Tuesday, October 29, 2019

That External World

I believe that it does exist, and that we are able to see it and experience it largely as it is, and this honest, accurate, genuine consciousness of this world will help us understand, quantify and describe it as it is.

Independent World

Is there an independent world, and is it the cause or source of your experience and ideas. Respecting solipsism, I do not know for sure that there is an objective world out there, but I do believe it exists, and is the source of many of our ideas. Other sources could be internally triggered by intuition, God revealing Deself to us, hunches, innate ideas welling up, or our instinctive predilections asserting themselves up into our consciousness.

Go Army Poster

I saw this blurb on Facebook tongith. It's meme: Define success on your own terms.

I love this phrase. To individuate would be to define success on your own terms, and I could not have said it better, and I wish that I had come up with this phrase.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Could it be true that I am the only thing that exists, that all outside my mine are illusions or illusory, that it is impossible to know anything or anyone beyond one's immediate experiences?

We are hopelessly subjective, and it might be so that objective reality cannot be known as it is, or that it even exists, and that all we can know or be conscious of is our own experience. I do not know or not know for sure that solipsism is false, but my epistemological moderation, half way between being an epistemological optimist (There is knowledge to be ascertained and claimed by humans; there is objetive reality out there, and we can know it.) or radical dogmatism, and the bleakest, epistemological  pessimism that all we can know is what are conscious of or experience within our own minds, an isolation that cannot be ended or surmounted. We are radical skeptics about any claims to external reality or descriptions of its properties, inhabitants and objects.

You Will

You will lapse and retrograde. Backsliding is part of being human. Go ahead, sin and go backwards. Now, pick yourself up and try going forward again. That may be the sum of victory that most of us ever come to enjoy or experience.


You can never repay your parents, the Good Spirits, good people or God for the kindness, nurturing and protection that made you whom you are today.

Should you self-realize, you will have made their sacrifices worthwhile.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

To Criminalize

To criminalize gun ownership among the lawabiding is a crime that so many on the Left and on the Right are eager to commit.

So You Failed

So you made mistakes in the past. Get over it. Man up, get moving. Quit bewailing your failures, and look to the future where you will work faster, smarter, more carefully to get it right. And you will get it right, and then know success after success. But none of that will come about unless you forsake this crying period of lamentations about your personal inadequacies.

Psalm 97, 3

God is a god of anger, just violence and just war, when necessary: "Fire goes before him, and consumes his foes round about."

We as God's followers, thereby, are justified in our right to bear arms, to defend ourselves, to fight off the forces of evil that attack us, be they foreign or domestic.

Psalm 97, 1-2

God is the ruler of the world, and the real and final executive head of our nation states. God is a god of liberty and justice so freedom must reign in all nations and justice and the rule of law must be observed: "The Lord is king; let the earth rejoice; let the many isles be glad. Clouds and darkness are round about him, justice and judgment are the foundation of his throne."


I am no slouch when it comes to understanding the bitter partisanship that is evinced as Americans quarrel bitterly with one another as the cultural war between conservatives and progressives becomes more bitter as time goes on. It likely will not become a shooting war or open civil war, unless Progressives  come for the guns of the 100 million gun owners, and they may be rash enough to attempt that.

The Founding Fathers warned against bitter factionalism with good reason. They knew only too well what factionalism--religious, ethnic, regional, even nationalism wrought in Europe, and they did not want such to occur here in the brand new constitutional republic that they constructed.

Prager notes, in his remarkable Prager U video on the Trinity  of American values, that these values allowed us to hold together as a people, for the most part, because of e pluribus unum (out of many one), our emphasis on liberty, and in God we trust. 


We may be from many nations, many backgrounds and many different cultures, but our common heritage binds us together. We can be partisan, but we must remain friends with, tolerant of, nonviolent towards, and normally respecting the will of the majority and who they elect to rule us. The Left keeps using every weaponized political, journalistic and legal weapon it can be unseat and overthrow Trump, defying the 2016 vote by 63 million Americans that put him in as President. The hyper-partisanship evinced by the Left is anti-democratic, illegal, unconstitutional and will destroy the Republic, which, I now assume, is their aim, to introduce a single-party, Communist dictatorship, ruling into perpetuity.

As conservatives fight desperately to save the Republic and back off the Left, their defense of their rights and their fighting to save the country may seem hyper-partisan, but the attacking true-believers on the Left give us no choice. Either we fight or surrender, for there is no middle way, no more semi-surrendering our rights and the country incrementally as a failed policy of appeasement employed by RINOS and independents, that have made the Left so strong and emboldened, and the Ameritopian Leviathan so close to being brought to life so it can devour every citizen.

Prager's account of the second value that makes America exceptional is its emphasis on liberty over equality and fraternity. One is born here equally, and is equal to all other citizens under the law, but that is where inequality steps to the fore. Inequality of outcome is desirable, even predictable, if liberty is to be exercised by each private citizen.

 The partisanship of the Left is demanding equality of outcome with all the accompany statist control of business, institutions and private citizens, so confined and directed that their liberty is muzzled, eventually to be snuffed out completely as Marxists take over the federal government.

Their radical, partisan support of equality of outcome, as trumping all other traditional American rights and values, has forced conservatives and moderates to fight back bitterly in a late attempt to stem the tide of Leftism so close to achieving its ultimate goals--setting up Europeanized Ameritopianism as the law of the land here in USA.

In God we trust is that third traditional value that Prager identified in his insightful video. God made the world and established natural law to regulate it. A branch of natural law is moral law to guide human behavior. Under natural law, we enjoy natural rights, granted us by God, and they cannot be deprived or discounted by federal officials, politicians or judges.

Leftists, the hyper-partisans that they are, do not believe in God, do not believe in inalienable rights (pursuit of life, liberty, happiness and property--especially liberty), do not believe that our Constitution is an amazing legal document protecting our inalienable rights.

They regards themselves as educated, credentialed, expert and elite rulers of the masses, and the placing of their professional and specialized authorities in government and in academia will allow this united and cooperative elite to  grow government, enforce equality of outcome, and end individual liberty and personal privacy as the state controls every aspect of American citizenry lives.

 Leftism in America is now a mass movement, and Leftists in the Deep State, in the Democratic Party, as judges, journalists, ministers, actors, entertainers, billionaires, politicians, bureaucrats all speak as one mind, one person, one voice. They truly believe that they are superior and know how to run the lives of all Americans for the better. They believe they are to achieve total power by any means at hand (lie, smear, destroy lives, imprison supporters of Trump (Flynn) due to prosecutorial, excessive overreaching). Their final goal is a Marxist state, a totalitarian monster running every aspect of American lives, a godless, cruel police state where poverty, starvation, disease, crumbling infrastructure, gulags and concentration camps will not be  unusual.

This fanatical dedicated to the cause of Marxism is partisanship at its purest, most evil and most deadly.

 Countering such a vicious, deadly assault on all things American does force conservatives and all Americans to seem or be counter-partisan, but we must just to attempt to survive, save the country, our liberties, our way of life.

Today, (10/27/2019), is the day I choose to respond to an article run yesterday in Drudge Report. The article by Dan Balz of the Washington Post was published on 10/26/2019.

It starts off with a headline that Americans hate all the partisanship, but they are more partisan than they ever were.

Let me respond: the moderates, the independents and the conservatives hate the partisanship, and maybe even some Leftists do, but most Progressives are power-hungry fanatics after total control of all people and all aspects of society, and they seek the total defeat and destruction of all opposition. They relish partisanship as their primary tool and most weapon for gaining supreme power and utter and lasting victory. And their strategy is effective and might well work, even if we are counter-partisans.

 Balz seems fair and accurate in reporting that partisan polarization now runs very deep, and that it is getting worse. Restoring civility, trust and seeking for and finding common ground seems unlikely, maybe impossible.

Animosities run deep, and Americans lament the depth of division and lack of compromise. Again, I mostly blame the Left. Their goal: a Marxist dictatorship is a hellish nightmare that they seek to sell to or force upon the American people. There can be no compromise with promoters of communitarian totalitarianism.

And that they use anger, character assassination, and the threat of government force (Beto as President will use the police to take my AR-15 from me.). They use a bad or wicked means to achieve a bad end and these evil people must be opposed. That is not partisanship from conservatives and Patriots--it is their duty as free and loyal Americans to stand up to tyrants and usurpers, domestic or foreign.

Dan Balz seems fair and scientific in the portrait that he paints of the cultural and political divide between the two Americas.
Trump may be the most polarizing President in our history, but the sheer hatred and visceral dislike of him from Democrats and Progressives is not just about loathing him. He is symbolic, in their poisoned minds, of conservatives and voters that support him almost without qualification.
If the Left can get Trump thrown out of office, keep the borders open, eviscerate the Electoral College, rack up more trillions in national debt, grow government, pass the green new deal, institute universal health care, pass gun control laws so infringing on 2A that it leads to almost or outright gun confiscation and the disarming of civilians, win the House, the Senate and the White House in 2020, then they can and will complete Obama's nightmarish transformation of American into a Marxist dictatorship, then hard tyranny will be the fundamental change that they introduce here.

This is their goal, their only goal, and their partisanship is representative of how they will bring about Ameritopia, and wipe out America as we knew and enjoyed it.

Once and if we restore the constitutional republic and the American Way, once we have a future generation of individuating anarchist, bourgeois supercitizens running the country, then, we can be bipartisan, avoid gridlock and compromise, because a moderated America, on so many levels, is filled with gentle factions and reasonable citizens that are liberal versus conservative, not Leftist versus Nazi or reactionary, threatening extreme solutions imposed by violent or authoritarian Big Government.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


One of the most difficult tasks for a reader of Stirner's The Unique and Its Property is to nail down his economic theory or proposal.

He clearly is a revolutionary, although an insurrectionist (non-violent and refusing to participate in a coordinated and mass uprising0. He denounces the Communists and socialists as making people complete wards of the state, Humans that end up propertyless. Without personal property, owness is lost, and the self is self-alienated and is possessed by a ideational fixation with statism.

He also denounces the bourgeois liberals of his day for their hogging all the money, for their half-baked, involuntary egoism, for their love of competition in the marketplace, while still submitting to state control, in exchange for its protection against workers rising up and taking over everything.

I believe that his love of and advocacy of egoism and radically subjective egocentrism entail that he is for some brand of free market economics, under which the individual competes against all other individuals, whether as a consumer, business person, or laborer. Each person seeks to expand and enrich his property holdings by not sellling his goods, services, or labor below what they are worth, and one's right to a share of the economy is that amount that one has the competence, might and capacity to take ahold of and hold onto.

Stirner Denies Human Nature

Max Stirner denies almost all abstractions as applicable to the human condition, so his denial of the possibility of rational knowledge about anything (Is he a German Taoist whose skepticism is extreme epistemological pessimism, or a fairly pure epistemological Irrationalism? Initially, at least, that is what I am concluding.).

Since we, according to Stirner, cannot make dogmatic statements about human nature, or what it is, he would totally refute my assertion about basic human nature as a fixed, unchanging biological given or existential constant. If his egoistic ethical system--moving target that it is--is nonaristotelian (anti-logical and anti-linear), then by contrast, my egoist ethics is quite aristotelian and logical, albeit with some fuzzy logic tossed into the cooking pot.

If a view of human nature comes from the Bible, then, by Stirner's lights, the concept of unchanging, basic wicked human nature is a rationalized concept, a universal idea, an abstraction attributed wrongly to all people--of course I deny that reading.

If the ultra-conservative belief in a basic human nature governing all people all their lives is an abstraction, then Western thinking stems from two logical sources from Greek thought, and Hebrew metaphysics.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Can You Do It?

You can do anything you want if it means that much to you--though natural aptitude plays into levels of success.

Ronald Reagan

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same."

This famous quote from President Reagan is great cultural wisdom expressed so clearly and eloquently by our conservative, modern hero.

We are born corrupt, so we require religious and moral instruction, from birth for every child of every successive generation to obviate the quick and total invasion of barbarism, anarchy and dog-eat-dog law of the jungle street life.

The foremost job, of parents, politicians, educators, intellectuals, clergy and moral leaders from each generation of Americans, must be to prepare babies of the next generation being born, to be raised properly, to become good, kind, lawful, honest, industrious, decent, socialized and civilized community members, as a minimum, acceptable standard of personal, private behavior and the modest, minimum standard of behavior demonstrable by the young as civic-minded members of and contributors to civil society.

At risk of being smeared as a misanthrope, a politically incorrect racist, I advise that the law of the jungle ruling the streets of inner city south Chicago, and many other urban cores, comes about where black youth and other children of color end up the way they are because they have no married, heterosexual mom and dad, no communal or governmental or cultural structures in place to pass on traditional, Christian American values and limits to these unfortunate, needy children.

Lest white, middle class America feel smug, superior and impervious to such ghetto barbarism, if the Left keeps the border open, rids us of the electoral college, and wins back the White House and all of Congress in 2020, then ghetto barbarism will spread across the land and be the norm for all neighborhoods. My Irish forebearers served well in gangs and criminal organizations in New York over 100 years ago. It can happen again.

I would also introduce my Mavellonialist philosophy as a cultural supplement or enrichment to the American Way of Life to give young people from all origins and all backgrounds a way to expend their boundless energy in constructive, innovative and artistic ways, to the benefits of society and themselves.

Gun Rights Organizations File A Lawsuit?

Can we sue Google and Facebook for making a photo gun registry complete with serial numbers. I am just wondering, or should we pursue legislation to ban them from doing this. How can we fight back, not just be modest about revealing on social media what guns that we own and enjoy?

To Show Courage And Stand Out From the Cowardly Pack

Will Minnesota lawmakers grow a spine and introduce constitutional carry and stand your ground legislation right here?


Give money to Republicans so weak and treacherous, giving away gun rights to appease the liberal press and Democrats? No give to MGR and AFC.


I listened to Eric Metaxas briefly this morning on the way to work. He interviewed a Christian evangelist, a Chinese man, I presume. This modern apostle had written a book about the 100 million Christian living and worshiping in China, Asia and in Africa. He regarded them as the real, Christian traditionalist of today.

He offered that the modern apostle has two aims: to save souls and to transform the worldly culture, so that it resembles or becomes heaven on earth.

With some provisos, I approve of their aims. First, saving souls is a loving goal, whether people are called to worship Jesus or any other good deity. As long as conversion is voluntary, no problem, since involuntary and mandatory conversion always conveys to the target person that the coercive proselytizer worships and serves Satan and Lera, whether he is conscious of doing so or even denies this horrible reality. Bad means (forced conversion) for the sake of a good end--extending by force, fear and violence, real or implicit, the reach and depth the worship of a good deity is to, in actuality, spread the cause and worship of the Dark Couple.

Conversion or the refusal to convert cannot be mandated socially by threats of shaming, mocking, ostracism or excommunication from the community that the dissident is a member of. The sheer wickedness inherent too and growing under such mandating is an abomination and affront to the Light Couple, the Mother and the Father.

To seek to construct and create heaven on earth is a noble and worthy pursuit, but is a dangerous enterprise fraught with peril. Too often utopians and idealist have made things far worse than they were, because as true believers pushing their holy cause, they used genocide and totalitarian government and communist economic structures, to bring about their utopias, that were soon revealed as monstrous dystopias of murder, poverty, terror, government sanctioned violence against its people, poverty, starvation and suffering.

Idealists are too often fanatics, willing to sacrifice all and set up a "temporary" dictatorship over the proletariat, and what the peoples of Russia, Germany, China, Cambodia, Cuba and Iraq ended up with was bloody hellholes on earth where the suffering was incalculable.

Pursuing the perfect at the expense of the good always leads to terror, tyranny, mass suffering and the expanded power of the Dark Couple. To bring about heaven on earth, we must use gentle means and settle for coming close to being like heaven (we can continue to tweak and improve what we have wrought at a polity). A great but imperfect example would be a political system of constitutional republicanism like America is, with some Mavellonialist influences added in.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Max Stirner And Human Nature

We do have our corrupt human natures as a given trait or complex proclivity that we carry with us from birth. This objective state of being  per person is an abstraction that is real, true and powerful, not illusory or imagined as  a mere spook.

We are all born into wicked selflessness and must work very hard, very long to evolve into kindly, benevolent egoists. The mature ethical adult must maverize, individual-live more than group-live, and live her life more as an egoist than as an altruist.


Others cannot exalt us or humble us. We have the power to humble ourselves, to debase ourselves or to exalt ourselves not as a strutter or braggart, but as a confident, active individuator, leading by example.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Payment

Stick with God and De will supply you with all the confidence and determination that you require to stay the course not forsaking God, religions or righteousness.

Not Solely Logical

There are often chinks in our persona chains of reasoning. Our outlook is populated and fed from a gallimaufry of personal motives and temptations.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Christopher Klim

Kim is an editor that published a book on Eric Hoffer's articles, entitled, "The Syndicated News Articles". The Social Surgeon is the title of Hoffer's December 1, 1968 news article.

Hoffer is vehemently criticizing sociologists that demand that root causes of injustice and social unrest need to be addressed if problems are to be solved. Typical idealists, they make problem-solving hopelessly complicated, and inevitably muck things up, actually making things worse.

Hoffer wants to solve social problems in effective, workable ways. Let me quote him from Page 103 of that book: "It is probably true that in human affairs there are no deep causes--there are no depths, only surface and symptoms."

I believe that Hoffer is advising that human nature is naturally corrupt and never changes. It is quite conservative. The changes that do occur, or appear to occur, may be genuine and sincerely felt and sincerely meant, but they are evanescent in duration, scope and effect. Hoffer would advise that we maintain law and order and give people work to find fulfillment in and these surface solutions will do more than anything to maintain social order, law and peace-keeping. If we would add in Mavellonialist training, then these surface personal improvements would yield powerful social benefits.

Hoffer goes on to write that words and phrases have an almost magical allure to possess the masses and the public, not unlike Stirner's fixed ideas those abstractions that  the involuntary egoists in the public serve.

He writes: "When you see the role example and imitation play in shaping events, and how minds are affected by words, gestures and symbols, you realize that history is made by trivial, superficial agencies, by gimmicks and toys. Not to know that in human affairs the trivial is not trivial is to ignore a chief ingredient of man's uniqueness."

Hoffer wants people to excel for fun, material possessions and for material gain, not just for serious, high motives. He seems to suggest that we accept that our imperatives may be hypothetical, not categorical, and that is as it should be. If we accept such sullied, trite motives for doing what is good and right, we may be able to accomplish more for the sake of the community.

Hoffer continues: "It is man's superficiality that makes hims so fantastic a creature. His nobleness and his vileness, his hatreds, loves and dedications are all skin-deep.The sudden drastic transformations of which he is capable are due to the fact that the tensions which shape his attitudes are all surface phenomena."

Hoffer does not think highly of humanity, but he does not hold it against them, because they are born sinners, weak, fickle and prone to backslide. He takes them for what they are: he likes them but keeps his expectations modest. His view of their nature comes across as cynical, but he knows that to reform a people is to try to not push them beyond what they are capable of. Appealing to their trivial motives, their sense of play and wonder will do move them to do the brave, good and right than some appeal to some Kantian universal obligation, confusing, remote and austere.

His view on skin-deep solutions for human problems my seem counter intuitive, but he is wrong rarely, and correct most of the time.

That our natures, at least on the surface are superficial and easy to alter is great news.  If we seek self-betterment, we just adopt a role as a thinker, a kind person, and a brave worker. Immediately, we begin to become that person. Our skin-deep self-reforming can lead to deeper, substantive character alteration. By living in accordance with good values, and self-talking our way into believing, expressing and acting them out, we become better individuals.

As we invite our guardian angels and the Good Spirits to stand with us and accompany us while we self-realize, we become the better persons that we so ache to be. As righteous, do-gooders, we have so long and consistently lived our good values, that these sound personal habits become a wholesome personality, in effect converting our evil nature to a good nature.

Underneath it all we are still born sinners, but that impulse is no longer much prevalent in us. By working with our natural, bestial, corrupt natures as given, by canalizing and diverting our subconscious with its vanity, emotions, passions and urges so snarling and turbulent with liveliness and will, our surface efforts to self-improve and be good citizens is planting that spiritual garden that will, over time, with mindful pruning, weeding, watering and fertilizing, grow into a bountiful and wholesome harvest.

By working from where we are at with what we have to work with (our surface-dwelling, fickle, crowd-pleasing and crowd-following self/subject/ego, we can fabricate a surface-dwelling, a surface-living, shallow, plastic, adaptable personality, a civilized, kindly, pious maverized ego, that was put together by the self for the self, changed on the topsoil of the personal volcano. By practicing this role of improved, desirable, honorable self, over time the change becomes permanent, and even the id down in the subconscious is transformed into an angelic and noble beast of merit and praiseworthiness.

To sum up, our basic natures run deep, down to our cores, our DNA, our souls. Our animal nature, our emotional state of being, is primal, and powerful, not be be discarded, ignored or disregarded--not without undermining all that we desperately seek to achieve.

Our shallow, surface natures are fickle, adaptable, and not be to taken too seriously. On the other hand, by self-improving at the surface level, change can occur over the years to the bestial nature inside.

As we can, perhaps therapy exploring the nature and concerns of that subconscious world of id is worthwhile and intellectually stimulating.

Good Values

Prager has a video out where he insists that good values are more important than love, money or happiness, and these three are important.

Good values help people that live by them to treat others and themselves humanely. It would be a terrible world, the wise Dennis suggests, if we did whatever we felt like instead of  acting in accordance with our good values.  Well said and true.

Downward Trend

MGR shared an FBI-generated graph that shows gun crime rates declining in 2018 while gun-ownership continues to climb.

This show no need to pass infringing gun control laws in America. I would love to see 1 billion guns here, and 30 million people in a citizen militia, with special training on gun safety, the ethics of gun ownership and personal repsonibility while handling guns.

This training would be voluntary, not mandatory, and taught in high school, college, by private fire arms instructors, and sponsored by gun-rights civil rights groups like AFC, MGR and the NRA.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Moderate Metaphysics.

Hegel would advise that essence precedes existence. Sartre would recomend that existence precedes essence.

I advise, as the moderate ontologist, that essence precedes existence more than existence precedes essence, but both mythologies in equilibrium or how to live and how to see and interact with others, God and the world.

Jeremiah Hoffer

The dire warnings, from 40 or more years ago, to fellow Americans, to be on guard against and to push back aggressively and immediately against the extremely dangerous, tyrannical, cunning, effective, predatory, collectivist and idealistic crusade launched by Progressive intellectuals, hellbent on overthrowing, transforming and destroying all things American,  were repeatedly issued in writings and articles, from that Jeremiah (Eric Hoffer), that ancestral guardian and protector of the American state and its culture and way of life. Whether conservatives acknowledge who awakened them or not, his warnings seem to be being heeded.

Whether the voters, citizens and intellectuals in the Conservative movement now, in October, 2019, are united enough, alert enough, alarmed enough or powerful enough to halt spreading Ameritopianism and its complete victory, remains to be seen. It is very late and many are still tepid, RINO, asleep or straddling the fence. Leftists have morphed into a mass movement. These true believers are red hot in conviction, without doubt or hesitation as to what to think and propose, and how to move forward. They are committed, united and willing to sacrifice all and say and do anything, to sell their souls and violate their own principles, all in service to their cause, their god, the secular state.

Hoffer's thesis is that what made America great and exceptional was its Anglo-Saxon heritage of admiring intellectuals and elites without granting them political power. Pet them, pay them, cosset them but keep their hands off the reins of power and governance.We saw what happened with Obama when a Marxist dictator had the reigns of power, and about two more Democrat Presidents even worse than he was, and Ameritopia will be the collectivist tyranny that every Leftie intellectual will swoon over and die to be part of its ruling class, directing and bossing its cowed, disarmed and subjugated masses.

I have some proposals on how Conservatives in America can defang and then keep marginalized and powerless, the Marxists intellectuals and elite types drooling to rule the people here

1. Let us educated the masses as never before. We need to privatize and deinstutionalize our schools, so that students learn to self-educate as active participants manage their own learning careers, rather than serving as passive little robots and bureaucrats, group-living socialists and cogs in institutional hierarchies that stifle and crush their love of learning and love of life itself. Teachers should be facilitators that get out of the way, rather than crushing the child's ambition to learn, grow and wonder. There is much wasted power in schoolmasters and schoolmistresses loving to break and deaden children into little marionettes now doomed to serve the state for life as its minions and true believers.

As children are trained to self-actualize as individuated and individuating anarchists, loving liberty and power-wielding as they run their own lives, as adult citizens, as maverized supercitizens, this educated electorate will be so informed, involved and asserting their sovereign will as the bosses of politicians and burueacrats running and administrating government on whatever level, that this informed, hyper-engaged citizenry will run things, and keep the constitutional republic operating and self-perpetuating as the the originalist entity that the Founders envisioned.

This highest quality of citizens is the best protection against an aspiring group of intellectuals or other kinds of elitists, craving to impose their vision and ilk of tyranny upon the American masses.

2. Deinstitutionalize society. Small institutions, big individualists. Limited government, big voters, individuators that are anarchized and yet united under a federal and legal umbrella. Such power-loving and power-wielding, fiercely independent, armed, presumptuous citizens will little tolerate or long endure before unseating (peacefully or otherwise) elites in government, the military, the press, the church, in Hollywood, in business corporations, in Academia, etc.

3. To make Americans strong as sturdy citizens, we must emphasize individualism, private property rights, free marketeering and a cherished insistence upon maximum personal liberty expressed and enjoyed by each individual in society as their natural right, while agreeing that ordered liberty requires that the natural and legal rights of other citizens be protected and guaranteed by the federal and more local governments.

Of deemphasized or of lesser importance are concepts of collective rights, communal property ownership, socialist economics, fraternity, equality of outcome--all of which are to be assessed and enforced by a massive federal government intruding into and holding sway over every aspect of private life.

4. The federal government must exist, be powerful, effective but quite intentionally limited in size and reach. Most of what goes on in America must be without unconstitutional government involvement. In the realms of civil society, individual pursuit of life, property, liberty and happiness are best expressed and explored. Let the free markets reign supreme.

5. We cannot  be a constitutional republic that lasts without a virtuous citizenry willing to make the laws and then to faithfully obey legitimate, reasonable, majority-ruled and constitutional laws ruling the society and its people.

God and the Good Spirits, or whatever good deity that each citizens desires to worship and follow, will instruct and imbue its adherents with the requisite moral character and love of love itself and spiritual goodness, basic and essential characteristics enabling its possessors to live in society and to run society as the virtuous paragons that will keep America free, traditional and thriving as a republic.

6. As self-actualized supercitizens, the average American would demand from others and offer to others from himself a firm commitment to tolerate the legal ways, behaviors and speech of others. Moderates, for the most part, they will live and let live as libertarians. Groupthink and coerced conformity to the majority's view of thing is repugnant to them.

7. Were intellectuals to find satisfaction, fulfillment and meaning in the world of business, and craft-fabricating, or as deinstitutionalized workers and owners, they would be grounded and sensible--mostly. Those deeply embedded and interwoven in the real world and its practical affairs are much less inclined to seek totalitarian, federal, authoritaran solutions to resolve public policy issues.

8. If Leftist intellectuals could be brought back into ordinary society to play, relax and enjoy themselves, they will be less angry, more grateful, and self-loving, thus disinclined to rule, bind and direct their neighbors.

Friday, October 18, 2019

My Arguements

I make philosophical assertions and offer colorful opinions, but these are not arguments for or against the points that I am trying to make.

As an amateur and self-trained thinker, my weakness is my lack of providing well-reasoned, valid syllogisms for public consumption, to promote what I think or believe.

My weakness is, ironically, my great advantage. As an isolated, unpopular, individuating great soul, my ideational creativity and originality of thought are strengthened outside the stagnant repression of groupthink and unimaginative ways of thinking and solving problems.

Rather, my feelings, my thinking, my generalizing and my hunches are what I offer as true and noteworthy, independent of and not supported by a long chain of impressive premises leading to my masterful conclusions.

Discover It

You will have achieved your arete once you discover why you were put here, and when you have completed this function by virtuouso performance and impressive accomplishment.

What We Know

In some ways and to some extent, we do know what we experience as conscious entities. We know what we experience while we experience it, and know that we are experiencing it.

The psychic structures organizing what we experience, and the nature of the phenomena that we phenomenologically process are elements of our consciousness whose essential natures are what we do not know and likely cannot know, even with great scientific training or apperceptive genius introspectively focused. To experience the contents of our consciousness is not the same as knowing the character of those contents, or being able to predict their importance going forward.

We think therefore we are. We experience thoughts, feelings, passions, urges and impulses. That we experience incoming external feed, and internally generated messages from our bodies, our souls, and from our biologically-based subconscious. These phenomena we experience, and that is real knowledge. How to define and explain--to actually know--the quintessential structures contained within each of such phenomena is another, perhaps impossible intellectual quest.

Take A Bloomberg Run Seriously

On MGR Facebook, one gun-lover warned us not to low-rate Michael Bloomber. My response to that guy: "You have a point, to never underestimate a political enemy. Their crazy views do not deflect from their political cunning, nor lessen their craving to bring tyranny and gun confiscation to middle America. Bloomberg is mean and dangerous."

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Come After us Michael Blooombeg, but your billions will not land you in the White House, nor our guns to be confiscated.

October 15, 2019

Beto says tonight that if we do not turn over our AR-15s, after he as President, signs their confiscation into federal law, then law enforcement can deal with illegal resisters. Go ahead, Beto see how that plays out with gun owners.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Surpassing Understanding

There is so much that surpasses our understanding. I accept that. What a life well-lived as a maverizer might include is increased understanding, knowledge, wisdom and insight, and these personal gains may be considerable, though far short of omniscience. Still, such glorious human failure is a life well lived.

Can You?

Can you ever be happy? Can you come to enjoy inner peace. Can you come to love yourself? I think the answer to all of these questions is yes, but the storms outside and around you, and your own psychic tempests will remain and hammer at your sense of well-being. Do not worry about being less than perfect, or not be able to lead the exemplary life. Do your best and that is all that anyone can ask. May be be as peaceful, happy and infused with love as you can be.

Out There

Is there an out there, there? Yes, there is, and it is people, rocks, computers and grass in the exterior world.

Is there a spiritual in there, there. Yes, we can reach inside our souls and hook up telepathically with angels, spirits and God. Or we can transcend our human society, and hook up with God and the angels in the heavens, way out there and way up there, the author and De's associates that wrote and administrate natural law upon the ordered universe.


Are you confined inside your consciousness, or is the source of your thought incoming stimuli from the external world. The moderate answer is that you cannot escape your consciousnes, and it always provide ideas, color and personal intepretation to incoming information and communications from that external world.

The Delusion

We are all, at times and in part, solipsists; we believe that we are alone in the universe ( we have dozens of neighbors living in houses, just a few yards away), and that our consciousness is all that there is. Our severe subjective individualism can consume us, or frighten us.

It may well be that this delusion of being alone in the universe, and being unaware of anyone or anything external to our psychic center, is actually an natural faculty located in us by God, to so unsettle us that we search for love, meaning, assurance and answers, and that can lead us to search inward and outward to find awaiting God.

What Can We Know?

What can we know? Can we only know our experiences and consciousness from the inside of such existence as a living, thinking being. I do not believe that the self is all that exists, but I realize too that we cannot disprove this solipsistic point of view entirely but I put not much stock in it. The world out there exists. Other humans and creatures exist.

Still, the solipsists are correct in warning that we cannot escape the limits of our personal consciousness entirely.

That Independent World

Does that independent world exist, external to us as conscious perceivers? Yes, it does. It is physical and it is spiritual, and neither are illusions, although they can be encountered and interacted with by us in truthful or deluded ways, and that makes them real or illusory.

That Independent World

Is there a world out there, occupied by objects existing in real space and time? I believe that there is, and that objective reality, is knowable by us, perhaps not in all its dimensions, or pure essence or its naked actuality, but we can know it with probable certainty, and a bit with complete certainty, or genuine knowledge.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

No Change

No compromise. Just end gun-grabbing and promote pro-gun legislation.

The Daily Signal

They have a recent article in which the Left, through educators on all levels, are depressing and sickening our children, especially by inculcating in their impressionable minds, that our past or heritage was terrible, corrupt and unjust, and that their future, even up to the point of extinction, is terrible, that the world will end in 10 years due to human-generated, ecological depredations like climate change and use of fossil fuels.

The Left wants government to take everything away from the private person, and they are gloomy, alarmist, and lurch from hysteria to hysteria and Dennis Prager observes.

Our American was noble and positive, if imperfect. Our future is rosy, bright and promising as long as we transmit our values to our children, keep the constitutional republic going, use our fossil-fuel advantage, maverize, practice the American Way, stay well armed and uninfringed, follow God and promote our free market economics here and abroad.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Finding Your Identity

You may find your identity, and that abstraction, that higher-level self-conception will be who you are as you live it, breathe it, achieve it and make it come alive as your maverization calling and self-fulfillment.

One Day

One day 64% of Americans will wake up, grow a spine, believe in themselves, and realize that the little people have the power. They will shout from the mountain tops: "We have the power". In fact, they always did but failed to believe in themselves, and assert themselves.

Once the American Way, the American Culture, later in this century,  is infused with Mavellonialist knowledge, confidence, skill and enthusiasm, a population of individuating anarchist supercitizens will have the power, know that they wield the power, will wield the power and run the country the way that they want to, which is the way that it should always have been run.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

John Voight

John complains that the Democratic Party does not represent America anymore. So true.

Shined Upon

May God shine on thee.

Reason Well

Reason well, and you may discover something incisive and brand new.

Personal Excellence

The Greek moral concept of arete denotes human or personal excellence. I suggest that the best way to achieve this is through maverization. Now, one could be a brilliant poet and a serial killer, or a writer that is a bank robber, but, ordinarily, anyone focused enough, disciplined enough and industrious enough to exact excellence from the self while performing, would be a ethical person.

His purpose is to be all that he can be, and realize his potential, so arete may well describe how he behaves, works, creates, loves and exists.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


May your arete be heightened and even more focus like a layer upon your selected calling.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Empowered And Powerful

The citizens of Minnesota, once they wake up and realize their political clout, will grab power from the politicians and return to to the people, in the name of protecting 2A rights, and the right to bear arms This is Ben Dorr's message on 10/7/2019.

Candice Keller

Candice Keller of Ohio, the next governor of Minnesota.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Its Role

MGR on Facebook carried an accurate, poignant motto. Here is an approximation of it: The purpose of the Constitution is to restrict the size of the federal government, not control the American people."

We want a strong enough federal government to guarantee our rights, and civil liberties, but with enough curbs on it it to prevent it from becoming huge, intrusive and tyrannical as it has become today. Restore constitutionalism to America!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Third Disagreement

I agree with Dennis Prager on almost everything. I am an egoist in ethics, and he is an altruist. I am a polytheist-Monotheist, and Prager is a Jehovah-based monotheist.

I watched one of his Prager U videos tonight, and I uncovered a third area of disagreement, but it is a partial not total disagreement like the first two mentioned above.

In this video on the lack of connection between goodness and rationality, Prager contends that, for 300 years from the Age of Reason going forward, educated people equated reason as their salvation that allows people to think good thoughts, and do good things. There was no longer a need for God and religion to teach people to be good and do good.

Terrible private crime, or state crimes, are motivated by the perpetrators being crazy, irrational and senseless.

All we need is sweet reason and logic to lead us to goodness and a good world.

Dennis strongly denies any connection between reason and goodness. He asserts that reason is a mere tool, a neutral tool like a knife that could be used to stab another to death, or be used by a surgeon in surgery to save lives.

I partially disagree. Reason can be used for good or evil, that is obvious and factual. Dennis right there. But I am an ethical and metaphysical moderate. Truth is rarely either/or, but is more often both/and with what is true, good and right being in the majority on one side of the contraries, and  is in part good, true and right from the minority input from the other, opposing contrary.

What is majority-wise, false, evil and wrong  is more on one side of the contraries, and is, minority-wise, false, evil and wrong.

Now, let us return to the relationship between reason and good and evil. God is more reasonable than De is emotional. Lucifer is more emotional than reasonable. Both the light deities and the dark deities think and feel, but the light deities feel less than they think, and the dark deities feel more than they think.

Thinking is not only an inductive and deductive logical, mental process of reasoning, but it is also a worldview held by ethical beings.

Feeling is not only an internally sensing organ for making decisions and intuiting, but it is a worldview that can be easily corrupted.


Minnesota Gun Rights believe we should be able to constitutional carry our guns anywhere, anytime, anyplace. Amen to that.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Never Safe

Yes, Ben Dorr, our gun rights are never safe, so we must go on offense, and stay on offense, pushing stand your ground and constitutional carry legislation. forcing votes in both Houses and vetoes by the Walz, so that everyone votes straight up or down on these bills, so that  come election time, we hold them accountable for their betrayal of voters and gun owners.

Able To Protect Oneself

More cops help solve crimes, but more gun carriers with stand your ground protection will reduce crime rates, provide armed citizens with immediate self-protection, and make Minnesota a better place of live.

Stand Your Ground

Stand Your Ground Law will give us the right to live safely in Minnesota, and we need to make sure that rogue prosecutors and vicious lawsuits do not punish us for defending ourselves against creeps and predators.