Monday, July 27, 2020

Ji Xinping

He wants Chinese Christians to abandon Christianity to worship himself. Typical totalitarian thug.

No Mask Mandate

Mr. X,  if you knew me, you would not label me as selfish and inconsiderate. I love this country and fear the fascism occurring in the name of public safety. For 100 years Democrats and Leftists have been growing and extending the reach of the State. Now, governors can order healthy, able adults to wear masks in public places or be fined. Wearing a mask or not is a voluntary choice, personally chosen. Government has not right to mandate such compliance. It is illegal and unconstitutional, and Walz should be brought up on criminal charges. Fools like you do not realize how rare and blessed Americans are to enjoy real liberty under our constitutional republican system. You are so meek, conformist and cowardly that you are willingly, cheerfully submitting to mandates issued from on high by Papa Walz. Enjoy his tyranny. I will fight it as hard as I can.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Would You Like To

Ben Dorr, Would you like to hire a lawyer and take up a collection to sue Walz over his abuse of his fascist powers regarding his mask-wearing mandate in public? Can you write one of your form emails for us to send to our senators and representatives to tell them to vote to remove his emergency powers?

Out Of Options

There are times in life when you are hitting a brick wall repeatedly. You seem to be out of options. I would advise two responses. Have you been imaginative enough to discover or uncover a way to break through the obstacle, a recourse that is workable?

You may just want to give up and walk away, as long as the surrender is over something not that meaningful to you, or is not a moral dilemma. If it is one or both of the latter, then you must do your best according to your values,, even if you are defeated, it is honorable.

Makeshift Life

Do not drift through life without a plan of action, a goal or set of goals that you are working towards. The makeshift life is not worth living.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Constitution

No, I think gay marriage is unconstitutional. Marriage is between a man and woman only. Civil unions for gays are fine. The Left have gutted the constitutionalism and originalism that made this country so great. Since FDR, the courts have deconstructed and deliberately misinterpreted the Constitution in order that they can grow the State. I do not like abortion but it should be legal but rare. I think women breastfeeding in public is no one's business, but I do think a woman covering herself with a shawl while doing so is just decorous behavior and good taste. As a rule, I want the government small, limited and out of our lives as much as possible.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

First Principle

For Leftists, first principle is that government is good, benevolent and should be quite active in the lives of its citizens, passing laws and regulations and statutes that intrude into every aspect of their public and private lives. My political axiom is that ordered liberty is the optimal social and legal structure to maximize for each citizen the pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and property. A corollary to this axiom is that government is inherently evil and bad, that its in-power and empowered elites, addicted by and corrupted by power and craving ever more of it. It is a political law of physics: the larger the government, the smaller the individual. The more that government on any level amasses power to itself, the less powerful, the less free, and the more limited is the individual's ability to assert his expression of his natural rights in his private life, in a state of ordered liberty. Government is a evil but a necessary evil, that must be kept limited and small. Progressives are way too bold, reckless, fast, thoughtless and eager to pass ever more and more laws restricting personal liberty, until a soft dictatorship is installed here. Government should never have been involved in or have banned smoking in bars, and public buildings. The size and involvement of government in America should be about as involved in public life as was the state in America before Woodrow Wilson erroneously took us down this socialist path.

No Mask Mandates

We are the government and we are its boss, not vice versa. The government has been coming more and more intrusive over the last 100 years. We are now at a tipping point where its control of its citizen is now overreaching, oppressive and headed towards despotic intrusion into private lives. The Founders set up our constitutional republic based on the concept of maximum ordered liberty guaranteed to each individual citizen. Liberty and natural rights are bestowed upon us by God, even prior to the formation of our nation, the Constitution and our legal system. Liberty trumps concerns for public health and safety. These measures must be voluntary and privately administered in the civil society. We need limited, strong, efficient government that does not play nanny and social justice enforcer for every actual or imagined social ill. It is our duty to fight to preserve our greatest nation against the inherent fascism being forced upon the American people in the name of the public good. Mandating mask wearing is but the latest unwarranted and illegal government interference in private lives, and it must be vehemently opposed and rejected.

Levin On Facebook on 7/21/2020

"After watching some TV news shows this morning, it's obvious neither the media or the Democrats on these shows want the president to put down these violent riots in Portland, Chicago, and elsewhere. And they trash federal law enforcement, accuse them of kidnapping, etc., claim the president is politicizing the riots, and on and on. The news is utterly worthless because it's not news at all. Don't waste your time. I can assure you that if the Tea Party had been rioting every night, defacing government property, beating police and citizens, shutting down city blocks and streets, and been talking about overthrowing the government, there would be a very, very different reaction from these hypocrites and frauds."

The Press are hacks and ideologues, socialists out to take over America.

Mask Dictators

It is unconstitutional to mandate that healthy American adults quarantine, or be forced to to wear masks if public places for fear of being fined for noncompliance. If mask-wearing is voluntary, okay; it cannot be mandated by out-of-control Democratic governors. Despotism is encroaching upon Americans under the guise of Leftist compassion and concern for public safety. This must halt, for the socialist dictatorship will be achieved a step of surrender at a time.

The Autocrat

First Autocrat Walz mandates that we wear masks in public places. Then he mandates vaccines. Then he outlaws private gun ownership. We are far down the slippery slope, and the cowardly politicians and cowed citizens are going along with it.

Monday, July 20, 2020

The Accusers

The thing that I have learned about socialists and Progressive is how they lie, slander and besmirch people all the time. They smear conservatives and whites as being Nazis, white supremacists, haters, oppressors and fascist. Actually, they are referring to themselves: they are evil, nasty, bitter, resentful people filled with hate, rage, anger and resentment and they deign to burn America to the ground in revenge over their personally blighted, miserable lives, a series of self-inflicted wounds.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Star Tribune Propaganda, Sunday (7/19/2020)

The StarTribiune is continuing its Progressive inculcation of how to think, react and vote for its liberal and Leftist readers. People run in packs, and the Strib does not fail to feel them indoctrination articles today to reinforce their Marxist prejudices/ Let us look at the B section for Local/State and Region affairs.

Reporter Jennifer Brooks on Page B1 announces that it is "It is time for Rebel mascots to go away." She is showing her moral courage by going after tame enemies of alleged systemic racism by pointing out that Murray County Central high school in southwestern Minnesota is grappling with eliminating and replacing Rudy the Rebel as racist, insensitive and offensive.

She found some former graduate of that high school, Brett Gaul, a philosophy professor now, who finds it offensive. 96% of the local students are fine with their mascot, but, hey, it needs to go.

On the bottom of Page B1 is the article about "Boogaloo Bois" armed and eager for societal collapse. Reporter Stephen Montemayor writes of fruitcake Michael Solomon ("an adherent of the anti-government Boogaloo Bois movement, who calls himself and 'armed redneck".): (Solomon and other militia members  deployed at businesses during George Floyd riots) "Solomon was there on behalf of the 'Bugaloo Bois', a loose-knit, anti-government extremist movement that advocates armed revolution. Its adherents merge the in-person paramilitary activities of far-right militias with widespread mobilization on such social media platforms as Facebook.

The law enforcement community and FBI are watching them as domestic terrorists, and likely this groups is already infiltrated with federal agents. Solomon and his ilk are willing to shoot the police, and expect to be raided and die in the exchange.

Solomon claims to not be a white supremacist but an anarcho-capitalist instead. They want to accelerate revolution notes J.J.MacNab, a fellow at the George Washington University Program on Extremism. They want disorder and to overthrow the system.

Now Montemayor did not directly link Solomon and this fellow fascistic thugs with such gun rights advocates as MGR but the implication is there.

We are for law and order, and are pro-police, We do not want revolution, civil war, or the Leftist dream of setting up a totalitarian state to come about. We work within the system to preserve the system.  What the StarTribune lies about is that these concerted protests, tearing down of statues, and banning Confederate flags are all a plot to overthrow the constitutional republic, the prosperity, liberty and civil society enjoyed by 330 million Americans.

That postmodernist scheme is revolutionary, actual and extremely dangerous, and the FBI worked with the Obama Administration to bring it about and they have not been sent to jail for their treason.

We have not time nor use for violent extremists of any kind, but the Democratic Party and national media and the clerisy are pushing violent revolution to overturn our system and that is far more dangerous and likely than the pathetic efforts of useful idiots like Michael Solomon.

Another example of the lying, distorting Strib is that they put on B16 an article about two held in a St. Paul homicide, its 18th killing of the year, committed last Wendesday. I do not know for sure that it is black on black violence, but the three young men involved have black-sounding names.

In addition to the Progressive mass movement revolution and cultural war to overthrow our government and society, the other scandal is black on black violence being understated and discounted. Dennis Prager denies that white privilege exists, but advises that what counts is as privilege in America is children--especially black boys and girls--that are reared in a two-parent, heterosexual household with love, support, the right values and faith-based inspiration to enrich and bless the family. That is a privilege that too many black youths are denied, and so they often end up dead, poor or in jail.  That is the fault of their parents, not society.

All the urban, crime-infested hell-holes in America are Leftist/Democratic strongholds and Prager has taught us that the Left destroys all that it touches, and that too is their plot. With their resentment-driven, nihilistic plan to tear down all that is traditionally Western or America (going after Confederate mascots in Murray County, Minnesota. By expanding the chaos, disorder and breakdown to all of America, and now made public policy by public officials, they contribute to overthrowing our great country, much more effectively than the Bugaloo Bois could ever hope to achieve.

President Biden

President Joe Biden will outlaw new production of gas-powered cars. Green Dealism nazism is now part of the Democratic platform in 2021.

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Ben Dorr

The Progressive media hates him for being effective in defending and advancing gun rights, etc.
They hate and smear him because he is an effective foe. That is their Left-Handed Compliment.

Thursday, July 16, 2020


It is time to defund any university like GW that conflates being conservative with being racist.


We are deceived, brainwashed and indoctrinated. We people, are emotional, irrational, credulous, believe whatever authority instructs them to think, uninformed, not independent-thinking.

We are controlled, duped and directed by our Leftist puppet-masters.

They Are Here

The barbarians are not at the gate; they live inside the walls of the castle, and are crawling out from under the rocks.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Leftism Destroys All That It Touches

This is one of Prager's most important videos. The postmodernist Left is now a Marxist mass movement on the march to bring down America. Let Prager point out how they are doing it. If this does not scare the daylights out of you, nothing will. We must fight back hard before it is too late.


The CDC offers that 4-8 weeks of mask-wearing would put Covid-19 under control. By that time the martial law, lockdown pattern will be so ingrained that our economy will tank, the socialist one party mob rule be set up, and they may have stole the election from Trump.

Senator Hirono

Reverse racist dirt bag: Sen Hirono referring to we whites and white conservative, a lot of us, as white supremacists. She has libeled us and is adding fuel to a race war that needs not be stirred up. You are right Mark Levin: she is a nasty, racist clown that should be expelled.

Noting The Obvious

Here is what Prager posted today (7/14/20): so true, so obvious, but eloquently stated: "
The left-wing charge that America is a racist country is the greatest national libel since the Blood Libel against the Jews. America is, in fact, the least racist, multiracial, multiethnic country in world history.
Neither the claim that America is a racist society nor the claim that it is the least racist country can be empirically proven. Both are assessments. But honest people do need to provide arguments for their position. I have found every argument that America is racist, let alone "systemically" racist, wanting. For example, the police almost never kill unarmed blacks, and on the rare occasions they do (about 15 times a year), there is almost always a valid reason (as in the infamous 2014 case in Ferguson, Missouri); police kill more unarmed whites than blacks; the reason there are proportionately so many more blacks in prison is that blacks disproportionately commit violent crimes; and so on."

Monday, July 13, 2020

Actualize In Part

Complete actualization would be to have developed all of one's potential, and that is what a divinity has achieved. It is enough just to get as far as one can, developing one's potential.

The Balanced Approach

I am an activist more than a fatalist. I encourage people to go for it as the way to lead a successful, meaningful life. That does not mean that we should not be cautious, patient, and able to recognize and live with what cannot change. Still, in the main, go for it.

Peterson And Hierarchy

Jordan Peterson likes hierarchies of competency, and argues that this is evolutionarily inevitable that there will be inequality and hierarchy, and that it is dishonest for the Left to blame such naturally occuring structures on to capitalist and white suppression.

He has a point, but I add that an individuator of mighty accomplishment would be somewhere in the Great Chain of Being far below the Mother and Father. This hierarchy of power, intelligence, lovecreativity, competence and ability obviously exists, but this would be a hierarchy of free, free-willing good souls.

This would not be a hierarchy of the mob, a class system of tyranny, hatred, mediocrity and suffering run by Lera and Satan.

I would advise Peterson that should people maverize, they can become smart enough, competent enough and talented enough to be satisfied, and they would not be willing to exist in, let alone serve and help perpetuate a hierarchy run by the Devil.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Trumpp's 4th of July Speech

Levin referred to is as the best, most inspirational speech since Reagan. The Leftist Media sneered at this glorious speech as dark and divisive. In fact it is the Left that is dark and divisive, seeking civil war, revolution, and tyranny. They accuse Trump of what they are conspiring at.

They are fanatical ideologues so any lie, any betrayal, any use of intimidation and brute force are justified as serving their noble end, the installation of Paradise in corrupt America.

For openly refuting them, one of them wrote that I was a liar and hater.

Prager On White Privilege

Dennis denies that it exists. The accusation was invented by the slanderous Left to excuse the many unsuccessful blacks from being blamed for failing to get ahead, blaming it on whitey. Privilege Dennis notes is having two parents and the right set of values to grow up by. Amen.

Not white privilege but a lack of two parent families and values taught at home are what is holding back black America. If young black children, 85% of them, were taught to maverize, they would be among the most successful groups in America.


Prager U has a clip out on Antifia now regarded as a terrorist, fascist organization whose unemployed, anarchists mobs seek to use violence against Americans, to spread chaos, anarchy and to ultimately end America.

We need to throw the legal book at them, when they commit crimes in the street going forward.

Not Held Back

Race does not hold us back in free America, THE land of opportunity. Each unsuccessful individual holds himself back.


There is nothing worse to happen to loving parents then a traitorous, ungrateful child.

Northam Obviated By The Dorrs

The Dorr brothers on camera giving that Northam devil hell--that nasty, gun-grabbing, baby-butchering jerk---he richly deserves it.

In the video he is surrounded by burly gaurds, likely armed.

The McCloskeys

Mark and Patricia McCloskey were terrorized by 300 to 500 thugs from BLM that smashed in their gate, and threatened to kill them and burn their house down. Now, the police in St. Louis have conducted a search warrant and seized their gun. No castle doctrine there?

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Alleged White Terrorism

Anyone that would demonize young white couples (or young couples of any color) for having large families is someone filled with hate, jealousy, reverse racism and moral sickness. To refer to couples that have lots of kids as terrorists is to suggest that should these young couples lead to higher birth rates among white, and an increase in the white population, are the enemies of humanity. The presupposition here is that the white race is irredeemably corrupt, rotten and vicious, therefore by low birth rates (or active genocide in the future), they need to be eliminated from the face of the armed. If I were a young white American, I would get armed to the teeth, and be ready to fight a civil war, should these murderous race-haters come after us, and they will, sooner or later.

This Gives Me Hope

Ben Dorr today on Facbook: "People are NOT willing to accept betrayal and lies anymore. People see and know truth. So many in politics treat The People like stupid lemmings, easily lead astray or lied to. They think you're gullible.
Well, check again. People know exactly what the hell has been going on for decades in this state, and they've had ENOUGH!"
My great hope, and I believe it will work eventually, is to yoke this awakeness, anger, activism and enough-is-enough insistence being evinced by average people. If we can introduce them to Mavellonialist principles like individuating anarchism, love of free markets and constitutional republicanism, and supercitizenship responsibility shouldered to run the country, then building upon what Ben is encouraging and observing can take the gentle, Conservative Revolution to the next level.

Monday, July 6, 2020


Levin points out on Facebook that Antifa with their Clarion project are virulent anti-Semitics, but then Leftists and Communits are inveterate anti-Semitics.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Dennis Prager On Youth Loneliness

Prager has a video out on young people being suicidal, lonely and sad at record rates. Though loss of interpersonal contact due to excessive use of cell phones, drug and opiate addiction and fear for the future are reasons cited, Prager digs deeper, suggesting that the young feel bad and alone due to a loss of values and meaning.

Elites have discredited the Judeo-Christian and American values that traditionally buoyed young people of previous generations. These are values like keeping government small so that the large civil society gave people lots of friends and help for the needy through voluntary associations. Those have largely disappeared.

The discrediting of bourgeois values like getting married, and getting married before having children, learning self-discipline and delayed gratification, getting a job and home leaves the young single, childless and immature.

The values of traditional America were unique, wonderful and incomparable but their flaws were universal so all want to still come here. This set of values have been panned by the postmodernists.

Then the Left has rebuked and demonized religion so young people have no God, no church, no religion to fill their lives with meaning.

Prager is 100% accurate here. I can add nothing.

Dennis Prager On Race

Prager argues that Progressives are regressive because they are obsessed with race. Prager defines a racist as someone that delimits the worth and extent of any human being to the racial background from which he sprang. Leftists are obsessed with race so they are the racists. Americans and whites are indifferent to what racial or ethnic makeup, treating all as individuals, as Americans.

Still, whites are indifferent to race so they are labeled as racist, and Progressives are obsesses with race are considered anti-racist.

I assert that it is the individual that matters, not the color of his skin.

Prager avows that it is values that matter, for race does not. Amen.

Life Is Suffering

I like and admire Jordan Peterson. He seems a little too gloomy for me when he adduces that life is suffering tainted by malevolence. He is mostly correct of course. I would modify his generalization about the human condition by rephrasing his insight: "Life is suffering more than it is enjoyment, but suffering, neutral existing and fleeting moments of enjoyment are all informative to the heedful and awake existent. Malevolence from ourselves, from others, from society, from the Devil and nature itself must be dealt with and rebuffed.

As we adapt an outlook of love, wonder, intellectual curiosity and optimism, then our existence with the powerful presence of suffering and felt malevolence, become bearable, and we even come to realize a mood of hopefulness, peace and reassurance gained from constant feedback from the signaling, transcendent deities.

Mob Rule

Candace Owens has a new Prager U video out lamenting mob rule ruling the street and the country, as supine public officials go along.

She points out that we need an armed public and the rule of law with police enforcement of said laws.

She warns about armed black men running the streets above the law as police are defunded as gangbangers run the streets.

The media favors this, it is a strange sort of special privilege of black privilege. We need each person to be law-abiding, and we need the police and the rule of law. No mob rule, period.


Security is a fantasy. Guarantees are a mare's nest. Sheltered existence is a pipe dream. Get out there and live.


Never submit to a life plan contrived for you by others. Never, are you to put your own plan on the shelf. Do your own thing, and follow your own plan.

Leftist Fascism

Mark Levin reveals the desire by Leftist Fascists to bind, exploit and oppress the masses in this greatest nation. On Page 157 of Liberty and Tyranny, he writes: "The Enviro-Statist agenda. is increasingly immune from the popular will. In addition to creating and controlling much of the administrative state, the judiciary can usually be counted on to give the Statist policies legal sanction. Policy becomes law and law must be adhered to. Consequently, meaningful debate is, in fact, ended, compliance is mandated, and violations are punished."

Popular will is thus deconstructed and set aside, as liberty and choice and voluntary compliance are cast aside by elites, judges and bureaucrats running the nation.

About Right

Trump just spoke referring to America as about the freest and most virtuous country ever. Sounds about right.


It is reported today that BLM protesters in Portland are objectiving to extremists that have hijacked their protests to pursue their own violent agenda.

This Leftist protests to rage and riot will get out of hand even more unless authorities put it down quick and firm each time.

Facebook Entry--7/5/2020

Mark Levin wrote this today: "It is important to know that many of the early progressive intellectuals were supportive of the 1917 communist revolution in Russia, and were even initially sympathetic with the ruthless mass murderer Stalin. And that not only includes the likes of John Dewey but the New York Times, which repeatedly used its news pages to regurgitate the propaganda fed to its Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, who was on Stalin's payroll. This is the same New York Times that is pushing poisonous lies about America's founding into our public schools to brainwash future generations."

Progressive intellectuals have always loved Russia and Communism. They have always hated America and Capitalism. Why are the best educated people over so many generations so foolish, fanatical and wrong-headed?

Ideology makes them stupid and cruel. They run in packs and mob-followers are irraitonal, not logical. They crave power and conformity, so lies, terror, revolution and the tearing down of all things individual, Western, free market, freedom and prosperity creating is necessary for them to achieve their ends.

What Conservatives Beieve

This heated up cultural war is a fight for survival of the American Way versus a hard or soft tyranny promoted by Progressive haters of all things American. Mark Levin has announced that the 2020 election for Presidency is lining up as a vote over those that love America versus those that hate America.

Look what Levin wrote in Liberty and Tyranny, Page 140, about what Conservatives want for America versus the Enviro-Statists: "The Conservative believes that in the context of the civil society, progress and modernity are essential to man's well-being and fulfillment, despite their inevitable imperfections. He reject the paganlike, antihuman crusade of the Enviro-Statist, which leads to callousness, conformity and misery. The Conservative also believes that when the independence and liberty of the individual are subject to tyranny posing as righteousness, his right to acquire and retain private property will no longer have standing.

John Adams cautioned that "the moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence."

If the Mavellonialist conservative can add the faith, values and practices of self-realizing supercitizentry in the service of God, along with the power of reasoning, in the context of civil society, progress and modernity, just thing how civilized, advanced, technologically and morally, humans can reach.

The big-government loving, irrationalist, anarchist, antihuman crusade of the Enviro-Statists-Revolutionaries will lead to universal slavery, a rigid caste system, terror, gulags, federal torturing and murdering of citizens, filth, poverty, disease, starvation, a literal Dark Age, humanly staged, crafted and implemented.

Notice how these groupists and socialists grab power, property, privacy and even the lives of individual citizens, all in the name of compassion and righteousness.

No longer will the constitutional republic exist preclude tyrants robbing the citizen of his property and his individuality, no longer will the laws of God be obeyed, believed in or enforced in the polity as the law of the land.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Moral Citizens

Prager notes online that America can only remain free if its people are virtuous. An educated citizenry must not abandon virtue. Self-control is what makes ordered liberty possible and sustainable. A corrupt people require a despot to provide minimum security and social order for the people.

A free people insist upon limited government, and do not trust the government. Liberty trumps all other concerns.


Why are we taxpayers paying for these losers, stomping on the flag, to go to college just to learn to disrespect the flag, America and Independence Day?


This is an excerrpt of Trump's speech at Mount Rushmore--great stuff: "Candace, you are an inspiration to all young Americans, regardless of race or gender.

Happy 4th!

Happy Independence Day! I was just watching a Prager interview (a snippet) on Facebook as he answers questions from viewers. He is asked what to do about all the bad news and if it is the end of America. Maybe the end is here, he answered. He responded that bad news is what it is and one has a choice: to give up or to fight on. He offers that a country will die once the people can no longer distinguish good from evil. Fighting against the Left os necessary to save America and much of the world, Dennis suggests.

He is right: there is objective knowledge (or of such high probable certainty of being right as to be legitimately counted on as moral knowledge) to help us differentiate good from evil. We were put here by God to make a difference, to fight the good fight, to save America and the world. I am all in with Dennis over this.

Candace Owens

Candace, you are an inspiration to all young Americans, regardless of race or gender.


Trump complained online today that American schools are teaching students to hate America. That is correct, and it is happening at universities across the land.

What can we do to reverse this postmodernist tragedy?

We need to quit sending students to public schools and

Levin On Trump Speech At Mount Rushmore

Here is Leven's Facebook comment:

Fighting Systemic Racism In America Today

First, of all systemic racism does exist in US, but it is not the practice or outlook of white people. White people have long since abandoned racism, and America is one of the least racist countries in the world. But that is changing or getting worse, and here is how. Systemic racism is the racial, ethnic and cultural institution brought back to life by postmodernists, Marxists, Leftists. Democrats and Progressives. By dividing all individual Americans into identity groups of oppressors and victims, the Left is dividing America. Race-baiting and delimiting each individual to permanent group-brackets forces all Americans to hate themselves and all other people, especial those belonging to rival identity groups. Hatred, racism, extremism, violence and ethnic rivalry arise from group versus group explosive dynamics, and this war-mongering and race-mongering are being drummed up by revolutionaries and America-haters. They plead compassion and sensitivity, but stirring up tribal conflict among Americans is actually cruel, wicked, cunning and successful. They have three aims: to wipe out Western civilization, to overthrow the American Republic with a Marxist dictatorship, to dethrone the sovereignty of the individual, and to blame the victims (whites) as the oppressors to justify whipping up such virulent loathing for us, that, once totalitarian Ameritopia is enthroned here, whites will be hunted down and wiped out, revealed as the victims that they were all along. This is what white privilege really augurs in: we are the new Jews to be exterminated along with actual Jews. We were not the oppressors after 1960, but we are now the target of real Left-wing bigots and they intend to make Hitler look like an amateur.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Time To Withdraw Support

The Left weaponizes everything. The culture of professional sports is so poisonous and corrupt right now, that the fans must abandon it.

Levin's Warning

The Democrat Party-press and the Democrat Party, as well as Washington/NY-based GOP insiders, have spent the last 4 years demonizing Donald Trump. It has been an unprecedented campaign of character assassination, the likes of which no living American has ever seen against a sitting president. They've concocted scandals and narratives involving the Russians, Ukrainians, his businesses and finances, the coronavirus, race, etc. They launched a Soviet-style criminal investigation without a lawful predicate, which came up empty. They unconstitutionally impeached him, with no hope of removing him from office. The goal has been to ruin his reputation, turn him into political kryptonite, and either force him from office or defeat his re-election effort. Every conceivable issue is exploited for the purpose of demonizing the president. Donald Trump's tweets are carefully scrutinized to use against him in any way possible, while Joe Biden's endless, appalling statements are dismissed as innocent gaffs; allegations of past personal indiscretions are used as cudgels against the president, but Tara Reade's allegation of sexual assault against Biden are dismissed and now long forgotten (not to mention all the other women accusing Biden of unwanted touching, a firing offense in any other job); Trump's numerous policies and outreach to minority communities are ignored, despite the fact that they've resulted in actual benefits to untold numbers of minority citizens, while Biden's long history of supporting racist policies and making racist comments, all on the public record, are buried. Trump has been accused of being a dictator, Hitler, and Stalin in an unhinged and vicious attack on his character both in the media and by Democrats, yet he has been restrained and prudential in his use of power both here and abroad, mindful of the Constitution's limits and the costs of war. Indeed, his political enemies have shown no such restraint: Pelosi, not a particularly intelligent individual, has managed to scheme her way to the top, and runs the House as if she is Eva Peron, destroying one House rule after another, writing legislation in her office, and using the votes of a few dozen of her closest sycophants to pass bills, eviscerating representative government. For this, she's celebrated as a strong leader. Chuck Schumer, a particularly vile demagogue, is endlessly plotting how to use the Senate rules to obstruct any and all legislation supported by the president, as power has always been Schumer's driving motivation, not the best interests of the country. And it's Pelosi and Schumer who've demanded the nationalization of private industries, the appointment of a czar, and all the usual kneejerk outbursts by the "leaders" of the Left. And it is they who cheered as more was learned of the lawless Obama presidency's use of the FBI, intel agencies, and the FISA court to destroy the Trump candidacy and presidency. Of course, the president is not perfect, like most other human-beings, but he is more perfect than many of his modern predecessors, including FDR, JFK, LBJ, and Barack Obama. To varying degrees, they used the FBI, IRS, and/or CIA against their political opponents, and unleashed these agencies against hostile news organizations. But they're not said to be dictators. No, they were "progressives" and, of course, Democrats. The limits of this platform prevent me from writing further. But keep all this in mind in the months ahead, as these same centers of power and privilege intensify their propaganda and demonization campaign against President Trump the closer we get to the November election.

Mark, lead us.

Mark Levin, help us organize and gain access to conservative, honest, impartial, truth-telling new sources away from lying, indoctrinating, hate-speech spewing traditional and Progressive media.

Professional Sports

Professional sports in American are increasingly anti-white, anti-conservative and un-American. It is time for fans to boycott them all. I hope they go bankrupt.

We Are The New Jews

One conservative on Facebook labeled whites the new Jews. I agree. I have been complaining for years that the pathologically racist Leftists keep harping about white privilege and white hate, but that their reverse racism is consciously designed to target white people for genocidal treatment in the future. We are a minority in numbers in world white higher non-white birth rates. Should China by 2038 take over the world, could they not institute a program to wipe out the white race. I think it could come to that.

Ben Dorr

The Dorrs are not anti-black--you are just anti-identity politics (They are racists, obsessed with skin color, never allowing individual personhood to be the real subject of interest; in America the individual is sovereign, with liberty, constitutional rights, natural rights like the right to bear arms guaranteed by God). These raging Communists do hate whites, Christians and conservatives.These are evil people bringing the reign of the Beast to America. Yes, damn them all to hell. Not only white people but all liberty-loving Americans had better stay armed to the teeth, and fight back hard and right now against the wicked and heartless. Just think that NPR and MPR get tax dollars to subsidize the lies, slander and hate against American citizens.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Roberts Is Pro-Abortion

That many RINOS judges like Roberts that talked originalist to get their jobs as conservatives, and then betray their nation, their principles and the American people, once on the bench likely occurs for many reasons. Most intellectuals, even conservatives wish to appear civilized and progressive to Leftists severely censorious towards true conservatives.So they betray their natural allies. Also, Roberts and Gorsuch loathe and abhor true conservatives, and enjoy stabbing them in the back. We need to impeach and recall these traitors.