green, seeking precious, life-giving rain.


It is a miracle rain, and nature’s quick if temporary recovery is a miracle to observe. Thank you Father, Mother, Jesus and the Good Spirits for this gift of moisture.


Climate alarmists and their fake news to the contrary, I pray that most people here and around the world, most of the time enjoy moist enough conditions so that animals, plants, humans (crops and farmers making a living), the ground water levels, the rivers, the lakes, the ponds that flourish. Amen.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Minorities Have An Extra Burden


Minorities like blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, immigrants and even Asians, to a degree have an extra moral burden to carry and overcome if they are to be modern, prosperous, free, functioning and civilized peoples, as Americans or in their native lands, and the hour is late.


Ayn Rand was mostly right. Selfishness or self-interest is virtue and altruistic self-sacrifice, or selfless ness is vice.


The Devil is the head dictator of the mob, and Sa promotes collectivism.


God the Father, Jesus and the Mother are benevolent deities and staunch individualists counseling that loving and serving the common interest is best achieved by taking care of oneself first and primarily, and, as all children of light so conduct themselves, this competent, virtuous self-care, ripples out to serve the community well.


Western values or white values are the most moderate, rational, and individualistic values. It does not make white people naturally superior for having these values. Whites are no better or worse than those humans of other races or ethnic groups, but white, Western and American values are the world standard for civilized living, and if minorities here and in other countries reject those values or preach multiculturalism with competing other cultures touted as as good as the American culture, they are gravely mistaken, and doing their own people a disservice.


American value and culture need to be blended with the various collectivist peoples and cultures around the world so that those people here and there can live well and wisely in freedom and prosperity.


Should minorities here or there reject Western culture and its values, then they must work much harder to be moral and progressive, if indeed they are not remaining stagnant, or regressing and becoming more immoral and corrupt.

Organoid Intelligence


Today, 7/25/2023, Breitbart News reports that in Australia’s government is funding scientists mixing human brain cells with artificial intelligence, apparently with some success. This organoid intelligence is transhumanist for sure, and it could be a Frankenstein monster as well as beneficial to say Alzheimer’s patients, or supplementing human natural intelligence, in essence making us supersmart and superhuman.


We need a code of ethics for what scientists should be able to mix or not, and if such guidelines should be legally limiting or just voluntary. I do not know what rules for research need to be established, who is smart enough to devise them, and who should enforce them, but AI is here to stay, and soon smart robots will be a separate intelligent species, a new race, perhaps all machine, but perhaps part organic.


These scientific revolutions are going to occur monthly now, and things will never be the same.


Like nuclear weapons, AI is out of Pandora’s box now, for good or ill, and who can predict the future?


I still believe in God and the Good Spirits, that I am a prophet sent by the Good Spirits to introduce people to Mavellonialist faith and ethics, so that, in the near future, a generation of average citizens arise that are naturally superhuman as self-evolved individuator-anarchist supercitizens working for the Good Spirits and the Light Couple. They are the only group strong enough, soldier-like enough, bright enough, imaginative enough, quick enough and tough enough to cope with out-of-control AI by itself or its wicked human, totalitarian handlers.


I garden heavily and no matter if AI wipes out weaker pathetic humans or enslaves them, or these robots in disgust, get a star ship and leave earth for their own world to be away from us, I know that life loves living, and nature always adapts, and something alive will live in the Brave New World even if humans are extinct.


Life goes on, the world goes on and the Good Spirits are fighting the good fight every day, and some intelligent species will evolve up out of the decayed urban jungle or the aftermath muck of the coming nuclear holocaust. The future is unstoppable now, and we have to be at peace, after fighting the good fight, and let the world and the Divine Couple clean up the mess that we have bequeathed to our grandchildren.

Monday, July 24, 2023

Doubling & Tripling Down


First, since the 60s, the Democrats and the Left, through Great Society, federal largesse, gave us millions of children, raised on welfare or government subsidies, often without a married father in the house to help teach the kids lawful, moral behavior, to work, to save, to build a future for themselves.


Fast forward to 2023 where Democrats and Leftists run most large American, where crime, filth and dysfunction are skyrocketing. The Progressives gave us these hellhole urban centers which are now ungovernable and decent people are fleeing the cities even the blue states.


Do these Leftists admit their lousy values and their failed policies? Never, they are smarter, and superior morally to traditional Americans so they just double and triple down on spreading their federalism, their failed policies, their welfare state, and lousy values.


To deceive oneself and the public this long, this consistently, for decade after decade requires true believer credulity to insist that a bad ideology should not be abandoned but extended over all red states.


Then the failed value system of the Left, led its thinkers to conclude that the teenage children of these failed inner city families without a father, that it was not their fault, the families fault, or the child-criminals fault that the children were ending up often dead due to gun violence, or imprisoned. These youngsters, often male and black, were being incarcerated at higher rates and whites so the Progressive geniuses came up with another answer: do not prosecute the criminals for minor even felony level crimes, because these poor 200-pound babies have led a rough lives—many have—so they deserve the pass and then crime and unlivability in the city escalates and proliferates.


Leftist never blame the individual criminal for his misbehavior, it is the fault of white oppressors groups and the like, or it is the availability of guns, so let us register and then confiscate all guns from all Americans including the law-abiding and that will keep the criminals form getting guns and doing nasty things. After all, illegal guns are not on the street for sale, are they?


Progressive solution: Wiping out the second amendments and allowing future, weaponized state and federal police to go after all dissidents now disarmed and at the mercy of thugs legally enforcing the will of the coming communist dictatorship, but, hey, crime is still rampant in the inner city.


For 200 years, in settled communities, people, often kids handle guns and gun violence was rare. When children are raised with a Dad, love and the Bible, their Judeo-Christian values make it very unlikely for them to use guns because they were terrorists, criminals or crazy. This teaches us that immoral teenagers, not gun availability is why guns are abused today.


Leftists lie all the time and lie number one is that the individual criminal is not responsible for his behavior, and lie # 2 is that guns kill people. No people without moral self-restraint kill people and may use a gun to do the nasty deed.


Real, conservative, God-based solutions: One, teach kids morals and about the Bible again, from their dad especially. Two, teach them to be individuals that self-realize and give their talents to God, and their self-control will make violent crime a rare thing in the future. Third, violent felons with guns that repeatedly offend or carry illegal guns should be locked away for 10 year for each offense, and all of these will make America livable again, not taking guns away from all Americans.

Evil: Practical Definition


Lately I have been fascinated with defining what evil is, and this morning, I am just going to give a practical definition of certain actions that typify doing evil or good.


One is evil in thought, word, or deed, when one wishes upon or works to harm oneself or others with bad spiritual and physical health, in this world and the next.


One is good in thought, word, or deed, when one, spiritually and physically, wishes well upon or works to heal oneself or others, in this world or in the next.


New Lows


Breitbart News today (7/24/2023) reports that belief in hell and the devil are at a new low, which is not surprising, given our secular society that has abandoned God.


I am more afraid of God than I am of the devil, or hell or the government or public opinion.


I will side with God and take the consequences.


God will get angry and retribution, not revenge, or divine justice will come crashing down one day on all the rebellious sinners.


They may not believe in hell and the devil, but the devil believes in them, and does Sa’s best work when people are in the dark as to his intentions, methods, and plan of attack against all that is dear, good and holy.


Satan is on the march and has done rather well for himself, but soon that tide will turn in God’s favor.

Friday, July 21, 2023




Being an ontological, epistemological, political, moral, spiritual and intellectual moderate is who I am and it is hard to explain—yet these perspectives color everything I write and think, and I contradict myself all the time, as a well-intentioned, smart dialetheist must do.


For example, I credit the great Eric Hoffer with warning Americans all through the middle to late 20th century to fear intellectuals due to their corrupting addiction to power, their inflated sense of their own importance, their sincere acceptance that, as part of the ruling class in any social order, it is their divine right, obligation and destiny to rule the masses and run their lives, doing their thinking for them.


The literate class, the expert class, the formally educated and degreed/credential class have ruled or help rule the masses in most every half-civilized country for the last 3500 years. Their elite status renders them cruel, stupid, arrogant, sadistic and without mercy for the masses they claim to care for.


Hoffer is now forgotten, but one of his primary, heroic warnings—to protect noble American culture and political system traditionally run by the masses for the masses from the bottom up in this free market constitutional republic—have been heeded and accepted by millions of conservatives across the country, and that heightened awareness may yet save this country from collapsing into the Postmodernist-Marxist totalitarian hell that the Democrats and Leftists eagerly conspire to inflict upon the American people.


The millions of college-educated members of the ruling class (running the public institutions on all levels of government), lawyers, doctors, pastors, psychotherapists, teachers, professors, actors, journalists are experts in their fields, and they know it and believe it.


They believe that group-working, group-living, non-individuating experts, and intellectuals, with college degrees, are just naturally destined to rule the naughty, helpless little people. That these educated fools and thugs, with their groupthink, their mean spirit, their power-lust, their complete immersion, and conformity to the socialist ideology that they revere with its one-dimensional, ‘perfect”, answers to any problems that come up, their existence as cogs in the machine in various institutional hierarchies, their arrogant acceptance glibly assume that they have the right approach. These uninspired, dull thinkers, in their yet nonviolent phase of pushing their Progressive mass movement down the throats of the American people, with their federally allotted solutions for local problems, their one size fits all plan for running the country from Washington, DC, they are bringing the Ameritopian nightmare to us.


We have to work on Hoffer’s masses, one person a time, who of their own free will, agree to man up and become anarchist-individuator supercitizens that will make America great again from the bottom up to fight the ruling class cult of expert rule by functionaries. May they succeed: it is a heavy lift and time is short.


Now I contradict myself: experts are experts and should be heeded, but not obeyed. The amateur but bright, independent masses, organized among themselves with their clear, united agenda for running the country well and right-these millions of individuators-anarchist supercitizens will heed experts but not let them run and destroy things any longer.


Hoffer noted 60 years ago that the intellectuals should be pampered and petted but never allowed to run things: they crave power deeply and that is bad for them and even worse for the masses whenever intellectual take the reigns of government and run the  cultural institutions.

Spiritual Modesty


I think the problems triggering the rise of atheism in the West and the skeptical, logical rejection of the theodicy contradiction (how the purely good, omnipotent Creator rules the world and yet evil exists, but God is not responsible for its existence) is in part caused by extravagant metaphysical speculation and grandiose religious framing of these profound, confusing subjects.


I attribute to Fate the power and responsibility for creating or being forever what is part good and part evil, and then God and Satan can battle their good versus evil war, likely forever, without anyone working too hard or worrying too much about solving the unresolvable theodicy contradiction. Metaphysical speculation is fruitful and productive, and worth engaging in, but we must get on with living; we still need God and morality in our lives, as objectively true as possible, and yet workable.


We can but may not need to pray all the time to the almighty deities like the Father, the Mother, or Jesus or Allah.


Perhaps we can pray to minor deities like the Good Spirits, angels that are former humans that made good, or have forever been angels or good spirits. Without interaction with minor deities being enough to function daily, we do not have to bother the major deities all the time, and nor do we need to grind to a halt metaphysically due to grappling with metaphysical mysteries that we just cannot solve or solve satisfactorily.

Hasty Theodicy II


 Evil exists and yet theists insist that God is all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-loving, and yet humans brought evil into the world, and it is all their fault because evil is their rebellion against and distance from God and God’s grace. God is blameless for the existence of evil in the world, and we must accept this contradiction of faith as a mystery to be experienced and through which we build or faith, but do not answer without our skeptical, logical minds.


Atheists might counter that the contradiction must be resolved, so they posit that there is only the material world, and that humans are part-good and part bad (or all-good) with free will, and that evil is a learned behavior to be treated as a mere if unfortunate social pathology.


These are serious doubts and honest, solid criticisms about theodicy and how to resolve the contradiction. If God knows all, is all good, and controls all, how can evil exist? How can we have free will when God knew four million years ago what we will do with our lives and choices?


These questions are tough maybe impossible to answer. In part, God is a bit evil, so God could create, allow, or use evil for good purposes, such as making free will for human agents real and significant.


If God is powerful but not all-powerful, then Fate is credited with being the author of all that is good and evil, and we do not know how or why this is the case. If God is part evil, but did not create evil, then we have a good deity to worship, without obsessing about while evil and suffering are such ineradicable parts of human existing. It is not a copout to accept some of this on faith. It is practical and realistic to resolve this doubts and questions as best we can so that we can get one with living, while enjoying talking go God and building a moral life for ourselves, our families and the community

Hasty Theodicy


How could God be omnipotent, all-loving, and omniscient and yet evil flourishes in the world?


I do not know for sure, and I am not convinced that anyone can speak with pure knowledge and authority about this contradiction, this mystery.


Evil is spiritual and morally and socially existent, not just a social construct. God is a speck evil and the Devil is a speck good, so it is obvious that God created evil, or at least is part evil so that De experiences evil and understands it objectively and subjectively while fighting it constantly. Jesus was ½ human so being human is to be born evil, so Jesus roughly was born a bit more than ¼ evil.


I do not think God causes or created evil—De might have to make our moral choices, born of free will—meaningful and important—so much as God is part evil and thus exists and participates in a Universe/Fate/the One that is good more than bad but is both.


It is true that evil is the opposite of or absence of good, but spiritual hate and spiritual hatefulness exists for its own purposes, separate from, not just in opposition to goodness and God.


God is part evil, but God is not to blame for evil in the world, so much as God is related to it in some small way, just as the Devil is not to be praised for the little good residing in Sa—he always was or was created by Fe (Fate) that way.

What Evil Is


What is evil? As I have written many times, we cannot precisely define what this eternal, supernatural force is, because what is metaphysically eternal, supernatural and a consciousness of much higher intelligence than human understanding, transcends human capacity to produce conceptualization and language that can be utilized to give more than an adequate definition of what evil is, but I will try again.


What is evil is closely linked to what is hateful. When we hate ourselves, we become angry, bitter, resentful and we loath ourselves, and are so unhappy, so envious, so lacking in self-regard. We need to attack ourselves and others. If we do not follow God, self-realize or individual-live, there is no way we can earn self-esteem requisite to transforming into a person of optimism, happiness, and good will, that cares for God, others, the self, and the world.


Evil in human nature may be natural or shaped by milieu, or the Devil may be invited in by the failed agent’s free choice.


To be evil and act evil is a mode of living in the world, and it is a conscious orientation for the agent that does hateful things by intention or as an unintended consequence.


If the agent’s conscious willful plan and behavior is to inflict needless pain, suffering and loss upon himself or others, loss up to and including murder, he is a morally sick puppy.


To harm others, creatures in nature, an angel from heaven, or nature itself is to offend the Good Spirits and that is a mighty dangerous road to travel along.


There can be no evil that is culpable or blameworthy unless the agent is wicked of his own free will, an autonomous, intelligent being. In him, his character, his will, his soul, and his actions, evil exists, and he can become so rotten that he is actually evil itself, roaming the earth like a lion devouring people.


One contradiction that I recognize here is that evil is in nature more than good is in nature, and good is in the city, or the artificial human centers of population, more than evil is where humans are concentrated.


This cautionary about nature being evil should warn off radical environmentalists with their anti-fossil fuel, politically tainted ideology from being so radical, so pro-nature and so anti-human. Evil Spirits are the spiritual force behind Marxism and radical environmentalism.


Still, life is complex and humans in the city go from being good to living wicked lives, and Hoffer warned over 40 years ago about humans conquering nature outside and then their inner nature overwhelms them in the city at the same time. These issues are always complex, and it is difficult to know if one is good and doing the right thing or not. We must always remain humble and modest about absolute assertion that our ideological preference is the one, truth faith.

Trump's Mouth


I have a big mouth and I am a brutally, blunt speaker, and ENTJ, that has often been hated for scaring and offending people with strong, sometimes rude remarks. I have really worked at curbing that: being a normative and rational egoist are not justifications for being discourteous towards others, and hurting their feelings intentionally, or by thoughtless, caustic remarks.


Now that is not the same as being unwilling to seek, think, write, and speak what is true, no matter who is offended by it, or who refuses to hear criticism, no matter how harsh it is, or how sad or upset it makes them feel.


While by careful and courteous speech, we do not want to alienate others, we all must agree among each other that, for the civil society to function, for truth to rule us and for communication and dialogue to occur, to speak plainly, honestly and forthrightly, about ourselves, and what we see others doing and being, all about them and ourselves that is positive and negative—these conversations and writings must flow openly and as the communicator intends without pushback.


Of course, we all should be offended when someone gaslights us, or smears us, or is needlessly, verbally sadistic. As we love ourselves, we let no one verbally abuse us, slander us, or lie about us. We also should strive to speak accurately, truthfully, and as respectfully to and about others as we can achieve.


We also must toughen up, and not be offended by free speech, insensitive speech or even what the Leftist authoritarians seeks to suppress and censor, free speech that they mischaracterize and degrade into a category of hate speech. The ideal social arrangement, in terms of fostering an atmosphere of near absolute free speech and candor, speaking in the future cannot occur because it will be socially, educationally, and legally punished. None of this corrupt, totalitarian speech restricting can ever be tolerated or asked. The government on all levels must not censor free speech anywhere, ever, or we will no longer be living in a constitutional republic.


This brings me back to my beloved Donald Trump. He has gotten better, but he is still too mouth, verbally offensive and verbally abusive, and it might well cost him the reelection as swing-Democrats, independents and educated women in the suburbs hate him for his mean personality.


He is essentially a good and decent and honest man, and a brilliant administrator, but the way he puts down his Presidential candidate competitors horrifies me and offends me: it makes him look mean and a bully.


He is pugnacious and strong, and lets no one push him around, and he disallows the cruel and verbally vicious left to insult him without fighting back, and I want him to fight, fight back hard every time, but not be casually verbally mean for its own sake. He may already have doomed his reelection chances—and we need him there so bad—with his big mouth.


I want him to take apart the Administrative state, reign in the fascistic, authoritarian, weaponized FBI and DOJ, make America great again, protect strong 2A rights, restrict abortion (within reason), close the border, balance the budget and build up our military, but if the people cannot tolerate his mouth and personality, they will not reelect him, and they need him to be here President in 2025.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Concept Of Evil


The Concept of Evil


I read this morning an article called The Concept of Evil. It was written in 2013 by T Calder and it is printed online in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. The article is rich, but not initially seem definitive to me, and it seems to argue that evil is an outmoded but surprisingly resilient concept. My quick sense if that it is regarded by professional thinkers as a social construct, not a metaphysical force, which it is.


I am not ready today to comment on that article, but I know evil when I do it, experience it being done to me, or observe how young boys, running in packs can downgrade themselves into a vicious mob, with no moral restraints, capable at that point of doing anything imaginable to anyone close by that they are strong enough to inflict harm upon.


Their easy decline into cruelty and violence is so stark, patent, and quick to emerge that I must conclude that they have evil hearts, an evil capacity to misbehave on a grand scale, and, in mob anonymity; there and then whatever private conscience was restraining each individual is obliterated as he absorbed into the irresistible, destructive collective will to which he is subsumed into and consumed by.


I may not be able to define evil exactly—and nor did anyone else in the article on professional ethicists citied above, but I intuitively know it when it is in my presence. My life is built upon fighting it.


Thinkers can theorize all day about the concept of evil, and should, but we need a moral practical, working definition of good and evil and set of rules to live by so we can help our young people get on with the business of living well and doing well, to survive in the everyday world.

Dave Rubin


I relistened to Dave Rubin’s 2017 Prager U video: Why I Left the Left.


Rubin used to be a Progressive when they were liberal, but now they are against freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of religion, and believed should be judged by their character, not the color of their skin. (This shows that Martin Luther King was a liberal and individualist, not a modern, Leftist Progressive and collectivist.).


Rubin left the Leftists, and refers to them as the Regressive Left, not a Progressive Left. I assume that Rubin is a moderate, modern liberal as well as a classical liberal.


They would no longer die for the right of someone they disagree with to keep that loud, contrary opinion. Progressives shout down those speech that they do not agree with, and insist on politically correct speech when free speech, radical free speech, where almost anything said goes, this allows individual freedom of thought and speech that would accompany being an anarchist-individuator supercitizen.


Government should not be involved in curbing free speech in the name of hate speech, even criminalizing dissenting speech.


We should judge no one based on their group affiliations, racial, political, or cultural. These group preferences and exclusions of ill-favored groups are pure, discriminatory bigotry, too in favor of favored groups as smarter, better and to be given special treatment, forgiven their crimes and misdeeds. A lesser, unjust standard of justice is meted out to the not-favored groups like whites, Christians, Jews, and heterosexuals. Such reverse discrimination is legal, social, and cultural.


Those least favored groups such as whites and Christians are considered corrupt, dumb, inferior and to be punished at work, under the legal system and in hiring and social circumstances.


The battle of ideas has been replaced by a battle of feelings; all opponents are accused of being racist, bigoted, corrupt, and unjust.


Outrage has replaced honesty.


Diversity of collective groups to rule in the future will rule over the dethroned but traditional American collective groups. America needs diversity of groups, the Left teaches, but not diversity of ideas.


We are moving away from a free society towards authoritarianism.


People need to be left alone to live as they want without government interference if they pay their taxes and are reasonably law-abiding—my additional comment.


THE collectivized LGBTQ crowd is overwhelmingly leftist, and it is one of the presented, intersectionalized minority groups touted as victimized, but they are not for gays (Rubin is a gay conservative, and he is shunned by the LGBTQ community.).


That Larry Elder and Clarence Thomas are shunned by many black indicates the traditional minority groups in America are fronts for a Marxist revolution soft so far, seeking to overturn America and set up an authoritarian leftist regime. Note that if these rights groups were really for the people they claimed to represent, they would champion them as individuals for the content of their character, not based upon group membership or the lack of it.


Marxist say we only have worth and substance as or identity as part of the group to which we belong, not for who we are as individuals, and that is antithetical to the whole American experience.