Saturday, December 31, 2022

Diversity Reconsidered



Today, on the way to my job at the grocery store in Burnsville, I was listening to 1280 on the Patriot station. The host was complaining that, for the woke Left, diversity means race. He counter-argued that diversity is personal, based upon each citizens personality, thought patterns and outlook.


I could not agree more, and I have long thought the same way. As that host declared today, woke emphasis on one’s group identity with an insistence upon involuntary quotas imposed on each organization, based upon each what percentage of the population needs to be hired by each organization. This weird, empty emphasis on group identity representation ends up with different individuals that all think the same, act the same, and vote the same. Theirs is a totalitarian monoculture, and no free thinking or individual-living is allowed.


With the majority of the population in the near future likely electing to maverize, that is when we will experience and partake of genuine, marvelous diversity.


Not Extreme



I might seem severe and extreme, but that is not my view of things. I sound radically pro-indivdualism and individual, but in fact also offer that we will still need, to be healthy, in our lives some group-orientation, group-affiliation, friends, group-living, social life and social arrangements.


We still require government and social institutions, but such hierarchies must be small, and kept small, of limited size, power, budget, and scope, but strong, and run by honest, hard-working, competent efficient leaders and staff.

Friday, December 30, 2022

To Be Evil


Jordan Peterson brilliantly elucidates that suffering is natural and everyone experiences it in their lives. Life is not easy. He defines malevolence as needless suffering that a person inflicts upon another person.


In light of his definition of evil, as inflicting needless suffering it might seem that to be evil is to be sadistic towards others, and that is correct.


But, in my way of thinking, to be evil is less about being sadistic towards others than it is to be sadistic within a social context of group-living, hierarchies and grades of in-group inclusion snubbing out-group excluded person of lesser rank.


To be evil is less about being sadistic to social inferiors—and they are inferior—not inherently—but in social rank—than it is about the victims willingly accepting sadistic abuse from their social superiors. And the victims will victimize those below them, ad nauseum.


 To be evil is how all these people, born depraved, enjoy living this way, or at least are addicted to this way of life that victimizes all humans within this structure, twisted and debilitating.


To be evil as a masochist indicates that most people, regardless of social rank and social popularity, are high on the sick and negative love of being abused. They fatalistically accept their fate and pass it onto their children, so the sick pattern of mutual mistreatment and enslavement goes on seemingly forever.


In-groups sadomasochists have a lot to answer for, and their promotion of collectivist-altruistic social arrangement is not making them repent or become loving and healthy. If they are radicalized, they become mass movement participants.


Evil exists as an independent spiritual force, and it resides in the human heart. As joiners and collectivists, we instinctively form cliques and in-groups. Still, it is hard for popular, better ranked insider evildoers to believe that they are evil because they are nice to, and they cooperate with those that are popular and in: they all enjoy each other, but inferiors and outsiders are forever kept down and out, never allowed in and none are allowed out.


Insiders gain great sense of pleasure and solidarity in keeping out and down others that just want to be liked, to be treated fairly as equals. But they will never make it inside. In-group social superiors have typecast them as inferior socially, outcasts, outsiders and lower in social rank, and these unpopular, social inferiors are neve to be allowed to escape their involuntary, painful, unhappy, imposed social destiny. The superior social insiders know that this unjust system is in place, and they work hard to nurture it and make it a permanent system that traps all humans that live within it. The outsiders of lower and inferior social rank may or may not know that escaping their unfortunate destiny will not occur but live with it they will unless they organize to revel and cast of the entire corrupt, unjust system.


The insider-superiors do not share information with inferior outsiders—only insiders are given access and are privileged enough to get updates as to what the group is doing, undertaking, and planning. Keeping secrets from inferiors is very reinforcing and pleasing for the secretive superiors in a social arrangement.


The insider-superiors have a two or three tier social class system and they work hard to maintain it. They are causing people to be upset, suffer, feel pain and self-loathing, but the insider-superiors work hard forever to construct, perpetuate, and maintain this unjust order. The insider-superiors, on some level, know that they are abusing and hurting others, but they do not care, and are able to go on living as if nothing is amiss. They will keep this patten of injustice going for decades, for a lifetime. The insider-superiors realize that they are doing evil and are cruel, but misbehaving  makes  them feel very happy so they suppress or outright kill off their guilty consciences, and deny that they are not wholesome and attractive. They justify their wrongdoing and engage in its for as long as they live.



Monday, December 26, 2022

You Can Do It

  It does not matter your race, or background or circumstances: in America you can improve your lot by hard work, by planning your work and working your plan. You could probably end up being a millionaire.

No Mercy


I believe there is a connection between the heart-heartedness of the educated (those that are part of the ruling elite, of any nation), noted famously by Gandhi, and their proclivity to be ideologues.


Where the educated, and some of them hold PhDs, and are brilliantly smart, are part of an institutional hierarchy, functionaries in school, newspapers, colleges, seminaries and government, and large corporations, and they fit in, that role and the allegiance demanded by the organization may transform the educated into ideologues.


Ideologues are collectivist and altruist, so they do not see any individual as a living separate being. Everyone is typecast with an assigned category or group status. When we dehumanize people, we cannot empathize with them, or feel their suffering.


We feel no mercy, no compassion towards victims that we rule over and dehumanize. These victims are not human beings with personality, souls, and feelings. They are only things to be pushed around and attacked if recalcitrant or slow to obey.


We cannot love ourselves, God, or anyone else if we are ideologues because everyone is a cari

cature, not a real human being.


The ideologue is so self-hating and has long since relinquish his dignity and self-respect for the sake of the cause. He has shown no mercy to himself, so it cannot be expected that he will show kindness to the downtrodden. If he is educated, he is just eloquent about justifying his evil ways.




It is axiomatic about rational egoism that no one can save anyone else. Only the self of each person can rescue that self from poverty, immoral living, laziness, fatalism avoidance of the divinity and rejecting love.


With this in mind, perpetual charity emasculates both the giver and the recipient. There are cases where charity must be perpetual, but damage is done to both parties.


Most healthy adults should be maverizing, working and making it on their own.


Sunday, December 25, 2022



I have long advocated the people are born depraved, but with some weak disposition to act good. If that disposition is strengthened and made robust, it can lead to an adult of good will and good character who no longer depraved, but now of noble, decent character, so is then inclined to be good and act good.


The person still freely chooses to do good or evil with each choice made, but the habitual inclination to do good most of the time is an ingrained, free willed choice reinforcing and underpinning the free choice to do good with each decision.


So, we have naturally depraved human beings running in packs, living in hierarchies, and living in accordance with altruist ethics in a world run by the Dark Couple. Such a stacked deck to keep people in sin and darkness is such to overcome their free will to choose to live good and right.


This maladaptive lifestyle makes their characters bad and weak. In their hierarchical and pack roles, they hurt others and invite others to hurt them.


If people could learn to be rational and moderate as egoists pursuing their enlightened self-interest as their primary moral objective, while secondarily prioritizing the needs of others in their calculations, it would be a much better world.


As people maverize, their free will becomes more aware, clear, and logical, so they will be much better informed about what is going on, and what sensible choices they should normally make, so thus informed, they normally will choose good over evil courses of action.


As anarchist individuators, no longer group-living and no longer a cog in the machine of a set of social hierarchies, now mostly flattened and deinstitutionalized, it will be much more appealing to tolerate no abuse while abusing no other, so needless suffering in the world will be much reduced, improving things for all.


As rational egoists they will naturally align with the egoist ethics of the Good Couple, so their wills be much freer and habitually moral and decent.



Jesus Christ


Here is Christmas Day, the holiday, religious and secular, that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, born and would die on the cross to save all humanity from eternal damnation, opening the way of heaven for them.


Whether one worships Jesus or not, it seems clear that most benevolent deities, to varying degrees, open the way to heaven for their followers.


To take full advantage of these gifts to us from our divine masters and mistresses, we should acknowledge their self-sacrifice for our sake, and then we should self-realize to make their sacrifice rewarded in a sense, because we are then walking through a gate to heaven, here and in heaven, a gate that they unlocked and opened for us. Our lives of self-realizing is a firm way of saying thank you to these deities for their commitment to us and care of us.

Hate Speech


Woke intellectuals insist upon defining hate speech as violent, offensive speech. This way they seek to justify censoring speech that they do not approve of.


I say hell no. Free speech includes hate speech, so be offended and argue against those that speak and write actual or putative hate speech, but they must be allowed to say and write what they want to.

The Chosen People


I would like to quote a description by the editors to the reader in The New American Bible; the description is of The Book of Exodus that follows the introduction: “This second book of the Pentateuch is called Exodus from the Greek word for ‘departure,’ because the central issue narrated in it is the departure of the Israelites from Egypt. It continues the history of the chosen people where the point where the Book of Genesis leaves off. It recounts the oppression by the Egyptians of the ever-increasing descendants of Jacob and their miraculous deliverance by God through Moses, who led them across the Red Sea to Mount Sinai where they entered into a special covenant with the Lord.


These events were of prime importance to the chosen people, for they became thereby an independent nation and enjoyed a unique relationship with God. Through Moses God gave the Israelites at Mount Sinai the ‘law’: the moral, civil and ritual legislation by which they were to become a holy people, in whom the promise of a Savior for all mankind would be fulfilled.”


My response: these Roman Catholic editors describes three liberations for the Israelites. First, through Moses, Yahweh delivered the Israelites from Pharaoh and helped them reach Sanai where they would build their own independent nation.


They were liberated from sin (if they chose to lead virtuous, pious lives) and chaos, after Yahweh established a covenant between the people and himself.


Third, Yahweh promised his people a Savior who would die for their sins, clearing the way for all people to enter the kingdom of heaven.

The Precursor


It seems like old truths are universal laws in some way. They determined human behavior and our tendencies thousands of years ago, and still do so today. For example, the realm of God is the otherworldly, primarily (for Lucifer has a realm there too—hell down below) for there is some goodness built in this world too in nature and in human society.


Still, the realm of Lucifer and Lera is in nature and in this world, human society, in the secular, physical realm. This is so primarily.


The moderate in me cautions the wise Dennis Prager in being too hard on secularism: he is mostly right that Godliness is needed in society to restore goodness and hope for people, and secularism and satanism are similar. But we need some secularism and God-free zones for the world to stay in balance, not too pious. If God or any religion becomes an ideology, as abstraction fanatically worshipped by its enthusiastic, zealous followers, it is groupist, a mass movement, radicalized and satanized. The Dark Couple are the owners of all mass movements turned extremist, even Christianity, Islam, Marxism, nationalism, environmentalism, and Nazism.


 Good faiths require followers that are temperate, individualistic believers so this is why I caution Prager to not be too hard on materialism, scientism, atheism or secularism for a smattering of those points of view--they keep the affairs to the godly good, healthy, loving, reasonable and wholesome.


Animals in nature are born mostly evil as are humans born mostly human, but they cannot will to sin, so they are, roughly, biological, organic robots. Humans are born with free will, so they can to some degree be held responsible for the evil they commit.


Still humans that are worldly and worship wicked deities, or worship amoral deities fanatically or are just immoral or amoral with little interest in communicating with deities of any kind, intuitively loathe the godly and seek to murder them. Subconsciously, no matter what they proclaim as their noble values and faith, when such a people or their ruler seeks to wipe out the Israelites or Jews—God’s chosen people—this sick, dangerous and historically repeated  ambition is a pure indicator that the homicidal haters of the Jews are in direct connection with the devil. If Satan can wipe out the Jew, God’s chosen people on earth, then the world is safe the the devil to be worshipped  as Sa sees fit, without competition from the children of light.


With this long-winded explanation in mind, I come to my main point. Pharaoh in the Book of Exodus somehow understood that the Israelites were the chosen people of Yahweh, and that he need to exterminate them from the face of the earth. Look at this precursor to Hitler and the Nazis about 3,000 years ago.


Read this passage from The New American Bible, Exodus (1:15-17): “The king of Egyot told the Hebrew midwives one of who was called Shiprah and the other Puah, ‘When you act as midwives for the Hebrew women and see them giving birth, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, she may live.’ The midwives, however, feared God; they did not do as the king of Egypt had ordered them, but let the boys live.”


Now read this same passage from the Holy Bible (KJV): “And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah and the name of the other was Puah. And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools; if it be a son, then ye shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live.”


What comes to mind is that the children of light need to be well armed, trained and organized to fight and defend themselves against the children of darkness that gladly obey the devil giving them marching orders to kill off the children of light.


Then, paradoxically, the children of light must be strong but not imperialists or murderers of other nationalities, lest they degrade into children of darkness status.


It is not always clear over time that we are still good and godly, and we must verify this all the time.




What has made America such a fantastic place to live is our political heritage bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers, setting up a constitutional republic, so that the people could enjoy maximum personal liberty within the legal framework of strong but limited federal government to protect and preserve their liberty and rights.


The American experience is predicated upon setting up a legal, economic, and cultural way of life that is the antithesis to tyrants and elites running things, and the common people enslaved under the boots of their overlords.


The ancient Hebrews did not live in a world of constitutional republicanism, and this again points out how blessed we are to live in America.


Read below from The New American Bible how the Pharaoh and his cabinet plotted to enslave the exploding population of Hebrews that they had become afraid of Exodus 1:11-14: “Accordingly, taskmasters were set over the Israelites to oppress them with forced labor. Thus they had to build for Pharaoh the supply cities of Pithom and Ramses. Yet the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and spread. The Egyptians then dreaded the Israelites and reduced them to cruel slavery, making life bitter for them with hard work in mortar and brick and all kinds of field work—the whole cruel fate of slaves.”


This famous biblical account of a people that were free, or relatively free if foreign subjects of a king, and then his descendant took away their rights and freedom on a whim, capriciously Such was the life of the average citizen in these ancient tyrannies. It still occurs in most of the world today.


What seems obvious is that humans have long been enslaved by tyrants, kings, and elites. What also seems obvious is that humans normally suffered tyranny and enslavement from the rulers of society, and in the same instance, people everywhere yearned to be free. So, to live in a modern democracy or republic is a rare blessing, and it should be preserved by the citizens even if they have to take up arms and revolt to preserve it or reinstate it. This also points out that all people everywhere require the right to bear arms as individuals and as members of a citizen militia to be able to push back against thugs and bullies out to crush the common people.


Now let us review this same quote from the Holy Bible, (KJV): “Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Ramses. But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigor: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigor.”


One thinks of the black slaves in America seeking freedom and relief from bondage and abused as did the ancient Israelites before them.


I take note of the biblical description of the world taskmaster as a dreaded, hated synonym for slave overlord.


I would like to offer an assertive version of the Golden Rule, based upon the evil done to humans by taskmasters: Live so as to be taskmaster over none, and allow none to lord it over you as your taskmaster.


Mike Ramsey


Today is 12/25/2022: I got a call from my sister that my older brother, Mike Ramsey, died this morning at about 630am. He was 73 ½ years of age.


Mike was disabled most of his life, and had many, pressing, cumulatively impactful health issues that plagued him. He survived being put in hospice twice. He lived a couple of years with congestive heart failure and trouble breathing.


Three things impressed me about Mike.


First, he contracted meningitis at the age of 2 and a rural North Dakota doctor misdiagnosed Mike’s ailment so his prolonged high fevers so hurt his brain that he ended up mentally handicapped for the remained of his life. Despite his limited cognitive abilities, he repeatedly demonstrated artistic and creative inclinations throughout his life. My hunch is that if he had not been ill, he may have been a great artist, but fate is sure a funny creature.


Second, his physical courage--despite high levels of pain that he suffered for years--was astounding. He longed to live. He willed himself to live. He loved life and wanted to last as long as he could, as well as he could. No individuator could show greater resolve.


Third, everyone was amazed at his positive attitude, despite enormous levels of suffering and ill health that he experienced and lived with. He was always upbeat and never complained about his lot in life.


These natural character traits that he lived and exemplified, though he could not articulate them as life goals, inspired all that knew him.


We are blessed with life by God, and then we are called home. Go and rest now, Mike.



Saturday, December 24, 2022



Why do joiners snub and go after loners. There are several reasons, a few of which shall be shared below:


First, joiners are group-livers, social creatures each of whom has a socially assigned rank, status, or placement within a social hierarchy, and by perhaps economic class too. To snub and persecute the loners is a way to retain the status the joiners currently enjoy and may even lead to their being rewarded and promoted for services rendered.


Second, the loners are defying the joiners and the unjust, corrupt status quo. There is a bitter power struggle going on between the good loners and the evil joiners, so the joiners are seeking desperately to win, and ever bolster and extend the sway and standing enjoyed by their side of things.


Third, the joiner subconsciously work for the Evil Spirits, so they attack the loners as a way of wiping out any opposition to their, the loners’ hegemony, so they do not tolerate the presence of and perhaps even the continued existence of the followers of the Good Spirits.


Fourth, the joiners are one unit, like one giant ego, fighting bitterly against the ego of the small, frail, fragile but courageous, principled individual loner, so the joiners must win the contest of wills at any price, always win, always have the last word. With these goals in mind the joiners will become as converted to being as unscrupulous and vicious as necessary to prevail. They are without moral restraints or conscience whatsoever.


Fifth, the joiners are scared and angered by the rebellion, the nonconformity, the willfulness, the pride, the arrogant defiance, the truth, the goodness and the beauty created by the loners, so they must be taken out so the joiners will not be reminded of the alternative narrative to the tissues of lies and official version of reality that their gurus preach and swear by.


Sixth, the joiners are now so thoroughly radicalized, that their malevolent attacks upon the loners is comparable to an attack on God because they are wiping out God’s representatives.





In the historical or conventional social setting, a great soul is almost always socially isolated. There may be those that are hybrid groupists that are weak individualists/½ individuators. They may enjoy being pals with the great soul, until they both encounter full joiners, or the joiners demand that the hybrid individuators side with them, or be canceled and made outcast like they have done to the great soul.


The semi-individuator will usually sell out the great soul, join with the mob to save himself, and indeed may end up being the most militant, active, cruel persecutor of the great soul to demonstrate his allegiance with the mob.


These ancient patterns of the individual versus the group are so universal, so commonplace, and so repetitive that they seem like Jungian archetypes playing out, and the participants are acting out subconsciously some ancient drama, for which they may have some free will in selecting, but to a large degree that they are responsible for what they do is difficult to determine.



I have always enjoyed reading Louis L’amour’s Westerns for recreational fun and relaxation. I was reading his book, Flint, today and a phrase jumped out at me: On Page 11 he writes these sentences: “His thoughts returned to the girl on the train. She had been singularly self-possessed, with a quiet beauty not easily forgotten.”


What a remarkable way to describe anyone, fictional or real, as singularly self-possessed. From some public history shows that my family and I watched, it seemed that Robert E. Lee possessed this trait in spades, noticeable even as a very young man attending West Point.


If I may borrow L’amour’s phrase and apply it to an individuators, it could be, that, as they grow in wisdom, alertness, creativity, and brilliance, that they would in personality become singularly self-possessed.


Friday, December 23, 2022



Your efforts reveal whose team you are on. If you serve the Good Couple, your successes are victories for their cause.


If you serve the Dark Couple, your successes further their agenda.


Do you know whom you serve, and do you know the consequences of serving whom you do?


The Guru


Collectivism is a very ancient, powerful, instinctive drive at work in all humans. The human desire to be well esteemed by the pack, to have and extend and increase that status and specific rank within its hierarchy of value and rank—it is every human being’s preference to increase that rank, by endeavors undertaken, by the spoken word and by how one carries oneself.


One then associates with others popular and of higher rank socially to grow in group status and esteem with them. Should someone be of lesser status, they are to be snubbed and shunned to remind them of their lower status. To associate with them is to see one’s social rank reduced. That is the worst news to receive for a collectivist. Rank trumps all. The hierarchy is the religion, the abstraction worshipped is their god, and the guru is their prophet and leader.


This is Lera’s key weapon for keeping people in bondage and sin. People are warned not to maverize, leaving the group, proclaiming their independence from it. Such people, maverizers, or merely just non-individuating loners, are outcast: they no longer exist. As aliens it is acceptable to treat them with great cruelty and extreme force.


Since people crave being a popular joiner of some degree of social rank, they rarely elect to leave the group and self-actualize, but the latter commitment is exactly what the Good Spirits demand of each of us, but few are strong enough, willful enough or courageous enough to summon the energy and resolve to bring that separation about. This is why there are so few good people in the world.


Now every prime minister, every strongman, every demagogue, and every guru take full advantage of this herding instinct and the bottomless ambition to grow in rank and popularity. By making the people swear allegiance to the ideology favored by the guru, by pointing to this true believing allegiance and state of existence as the litmus test of ultimate loyalty to the pack and its cause, that that allegiance and devotion must be affirmative, immediate, unswerving, enthusiastic, absolute and immediately yielded less the hesitant one or naysayer be cast out of the flock forever, a fate worse than death for the faithful.


In their weird way, the herd members, based upon rank within the pack, rank based upon purity of unthinking commitment to the group’s narrative, its groupspeak, its groupthink, speak the truth that the most popular are superior in value to their inferiors of lesser rank and popularity.


This assignment of personal worth is not based on meritocracy of achievement, original thinking, talent, hard work, or spiritual or moral goodness—objective measurements of personal superiority and worth. Instead this assignment of personal worth is entirely subjective, based on irrational assignation of worth, popularity and rank granted each member by the guru or his lieutenants. The more pure the allegiance that a member shows and expresses to the guru, his organization and his cause, that person enjoys the highest or higher group status. The most popular member has no soul left, has completely surrendered his will and soul to the group. He will do anything, anything at all to retain and increase his status, and this is how mass movements are born, and how they become radicalized agents of pure evil unleashed to destroy people and civil society.


God and the Good Spirits are at work too. They nudge each member of every pack to leave the pack, to moderate and maverize, to lead a rational, uplifting, individuating, liberated life. Each liberated maverizer is invited to and will be rewarded for serving the Good Spirits.


These great souls and living angels will begin to multiply in number, but, they should realize that the price for being free is that the guru and his slaves will come howling after her, a festering, violent enraged mob seeking to get her to change her mind and go back into the pack, back into bondage and a life of sin and worthlessness. The mob will resort to terror, violence, even murder to send a message to the dissenters that rebellion against the guru and his cause will not be tolerated whatsoever. The vicious mistreatment of the maverizers by the hysterical, angry groupists is a warning to others group members that should they seek to  or leave the pack, parallel mistreatment immediately awaits them.


The maverizers must by their words and deeds serve as examples to their fellow humans that no individual is to accept being enslaved or abused by another in a pack setting, or to enslave or abuse others of lesser rank and power in a group setting—the latter mistreatment of others is how a ambitious young guru grows in power, rank and wickedness.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

It Is Natural


It is natural for humans to run in packs, and build hierarchies, but, to grow hierarchies and too much centralized government is to grow evil in society.


So modern humans must flatten out hierarchies and make institutions and the hierarchical framework that is its structure these institutions and hierarchies small, few but efficient run.


God and the Good Spirits are individuators anarchists, so they automatically keep hierarchies rare and flattened. Heaven is a decentralized political structure, and that is what humans must consciously and unnaturally contrive to build economically, religiously, governmentally, and socially.



It never ceases to amaze me how there is an elite plot at work in this country to tell the masses how to think and what to think, and it is working and successful.


Elites always have their official narrative that, at first blush, seems right, normal, and plausible. But where elites of one kind or another rule tyrannically, then the society is hierarchical and it is corrupt, where the have-nots economically have not, are oppressed and exploited.


Now any governing elite pushes a cultural narrative to justify their hold on power, and the brainwashed, cowed masses, deserving and desiring to be told what to think, and what to deny, are pleased to be told to believe the official line—more lies than truth—or else.


The cultural narratives is a tissue of lies and the liars in power insist that the masses support the official version of things, and believe the lie, and this is a Dennis Prager adroit observation.


Only when a majority of voters become maverizers will they be too smart, too logical, too skeptical, and too critical to allow elites to command them going forward what to think and what and whom to shun.


Self-actualizing citizens cannot be lied to effectively or for very long. They are rational and love the truth, so lying elitists will be caught and fired. This is the only way that a democracy or constitutional republic can flourish.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Educated Fools


I do not know who came up with the profound, apt phrase that educated fools with power are the most dangerous people in the world. If may not have been Eric Hoffer, but it is the kind of insight that he could have shared.


Why are educated people foolish and dangerous when they have power? They are foolish because they lack common sense, practicality, humility, knowledge of truth and wisdom taught to them by angels, living and from beyond common reality. These educated fools run in packs, they group-live, they are true believers for the ism that they worship as a substitute for religion. Their fanaticism makes them completely ruthless and without qualm for a boundless addiction to accumulated power. Their whole way of life is The Big Lie, and they terrorize all that fail to agree to this lie (Prager’s observation) and force most cowardly sheep in the public to agree with them.


Where educated people are part of the elite that rule society, and these radical ideologues grow a monstrous totalitarian government to rule the masses, their lust for power and their tolerance for even the slightest deviance from the ideological purity of thought, word, and deed that these soul-rapers demand and receive from everyone, they are terrible and vicious, beyond limitation in employing their cruelty and revenge, that they exact, against their targets, other people, to be blamed that anyone exists and suffers (Jordan Peterson’s insight)..


Their rage, anger, resentment, and hatred of God, Being and themselves runs so deep that once, in power, they will give into their bloodthirsty lust to be avenged on those that they rule. There is no limit to how cruel and murderous they can and will become. These educated idealists are without moderating scruples of any kind to mitigate their wicked rule of the people. They are fools and dangerous, not because they are educated, but because they are educated in a hierarchy, and these joiners and mob-dwellers have power and status and are addicted to adding more. Their Reign of Terror is now unleashed upon society.


Being educated is fine even admirable if God is guiding the learner, and the learner has a conscience, and practices self-control and the politics of distributing power and independence among all on a more or less equal basis, not aggregating that power into one party rule to serve the officially sanctioned cause and its narrative.

The Quarrlers



There is honorable compromise and honorable bipartisanship to be made in Congress, but these political deals and compromises on issues are made by such political parties as liberals or conservatives, to the exclusion of Marxists on the left, and fascists on the right.


Neither democracy nor constitutional republicanism can survive when Marxists or fascists are representative of Left or Right views. They want one-arty rule, and never compromise even when they lie and agree to. These deceptions are temporary illusions of deal-making and willingness to work with the opposition to gain ground. Once the extremists and radicals get strong again, they will forsake their previous agreements, and go for absolute power and control of a country once again. They betray those that trusted them.


These extreme, totalitarian unitary party machines leave society where factions war all the time and the strong or more brutal wins all the marbles. Supremacy not peaceful compromise is how they keep the peace, but that coerced, force peace is illusory too, and conflict will ignite again as soon as their grip on the people is weakened as it inevitably will be, sooner or later.


Oner cannot criticize the government nor dissent. The authoritarian government disallows  informative or entertaining dialoguing about different ideas and proposals, when free speech is canceled and once the victorious, secret police, with automatic weapons, are able, without pushback, to kick your door in without cause and haul you off to the gulag.





Selfishness Categorized


If Satan was sitting on your couch in your living room, and you had a conversation, and then he left your house, how would you describe Sa afterwards? I imagine that you would be charmed by this master manipulator, this glib, charming, appealing monster.


Let us say that you are a person that walks with God, and your love of the truth has made you able to intuitively read the soul-emitted aura of all humans or beings that you encounter. Based upon this divine gift, and your love of the truth and your willingness to appreciate what is true no matter how unsettling the truth revealed might upset you, you would identify Satan accurately as pure evil, or nearly pure evil: you would probably conclude that Satan was the most selfish being that you have ever encountered, or that has ever existed. You would be unerringly correct that Satan is pure evil, but you would, currently be grievously mistaken in how you translated your feelings of repugnance towards Satan into expressible, intelligible language. How is it that you know the truth about Satan’s nature but are almost completely mistaken is defining Satan as the epitome of self-centeredness, or selfishness.  How to resolve this paradox.


You are a Christian, and Christians are altruistic in their ethical outlook, roughly stating that evil is selfishness, and goodness is selflessness and other-directedness.

Your intuition that Satan is pure evil is unimpaired, and Satan is as evil as you sense that Sa is.


If you met God the Father, you would have encountered pure goodness, or close to pure goodness, and your unerring intuition that God is good would be so true. But when you label God the Father as the most unselfish Being in the universe, you could not be more mistaken.


I am a religious believer, but I roughly adhere to Ayn Rand’s morality that selfishness is goodness and virtue, and that selflessness is vice and sin.


I would append to your intuition that Satan is pure evil that Satan is the most unselfish being in the universe.


I would redirect your adjectival description of God the Father, that you commune with, love and communicate with: I would describe De as very selfish, or more appealingly described, exhibiting and existing in a mode of extreme but self-and-other loving self-interest.


The principle of moderation is a bedrock principle that applies to all things, existing or not existing. To say that virtue is selfishness is admitting that one’s self-interest is the primary but not exclusive or immoderate life focus. Some regard for the welfare and needs of others is part of being a good person, but it is a secondary emphasis.

Monday, December 19, 2022

No Guarantees


Granted, there are no guarantees in life, or that here things will work out for you. If you walk with God, the odds are slightly improved that things will go better here for you, but if they do not, and you are of deep faith, calm fatalism, and resolute in rebounding and ever trying again to move forwards towards your life goal, then things will be better for you, at least in those areas which you have control of.

We Hurt Ourselves


There is an inverse relationship between how we treat ourselves and treat others: If we hurt ourselves, we hurt others. If we hurt others, we are hurting ourselves.


If we are kind to ourselves, we are kind to others. If we are kind to others, we will be kind to ourselves.


When we are selfless, group-live, accept big government running our lives, a socialist economy, and a class system, we are engaging in interlocking self-destructive and other-destructive activities as these various conditions, whether isolated or interwoven, are all conditions that fill the unhappy, desperate lives of suffering non-individuators.


We all lie to each other that this satanic, anti-humanist, anti-godly status quo is beneficial, normal humanistic and God-endorsed, which it most assuredly is not.


We are addicted to an unwise, foolish way of living and all of our rationalizations, excuses, justifications and outright lights is a futile attempt to label poop as a glittering diamond, and to punish even kill those that dissent from telling this series of illusions and untruths, let alone perpetuating and believing them.