Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Quiet Man

The self-actualizer need not be known, followed by reporters or fans, nor praised, adulated or even remembered. He can become and do great, extraordinay things on a daily basis while living out his days as an common citizens, making a living, going about his business. This might even be the new norm, and preferred at that.

Appearing Normal

Those that are spiritually catatonic may be able to disguise their rigidity, their stupor and their fretfulness under the guise of being of the world, popular and normal, but creeping inner death is an issue that they must address lest their private corruption become publicly evident as they age each day.

Levin On Capitalism

In Liberty and Tyranny Page 75, Mark Levin offers an eloquent apology for capitalism and it benefits for its people  living high and well in a free society: "The free market is the most transformative of economic systems. It fosters creativity and inventiveness. It produces new industries, products, and services, as it improves existing ones. With millions of individuals freely engaged in an infinite number and variety of transactions each day, it is impossible to even conceive all the changes and plans for changes occurring in our economy at any given time. The free market creates more wealth and opportunities for more people than any other economic model."


Mark Levin, on Page 73 of Liberty and Tyranny, points out that worrisome issue of human imperfection to the contrary, our constitutional system is still about as good a devised system of governance as can be expected any, so it must be preserved and not replaced.

Levin writes: "For the conservative, the lesson comes back to man's imperfection. Even good men are capable of bad things. The disgrace of slavery is a disgrace of the human condition--as is all tyranny. Man's institutions, like man himself, are imperfect. They can be used for good or bad, and they have been used for both. Therefore, diffusing authority among many imperfect men, by enumerating federal power, separating power within the federal government, and sharing power with the states--isolates and limits tyranny. . ."

The genius of our constitutional system is a negative good, keeping power decentralized so that frail humans addicted to power cannot concentrate it in their own hands so as to subjugate their neighbors by the authoritarian wielding of federal power.

The arrival of the supercitizen/individuating anarchist voter upon the American political scene would serve as a positive means of people wielding power while keeping it decentralized and incorruptible.


Are you hardy? Can you survive just about whatever Life throws at you? If not, you must toughen yourself: you must individuate, love yourself, talk to God, think positively, will to survive all crises and to prevail and keep going. Every time you are knocked down or have failed, you must bootstrap your way back to standing and keep trekking. Your hardiness is mental toughness, along with physical movement, trending towards a selected, smart destination. Be hardy, do succeed, survive, thrive, love the self.

Pete Buttegieg Goes Deer Hunting

A Leftist gun-grabber like Buttigieg going hunting for show to win the gun vote is insulting us while diminishes our natural right to bear arms. They lie to us, to themselves and to the gullible public, reducing the importance for citizens to bear arms to just hunting or for sports shooting. These gun past-times are worthy, but the primary purpose of the right to bear arms is for the citizens to stay armed to rebuff and overthrow a government turned tyrannical, to defend the home and hearth, to preserve one's life. We must never, never again allow the Left to control the narrative, to define how we live and how we should live, think, communicate and write. They represent tyranny, the loss of liberty, the loss of our guns, the loss of our future. This is what Pete Buttigieg really stands for.


Stirner is correcct: the egoist and his Association of Egoists are not antithetical to group involvement, or pursuit of and enjoyment of good will and social involvement.

Rather such ability and willingness to associate and disassociate with social groups, while primarily individual-living, as the egoist goes in and out of groups voluntarily without repercussion or loss of social standing, is how true friendship, good will and healthy social relations come about and are perpetuated.

To Use Money Well

To be frugal without cheeseparing; to live affluently without waste or ostentatious consumption, to work for, seek, desire, and value acquisition and money and property, while never forgetting or allowing these useful tools to become one's ruler.

Solipsistic Hell

Are you remote, severed and segregated from all others, alone in your subjective misery, isolated from an indifferent, cold universe? I believe, to some degree that you are, and that need not fret or frighten you unduly.

The objective reality can be reach inwardly and intuitively as the mystic self, trained to reach out the to Being, the world and God via that route. Or the self can breach the barrier of the isolated, solipsistic self by being in the world, by communicating to others in the community, by conversing to and working with and for the Good Spirits, by loving everyone and everything--thus the isolated, unhappy subjective state of living is opened to healing and enlargement.

Belief Systems

Peterson criticizes postmodernist attacks on our belief systems and need to have belief systems as emotional nonsense. Without belief systems, people, and especially children, decline into chaos, lawless anarchism and nihilism.

Such skeptical meta-critiques lead to lost innocence for children, the death of Western civilization, the end of the rule of law. If we think that humans are nothing, but unremarkable specks of dust floating around in an endless, indifferent or even hostile universe, we can readily cast aside their questions, searches and belief systems as mere opinions and fairy tales.

If we believe in no god, not cosmos and an end to our species's existence--let alone embracing our personal, pending mortality--no wonder the universe appears to be meaningless and impeersonally uncaring.

Humans require structure, systems of belief, civil society and religious faith to make it.

Dennis Prager On The Left

Dennis often remarks that the Left does not even bother studying the Right, and its positions, because they believe, in advance, that they know all about us, and have already dismissed our ideology and us as ugly, menacing and inferior, to be disregarded utterly.

They understand not our reasons for why we think as we do, but Prager and other conservatives do understand the Left, and have good reasons for why they refute the Progressive ideology.

Jordan Peterson

He is a most insightful, conservative, sharp clinical psychologist, professor and lecturer. If a brilliant, young, conservative philosophy professor would make a career study of Peterson, Prager, Levin, William Buckley, and Rush Limbaugh, he would make an enormous contribution to modern conservative thought.

I am 65 years old, and still trying to complete my written account of my Mavellonialist philosophy before I leave this earth, so I will not spend much time studying and learning from Peterson.

But he did touch me deeply when, on one of his videos, he complained that Marxism should be as thoroughly discredited among Western intellectuals as as Fascism and Nazism, but it is not.

Marxist true believers are operating world-wide, and the rise of the conservative movement must introduce the young to common comprehension as to what a complete fraud, dangerous and idiotic, that Marxist ideology is.

See The Other Point Of View

Your thinking is not blue-ribbon quality until you proclaim the superiority and usefulness of epistemological moderation. This is just a show-off way of saying the truth is in the middle, to be objective and to remain intellectually open-ended and open-minded, and, to learn thoroughly your opponent's point of view as the most effective defense of your own argument, and to aid in in strengthening your own argument.

Rebel With A Cause

Be a rebel with a cause, not a rebel without a cause, and that is what some online critics in the U-tube videos preach against Stirner accusing him of being a loser and a nihilist that leads to social chaos and bad anarchy.

I believe they are correct. We need meaning, God, values, purpose and good causes not only becase they exist, but because humans have a innate need for them, and benefit from them, and suffer horribly without them.

Still, Stirner and other subjectivist skeptics seek to be the kid with the pin that  bursts the smug bubble of dogmatic assertion, that balloon of utter certainty which we prescriptivists rely on to interpret ourselves and the entire world, often erroneously. Stirner is a useful corrective but a misleading, dangerous guru to follow into that postructuralist future.

Be a status quo preserver with a cause. Be a status quo rebel with a cause. Never seek revolution, only insurrection as Stirner advised.

The cause served must be ethically and spiritualy wholesome. It must spread love, liberty and happiness in the world. It must not ever be forced upon others. Its proponents must not use the police, the military, or government muscle to cram conversion, conformity and groupthink down the throats of dissidents.

Stirner The Subjective Egoist

Stirner is a subjective egoist and Ayn Rand and I are likely objective egoists.

A subjective egoist is one that promotes egoism as an ethical system, but is an existentialist in metaphysics--life and people are to be encountered and interacted with, not only with our logic, our heads, our abstracted belief systems by which we live. That we exist, how we cope with existing, how we reflect, react to and interpret what we have experienced must be viewed and labeled with messaging from the heart, the irrational, the illogical, the personal, the relativistic and local.

An objective egoist (My presupposition here is that one is a theist, Rand to the contrary.) is one that promotes egoism as an ethical system and desirable way of life, but would suggest that idealists like Aristotle and Hegel, with their characterization of the universe, out there beyond the subjective self, as being permeated by reason or spirit, is a world that exists, is meaningful and knowable by the human being, whose reason, logic, wielding of language, mathematics, concepts and theories of existence can grasp and communicate intelligibly to others, their individual version of what objective reality is, how it works, and what is the human relationship to that ordered world.

I would recommend that the individual is best able to free free, intellectually alive and authentic outside of group-living, and without zealous self-subjection to any faith or cause (Enjoy your faith and cause, but not as a true believer.).

Stirner is correct in embracing egoism, but is incorrect in promoting subjective egoism and his brand of subjective materialism. Rand is a materialist, and I am an immaterialist, but Rand and I promote objective egoism because that is how the individual is best able to remain free and able to maverize.

Subjective consciousness as a mode of living as an individual ultimately breaks down for Stirner and other existentialists because a life lived without abstractions, without essentialism, with a rejection of God, morality, a personal philosophy and an aristotelian ethical system leads to social chaos, nihilism and the reverting of separated individualists back into mob-living, and the life of those involuntary egoists is the life of enslaved zealots subjugated to a corrupting cause that they are beholdened to, are addicted to, are sickened by, but which they cling to for life, and will use the sword, the whip and the electric cattle prod to coerce all voluntary egoists to worship this cause also.

Only objective egoism, mitigated by dosages of Mavellonialism, love and spiritual connection to the Good Spirits, will bring about a generation of egoists that enjoy the best that Stirner and the existentialists have to offer, without failing as they have, to offer a lasting and permanent route to personal growth, fulfillment freedom and happiness, as the objective but qualified egoism, that I suggest.

Immanuel Kant

Kant spent his whole life in and around Konigsburg, Germany, his small, Prussian home town, and yet he is one of the greatest philosophers that the world has ever known. Somehow, he tapped into the objective reality, and divine truth was revealed to him. Provincialism and small town living, thus, seem to be no real impediment to self-actualizing.

You should do like Kant: maverize, tap into objective reality, think great thoughts, feel with real warmth, create and invent and compute your way into intellectual and artistic greatness. Unleash your innate genius, and work very hard to produce your display of gems for the world to be awed by.

When your life as a living angel is underway, a choice that you have made and are living, then it will not matter if you live in Prussia, near MIT, or are stuck in the muck on a dairy farm northeast of Fosston, Minnesota. God and the universe are equally accessible from any of these places of residence.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Sanctuary America

We need 2nd Amendment sanctuary villages, sanctuary cities, sanctuary counties, and sanctuary states to build our gun rights movement to the point that American is a Second Amendment sanctuary country, a beacon of gun rights for the rest of the world to emulated and adopt.


There are many disabilities in the world that afflict millions of people; The helping fields, its therapist and sociologists, and the community, would be much more well received by the disabled if Mavellonialist assertion, that self-help is the primary motivator for all, was central to their theory and practices.

The New Resistance

They have a picture of the White House on Facebook tonight with the quote that we need to keep God in the White House. Amen to that.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Ethical Person

The ethical person that is most praiseworthy is the one that is kind, accepting and supportive of the oddball, the heretic, the outlander, the misfit. Kindness and decency towards insiders and same group-members is expected and desirable, if not remarkable and laudable.

Even Gestapo members were kind to their family and neighbors, coming home and acting respectably, after commiting crimes of vicious inhumanity against their jailed prisoners during the day of work.

When All Maverize

When all or most maverize, it will no longer possible for you to stand head and shoulders above your neighbors and friends. There will an approximate equality of merited based on high-minded achievement and excellence demonstrated by most or all engaged adults.

This should not make you feel sad or jealous. Your success is between you and God, and worrying about what your neighbor is getting done--or not--is none of your business. Stay focused on improving the self--that is job enough for any one life time.

The Plan

Yes, God does have a plan for you. Whether or not you are to be famous and revered, or unknown and poor, it matters not. What counts is that your love and devotion to God is expressed in how you live, maverize, and love all others, God, the Good Spirits and yourself.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! May this be a day that you cherish family, gatherings, good food and many blessings. God has directed the Good Spirits to be among us, to move among us, and worth with us to bring us eventually home to where we belong.

Count your blessings, and my your individuated life be the blessing that you give back to the world.

Jacob Nordby Sayings

I have enough projects, but a brief, recent introduction to the quotes of Jacob Nordby, presents me with the need to review and comment on his quotes, inspirational and comforting as they are.

My initial assessment of his content is that he clearly espouses the need for the individual to self-realize, the most important commitment that any of us can make, and it is the one that most pleases God because the maverizing person is growing into his living angel role.

Jacob Nordby

My cousin Anna, posted today this quote by Nordby: "Blessed are the weird people: poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours: For they teach us to see the world through different eyes."

My Facebook remark on this lovely, accurate quote: "May I fit in there somewhere."


It is natural to feel humiliated upon occasion. But, it is unwise and masochistic to act that way too often. Excess guilt and self-flagellation will lead to high levels of destructive self-loathing.

This self-appraisal must not stand. We must prevent ourselves from feeling this way so much or undeservedly. If others are trying to make us feel flummoxed and useasy, we need to be assertive, and give them the boot. They do not mean us well, and  thereby cannot be sent forward.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Disappointment is part of life, and we must not allow it to get us down, to deter us, or lead to our abandoning our goals. If one way did not work, we find another route.


We all have made mistakes, said things or done things that we deeply regret and painfully recall.

The Signed Bill

Trump signed two bills today promoting human rights and democracy-acquisition by the people of Hong Kong so brutally repressed by the Red Chinese government.

Good for him.

Your Role

God put you here to have your vision quest, to uncover your calling, and then you must set about eagerly for a life time to bring your potential into actuality. Your future is one of commitment, leadership, dedication and responsibility. You are now an adult soldier drafted into God's army. Your duty calls. See to it.


Stirner is an egoist, an anarchist, a hedonist. He was a man not weighed down by any Kantian or Christian sense of obligation to God and the community.

Heavily Burdened

Some people are heavily burdened, almost unbearably so. They need to recognize and accept that they are loved and valued  by the Good Spirits. With that basic condition realized, they can come to love and value themselves, thereby going on, never quitting, never ceasing to better themselves, until death takes them, or their situation is much strengthened.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Yes, We Need To Fear Gun-Grabbers

My MGR response to gun-rights activist worried about gun-grabbers: "you are spot on. We must fight back hard and loud against all gun-grabbers. The ruthless fanaticism displayed by the Left is a measure of their resolve. Disarming Americans opens the way for them to take over unopposed by a subdued, disarmed populace."

Stirner And The Self

Stirner's self is an impermanent thing or entity, but the embodied flesh and blood self, ever changing from self-remembering to self-forgetting, now interested in being and doing X, and then, the next instant being and doing Y. The self is who one is, and what one is is a vain pursuit and fruitless, inquiry, for the self is unnameable and not conceivable in words or thoughts.

Monday, November 25, 2019


Should we repress all our desires? No, some of them we should suppress outright, and some of them, the desire to enjoy an ice cream cone, for example, can be readily indulged.

We should work, follow duty and repress our desires more than indulge them, but we should also enjoy ourselves.

Tracey Muhvich

Tracey apparently is a supporter of Minnesota Gun Rights, and she posted a piece on their Facebook describing perfectly how we should approach gun rights: it is the most concise, complete account of the gun rights missions that I have ever read:

Tracey Muhvich Period. End of sentence.
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Why does the Left persist in trying to take away our guns. There are many reasons. First, of all conservatives love their guns, so pissing us off by taking our guns, is one sure way to get back at us. Second, Progressives believe in nothing. That we would enjoy a natural rights as well as a constitutional right to bear arms are patriotic concepts that they just do not understand, let alone take seriously. Third, they hate a free common people, independent, strong and armed. If they can disarm us, they can enslave us. It is that simple. Gun confiscation opens the road to victory by wannabe tyrants.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Psalm 97, 10-12

Those that work for justice shall find their divine reward: "The Lord loves those that hate evil; he guards the lives of his faithful ones; from the hands of the wicked, he delivers them. Light dawns for the for  just, and gladness, for the upright of heart."

Psalm 97, 6

God is just and to be glorified: "The heavens proclaim his justice, and all peoples see his glory."

Stirner As An Anti-Arisotelian

Stirner the extreme skeptic was against Aristotelianism/Structuralism/Essentialism.

Poststructuralist Stirner

Stirner is said to be a pioneer postructuralist. I believe that label is correct.

No, Stirner

Like Stirner I am an egoist, but I do not believe the self is the enter of the universe, or should be assumed to be such, and nor is this a legitimate live ambition.

Unlike Stirner

Unlike Stirner, I do advocate private property ownership that is recorded by and recognized by the state.

The Union Of Egoists

We individual-live but join and leave social groups as we will. That would be the Union of Egoists for maverizers.

Social Justice

The belief in and application of state power to coerce haves to give their wealth to the have nots, as they need to control the private economy and lives of private citizens knows no limits.

Virginia Sheriff Ricky L Walker

These principled, brave sheriff is refusing to enforce any unconstitutional gun laws. What a hero. May his police brethren do likewise.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The School Factory

Schools are factories that break children and indoctrinate them to be little Leftists, group-thinking,  group-living,  under-performing little mediocrities that never stand out or amount to much beyond the herd.

No, Max

Max Stirner, people are thinkers and essences do precede existence, and many abstractions guide us, and provide our lives with moral guidance, purpose and meaning. To avoid nihilistic chaos and a lawless society, we must believe in something, an intellectual foundation, not a spook.

Assimilate Or Leave

Immigrants coming to America must pass an oath to assimilate or go back home. They need to be patriotic about, even a bit chauvinistic about adopting and back our way of life. To become an Americans and to live in America, they must be proud of it and its people.

Proud Westerner

I am a proud American and a proud Westerner. I have not ceased to be proud of, retain confidence in or to esteem our traditional heritages. Indeed, the American Way and the Western culture are the best or some of the best heritages to come along. Monoculturalism must be our norm going into the future, as multiculturalism and diversity take a back seat here.


No, I am not a sophisticatedman. I am not cultured, popular, complex, rich, worldly or urbane.

I am a conservative intellectual, and my ontology of moderation makes my philosophical approach complicated and paradoxical, but that is far from being sophisticated. I am not worldly, but am blue collar and from farming roots.

Right To Bear Arms

We have a natural right to keep and  bear arms uninfringed by government intervention, even confiscation.

The individual has a natural right and natural obligation, orginating from God, to preserve and protect the self and its liberty. Therefore, keeping and bearing arms is a religious act, and that right to bear arms then is covered under the 1st Amendment as an extensions of religious freedom of expression.

The Little People

The little people are the real people and they should run the show, and reform should always works it way up and outward through them.

Any elitism should be in the bosom of each common citizen as she self-realizes, while living and being as one of billions of such remarkable, if ordinary persons.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


The Left screws up everything that it touches, and yet these elitists are supremely confident that they better, smarter, superior to average Americans.

Mark Levin Home

My remarks to Levin on his Facebook Home: "You are a man of great wisdom, Mark Levin. I hope that President Trump and the Republican Party retain you as a paid or unpaid advisor to help him and them come up with a Presidential campaign and Republican Party platform for 2020 elections, that carries Trump to victory, retakes the House of Representatives and increases the size of their majority in the Senate."

Monday, November 18, 2019

Levin On Trump

Levin praises Trump tonight on radio (11/18/19) as a man that loves liberty, justice and the rule of law, and that he needs reelecting, the only bulwark against Leftist tyranny and the introductionof Communist totalitarianism here.

Useful Abstractions--No Stirner

Unlike the protypical postmodernist Max Stirner, I like abstractions, universal moral order, God the Father and God the Mother, ordered liberty based in Reason and Logos.

That said, moderation as a moral standard should inform each person to enjoy and rely on abstractions without worshipping them as their slaves, and fanatic myrmidons. Abstraction worship as a fixed idea is no worthy substitute for self-love.

Natural Law

Natural law is a set of divine regulations written by and applied by God to the world to bring order, regularity and justice to that world. Natural law is supernatural law brought to bear by God into and upon reality.

Convergence Between Hoffer And Stirner

Hoffer writes at length about true believers that loath themselves, and are so frustrated with their own selves and their miserable existence that they will hitch their wagon to any passing star or cause so they are able to forget their sorry existence.

Similarly, Max Stirner refers to involuntary egoists that are alienated from themselves, enthralled by and subjugated by their allegiance to some hollow word, cause or empty abstraction.

Both Hoffer and Stirner worked to alert us to these altruistic excesses as individuals flee their egoistic interest for comfort and false hope gained by surrendering to some overarching ideal.

The self is subsumed to this holy cause. To force others to convert and worship this spook too, the true believers will use terror and murder to win converts. People are compelled for their own good, it is counseled to the public. All need to join up to spread the reign of the noble cause. Evil and cruelty flow out from these bloated abstractions that indeed are hypostasized phantasms wreak havoc on all encountering it.


LaPierre gets a 57% pay increase for doing a horrible job of protecting gun rights--nothing like a merit pay raise.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stirner, The Subjective Egoist

If Stirner is a subjective egoist, than I am an objective egoist, but do admit that some of his existentialist and taoist objections to sacrificing the self zealously to empty abstractions is worth taking note of. His over-resistance to meaning, values, causes and abstractions will lead to nihilism, evil, Devil-victory (total) and Devil-worship and the collapse of civilization.

His criticisms are a useful corrective but are no substitute for the Aristotelian world of absolute moral values propounded by Levin, Larry Arnn and Dennis Prager as the natural laws that flow out of Divine Providence.

The Atheist, Max Stirner

Max Stirner was a militant atheist, but some referred to him as a subjective idealist. But Berkely, The subjective idealist, self-referred to his philosophy as immaterialism.

Stirner, the atheist, is a hard-core materialist--all there is is the material world. Spirits, souls and essences are all spooks or phantasms, according to Max.

If Stirner is not a subjective idealist (we cannot get beyond the living, solid conscious self and its experiencing and perceiving) but is a subjective materialist.

Now, like Marx he is an atheist and a materialist, but he is a subjective individualist whereas Marx's materialism is objective, "scientific" and part of some kind of abstraction, Objective Materialism, and Collective Will or Collective Humanity or Communism.

Stirner warns that all causes are spooks, empty abstractions: they do not exist. They are alien to the unique self of each voluntary egoist but serve as false gods, fixed ideas worshiped and served by the masses, involuntary egoists sacrificing themselves to this alien, inauthentic cause.

Please God

Do what pleases God. Lead a good, virtuous, holy or God-filled life, as best you can, and that will please both God and the Good Spirits.

Natural Rights

People have natural rights like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and property. We must work as a people under the Constitution and in civil society to secure these natural rights. As we maverize we will help others and ourselves become free and equal. People are not born free or equal, but they can impressively develop the talents that God gave them, and can come to love liberty at all costs. We are born unequal in natural talent, and are meant to become unequal in our outcomes, but we are all born equal before the law, and that is as far as we can go.

Liberty must be asserted and the use of institutional and legal or juridical mandates to force equality of outcome or fraternal rights over individual rights are abominations no longer countenanced in our civil society.


Why should you adopt the Mavellonialist lifestyle?

1. It is good for you.
2. Your reputation will soar.
3. You will become very smart, very pious, a skilled warrior with guns, etc., beautiful, happy, kind, wise, loving, creative and accomplished.
4. You will come to despise remaining ignorant or stupid, and will work tirelessly to know as much as you can about just about everything, and you will gain wisdom and judgment.
5. You will come to love God, goodness, truth, love and enlightenment while abhorring hate, Satan, lies, superstition and backward thinking.
6. You will cherish liberty for yourself and all others, fighting tyranny and elitism in all its sundry forms. Self-rule is to be the way and wave of the future.


Were youths, at 18 years of age, before going to college, all to serve three years of national service of some kind in America, both girls and boys would grow up fast, and mature into adulthood relatively seamlessly.

Such old-fashioned virtues as duty, honor, dependability, reliability, courage, commitment, personal sense of responsibility, loyalty, patriotism, honesty, integrity and industrious would become common-place personal attributes of millions of young people, and that would be a fine transformation for the young to undertake and receive.


Why is capitalism so hated, and socialism so loved, even though capitalism ostensibly better for all, enriching all, while socialism amps up class warfare, and impoverishes all?

One reason why capitalism is so unpopular is that people still live group-oriented lives, and socialism is the altruist economic philosophy and system that promotes group-living and group economic solutions.

Socialism also matches the altruist/groupist lifestyle of dependency upon the group for survival with a deemphasis on self-reliance and self-help.

Where  or were the average American citizen to individual-live and maverize, more than group-live and perform at a mediocre level,

Where individualism, free markets, private property rights, middle class industrious and profit-seeking prevail, wide spread affluence, freedom, happiness and joyous plenty for all would abound.

Learn To Converse With God

God is like any other loved one, significant other, or very important person in your life. You must spend time together. You must get to know each other's preferences, personalities and vulnerabilities. If you are truly open, welcoming, with hurdles down, the communications that your receive from God, be they audible, clairvoyant, silent or visible, intelligible or unintelligible, linguistically spelled-out or incommunicable, rational or felt, will become clearer and clearer, and make more sense to you as time passes as you get to know each other better, and repetition helps you appreciate what is meant, sent, said and intended.

The more that you pray to God, and talk to God, the more shall your words convey clear thoughts, moods and sentiments forth and back.


You do not hear God calling to you, you say. Try hard, and you will hear De's gentle, quiet voice.

Smart Deer

My brother-in-law has a hobby farm on the Escarpment on the west side of the Red River Valley. He has a video where he is walking to the feeder, and 15 minutes later a six or 8 point buck is walking to the feeder. It was watching him all along. How do they know where they are safe or not?

I am a mediocre but avid hunter, and I rarely see a deer on my property in Minnesota and they are about 10 deer living in 30 acres.

Today (11/17/19), here was my experience at Mora: They know when they are safe. They must read body language. I saw the butt end of a nice 170 buck headed for the oak woods from my stand today. I was well hidden, 100 yards away and pushed my 30:06 quickly out the window to get a shot at him--he saw that small movement, and lifted his tailed and quickly jumped into the bushes, out of site.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

School Deputies

If the janitor, the therapist and the principal were armed, and licensed deputy sheriffs, they could put down the shooter before he got rolling in a California school, or anyplace else.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


God Is Logos, the concept, the term, the linguistic expression for supreme, benevolent  being. God is but is reason and being all in one, all at the same time.

God or the word made flesh, the eternal principle, the chief spirit, the Divine Concept--God will come to you in person if you allow De into your heart, your soul, your mind, your life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hear God

God is always talking to you, sending you messages of love, instructions, guidance and commands.

Are you listening?

Be Grateful

Be grateful everyday for the countless blessings that God has provided for you. Sing songs and prayers of appreciation for God each day. It is the least that you can do.

The Video

Ben Dorr, Executive Director of Minnesota Gun Rights, posted an hour long video which he briefed members and the public on what national elections means for Minnesotans. This November 6th, 2019 video was a video that I carefully took notes on and analyzed. It was brilliant and insightful with profound implications for how grass-roots feisty, militant, focused citizen lobby can impact elected officials and public policy decisions. If a generation from now, millions of individuator-anarchist supercitizen rule the public debate in America, growing out of MGR tactics, America can return to its constitutional republican heritage, and go to new heights.

Ben observed that Virginia went blue. He blamed it on the moderate, RINO Republican campaign waged there. The appeasing, subservient, liberal campaign run by Republicans to get the media, Democrats and Leftists to vote for them and to like them, backfired hugely, as the voters swept the Republicans out of office, taking the Senate and the House for Democrats.

Ben warns that Kurt Daudt and Paul Gazelka are running an identical moderate liberal campaign in Minnesota, placating the Left like the Republicans did in Virginia, and this failed campaign strategy will kill the Republican and conservative movement in Minnesota just like it failed in Virginia.

And gun control is now guaranteed in Virginia, it will come down hard on Minnesota if Daudt and Gazelka are allowed to trash and betray gun owners in Minnesota in 2020.

After the Virginia Beach shooting in Virginia, gun control was the number one public policy issue there. The RINO Republicans there introduced their own gun control bills to appease Governor Ralph Northam and Democratic voters. When Republican lawmakers swing to the Left to follow radically left Democratic agenda items like gun control, it is done to save Republican seats, in hopes that grateful Democratic votes and the liberal media will vote to keep Republicans in their seats. It never works. They throw those Republicans out of office. The RINO strategy to go Left to appease and hold off the Left also angers the betrayed conservative base that stay home and do not vote, further leading to losses of Republican seats in the House and Senate.

Where Republicans and their supporters do not submit to the Leftists agenda offered by the Democrats, but refuse to compromise, instead going on offense, vocal, active, defiant and organized in opposition to Democrats, the base, the middle class, the suburbs and independents vote to keep in office and gain more seats for Republicans that fight for their base instead of betraying it. When politicians fight for their base, their base fights for them, but this lesson is lost on RINO coward and traitor Paul Gazelka in Minnesota whose moderate Leftist Republicanism is alienating his base and their will lose.

Gazelka openly attacks gun owners, but never gun control groups, and he is promising hearing on gun control measures in 2020 not passing gun-rights measures.

Ben complains that not one Republican in the Senate is a champion for gun rights legislation, going against his caucus and introducing bills on gun rights, forcing Democrats on record in the Minnesota House and Senate to vote openly against gun rights bills, so we have those votes recorded to run against them in the fall of 2020.

If Republicans fight for the people, for conservative causes and for gun rights, they will state and national elections. Where they compromise, and seek common ground, they lose. By making friends on both sides of the aisle, by practicing bipartisanship, they contribute to the further eroding and destruction of our state and our country. They seek commonality with Democratic and Leftist enemies.

As the Democrats and Progressives go further and further to the Left, embracing Marxism and Euro-centric policies, RINO Republicans follow right after them, going farther and farther to the Left to not appear too traditional, backwards, unsophisticated or stodgy.

Ben demands that Republican leaders in Minnesota run on no compromise on gun control, introduce and pass bills favoring gun rights, and to promote conservative values and traditional public policy. The results will be to pull the Republicans back to the Right, and force the public and Democrats to pull back to the Right and to the middle.

Ben Dorr reveals several political truths. First, real reform is from the bottom up, as the common people take over all public institutions, and impose their conservative will on the people.

Second the people have to organize and forsake compromise and Minnesota-nice submissions to the destructive, tyrannical proposals hurled at them by Statists, Democrats and Leftists. They the people need to rise up, and order and punish their Republican, Independent and Democratic legislators that do not vote for and introduce legislation consistent with advancing the conservative cause and gun rights.

Third, if Minnesota Gun rights members, COS backers and Tea Party supporters unite to work as supercitizens to pull Minnesota back to the Right, and towards constitutional republicanism, we may yet save America.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Thanks To Our Veterans

This is Verterans Day, 2019. Thanks to all our veterans that honorably service this great nation, and kept us free, and helped billions of people around the world.


Compromise is just another word for surrender--that is the 2020 motto for MGR.

I am a moderate and am for honorable compromise with liberals, etc.

But Progressives are fanatics, out to gut the Constitution, wipe out all our freedoms, including the right to bear arms. They talk compromise, common sense and common ground, but no giving in to them to to end the 60 years of NRA compromsing, slowly eroding our gun rights, allowing them to be infringed upon.

When a fanatic deprives us of our inalienable and constitutional rights incrementally, he is not compromising but is sneaky, gradually taking away our liberty.

We give and they take; they never vote for stand your ground or conceal/carry or constitutional carry legislation.

Where someone is reasonable, we can compromise. To rob the American people of liberty in general is not compromise, but is a radical, extreme power grab, leading eventually to gun confiscation.

Yielding to them is not compromise: it is cowardly, unethical capitulation--no more, never again.

Dennis Prager

Prager asks why liberals do not oppose the Left. His answer: They do not because they have been taught to fear the Right, not the Left, the real enemy and danger in America.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Rural Americans Are Bad People?

Tonight, (11/10/19) Tom Cicotta for Breitbart news carried an article on one Jackson Kernion, a philosophy graduate student and instructor at UC Berkeley. On Twitter he bashed rural Americans and stated why they deserve to live uncomfortable lives.

Allow me to interpolate what I know about this very educated fool from those few words that he has written. He is a fanatic, a true believer, typical of and representative of college-educated intellectuals and their minions, now numbering in the many millions in this country, whose cause is Leftism. He works days and night to bring about a secular, Marxist dictatorship, a country of open borders whose citizens are citizens of the world.

Rural Americans are quiet, hard-working, polite, law-abiding, gun-toting people that love God, their country, their children, their religion, their Constitution, closed borders, law and order, pro-life politics, traditional marriage, capitalism, conservatism, Western Civilization, the American Way of life, and so on.

Each of these subcultures are groups that Kernion hates with his whole heart and his whole soul, and he regards these voters and citizens are rotten to the core, worthy of being locked up and retrained in Red China's concentration camps at best, and deserving of Pol Pot style genocide at worst. They are beyond redemption, and have nothing to offer, to they need to be downgraded, cast aside, dismissed and perhaps eliminated.

The cruelty, utter ruthlessness, insane raging and bottomless hatred and venom that spews from the mouths of Leftists zealots like Kernion saddens, alarms and finally angers me to oppose them aggressively, immediately each and every time. They seek to destroy America with Bolshevik-style revolution, and they are to be opposed right now with every legal means, before it is too late to stop them.

Kernion brags that he is proud of bashing rural Americans that feed the world. He labels them bad people, who have made bad life decisions. He could not be more mistaken. They, for the most part, of humble, hard-working but proud people--good people that make good decisions. Leftists, for the most part, are bad people, that have made horrible decisions with their ruined lives, and they now want to universalize their failures, mandating that all Americans live like urban Californios.

Kernion tweets: 'Some, I assume, are good people. But this nostalgia for some imagined pastoral way of life is stupid and we should shame people who aren't pro-city.' You mean all Americans should live in cities, run by Democrats, cities like Baltimore, Newark, LA and Detroit. You wish to see Chicago be the norm everywhere from sea to shining sea. Jackson. You are stupid, without God, without wisdom, and destroy all that you are your fellow Progressives touch.

Now I will contradict myself as an unorthodox moderate, and admit with Eric Hoffer that in the city, apart from nature, is where humans excel. But, the rise of groupism, socialism, Big Government, the nanny state and Progressive moral values without God, tradition or moral absolutes, the cities have become moral, spiritual, political and economic toilets.

The cities can take us farther than rural living, but it can also be much worse a world of filth, crime, darkness, poverty, lawlessness and pollution. Farmers are supposed to embrace that, Jackson? Really?

Jackson wants higher medical costs, higher gas taxes and expensive rural broadband.

Do you ever notice how Leftists are filled with envy and malice? They cannot tolerate anyone to be happy, doing their own thing, enjoying their own lives, not regulated and dictated to by the ruling class, by humorless, cruel Leftist elitists eager to use government force against those rural people and other Americans that ignore nagging, bossy Progressives out to rule and severely curtail the private lives of all Americans.

Prager is correct. We should no longer send our children to university. Any institution that creates and rewards a Kernion deserves to lose its public funding and its students. Why are we taxpayers paying dearly to subsidize this hater of us, the American Way and all we stand for?

He needs to be fired but we do not want that because he deserves his free speech rights, but I would recommend boycotting his college to send a message.


Go Ben Dorr

We are behind you Ben--kick to the sky the rears of all these RINO legislators in Minnesota.

Alan Gotlieb

Alan Gotlieb is the founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. He has a ad on talk radio where he points out that the Left is without merit in demanding of people why they need semi-automatic rifles and guns.

His proper response is that it is none of their concern. The question is outrageous and out of line, and could lead to infringing on our 2A rights.

Alan refers to 2A as a bill of rights, not a bill of needs, and that the federal government has no business dictating what we need, let alone restricting our 2A rights.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


That MGR has been so successful in Minnesota is doing so against such organized, Bloomberg-funded efforts, from thousands of fanatical anti-gunners. We must not let our guard down. No compromise. Defend 2A!. Keep up the fight!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Would it not be wonderful for a scientist/mathematician/ mystic or philosopher to uncover or write in plain English, transcribing for common perusal a partial or total text of natural laws, encoded by God who rules and administrates the universe?


God, the Good Spirits and your guardian angels are watching over you.


May your prayers of thanksgiving be nearly as profuse as the abundant blessings that God has heaped upon you.

Be Joyful

Be filled with joy and gratitude that God has blessed you. You will enjoy your divine Protectors.

Politician Betrayal

People can no longer afford to be naive. We must unite, rise up and throw any bum or fool woman politician out of office, regardless of party or promise broken, those that betray the people and the Constitution, by legislating to infringe on gun rights. Their gun rights betrayal goes even deeper. When they work in secret and in the open to infringe or even deny our 2A rights, they are usurping God's role, power and authority. God made the world. God set up natural law and a universal moral order to guide human conduct. God created humans and endowed us with inalienable rights, among which are the rights to self-defense and self-preservation. These inalienable rights from God predate and are prior to the establishment of the Constitution, American jurisprudence, and our historical and legal legacy to bear and own arms. When elected officials conspire to confiscate our guns, they rob us of private property and the natural right to defend ourselves. Those vile acts of treachery are a sin against God's will and intentions, and are crimes against humanity.

The Proposal

College kids are taught that there may be as high as 70 genders.
 Multiple genders? Binary truth and a lot of mix up college kids.

The Fight Ahead

We have a real fight ahead, in Minnesota to preserve our gun rights, but we are -with MGR all the way. We must preserve our right to bear arms, and all other constitutionally guaranteed liberties.

Celebrate America

America may not be perfect but she is pretty darn good, and it does not get better for anyone here on earth. She is humanity's last best hope, and that is exactly why Progressive want to demolish her. They want humans to be poor, tyrannized, without hope and without a future.

America is not the one that is hopelessly corrupt--it is its radical change critics that are rotten to the core.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

America The Nation

I am not for excessive nationalism, such as Russia and Germany championed last century, to grow their empires vying to rule the world.

But a healthy nationalism, like what Trump is pushing, would plead the the people and to the world that America, greatness restored, will once again be a viable, strong nation-state whose citizens are not citizens of the world, not part of some world-wide globlalist elite, globe-trotting and with allegiance only to United nation and one another. Rather, Americans will be patriotic, America-first with closed, guarded borders, limited immigration with a strong military presence to dissuade potential invaders and rivals out to empire-build at our expense.

Repeal The 17th Amendment

By repealing the 17th Amendment, we will go back to our traditional system with state legislatures electing the federal senators to represent their states.

Imagine if 65% of a state's voters were indidviduated supercitizens, that elected no state senator, representative nor governor that was not a statesman, loyal to and steadfastly  bringing for legislation that the  supercitizened majority had platformed on. The federal senators would serve at the beck and call of this state legislature, and the constitutional system would be preserved with states rights once again respected, asserted and preserved.

Page 65

In Liberty and Tyranny, Page 65, Mark Levin stresses that limited federal government allows states to develop as their citizens want them, to experiment even, but cautiously: "For the Framers, 'experimentation', like change, was a matter of prudence. As previously described, change should be informed by the experience, knowledge and traditions of society, tailored for a specific purpose, and accomplished through a constitutional construct that ensures thoughtful deliberation by the community. Change unconstrained by prudence produces unpredictable consequences, threatening ordered liberty with chaos and ultimately despotism, and placing at risk the very principles the Conservative holds dear."

Go slowly and thoughtfully. Add to our tradition--do not blow it up.


Maverize: practice what you preach, and be all that you can be. Others are watching you, and some of them will be influenced by you and your cheerful, indomitable attempts to reinvent yourself each time change or setbacks demand this of you.

Joyless Joy Behar

She advises politicians not to tell Americans that you are going to take their guns--just take them. Ah, a moment of rare honesty from a Socialist/Fascist. Come and get them, honey.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Federal Governmemt

Yes, we need a federal government to protect private property, to enforce contracts, to conduct national defense, and to guarantee our constitutional rights.

But it must little interfere with the capitalist economic system.

The Moderate Ontolgoy

It would be both/and. It would be Essence preceding existence more than existence preceding essence, but it would be both at the same time, likely forever.


Drudge Report this evening (11/4/2019) reports that robot clones will soon be so authentic-looking that these clones could pass for any living person. Whether such an advance state of AI intelligence and technology exist now or not, it not the point. I fear that one day--maybe sooner than later--it will be so.

Humans must begin to individuate at an increased rate. As great souls all bout, our wisdom, sensitivity and telepathic prowess will allow us to sniff out a cloned robot from the actual person. I do not know how else to protect humans against this perfidious onslaught.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Top Fan

I got a top fan badge for supporting Mark Levin on Facebook. Here is a communication that I sent to Mr. Levin: "Mark Levin: Mr. Great One, when are the other fine Jewish Americans going to wake up and join you and Dennis Prager in embracing the American Way of Life, in abandoning Progressivism, to work with those of us in the conservative movement to fend off the arrival of Ameritopianism, to work with Trump to make America great again?"

The Result

My research into the philosophical works of prominent egoists has allowed me to stumble into a world of libertarians, anarchists, individualists and egoists. They are not allowing Stirner's works to be denied or forgotten, relegated to not being studied.

My hunch is that this self-perpetuating juggenaut of individual anarchist philosophizing is a transitional intellectual movement away from altruistic living and culture that have dominated human society for 100,000 years, and towards a high civilization of constitutional republicanism, individuating anarchism, free markets and supercitizenry, all of which will take advantage of my Mavellonialist philosophy to prepare the newborn and young to fit in and succeed in this Brave New World.

Wolfi Landstreicher Bias

Landstreicher, in the introduction to his translation to Max Stirner's book, The Unique and His Property, dismisses the earlier translation of this work by Steven T. Byington.

Wolfi doubts that a Christian translator like Byington could capture the essence of Stirner's mocking, humorous sometimes body masterpiece.

But, I have read both translations, side by side, three times, and there are times when Landstreicher's translation does not relay meaning with clarity as well as does Byington's translation. It is always dangerous to make sweeping statements, painting with too broad a brush.

Landstreicher, the militant, cocky atheist, doubts that a puritanical Christian like Byington could be coolly objective and impartial when translating blasphemous Stirner. I am not so sure. I believe that both interpretations are useful and informative. I would not rank one above the other.

Saturday, November 2, 2019


Leftists are racists they are race-obsessed. They are insisting that unless each person is identified and delimited by race being accented and highlighted, the one ignoring that individual's race identity, in the name of tolerance and color-blindness, is actually a racist, denying each person her race identity that is her destiny.

Whites especially are regarded as racist. But, what we all should be moving towards is proclaiming that all are equal, and that each should be proud of her racial or ethnic background, but, for purposes of public discourse, or self-realization, stressing the paramount priortization of highlighting the individualness of each citizen-individuator is what is desirable and useful for the individual and for society as a whole.

Polar Opposites

Here are some polar opposites:

Moderation                               Fanaticism
Liberty                                      Tyranny
Good                                         Bad
Good Means                             Bad Means
Antinomian/Anarchism           Hierarchy, Big Government
Choice                                      Forced Allegiance, No choice
Voluntary                                 Involuntary
Joyful                                       Grim
Love                                         Hate
Conservative, Liberal               Progressive, Nazi
God                                           Satan
Build, Conserve                       Destroy, Revolution
Light                                         Dark
Individual                                 Group, Tribe
Cosmos                                    Chaos
Peace                                       War
Beauty                                     Ugly
Feeling                                    Reason

Cultural Competence

I do not wish to upbraid those that boast about the value of being culturally competent in the helping fields to react with respect and appreciation to clients of all nationalities, cultures, linguistic variations, religious and other diversity, but I find the term patronizing and offensive.

I am no fan of multiculturalism. I lash out at those that promote cultural competency or extreme cultural relativism at the expense of promoting our superior, local, native culture, the American Way.

E Pluribus Unum was long been our cultural standard. Enjoy your own faith, culture and language, but in coming to America, our English-Speaking, our Anglo-Saxon, Western culture is the premier culture that you need to worship as an immigrant, and adopt quickly and wholly with pride and eager assimilation.

That is cultural competency, not wishy-washy multiculturalism, and as you are Americanized, we will affirm your worth and dignity as a patriotic, loyal American.


Things are never hopeless when you travel with God, and put your life in De's powerful, gentle hands.


Emma Green is a staff writer at The Atlantic. Her article today appeared in the Drudge Report. It is titled: Americans Hate One Another. Impeachment isn't helping.

She writes that Americns no longer feel a shared sense of national identity. We divide along party lines, but the partisanship is what she refers to as political tribalism.

Factionalism, that George Washington warned against, is now our political and cultural reality, it seems. Democrats and Republicans, Green writes, see their political opponents as enemies with totally incomprehensible beliefs and lifestyles.

We Republicans and conservatives could compromise with moderate Democrats and temperate liberals, but there is no compromising with radical socialist democrats and Progressives. We must defeat them, period.

Green asked Michele Margolis, a political scientist at the University of Pennsylvania about things and Margolis noted that American democracy functions only when each side is able to recognize the other as legitimate and accept the outcome when it loses. (Ed writing: but the Democrats have used Mueller, the smearing Press and now phony impeachment charges to overturn Trump's 2016 election, and to derail his 2020 reelection bid. They are the ones that are a disloyal, authoritarian opposition.)

If Democrats and Leftists were moderate, not radical, totalitarian and socialist, we would associate with these opponents that do not think like conservatives do politically. If they were loyal opposition, and fair, supportive opposition, we would still enjoy each other, associate with and tolerate each other, despite gently opposing each other.

They are acting in bad faith, and they are bad people, and the Left and the Right do not see the world the same anymore. Common ground has ceased to exist.

The effort to save America and make America great again is what we must bring to the voters--to hell with socialists and Democrats that stand in our way.

Friday, November 1, 2019


Negative rights under the Constitution keep the government off our backs, and assertion of positive rights grows government, grows tyranny, and invalidates Constitutional protections for our citizens.


One thing that I enjoy is noting convergence of ideas between disparate thinkers and writers. For example, Max Stirner writes at length about the Unique self and its property. Without property, the self cannot do its egoistical best to enjoy itself, or amount to something of significance to it and perhaps to the world.

Mark Levin, In Liberty And Tyranny, on pages 58 and 59, at length dissects and criticizes leftist former law professor, Cass Sunstein:  Sunstein promotes delinking liberty and property rights. Levin favors keeping liberty and property rights linked and mutually protected from government intrusion and force, as the private citizen seeks to enjoy and fulfill his inalienable rights as an individual. In other words, individualism, property rights and exercising liberty in civil society are all natural rights guaranteed and protected under the Constitution. Note how the Founding Fathers, Levin and Stirner all note the congenital affiliation of private property rights with living life as an individual.

When communitarians and statist like Sunstein and Obama they can and must delink individualism and private property and liberty, but allowing statute-driven federal intervention forcing individuals to give up much of their liberty and private property to be distributed among members of society that did not earn or own that private property.

I Do Not

I do not render for examination, review and criticism, formal logical arguments to support or deny whatever philosophical assertions that I offer, and I never will. I have not the training, the mind for, the time for or the inclination to translate Mavellonialist principles into such deductive and inductive syllogisms. I will leave that to my future disciples to perfect as they will certainly strive to construct these needed proofs.

Spiritual Externality

Does the objective world exist out their, outside the limits of our phenomenalist perception of it, a world of spirits in things, around things, and transcendent things in heaven or some alternative Idealistic dimension as a world of Forms.

Yes, with probable certainty, I believe that that objective world exists.

Objective Independence

Do objects perceived by us, that apparently exist out there in the external world, existing independent of our perceiving them--do they really exist as material objects, whose being perceived by a human perceiver is irrelevant to their existing or actually residing out there, beyond human consciousness, with independence and self-sufficiency?

Yes, I believe there is an objective world out there, and that is is physical, and is independent of any perceiver of it.

I do not know this for sure, but I believe, with a high degree of probable certainty,  that objects live out there in the external realm.


My description of basic human nature is not an easy or tidy one. I cannot make it shipshape and well-packaged, but here goes my best description to date.

I was told recently that selling my philosophy to the public, while advocating that people are naturally corrupt, and that evil exists in them and the the world, plus asserting that Satan rules this world of suffering and darkness, will result in people being turned off and refusing to buy my books or adopt my philosophy. I am not packaging it to them in a slick, pleasing way that affirms their own preferences, prejudices and outlooks.

My responses: if that is how it must be, so be it. I will not and cannot  compromise my principles, or refuse to speak the harsh, unpleasant truth to the world. I am right 8 times out of 10. Do not blame me the messenger with ad hominem attacks that I am a pathetic loser, bully and loner that cannot get along with anyone, so my pessimistic worldview grows out of my narcissism and overgeneralizing to a dark an evil world, a projection of my personal state of unhappiness and gloom.

My worldview transcends my personal problems and defects, although they do color my outlook.

For simplistic sake, let me assume that human nature is 70% corrupt and that we are 70% robots, without free will, determined by our wicked genetic heritage, and destructive innate ideas, as well as socially conditioned to hate the self, to run in packs, to hate, to destroy rather than build and create. We are herd creatures, mere automatons in mass society living our quiet lives of despair in vast hierarchies and over-arching institutions. Satan and Lera rule this world, on top of the rest of it. The deck is really stacked against poor, pathetic humans.

Let me assume also that human nature is 30% corrupt, and 30% of our will is free, so we do have some choice.

The 70% of our natures that are wicked from birth, and the 70% of our wills that are un-free, and the 70% of the world that is dominated by the Dark Couple--these biological preconditions, these other-determined personal wills, these status quo conditions of social wickedness--these preconditions are the dominant, heard and supported social arrangements and psychological orientations of the vast majority of massed humanity.

The 30% of are natures that are loving and good, the 30% of our wills that are free, and the 30% power share that the Light Couple, the Mother and the Father wield here on earth--these earthly realities, biological proclivities and psychological orientations--these are of secondary mention, secondary emphasis, and of secondary influence in society, in the family, in the school, in the church.

Mavellonialism is a philosophical and ethical system to raise human consciousness, by educating each future generation of children to self-realize as individuals so that they can work hard, grow in their spiritual egos into adult individuator anarchists and supercitizens that have long since learned to prefer and develop their 30% good human natures, their 30% free wills, and to work to overthrow the children of darkness ruling this world,  by allowing the children of light to run things, to bring the children up right.

As children learn to love, think, maverize, and serve God and the Good Spirits, their developed souls, egos and wills will make their habituated natures mostly good, their wills mostly free, and society good rather than wicked, authoritarian and unjust.