Tuesday, January 30, 2018


If you feel nauseated and repulsed by people, activities and practises around you, you may be justified in feeling put off by all of this. If the practices are unwise, sinful or wasteful, reject it all.

If you are attracted to these people, and these sinful ways, you are a sick puppy, only to eager to jump into this swamp, so self-defeating are you.

Choices Made

If you make important choices, founded in poor values, your life will go south, as your dumb choice wreak havoc in your life.

On the other hand, if you make important choices, grounded in good values, your life will improve, and prosperity, well-being and success will be yours. Your smart choices will lead to you rebuilding your diminished state of living, headed the right way.

Unbelievably Arrogant

I am sure my detractors accuse me of this, and then insult me further by assuming that there is no actual basis for my self-aggrandizing claims. I can hear them hurling this accusation at me: "Ed, you think that you are smarter than anyone else."

No, I am not smarter than anyone else, but I am wiser than most. Being wise can make you smart. Being unwise can make one stubborn, fact-resistant, conforming to groupthink and lead to mistaken, unintelligent, emotional characterizations of reality, with concomitant poor choices.


Ethical concepts that we esteem and adopt are those ideals of behavior that we strive vigorously to live up to.


Believing in God makes you feel safer because you are safer, as your interest in the good divinity, frees up your assigned guardian angel to be with you, to watch over  you and protect you actively. No wonder you feel safer.

Facebook Phenomenons

Tonight, I feel so alone, but I soldier on knowing that Mavellonialism and individuating is the way of the future if humanity is to survive, succeed and know God.

I saw two short videos on Facebook that warmed my heart and inspire me for what amazing young people can and will achieve tomorrow.

Watch the video of the Cambodian girl that makes her pipe compound bow from scratch, and then jumps into a dirty, deep river to shoot fish after fish. This young talent and beauty is remarkable. Very remarkable performance.

Then 14 year old conservative musician Kenny Kakaty, mad at the disrespect and unpatriotic whining at the Grammys the other night, plays a stirring, lovely guitar solo of the Star Spangled Banner on camera.

With these young people individuating and growing leaps and bounds, it gives me hope that humanity may yet find its way to do God's bidding.

The Defenders

God utilizes both weapons: prayer soldiers and those toting AR15s.

De will smite his enemies several different ways.


He has a 5 minute video on how the Left supports public policies that make them feel good, but that do not work. He contrasts them with the Right supporting public policies that do good, even though they may not make conservatives feel good.

The conservatives are more rational and oriented in the world.These hallmark traits come from a greater degree of individualism and rationalism per capita, thought, expressed, and acted upon by members of the Right in their public policy decisions.

Moderation is the moral imperative. It is closely linked to other salubrious personal attributes: truth-embracing, realistic tests and adjustments to worldly experiments conducted, individuating, individual-living and immersed in real-world experience that reinforces private common sense and affinity for practical conclusions.

When most of our voters individuate, public policy decisions will be about what does good, far more than about what feels good.

Great video, Dennis.

The Boycotters

Demcratic Congressmen are sitting out the SOUA tonight by Trump. When they disrespect a sitting President this way, they are part of the Progressive cabal to drive him from office. When they misbehave this way, they are showing contempt for and are dismissive of the  millions of citizens that voted for Trump. These true believer elitists no longer honor the popular will and consequence of election where the people chose Trump.

When they engage in this act of official disrespect, that the opposition need not listen to the President address the nation once a year, they are attacking all our democratic institutions, and that is a dangerous, nihilistic trend that is building on the Left.

The proper response is to never compromise with these fanatics, but to defeat them finally and decisively, No do DACA, no to amnesty for 11 million people that foolish Trump is offering. Immediately dispense with the 60 vote filibuster int he Senate, and ram through all Republican bills on spending and everything else with a simple majority.

Take no quarter, ask none.

Kobe Jones

This former professional soccer player did a Prager U video about the worthlessness and damage done by participation trophies. It is not enough to show up and participate.. One should only get a trophy if one wins something in competition with others.

Jones hates the wimpy, progressive meme that competition is too brutal, and that assigning loser status to children bruises their self-esteem. He advocates that losing  impels kids to strive harder the next time or the time after that until they are winners.

I admire what he says, for themost part. Competition does test and fire the mettle and metal of young people. Winning is important, and the bar must be high. Truth about winners and losers, and assigning grades for the merited level of performance is a reality check for children. They need to live in the real world, and accept where they actually are right now.

I have some misgiving. I agree with most of what he and other conservatives advocate. I would recommend that the competition with others eventually, as children evolve and mature, be replaced with competition with loser, less developed self of yesterday to emerge tomorrow more skilled, more accomplished, more talented, an impressive winner.

We will always compete with others, but competing against the old self as one morphs into and is reborn as a new individuating self, now that is winning and bringing into reality, an impressive feat and existential truth.

Monday, January 29, 2018

To Fit In

That is the goal of all people in this world, and, if they join and nonindividuate and say yes to whatever are the local group's norms, they will fit in.

If you by will or genes are a loner, or do not strive to fit in, you will not fit in, period.

It is not if you fit in or not. It is not that you either fit in or not. It is if your nature allows you to fit in or not, like it was foreordained.

Psalm 61, 4-5

Depend on God: " ...for you are my refuge, a tower of strength against the enemy. Oh, that I might lodge in your tent forever, take refuge in the shelter of your wings!

The Connection

As your affiliation with the Good Spirits grows, as your sense of inner peace is strengthened, as your self-esteem rises, correspondingly and accordingly, you unease and anxiety will decline steadily.

The Deep State

It is good to expose the Deep State. But we must do more: those that have betrayed the people, if they are committed prosecutable crimes, need to be tried and sent to jail if found guilty. We need to send the message that those that serve the people, must not turn on the people, without incurring public wrath.

The View

It seems to be a classical Christian view that our pride and egotism prevent us from surrendering utterly to God. That may be so if a unbeliever resisting God is an egotistical, stubborn joiner whose god is his group, and social ranking is his faith and dominant interest.

Where the believer is an actualizing individualist, her pride and egoism is not at all contrary to developing a close and dependent relationship with the Higher Power. We cannot love and follow God until we love the self--maybe first and foremost. We cannot love and sustain the self unless we love and follow God.


You are only as sturdy, tried and versatile as the trials and afflictions that you have had to face and overcome. Overriding setbacks and roadblocks will help you become stronger and greater. Starting climbing.

Get The Right View

Nothing will change your world view--mainly that you are bringing God's kingdom to earth. You will be buffeted by naysayers, enemies, detractors and scoffers. No problem, just stay focused on your mission to serve God and introduce God's world and morality to wayward, suffering humanity.  Be consistent in furthering your just and noble cause.

New Year Resolution

Try to keep it all together and keep moving forward.

Love Of This Country

Love this land and stand for the national anthem. America is about as close to heaven on earth, as humans can expect to experience.

Take Hold

Take hold of the right values, and they will define you, and put you in a favorable light.

Get Armed

Get armed and trained to fight to gain your freedom, and then be able to resist efforts to deprive you of your hard-fought gains.

Thank God

Thank God every morning. It is the best way to start the day.

Ideology Or Reailty

Adherence to rigid, radical ideology, and seeking to impose it on society by taking over the government is not to uncover reality but to distort reality.

Having values and principles is noble and desirable. With this idealistic framework, one can peacefully and legally engage in the political process to bring freedom, justice and civilization to our political institutions. Such kind involvement in reality does not distort reality, but does shape it positively for the benefit of all.

Being A Celebrity

Being rich and earning celebrity status are not all that worth chasing after. Attaining greatness for the development of one's mind, character, intellectual brilliance or scintillating music compositions is worth doing.

Risk This

Befriend someone farther out from the center of social popularity than yourself. In so doing, you will have taught them that not all joiners, not all insiders are hostile and cold. It is possible to be a joiner and yet socially invite in this that individual-live but still want to come into the social fire for some occasional companionship and social bonding.

Get A Good Start

It is a new year, a perfect time to start anew, beginning to improve the self. Go for it. You will not regret it.

Mike Lee

The Senator wants to bring forth legislation to limit elective abortion to before 20 weeks. I agree.

Matt Kibbe

He has a video on Facebook tonight warning about the dangers of getting a DNA test--concerns about privacy rights, property rights, and your information being handed over to unscrupulous third parties that could use this information to discriminate against you.

Kibbe and his video suggest that you decline DNA testing. I agree.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

God Is Love

This beautiful, profound, sweet truth is a most apt description of God essence and welcoming nature.

May you individuate and glow as  loving pale imitation of the real thing, God.


Your maverizing need not be the greatest and latest: it just needs to break old records of personal growhth and accomplishments.

Whatever is the final level or sate of your life's work as an individuator, it will be impressive and groundbreaking to a small degree or to a large degree. That you did your  best is a splendid achievement.

Grow Your Great Soul

Grow your great soul, so that your life, your example, my serve as an inspirational touchstone for a whole coming generation of young people to emulate.

Go Ahead

Go ahead: do things your own way. Live your life as you wish to, not as the community or relatives demand.

Here are some helpful tips on how to do thing your own way:

1. Maverize.
2. Make sure what you do harms no one, including yourself.
3. Make sure what you do  benefits others and yourself, directly or indirectly.

The Conservative Ambition

No, Ms. Pelosi, conservatives do not want to make America white again. They just want to make America American again, and that cultural mecca will nicely serve the needs of all Americans, sans federal interference, wealth confiscation and micromanagement.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Whole Person

This latest rage is one where the growth of the whole person is advocated. Some of it may be new and trendy, but its antecedents are ancient: holistic healing, ancient Greek and Roman emphasis on developing many aspects of the self, Gestalt psychology and, of course, moderate Mavellonialism.

Such whole person growth advocates are mostly correct in saying that emotional intelligence, spirituality, one's body, social life, personal psychology and professional aspirations are all the be developed, with none neglected. I would add that one's moral and intellectual sides require growth too.

As an inveterate instructor about personal maverizing, I would seek to comfort people that, while they simultaneously develop themselves in all ways at the same time, their will, energy, time and life span are finite, so they must select one or two areas of prime importance to focus most of their energies towards, while developing all these other area somewhat at lower rates of growth and input. It is the only way to go forward and be successful.

The Binary Choice

Do not think that being a moderate exempts me from making critical binary choices, or using the complications inherent in and involved in any binary choice made, to water down the distinction between the two.

I do argue that conservatism is smarter, more loving and is intellectually and morally superior to being a progressive, but it is more or less that way, and progressivism is dumber, more hateful and influencing people to hate, and is intellectually and morally inferior to conservatism. This in how moderation philosophically and ideationally permeates the binary choice.

One still must choose one side or the other. To be smart and good, or to be dumb and wicked. You must choose, because to refuse to choose is to choose to be dumb and wicked, and serve Lera.

You cannot escape your moral fate. You cannot escape doing your duty without afterlife and real world consequences. Choose to serve the Mother or Lera: the binary choice is yours, and the price that you will pay for your choice is one that will inexorably reap.


The good word about Mavellonialism which I seek to proclaim to the world has be censored and suppressed by my enemies. I am silenced, shunned and excluded so the word has not gotten out about this wonderful news, and people are prevented from being exposed to what is so liberating and rejuvenating.

Praying For The Departed

We pray for the departed so that they may work their way through the many levels of Purgatory, going higher and higher into heaven itself. Our prayers likely help them on their way when they are detained or stuck at a low or lower level.

Our prayers for the departed may well serve other purposes. It may be that it is like spiritual capital invested into God's cause, De's growing kingdom: the more the investment, the greater, stronger, deeper, more lasting and more quickly received is the return on investment, when there are many eager investors participating. As we pray for the departed, for God and for the Good Spirits, there kingdom is expanded faster and in a more sure way.

Our prayers likely also serve a maintenance function: keeping the expanding kingdom of heaven strong and powerful as it is already developed, so that it does not rot, corrupt or weaken from within.

God likely can only do so much in taking over the neutral kingdoms, the amoral worlds and the kingdom of Satan: God has much power and could conquer these lost lands by force, but will not because inhabitants there have to rebel and invite God in. If they voluntarily choose to aid God's invasion and takeover, then goodness actually grows and extends with more actual followers. Were God to take a kingdom over minus any internal residential support, then it is conquered but meaningless because free wills not triggered are the wills of slaves or robots involuntarily aligned with God, prisoners, not willing junior allies in the greatest cause in the world, growing God's kingdom as soldiers in God's army expressing their natural rights and second amendment rights to bear arms.

The Confederate Flag

It does not represent racism; it only reminds people of their heritage, mostly a good and great heritage, most of us should admire and adhere to, without racism or slave ownership, of course.

We need to enjoy our various heritages, be it the Confederate south, Uganda or Cairo. As Americans, we are to live as assimilated individualists, enjoying and worhsiping our best American heritage and way of life.

We are individualists here, as citizens, and race is irrelevant. Once we live in and deal with each other as developing individualists, any residual but always minor racism still at work in America will wither away. Where we see the individual, and not his racial, ethnic, national or religious group identity, then our natural bigotry becomes a motive that we are indifferent to.

This is the only effective way to end racism. To accuse all whites of racism is to fan the flames of dying American racism, stir up racial division, disunity and strife, sow hatred, grow group-living and arrest individual-living and the end to bigoted feelings towards anyone.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wall Of Lies And Secrecy

Each group is a soft mob. Each group reveals its mob-like traits as soon as its members make contact with defiant outsiders.

Then the rebels will know group existence A wall of lies, secrecy and silence keep the enemies of the group from finding out what is going on with the borders of the group.

If the dissident is a great soul, he is so unpopular that the group members avoid him like the plague, because being associated with him will lead to their being cast out of the group, much to their shame and chagrin, a fate detested by joiners.

The mob realizes that the outlier loners are lonely, hurting and self-doubting. The mob is at war with the dissidents. This is a deadly serious power struggle. In many ways, the mob is in control and like it that way, keeping the loners isolated, thwarted, discredited and censored.

They strive to force the great soul to surrender, to be silent, to join the group, or to kill himself.

Their forgiveness and promise of social acceptance if he surrenders will never be forthcoming. They are faithless liars that are bigoted discriminators. They are very corrupt, and are not heaven-bound.

The Hidden You

So you are well-liked, upbeat, cheerful, popular, almost universally regarded as a nice person. And, likely that appraisal of you is accurate, as far as it goes and you go. You are a group creature interacting with fellow group creatures, and you genuinely like each other, and are very comfortable with each other, and sincerely enjoy hanging out with each other.

Now let us expose the hidden you, bringing it to the surface. This you is nasty and very unfriendly, sour and selfish. You now have a great soul introduced into your most intimate circle as a constant, permanent social addition. You are horrified and furious over this invading, pushing introloctor.

Now your unfriendly, unwelcoming side is made obvious as you, the lying, discriminating groupist work feverishly to dislodge and drive out this invader.

You never knew you had this side to you, because you never before had occasion or provocation to seek to wipe an individuator out.

You are a groupist, so this is the hidden you, a fairly common reaction by a groupie to up-close contact with a great soul.


When God calls you to follow De, respond and become part of God's army of living angels.

Separation Of Church And State

Separation of church and state, according to conservative legal experts, may not even be in the Constitution. I hope they are incorrect, but, even if they are right, separation of church and state should be in the Constitution. Let us pass a Constitutional Amendment to put this noble, vital clause into the federal Constitution.

Let It Go

Let your anger go. Be principled and determined to fight evil and evildoers, but be not bitter and angry. Be calm. Be resolved. Waver not, but do not emotionally poison your mind and soul.


Government, no matter how lofty its inception ideals, nor how noble its rulers, always turns on its people. How bad the betrayal is, and when it will occur, are the only uncertainties here.

Always, government turns on its citizens. With this in mind, a free people are a verifying, skeptical, vigilant people.

Finding God

if you are looking for God, you should have little trouble making contact. Just talk to God like you would a neighbor, and De will answer back. Once invited, God responds even more quickly and consistently.

Now that you have found God, keep the line of communication open.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Psalm 61, 1-5

Hear my cry, dear God, and offer me your powerful support: "Hear, O God, my cry; listen to my prayer! From the earth's end I call to you as my heart grows faint. You will set me high upon a rock; you will give me rest, for you are my refuge, a tower of strength against the enemy. Oh, that I might lodge in your tent forever, take refuge in the shelter of your wings."

There Is Significant Hope

Humans are not born good, but raised properly, they can learn to be good.


Debt is slavery. Both the government and you need to pay off your debts and run a positive balance of black ink.

To be free, you need to pay cash as you go. Be beholden to none.

The Secret Society

Senator Ron Johnson is reporting the actual existence of the Deep State seeking to take Trump down, meeting off site, dictating the direction that the country is to go.

All these people require a Levin-inspirited special prosecutor to quiz them. Those that are guilty of obstruction of justice, seeking to overturn an freely elected President and ignored the choice of the people should be indicted, tried and sent to prison, if found guilty.

This cannot go unchecked, not investigated, and those sent to jail that are treasonous.

Can't Handle The Truth?

So you cannot handle the truth. If you are a joiner, an inveterate, hardcore groupist, living the collective lies makes you truth-averse, in need of safe zones where your opinions go unchallenged, and your comforting feelings about things are not countered.

If you dare to be free, if you dare to be a loner, and individual-live, odds are that you will be so tough, so liberated, so strong, so curious, that only the truth fascinates you.

If you are unable to handle the truth, you may want to reexamine how you live.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Note The Difference

We can forgive those guilty of crimes and serious offenses against us, without insisting that they be justly and equitably punished for their transgressions. If a man commits murder, but later confesses, apologizes and seeks to make amends, that is most laudable and forgivable, but he still must serve his prison sentence.

This justice, not a lack of forgiveness on the part of his victims and members of society at large.

Large Appetites

I wonder if individuator's have large appetites: giant energy, giant curiosity, giant intellectual, outside love of and willingness to associate with and to work for God, wrestling with ideas, gargantuan ambitions, excessive eating and drinking, etc.

I have always been a man of large appetites, and wondered if that is singular to this great soul, or is a trait shared by other great souls.

Catching Up

Minneapolis, our cultural and literate urban jewel of the north, is determined to follow Chicago and LA as denigrated urban hellholes.

Radical socialist, Minneapolis City Council president, Lisa Bender, is the new Council President. The StartTribune, in its 1/14/18 B section bragged that she was willing to wield power to advance social change. She led the push for bike lanes, greater housing density, interfering in business and private lives to champion the poor, mandated high minimum wages and mandatory sick leaves inflicted upon businesses. She wants progressive goals met by government regulation and mandates of private lives and local business to bring changes consistent with progressive ideals and expansive role for city government.

As a conservative, an indivduating anarchist and libertarian, does not big expanded government mean tyranny and governmental absorption of private property, private lives and kidnapping personal liberty. When elected officials are this addicted to power-grabbing, are they idealists fighting for the poor and downtrodden, or are they an oligarch of liberal fascists, drunk on corrupting centralized power, ever amassing more and more of it to themselves.

Expanded institutions, public and private, are Lucifer's playground, where groupism and tyranny stymie human beauty and growth towards becoming living angels, loyal to and working for the Good Spirits.

Smaller, decentralized institutions, public and private, are the hallmark and center of liberty and extraordinary personal development along the lines of self-realizing.

What Lisa Bender advocates grows Satan's power, and stifles and delays  the Mothers's return and taking over of the whole earth.

Pope Francis

The Pope declared recently that the right of immigrants outweigh the concerns over national sovereignty and security maintenance.

The Pope is a globalist, and it is not too far from such internationalists advocating one-world government, a cynosure of world domination. A more evil form of government cannot be imagined, by this is the nightmare future for humanity envisioned by the Pope and other Leftists.

Of course, we do not want the deadly nationalism of Europeans that led to two World Wars last centuries, and the deaths of 100 million people. But, I think I am correct in arguing that such nationalists were really globablists in disguise, seeking through war,  imperialism and conquest to impose their universal monarchy upon all on earth.

A healthy, strong sovereignty and protection of our nation state, our our national integrity is a federalism that is moral and useful. Under that federalism, the rights of the citizens to limit immigration and base it on merit and assimilation, not chain migrating, territorial invasion and balkanization of America.


Democrats shut down the government to protect 800,000 illegal immigrants. The Party that hates America and sides always with those that would balkanize and destroy America is consistent. They back illegal aliens over citizens that live here legally under the Constitution.

When they flood the country with 10 million more illegal immigrant voters that vote for the socialist party, there will be no free, capitalist, golden America. This what is at stake.


If being obsessed over one's race and the race of others is a working definition of what it is to be a racist, then those on the Left reveal themselves as the most racist members of society. Their refusal to quit accusing all whites of being privileged and racist, in all their glory as race-baiters and trouble-makers dividing this country into racial tribes, they are inventing, creating and recreating racial divisions along ethnic and identity group lines.

They have three reason for sowing racial unrest:

First, they are reverse racists that, under the guise of being offended, hate whites and endlessly attack them until they are universally blamed for the ills of the world, and are dethroned and destroyed.

Second, by labeling whites as racists, they can keep their grip on various minorities and groups of people of color. As victimized wards of the state, these constituencies will be lock step in unity with and vote as a block for Democratic candidates, bigger government and the progressive agenda.

Third, the Left fear and despise individualists above all else. If they can promote racial rivalry, unrest and ultimatlely race war, their achievement and success will have been to keep all in tight knit groups of their own kin, and dreaded, reviled individualism will be a rare, contained state of being among our citizens, to the loss and detriment of all.


Live to know, and know to live. One cannot be too skilled, too accomplished, too creative, too developed. It is living the self-realization aspiration.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Gender Differences

Gender Differences are real, genetic, important, significant and God-given. Men and women are created equal, but that does not mean the same or identical.

If God is Your God

If God is your God, you are a most blessed and fortunate human. Revel in it, and wear it for the rest of your days.

The Fallen Angel

Yes, Obama should get his own statue in Washington. He was the worst President of the last 100 years, maybe ever. Never has a President so loathed America, and worked incessantlyto undermine her, to destroy her.

His unstable genius was not easily detectable. His easygoing demeanor masking the fierce desire to destroy and transform all things America.

He is not St. Obama, he is Satan's Obama.

Thursday, January 18, 2018


The wealthy are fleeing California for Nevada, Texas and Florida. What else is new?

Some has to create wealth so that government can legal steal and confiscate that wealth.

The well-off get tired of being fleeced and lived off of by feds and parasites.

The Way

Do I know the way to Heaven? I believe that I do. Come along--you will like where to end up at.

Shut Down The Government

Trump should take the high road, telling the people that he wants a wall, an end to chain migration, and an end to lottery migration to preserve this nations, its sovereignty, its integrity, its way of life. The safety of its citizens demands tht the wall be funded now, and if it takes a shut down to bring Democrats to the table, so be it. The citizens needs come before the need immigrants. That is how it is and how it must be.

If Trump uses his bully pulpit to hammer this home, traveling across the country to make his point, and can win the midterm elections--Democrats and their contrived shutdown to the contrary.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Try and keep it all together. Let not weariness, attacks from ill-wishers, hard work, family disconnects, loneliness, poverty or bouts of suffering and ill health make you despondent and spiritually deflated.

Buck up. Invite the Good Spirits into your life and mind. Sing a joyful song. Hail God with a voice of praise, adoration, veneration and admiration.

Stay resolved. Keep it all together. Serve God, humanity and yourself.

How Activistic To Be?

Muslim fatalism is too extreme. Hyper activism under which radical secular humanists are to activistic, to pro-human, and not God-dependent enough.

God wants us to be more activistic than fatalistic. What occurs and how it all works out is more in God's hands than ours, but control of personal destiny is shared by the Higher Power and each person.

Figure It Out

Figure out what the Good Spirits are telling you. Once you understand their instructions, do what they order you to do, and carry out their expectations.


Are you able to differentiate between who is wise, and who is foolish. Can you determine who is good and who is wicked? Can you discriminate between truth-tellers and liars? Can you distinguish a friend from an enemy?

If you are groupist, and buy into group fantasy and love of lies and rationalizations, chances are you are neither discerning or right very often, and are easily led astray.

How You Approach God

You can approach God through me, through other prophets, through your pastor, through your guardian angel, or by direct, personal communication with the divinity.

You can approach God how you wish, but get going. Your future, your happiness, depend upon this spiritual outreach from you to the Higher Power.


Repent your sins. Admit that you are a sinner, completely relying on God's forgiveness and mercy. Repent: know, admit and move on from the error of your ways. As you grow in virtue, blamelessness and righteousness, know that you have set aside the negative behaviors and soiled spiritual aura that separate you from God, on this earth and when you are no longer on this earth.

Crying In The Wilderness

No one listens to me. There is so much good news that I have written of, to share with a cold, uncaring, heedless world.

May I be heard before it is too late.

Honor Code

The West Point honor code states that a cadet will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate those that do.

Just think how much better off we would be as a people if we practiced this in our personal lives, at work and in government.

Ohio State

There is a report of Drudge tonight about an Ohio state class denigrating white male heterosexuals.

It is time for the public to defund public institutions. They have turned all our young people into progressives. They are destroying the country. Cut off the money to the enemies, and we can limit the damage that they do.

The Imam

There was an article on Facebook, a video of a preaching imam, I believe, in South Carolina. He was ranting about the desirable destruction of the Jews.

This is wrong on so many levels: First,  a man of God is preaching genocide against his Semitic brothers. Lucifer is well-represented here.

Second, all Americans are protected with religious freedom, free of fear and hindrance from hostile other-believers. Therefore, that is our domestic policy and our foreign policy. To preach the destruction of any religious and ethnic group is wickedness and is un-American.

Third, why do not the imams condem, isolate, defrock and bar this war-monger and religious bigot.

Fourth, why does not the churches in that area condemn, boycott and protest against such religious hatred?

This cannot be allowed to go unchallenged. We do not need radical Islam anywhere on earth, let alone in our lovely country.


Millennials prefer communism, fascism and socialism over capitalism. The cultural ignorance of modern Americans is staggering.

We may lose our greatest nation, and our most significant, superior culture. Nihilism and ignorance are gaining ground.

Monday, January 15, 2018


Religion is necessary for the survival and vibrancy of the civil society. That being premised, we need a touch of separation of church and state to stay religiously and politically healthy.

For democracy to survive, we require a virtuous citizenry to obey just laws, and keep freedom free, and order, orderly. The virtuous citizenry will only arise from and being sustained and nourished by religious inspiration and practice.

Spiritual goodness is the origin of moral goodness. Moral goodness, taught and learned, by virtuous adults as virtuous citizens, keep the country running and alive.

The Left is anti-religion, as extreme secular humanists. Without religion, our evil natures, our innate spiritual badness, reinforced by an order of magnitude by group-living and roving in gangs, will lead us to fail to win the moral struggle to be virtuous citizens. Without virtuous citizens, our evil souls wil corrupt the ordered liberty of our civil society, degrading it until it fractures into a lawless, poor, brutish uncivil society, no longer functioning or prospering.

Still, we require some separation of church and state. too often terrible evil, world ware and genocide have been committed in God's name.

In light of excesses of religious fanatics, religious group-livers and huge religious majorities and organizations that can use the government to go after unbelievers and minority alternative believers, two legal, cultural, religious and ethical rules must be pronounced and enforced to assuage and comfort wary secular humanists and the irreligious,

First, it does not matter if citizens believe, do not believe, or differently believe, there will be no social, worldly or legal penalties for whatever religious posture one holds.

Second, any pressure to convert to whatever the majority, or junta-dictators of a society prescribe and proscribe for dissenters and differing believers must be removed. There must never be any pressure to convert to some popular, unpopular, traditonal or post-modern religious belief system. All conversions must be voluntary or not at all. The government must never use force against differing blievers or unbelievers.

No good faith is good any longer if its followers violate above promulgated one and two. It is an evil faith until the violations cease. Bad means always create a bad end. A good end does not justify a bad means. A good end can never be reached by pursuing a bad means. Only an honorable means justifies a good end. Only an honorable means allows us to gain a good end.

There are no short cuts.


The Left have destroyed our public school system and are making progress at destroying our universities.

Prager now devalues a college education, and he has a point.

Folow me, Prager U, talk radio and Levin to begin to receive a conservative education to offset the propaganda spouted by the Left.

The Greatest Charter

Hillsdale College believes the U.S. Constitution is the greatest charter of  liberty ever adopted by a country,  and that it was our Constitution that allowed American to grow quickly and become the freest, most prosperous nation in history.

Love God. Love the Constitution. Love America. May liberty and godliness grow and glow here in America again!

The Supreme Law

Hillsdale College thinkers espouse that the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. I love it. With this stance, reinforced, we can go back to being a constitutional republic.

Do Not Divide Jerusalem

Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of Israel. So it must always be, not divided by UN.

2018 Agenda

Ben Dorr, the Political Director, of Minnesota Gun Rights is hitting the ground running, warning freedom-lovers, backed by Bloomberg's billions, are seeking to ram gun control schemes through the state Legislature.

1.  Expanded or universal background checks, which is code for statewide gun registration. Once the state can keep tabs on its gun owners, they can move to confiscate them.

2. Mental health gun control measures. It is already on the books those registered as a danger to others or themselves, due to mental illness, from owning guns. They want police, courts, prosecutors and mental health providers to call ill those that dissent.

3. Seek to impose a gag act to prevent us from outing incumbent politicians that are anti-gunners, so they can get reelected, undetected.

Dorr wants a strong Stand Your Ground law without a duty to retreat, immunity from criminal prosecution by anti-gun prosecutors, and gain civil immunity from the family of a thug out to hurt you, after you defend yourself.

We have our work to do, but a free, armed people are the future of Minnesota and the rest of the country.

The Current Is Flowing

The tide of history is flowing and the rise of Mavellonialism is riding atop the front wave. The resurgence of Western values is upon us, and may the Good Spirits take back this world, giving humanity time to catch up in time and begin to live virtuous, free, prosperous, healthy, enlightened, holy lives.

Sunday, January 14, 2018


Always blame yourself for your failures. It often is not true that the failures are internal to you, but the only way to succeed is to be an individual, man up, take responsibility for your failures, and then next time do better, having learned  from your mistakes, now know what to do to get it right.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Matt Kibbe

1/13/18: Matt Kibbe wrote today or yesterday about vanishing 4th Amendment protections against unreasonable search, seizures and serveillance by various federal spy agencies, that, without warrants or probable cause, are conducting mass surveillance of internet activity on all of us.

He is spot on, and it needs to be made illegal by a Congressional law signed by Trump. We do not need the Deep State killing off 4th Amendment protections, and extirpating the little bit of privacy that each of us retain.


In early honor of MLK Day, here is a brilliant insightful, famous quote that Martin Luther King prclaimed: "“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” 

If a young woman dared to leave the comfort, convenience, safety and company of her group-living buddies, setting out on her own to maverize and work to become an individuated living angel, her experience and journey, self-launched, would so heigten and deepen her awarness of life, its meaning, its fallout, its implication for her and for all that  her public writings and announcements would rattle nerves around the world. Her challenging rhetoric, her controversial stances, would indicate clearly that she had become a remarkable young woman, an inspirational leader of her people.

Measure what she would have been if she conformed, took no personal risks, never stood out, and never transgressed the rules and expectations of the group-livers of her youth: she would not be a trail blazer in times of challenge and controversy.

The Great Books

The StarTribune published a list of great books, literature to read today. Excellent list. How about adding Notes For A New Age, Volume I to that list of great reads.


Read history and memoirs to discover how great souls lived and made a difference in their times, and in the contributions they made for human kind.  May their sense of ambition and hope that things could and must get better inspire you to go maverizing as instructed to by the Good Spirits.

Cause For Optimiam

You have cause for perpetual optimism. Each day on earth is a precious gift from God for you to use to celebrate God's goodness and kindness in how you pray, live, work and conduct yourself.

Life is a precious gift: do not squander it.

Shut The Government Down

Hold the line, Donald. Democrats are demanding a DACA deal soon, or they will shut down the government. Shut it down, no DACA deal, and cut the spending too.

Jeff Bezos

He and his wife are giving 33 million dollars to give college educations to hundreds of illegal aliens. He should be charged with breaking immigration laws and sent to jail.

He would help immigrants, American natives and the world a lot more if he would give me 33 million dollars to publish and advertise my books. Mavellonialism, practiced by the little people worldwide would pay big dividends in being free, happy, healthy and well off.

Kittson County

Sheriff Steve Porter and Chief Deputy Matt Vigfrom Kittson County Minnesota just released a most revealing study of wolf kills against livestock farmers in that County in 2017. Over a hundred calves were hauled away by the wolves so there was no compensation by the feds to these farmers at $1,000 loss per animal per farmer.

We need to state to regulate wolf harvesting, not the feds. We need a regulated wolf hunting season to pull the numbers down so we have wolves and farmers too.

Third World Crapholes

It does not matter if Trump referred countries from Africa and South America as crapholes or not. It does not matter if he so cussed or not, or is lying about saying it or not. Why/

1. First, he is not a racist. There is nothing wrong with those people, but, he is right: many, maybe most, of their countries are crapholes, but not because those people are inferior to European Americans. It is true because their economies are not reformed, modern or capitalist.

They are crapholes because their few at the top, the local elites, have all the power, and the masses do not enjoy democratic protections.

They are crapholes because of human rights abuses, poor educational facilities, poor health care.

They are not Mavellonialist.

No wonder the masses seek to flee, but they bring their craphole economics, their craphole religious beliefs, their craphole values, and their radically groupist culture to balkanize and infect America with lousy values, multicultural defects, a lack of assmiliation, and bilingualism to hurt the native way here.

We need closed borders, and the wall will work as it has for Israel. We need no illegal immigration and little legal immigration. No sanctuary cities. No taking American jobs. No overstaying visas. No chain migration. No immigration lotteries.

Those here illegally need to be deported. Those that came illegally, and that we decide not to expel should never be able to vote. Lawlessness will not be rewarded.

Once we restore the American Way, have one national language, one conservative Judeo-Christian-Mavellonialist culture with a powerful military, small government and a restored constitutional republic, then we can share our superior economy, our superior cultures, and our divine values with the crapholed countries anywhere--like in Red China, so those good people wherever can do right well at home where they need to stay.

Pretty Good Will Do

The motto that best expresses the spirit of the philosophy of moderation is that pretty good will ordinarily do just fine. Demanded perfection on occasion is not only acceptable, moral and doable. For regular living, it may not be doable or desirable. Incremental victories will suffice.

Read This Blog

Read this blog. Read my books; contact me. My shared and published writings are my obedience to God's command that I share news of God with the world, with the lost, the misled, the duped, the anxious and searching. God is humanity's last, best hope, so we are working feverishly to the get world out.


God has selected you to lead a certain lifestyle through which you may discover who you are and actualize your full potential. Get going. Get living. Get at it. Answer the divine invitation.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Cannot we all get along and cut deals. With liberals we can, but with radical Leftists no. They seek our surrender or extinction as the only options that will bring them to the table to talk to us.

When the good and the wise are up against the violent, rotten, aggressive evil and foolish seeking to murder us, we must execute a holy war against them, smash them and break them, even wiping them out if necessary.

Once they are utterly defeated we can work together to heal our divisions and bring all together, working out honorable compromises.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Auld Lang Syne, has its place, but the indivuator looks forward, and is moving forward until the Good Spirits call him home.

Smart Bird

FAcebook tonight shows a brilliant jay-type bird repeatedly using a margarine lid to snowboard down the slanted roof of a snow-covered house.

If we nuke humans into extinction, life will go on and smart squids, or smart jay birds or smart monkeys will emerge as the new intelligent species vying to become living angels.

Tea Party Quality

Joe Arpaio and Michelle Bachman--both for US Senate: now these two make us Tea Partyers delighted--no potential swamp creatures, these two.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Please Be There For Us Psalm 59 17-18

Please be there for us: "But I will sing of your strength and revel at dawn in your kindness; You have been my stronghold, my refuge in the day of distress. O my strength! your praise I will sing; for you, O God, are my stronghold; my gracious God."

You Feel Alienated

You feel alienated in America? You feel as if things once familiar, customary, traditional and comforting have slipped away. You fee strange and detached from what is going  on all around you.

Be assured that you are not hallucinating You have not changed, and your values and cultural heritage are still there, but being quickly overlaid with bilingualism, multiculturalism and statism.

You do not fit into the New America, and nor should you want to--it is taking us down the pathway to hell. Chuck Schumer is manning the toll booth.

Go Ahead

Go ahead, be careful what you wish for: okay, wish that people would individual-live and most will dedicate their lives to God. That ought to do it.


This is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Thank you officers for protecting our homes and persons, keeping the lawlessness and thuggery at bay. God bless and be safe.

Prager On History

Prager on history today: we need history for know where we came from informs us on where we are going. Wise man.

Let me restate this and comment on it: We do not know where we are going, unless we know where we came from. Good, solid roots, familiar and well understand, allows us to pinpoint where we are headed in the future.


Most terrorists are men, but most men are not terrorists. If men would individuate, the inclination to terrorize would be a rare occurrence.

In God We Trust

In God we must trust: there is not much else to do.


They are against DACA Amnesty and urged voters to call their Congress members to fight  for border security, end of chain migration, end of sanctuary laws, enforcing our immigration laws, securing the border with a wall protecting American jobs.

Statists are using groupist, uninformed, government-loving, poor, unassimilated immigrants to gain millions of Democratic voters and to undo our civil society. They are very close to their ultimate goals, and indeed may be unstoppable.


Levin points out tonight that assimilation equals Americanization. We do not want balkanized America based on bilingualism, multiculturalism and segregated ethnic communities. The civil society requires that we ensure that new legal immigrants are assimilated so they do not bring their culture and way of life to America.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Raise The Bar

Know your worth. Shoot for the moon. Do not settle for less. Raise the bar, and your stellar performance will the standard that all strive to match.

Enjoy What You Enjoy

Some people love the woods. Other people insist upon living in downdown Minneapolis. Others prefer the lake district up north. Others love the mountains. Others must live by the ocean. Others prefer the high plains prairie of western North Dakota.

Enjoy what you enjoy without apology. There is nothing at all wrong with that stance.

We Are Limited

Of course we are limited, and some things are impossible for humans to do. That being said, humans can still accomplish amazing things.

The Line Up

Small government is lined up with individualism, individualism, capitalism virtuous citizens, liberty and republicanism.

On the other side are line up large, centralized institutions and government with small individualism, corruption, group-living and the absent of personal freedom.


Parmenides the Monist postulates that reality is one substance, permanent, non-moving and unchanging, the whole of which those illusions of movement, change and many differentiated substances flow out of.

I am more of a dualist, as one would expect from a moderate for change, movement and many substances are real too, not just illusion.

The Swamp-Creatures

Mitchel McConnell and Eric Paulsen brag about being productive in 2017, getting legislation past by by being bipartisan. Yes, you passed some legislation to grow government and Obamaism. Thanks, RINOS: you got nothing done, but made things worse.

There Is an Afterlife

There is an afterlife--try to get to heaven, at least to Purgatory.


Try to be sin free. You will not succeed but your consistent effort will move your soul to the positive side of holy and holy people. Be virtuous.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Do Not Delay

Today is the day for you to take charge and commence maverizing. God is calling, and now is the time to begin your journey towards heaven and happiness.

The Condition

Equal justice under the law means no one is above the law.

Free Will

I watched a Prager U video about free will. The speaker claimed that, to have and wield a free will, requires an immaterial mind, not just a material brain. This is true, but we have free will on the material side of things too, but a free will is more immaterial than material.

The speaker defined free will as being internal self-control, the will no longer controlled by external material forces negating freeness of the agent's will.

As we maverize, alive and increased are reason and alertness of an individuating, living angel. This intellectual and spiritual, personal development renders the will of the developing great soul quite awake, learned, insightful and supremely conscious of choices offered and their consequences. That is what exercising a free will entails--something a sleepy, other-determined, emotional nonindividuating joiner does not will. A completely free will belongs to a self-liberated individual.

How Born

People are born depraved, grouped, with not much free will, brought without say into a world ruled by the Dark Prince and his Dark Lady.

As babies grow and become more children, their individuality, their rationality and their will becomes freer over time. It is a wonderful time of moral and spiritual growth, a journey of exploration and increased self-awareness.

Set Limits

Set limits are your kids behavior when they are little, and say no to many of their misbehavior, rude, dispresctful, lazy, selfish and cruel tendencies. As young people are shaped and brought up well by parents, the limits initially and externally imposed upon them will, over time for a moral and normal child, be internalized by the well-behaved child of conscience as she self-limits her behavior and tendencies.

The disciplined child with ambitious dreams can go on to become an individuating, brilliant, successful adult permanently focused on meeting and exceeding set high goals. Early training tells big.

Our Nature

We are not good by nature. Nor is our nature from birth morally neutral. We are not plastic and easily remade and reformed to be good. It can be done but it requires a lot of work by family, parents and church to bring up a good, moral, self-controlling child.

Human nature is evil, but we are good enough, that hard work and a good will can help us move the moral meter a bit to the good side: we can change and evolve. The basic nature is fixed and unchanging but at the conscious level, we can steer that wild, wicked, savage will and nature to serve the cause of good, as millions have done before us, often quite successfully.

Close That Border

We need to wall off and close that southern border to save the people, the culture, the economy and all that is exceptional about America. If we can save America, protect her way of life and enrich her citizens, then we have saved her people and people everywhere.

Leftist defilers have worked very hard for decades to spread poverty, to expand citizen dependency on federal handouts, conspiring to grow uncivilized groupism here, and to grow tyranny here in America.

Anything Does Not Go

I am all for liberty, but liberty is not the same as license to do whatever one wants, without prohibition, interference, censure or legal repercussions. If I am a bank robber, and state that, as a Libertarian, I am free to rob banks, and none should have a problem with it, without going to jail, then I am out of bounds.

The good citizens actively, openly aggressively fight evil in his community, be it socially, ethically or legally wrong. His interference is just and expected. Immoral or illegal behavior is engaged in by choice or prior determining from outside forces by the sinner and criminal, but that person is enslaved to do dark side so his free choice must be blocked.

We want maximum liberty for people but immoral and illegal outbreaks in the community are to be strongly opposed.

Moral Sense

Does your moral sense tell you right from wrong; if you do not have it, have lost it, or ignored it, you are a sick puppy.


Incompatibilism: Are free will and determinism inconsistent? To a large degree, they are, especially if free will means self-determination or free personal choice without antecedent causal input. If determinism is defined as other-determined, this is incompatible with the free agent that is self-determining. If being determined means all creatures, including humans are utterly controlled by external forces, then free will does not exist. In reality and nature, I believe people are determined more than free, but that they always exercise some free will. Individuating allows the individual's free will to grow and take over more and more as she is less controlled by natural laws, or any external force over time.


I believe that free will and determinism are compatible if free will is defined and self-causing and determinism can be defined as the condition of existence that all things have causes, be they free will (self-caused) or other-caused (an external determinant).

Distributive Justice

Socialists love this concept as a means of enforcing material egalitarianism on all people, as the government takes from the rich and the haves and gives to the poor and the have-nots to smooth out inequality of outcome.

Some are born smarter, richer or better compensated. But, if 96% of young people, two generations ahead, learn how to maverize in a free market economy, they will self-generate, apiece, sufficient wealth to be affluent, thereby negative any need for government intervention in private and business circles to redistribute wealth. Where most have great financial outcomes, then the remaining inequality of outcomes is no one's business, certainly not requiring government intervention to resolve.


This Congressman from Oregon, Democrat Earl Blumenauer, that is deliberately going to miss Trump's State of the Union Address, is a vile hater. His disrespect for a good, decent Commander-in-Chief is as vile and despicable as he is. This disrespect from the Left and the never-Trumps must stop. It is destructive and divisive to an already to polarized nation.


Ambition, for my  money, is an underrated virtue. Now, there is negative ambition: to get ahead in the world using others as stepping stones, desiring to take over the world, to dominate others and deprive them of their freedom, or to advance Satan's cause.

Positive ambition is the desire to maverize, to serve God, to expand the sphere of God's influence, to become a better person, or grow to be a great soul. These kinds of ambition are desirable, even the duty of the active, developing individual as she lives and loves living, seeks after knowledge, understanding, skill and excellence.

Flashes Of Creativity

Eric Hoffer famously quotes that flashes of inspiration surface from our unconscious, without warning or prompting. They come to us briefly and powerfully. These creative hunches are unpredictable, seemingly at random, and we cannot induce their arrivals in our imaginations. Hoffer wants us to write them up and explore them fully so that messages of creative inspiration that visit us are not lost due to indifference or neglect. We must nurture these original messages to grasp their full meaning and scope. These flashes are divine gifts sent to us by the Good Spirits, and they are the source of our creativity.

I have often wondered if prompting these flashes to surface from our unconscious can be unnaturally forced by us to visit our conscious state at an increased rate. I now think that we cannot interfere with the unexplained flow of these flashes, or predict or increase the regularity of their visits. We at least cannot do so directly. What we can do is maverize, write, paint, think, tinker and invent, and these intellectual and artistic activities may make it more likely and favorable for flashes of insight to visit our conscious states of mind. By thinking clearly and without illusion, we may find that our cluttered minds are now more receptive to flashes, or that our alertness may ready us to receive them when they arrive, recognizing, appreciating and recording them for what they are.


I have written previously about alienation is several places. Here, I just want to note that if a good person, in this evil world ruled by Lera, feels alienated from the status quo, the Establishments and neighborhood cliques, alienated is how he should feel. This alienation is positive.

If he is alienated from God and God's influence in this strange world, then he needs to open up a prayerful dialogue with De, inviting day into his heart and into his life. Then he will no longer feel the pain of this real but negative alienation from God.

Also, as an individual-living, great soul moves so far away from and above the level of thinking and existing in local, group-living, non-individuating cliques, it is natural and expected that he would feel alienated from sleepy local people.

Where To Put Your Trust

Put your trust in God; trust is best placed at De's doorstep.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Detecting The True

We all have our blind spots, but the good live an authentic life, a truth-centered life. In this vein, I insist that they are much better able--that are the wicked and the amoral--to differentiate between lies and truths being presented to them. They are better able to know if what is presented to them is real or fake, than are the wicked and amoral. They are better able to know who is good and approachable versus who is deeply sinful and to be avoided than are the wicked and the amoral able to discern.

Prager on the radio this week noted that goodness without wisdom is only half-effective. Wisdom is with the good when they are able to separate truth from lies most of the time.


Having Sessions and the Feds back off on classifying marijauna as a Schedule 1 drug to be so enforced under federal statute is something that I have mixed feelings about. I have never used it, and wonder why we need another drug for people to be addicted to, with more lives ruined.

I would not go to the wall against it if decriminalized or legalized everywhere for recreational use, but it is a problematic drug with real physical and social issues of hurting people.

Clean and sober is not a bad way for an individuator to do God's bidding, and pot is not part of that way to live.

The Evil Motivations

Dennis Prager asks why people prefer to do evil over good. His answers: they do evil because it is tempting, easy and natural--all true. To hate the self, to hate God, to hate others, and to hate the world is to want to inflict hurt, pain and violence upon all involved. Destruction, war and chaos are the aims, and this wicked souls has obeyed Lera's call to spread the cause of darkness in the world, and these are other reasons why people do evil.

Prager Again

I watched a Prager U video by Prager this afternoon about people not being basically good. Prager does not believe that we are basically good but we can overcome our natural bent to naughtiness and nastiness by being taught to be good by our parents and authority figures in our lives. Amen, I say.

Prager defines natural evil as selfish and narcissistic, as being cruel as children, being ungrateful and ill-mannered. Again, he is 80% correct. He is an altruist, which accounts for his 20% error in thinking.

To be born evil is to be selfless, and that is the sujbective focus that makes people narcissitic. As they grow, their herding instinct will make them social and herding, and that is where their selfish, cruel, nonindividuating ways become a way of life.

Babies are born with some goodness in their heart and souls, but this primordial drive is stunted and weak, but with training and education and a personal choice to be goo--and to take parental instruction to heart--children can learn to be good adults. As good adults, they will be individuating individualists that pursue their enlightened self-interest, an unselfish, positive, obedient answering the divine summons to be a living angel, following in De's footsteps, the ultimate individualist.


God will forgive our sins even if we do not acknowledge having wronged others and God. I am responding to a Breitbart article on 1/3/18 in Breitbart by Thomas D. Williams Ph.D.

Williams writes that Pope Francis counsels proud, unrepentant sinners that they are unable to receive God's mercy and forgiveness if they do not acknowledge their sins. This seems accurate to me. We must acknowledge our sins, ask for God's forgiveness, atone and offer penance too.

Now, I differ with Francis here in that his take on the proud sinner is that he is an arrogant individual vying with God, and sinning to boot. In my faith and experience, the false pride of the stiff-necked and unrepentant sinner if the the true, positive pride of the self-interested indivdualist, but is instead the false, atanic-laced pride of the entrenched sinner serving Lera. This God-defying sinner is not an individualist but is a selfless groupist, a joined and joining, popular member of Le's clique. The Marxist Pope Francis is unaware of these import distinctions regarding false satanic pride versus true angelic pride of a living angel.

Imagine A World Without Religion

An atheist may ask: imagine a world without religion. As I believer I sarcastically counter, "Imagine then a world where people follow the dark forces of the universe--end result: devil worship. Spirits exist and rule us, and we can only be happy when worshiping God. May atheists pricks and other radical secular humanists not have their way.

The Man Without A Filter

I should talk: I say all kinds of utterly politically incorrect, inflammatory, accusatory, blunt statements. But, I try not to name names and to speak in general terms. I value low profile (when I am in a group, the neighborhood or at work). I also value kind speech, where possible. I want to be polite and diplomatic, where possible.

Then there is the Donald, the man without a filter. He brags today that he is a genius and a stable genius, and he is both, without a doubt. And I think he is sane, principled and decent man in a lot of ways.

Obama was smoother, but there was a wicked, totalitarian, constitution-annihilating, mindset to Barack the Marxist ideologue and Leftist king that made him a very dangerous, man. But, you would not know it based on the relatively quiet reaction from the public, the Press and Republicans and RINOS like the Bush people and Bush Presidents.

But Trump is impolitic, mouthy, bragging and issues crazy remarks or crazy-sounding remarks like raining down fire and fury upon North Korea. He loves being controversial and the center of attention, but it is a great political cost. Our conservative agenda is pushed into the shadows while we spend a week going over and over his latest controversial Tweet. We constitutional conservatives want to take over and take back America and make it great again, and the flawed Donald is our best current means of doing that. But his self-aggrandizing, strutting, mouthy remarks and public feuds with his latest insulter all push away women, minorities, Libertarians, RINOs and independents that a more likable Reaganesque constitutional conservative  that we desperately need to win over.

Trumps open boasting about his being a genius affronts people and makes them dislike him. One can be an egomaniac and think wild things without putting it in people's face all the time, scaring, angering and alienating them. Trump's crudeness, brashness, mouthiness and crass way of speaking and writing alienate many voters. He should have an approval rate of 70%, based on his stellar performance, and we may lose the House and Senate in 2018 due to his unpleasant, polarizing communication style.

I read an 1/6/18 article by Michael Tackett about Trump and he notes that this unconventional President stands out as being talked about as erratic, perhaps actually crazy and as uninformed. Trump is a genius but is no intellectual. I wish he would let Levin instruct him, and it would do much to help his understand and reach the end of his conservative destination. He is the executive that uses his wild personality and actions to stir creative chaos in his businesses to improve things, but with the nuclear button and great executive power at his command, he scares the hell out of many people that he will become King like Obama or start a nuclear war. I do not know for sure, but I do not think he is a dictator or a nihilistic monster. He actually is principled and keeps his word. He does not want to be dictator or blow up the world, and he is not crazy; he just sounds crazy--crazy like a fox.

Tackett writes that Trump's self-absorption, impulsiveness, lack of empathy, obsessive focus on slights, tenuous grasp of facts and a penchant for sometimes far-fetched conspiracy theories have many Democrats and psychologists believing that he is crazy and unfit for high office. I disagree strenuously. I think he is empathetic but not a bleeding heart. He is self-absorbed but he lives in the real world. He is too offended by slights, and I like a President that counter-punches, but he needs to attack when necessary, and ignore a lot of the sniping. I do not know about the conspiracy theory accusation.

Psychiatrist Dr. Bandy Lee arm-chair diagnoses Trump as mentally ill and visited Congress. The Democrats would user her as their cat's paw to use the 25th Amendment to get Trump removed from office by his Vice President, his Cabinet and Congress. This is an actual Leftist conspiracy to remove a legitimately elected President unraveling Obamaism, a process that fills them with rage, hate and lust for revenge.

Tackett goes on to write that West Wing staff dislike Trump's speaking style, his temper, his lack of interest in formal briefings, etc.

Donald, you need to reign in some of these character excesses. They get in the way of implementing our conservative agenda, and they provide ammunition to the Left for attacking you, and through you, us.

You cannot not and will not dial it back, so we all have to live with what you do to us, unless they can impeach you, or vote you out of office in 2020.


If you maverize, and emerge 12 years from now as a great soul, much of your thinking will be original and even atypical, and this is likely to happen naturally. Your new thinking can energize and inspire others to think creatively and in new ways.

The Lucky Libertarian

This young black man, Tarnell Brown, a most insightful, articulate Libertarian, is a friend of my nephew, Kenneth Slaathaug, a bright intellectual from Bismarck, North Dakota--an atheist, which saddens me, but be that as it may be.

Brown posts this on his Blog:


Now that is quite parallel, as least initially, to what I have promoted under Mavellonialist thought: my reform is for people to individual-live, relegating group-living to comforting, present, available, but of secondary rank social importance. This new mode of existence will present people with real liberty on a personal level with political and economic ripples of major significance.

Brown advocates self-reliance, and this Emersonian heritage is in severe decline in America, requiring immediate reversal. In school, self-reliance should be taught as a class every 3 years: kindergarten, 4th grade, 8th grade and llth grade. Kids should learn to handle finances, love profits, and be self-reliant, of public dole, and not dictated to by any hierarchy.

I have not explored what he means by true free market principles, but I like genrally the concept. Profits and money in the pocket of all, earned, based on their hard work and prudence, will lift the boats of all as prosperity and affluence become societal norms as capitalism blesses all. Just think of those 3rd world nations with real money to be made at home: they would have no need to pour across our open borders.

Brown wants mankind to follow his principles so that it can reach its full potential. Sounds awful close to the Mavellonialist ideal of human liberation as self-actualization of each person's full potential, as commanded to so live and soar as expected by God.

My belief in God, my fundamentalist religious conservativsm, my traditonalism on social issues, and my belief in basic human wickedness are values repugnant to the gentle, young Libertarian mindset, so worldly, so secular humanist, so radically live-and-let live in a world where evil must be actively countered, but we conservative Libertarians have some ideas that need vetting. It requires a strong stomach to go where I reside intellectually. Come aboard.

One Worth Pursuing

There is one New Year's Resolution wort pursuing, That is the state goal to move towards individual living. That attainment is significant in itself. Without group noise, games and fantasies to pollute our minds, and scatter our focus, we stand alone and see clearly. We fill the absence of God's presence more keenly now as a heartarche level of loneliness fills the inner void. The impulse to create and maverize is a positive, natural way to fill that void, come towards and converse with God, and get on the road towards growing into a great soul. Give it a try.

It is a new year, and business as usual is not the way to proceed.

New Year's Resolutions

I have no easy time being faithful to mine, and I believe that God does not like binding people to make false promises that they really do not intend to keep, or which, as weak creatures, they will backslide from.

Better to tell God, the Good Spirits, the self and others that one has goals, and will do the best one can to meet them, and leave it at that. We all have enough of a struggle getting to heaven, without swearing oaths that are impossible for us to keep, and then this is another offense that we have committed against God, by swearing an oath, and then not keeping it.

Some Things Never Change

Some things never change. If they are attractive, wholesome traditions that comfort and uplift everyone, by all means cherish and retain them. If some of these unchanging practises are cruel, destructive and inhumane, be audacious, and work to remove them, but replace them with something akin but more healthy for people.

Atheists do not understand that people need meaning in their lives, and will not emotionally, spiritually or intellectually exist in an existential vacuum devoid of values or purpose. This want and appetite for more than just mere animal existence is likely an unfilled craving for God's  presence in their lives.

 Fill the void, or even worse practises may be adopted as a very substitutes. Again, some things must change. Let us replace instinctive group-living with individual-living as our primary mode of existence. Let us recommend to people to adopt a lifestyle rich in pursuit of virtuous living, and active worship of the divinity. Let us start neighborhood traditions like meeting a Suzie's kitchen every Thursday evening to cook and serve a meal to 15 neighbors, sort of a gourmet food club. Or, meet in Sam's heated garage (it is 9 below zero here this morning) up the block to learn and make wood furniture, taught by Sam with all the tools, lathes, saws and expertise to build anything that a fine carpenter could make.

These changes and positive rituals are small, local revolutions, but cumulatively they could change the world for the better.

Friday, January 5, 2018

Why They Fail

Young men become criminals, of every color and kind, less due to being poor and in criminal infested poor neighborhoods, than having no dad, and not growing up working and individuating.

A Jealous God

There is much written in the Old Testament about angry, vengeful, jealous Yahweh very punitive if the people worship false gods.

I think the demeanor of the Father and Mother today, as the modern Yahwehs,  would allow for De to jealous only of, and punitive about humans worship evil deities, not other good deities, competing directly with Yahweh for followers.

Pope Marx


Breitbart News has a article tonight on Pope Francis instructing Catholic education to "give children an ecological eduation so that an ecological ethos will grow out of it.

 Like the Soviets of old, if he can get to our children, through educational indoctrination, he can raise an illiterate generation of little ideologues whose environmental views are their real faith, and suppressing human economy in thenatural world is their aim.

We will be back in the days of Neanderthals when Pope Marx trains our children.


Wednesday, January 3, 2018


Bannon and Trump need to be working together. We do net Trump attacking Bannon, darling of the base, to curry favor with Washington insiders.


Now that California is now a lawless sanctuary state, it is time for the President to withhold federal tax dollars from the state, until they reverse this illegal law that they just passed.

Amen, Dennis

Life is messy, difficult and painful Dennis Prager warns. We must face the world as it is before we can make it a little better, ourselves a whole lot better, and through our prayers and efforts, take back an acre or two of earth to be annexed by God's holy kingdom.


You Tube and Silicon Valley are currently censoring 30 Prager U videos. Conservative thought must not be censored but must be out there for public consumption, especially to educate the youth. If we do not fight now for what is left of America, we conservatives will end up in prison or concentration camps for reeducation.

Dream Big

Dream large. Then you have a fitting aspiration to cling to while you work towards making it your most impressive accomplishment.

Quit Digging

If you can not make things better, at least do not make them worse. Quit digging the hole that you are in deeper.

Pulling A Moses

Okay so you are not the ideal candidate to individuate, to answer when summoned by God to fulfill a divine assignment. Who is the ideal candidate? Only God knows, but De has selected you for this specific assignment, at this specific time in history. Ergo, you are the ideal candidate. Do you disagree? Do you dare refute God's characterization of you? Have you no fear? Have you no shame? You may not be the most winsome, the most charismatic, the smartest, the bravest or the most heroic choice as others may be--it does not matter. Like the little hobbit Frodo in Lord of the Rings, only you can save the world. Boromir cannot do what you can do.

You had better go along with God's program if you wish to see heaven. God will not allow you to slip of the hook of the heavenly crozier that has snared you. You have smarts enough and goodness enough to finish the job that God insists upon giving you. Go for it. It is your destiny, if you will but say yes.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018


If you are not pro-gun, you are not pro-freedom and pro-America.


There is a strong affiliation between being weak-willed, failing to individuate, failing to stand up and be counted when summoned by God and group-living.

Turn the coin over. There is a powerful connection between  being strong-willed, insisting upon individuating, acting resolutely to join God's army and to individual-live as one's primary mode of existing.

Strengthen your will, and do what is right and rewarding.

Get It Done

Whether you are saved from hellfire by being born again and receiving Christ's free grace, or you are saved by joining the ranks of the Good Spirits, while alive, leading a righteous life as an individuator.

Which ever route you follow, you need to be saved, and put on the new (angelic) person.

Who Is Saved?

We cannot know for sure: only God does know, but we can speculate about it, as long as we grant that we are not taking our conclusions too seriously.

One True Faith: The Noble, Moderate Qualifiers

Is there one true faith that we must join or burn in hell? Yes to the first question, and mostly no to the second question. There may be one true faith, and it may be Mavellonialism, but, even if there is one true faith, there are many, many good faiths that are also paths to heaven. God is not a jealous god; if De's children follow another deity, a good deity, and are spiritually and morally good, most of the time, for all their lives, worshiping that deity

Children Of Light

Children of light are always being watch by their neighbors inspecting their every move to see if their claim to be good and righteous is matched by their behavior. Good people should act good because it is the right thing to do, and because the neighbors are watching.


Are you cranky and waspy all the time. Give it a rest. Cultivate a positive attitude, and make the best of what comes down the pike. You will fill better and those associating with you will have things a little  better.

Psalm 59 17-18

God is your stronghold: "...You have been my stronghold, my refuge in the day of distress. O my strength! your praise will I sing, for you, O God, are my stronghold, my gracious God."

Monday, January 1, 2018

Reality Check

There are really only two gender; men and women. Do not be taken in by the pseudoscience, the frivolous psychology and California-weird thinking of the Left, to the contrary. God forbids that.


Occasionally there is a kinder, braver, more curious and extroverted joiner that reaches out to welcome an isolated, ostrasized, embattled great soul.

As soon as the other joiners, who have not broken rank with the group hegemony, catch wind of this befriending breach, they approach and encircle the joiner nonconformist, warning them to forsake the great soul too, or face dire consequences. Most joiners, faced with this ultimatum, would fold and rejoin the pack, withdrawing their friendly outreach.

People are basically evil, so when the evil group demands that all sell their souls to Satan, and become part of the mob, attacking the great soul, people are craven and selfish, and yield to the path of least resistance. It is understandable and predictable, if not to be condoned. God watches and keeps count.

Gun Rights National Legislation

AWR Hawkins, a writer for Breitbart, reports that there are 4 federal bills that Congress needs to pass right now to defend gun rights: National Reciprocity, Repeal of Gun Ban for Military Veterans, the Hearing Protection Act and work for the Defeat of Elitist Push for Bump Stock Ban.

Let us get these bills passed and to the President's desk by 2/1/18.

Held Accountable

New Year's Resolution: You want no more lying, power-grabbing, promise-breaking, swamp-dwelling, sleaze balls betraying you in Congress, and growing further the federal monster. Okay, hold them accountabe. Primary them past 6 year term limits on both houses, and support Levin on Article V of the Constitution. If you renege on any of these assignments, you are not serious about changing the way the system functions today.

More than anyone else, hold yourself accountable. Get off the federal dole. Make lots of money so you have a well-to-do retirement not connected to the government in any way. Maverize as a supercitizen that wants America returned to citizens being governed within the traditional framework of the constitutional republic established by our Founding Fathers.

Start The Year Right

Start the year right: show your support for God and country by flying the flag every day. Buy a gun. Give a check to the local food shelf. Write a poem. Write your congressional delegation to balance the budget, and begin paying off the national debt.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I went to be at 11:23pm last night. Talk about a non-partying, old curmudgeon!

May God bless you with family, friends, prosperity and good health this year.

May you bless the world and yourself with your choice to individuate, thus making the world and yourself an improvement zone, benefiting all.