Sunday, August 28, 2022

Be Fair

 Being fair is a moral duty--meaning that one is not groupist, biased and partial, excusing in-group friends no matter what they believe, do or say, while attacking and suppressing out-group enemies and rivals no matter what they believe, do or say.

Groups hate and victimize and scapegoat. Good individualists and individuators love and victimize none.

Assertive, just individuators vow to and try to accept being victimized by none and disavowing any need to victimize anyone or anything.

she who loves God, herself and others is determined neither to be a victim or victimizer, and that is fair treatment of all.


 It is a natural law that all people deserve equality and fair treatment, equal access to or equality of opportunity.

The intersectionalist neo-Marxists are advocating and promoting equity, or government measured and enforced equaity of outcome, and that is about corrupt hierarchies and pure groupism, and a totalitarian future--all tragic, wasteful, demonic and producing unending suffering.

They Are Out There

 There have always been loners among the joiners, and that proclivity is both naturally recurring and socially accentuated.

My research is not extensive--more or less nonexistent and all anecdotal, based upon hunches, observations and generalizations.

Recently, at work, at two different jobs, over a one year period, I worked with two older white males that were bright, talented, ethical, very singular, very eccentric loners. One at least likely was gay and I have long suspected a correlation between being gay and being individualistic. How such creative individuals have advanced human culture would be a great study for Jordan Peterson to undertake.

My generalization is that there are more loners out there among the joiners than we wish to acknowledge or even realize. I keep encountering them without even looking for them.

I would recommend that my Mavellonialist philosophy on how to raise children to be primary loners and secondary joiners is a social science that might help these struggling, lost, lonely, isolated loners to maverize, thus making their suffering and ostracism meaningful and gravid with possibilities.

I propose a brotherhood of loners out there for male loners, white or non-white, straight or gay, and we should extend this invitation to our sisters too.

I also suspect that men are naturally, slightly more inclined to be loners and rational indvidualists, and  women are slightly more incline to be joiners, groupist, and emotional, but there are huge exceptions to these rules, too.

Loners have a natural propensity to transform themselves into great souls that serve God. They are lacking the means to get there, the concept itself and the steps to get it done, but this know-how can be taught and learned. Loners are on their way, but they know no one with the right values to share with them, or the support required to nudge them to dare become more isolated, more self-actualized and extremely unpopular and socially undesirable for daring to be.

I watched a mob of guys go after this rebel loner at work last week, and I intervened and kept them off of him, and diffused the attack. They came for him again within 30 minutes. They were ready to run him out of the workplace--he had already given his 2 weeks’ notice.

I knew this cruel behavior was unjust and immoral, and I talked to the staff about him, and calmed everyone down, and now it seems he can work his last 6 days and leave peacefully.

The corrupt working hierarchy at my place of work, with its severe caste structure does make the in-crowd technicians run in a tight pack, and in 5 months I have seen them try to take out and run out two employees.

This mob-craving to scapegoat is institutionalized there now, and it will happen again--perhaps to me, though I am careful to stay out of their way. We will see.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Local Elections

 As Mavellonialism slowly spreads across America in the next 30 years, we want to take note that local elections are the most important ones for anarchist-individuator supercitizens to vote, campaign for and run for and be citizens for.

Our anarchist constitutional republic mandates that the people from the bottom up are to control and run the local level of politics. This requires our prime attention for the commonwealth at the state and federal level will remain honest, frugally operated, powerful, moral, efficient, and limited if the local levels are maintained.

The average maverized citizen can run the local level of government well while participating fully in politics at the county, state and federal level.

To Fight

 Do not wait for others to fight for your rights and your share of the material pie. Fight your own battles, and that is what each citizen and individuator can and must do.

Friday, August 19, 2022

The Good Citizen

 I heard some conservative pundit on talk radio yesterday point out, eloquently, that the American, traditional political model posited that the citizens were the boss, and that the constitutional republic was run from the bottom up. The elected local, state and federal officials ideally--not always--obey and serve their employers the people.

We need to end the Administrative state, the Deep state, and radically downsize big government by wipe out or radically downsize and reduce the clout and scope of influence by whole departments like education, ATF, the FBI.

There is no large, bloated government of huge departments of unelected, lifetime appointments and civil service protection for legions of public employees, oligarchs and experts directing the people, the culture, the public space, and the economy.

The Leftist and Fascist models of governance are where oligarchs and elites of all kinds rely on their institutional rank and status to lord it over the masses, and society is run on a corrupt, inefficient, wasteful, tyrannical model from the top down.

The common people need the say, and the Legislator is to be the most powerful branch of our government. Once we restore our constitutional republic under limited government, and the people are the boss, individuating, anarchist supercitizens, then America will hum like a well-oiled machine.


My Updated, Moderate Epistemological Stance

 My stance of epistemological moderation had been characterized, by me,  previously as some sort of fallibilism and pluralism. It is still those viewpoints, but I would like to add a tinge of moderate foundationalism to capture that the most truthful and accurate epistemological stance, from my perspective, for the knower or would-be-knower. This useful epistemological stance to adopt is to favor objectivism over subjectivism (Moderate epistemological stance is both/and, not either/or, with the seeker knowing or seeking with a majority objective approach, flavored by a skeptical, subjective epistemologicali outlook, while still hoping that strong foundationalism is graspable.).

It may be that Aristotelian logic is not how the world is, but that is mostly how the world is metaphysically, This probablistic logic influences our epistemology or is is based upon an axiom that contradiction is what is true. and that dogmatic consistency, monism and pure epistemological stance, on the one hand, as a dogmatic objectivist or dogmatic subjectivist outlook is false and unworkable

On the other hand, it is a lie perpetuated by the pure skeptic that there are no known proposition--that we cannot know them even if they did exist noumenally. To radically ant--knowing is knowable or as a nihilist assuming that there is no truth, no meaning that exists to be perceived, received or understood.

The Truth

 The truth is and we can know it well enough to know how to live and how to love and serve God and know how to proceed in life.

The objective is to discover the truth about God, us, and others. First, we discover what is true and then we live authentically and ethically for it is not enough to know what it is true and right. To love the truth is to live it and put what we have learned to work out there in the world each day, as long as we live. 

Paradoxically, we cannot fully or much more fully know what is objectively true until we live it, put it in practice in our daily lives, and subjectively experience how it feels to implement what is true.

We also are called by the Good Spirits to spend our lives as living angels, to self-actualize here, so, when expired, we can join the elite, the Good Spirits as one of their acolytes, one of their apprenticed, junior members. 

To develop as a maverizer is to grow in awareness and clear conscious apprehension of who and what the Good Couple are, and that is realizing more and more what is true by living and rationally intuiting what is true, beautiful, and right.

So, growth is the inner process of successively, increasingly peeling away layers of self-deception.

We must no longer lie to ourselves or others--there is no other way to come to know truth, to value truth, to live the truth.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Genesis 39:20-23

 After Potiphar hurls Joseph into prison, Yahweh is still with Joseph and so he flourishes wherever he is at under the most dire circumstances. Surely, those that are God's favorites from birth, with God's mark upon them, and who respond by serving God fully, willingly and brilliantly, do experienced God's direct and full, blessed involvement in their lives in a most rare and remarkable way--such is how Joseph lived with Yahweh front and center in his life, for they were so close: "He seized Joseph and threw him into jail where the royal prisoners were confined. 

But even while he was in prison, the Lord remained with Joseph; he showed him kindness by making the chief-jailer well-disposed toward him. The chief jailer put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners in the jail, and everything that was done there was done under his management. The chief jailer did not concern himself with anything at all that was in Jospeh's charge, since the Lord was with him and brought success to all he did." This quote is from my Roman Catholic The New American Bible

 The children of light need to step it up. 

First, regardless of what deity they worship--and all good deities are real and worthy of worship, but these numerous deities in the heavenly pantheon are brothers and sisters that cooperate, not compete, so holy war any longer by worshipers of one good deity killing or hurting members of a rival denomination following a competing but good deity---any such rivalry and feuding among the factions populating the children of light is an abomination and rejected as wicked and cruel by all the good deities and the Mother and Father, and the Good Spirits. 

Second, they need to maverize, growing and developing. as artists, thinkers, poets, burghers, inventors and farmers.

As the children of light learn to do meaningful work and evolve in spiritual might and depth, these great souls will be walking with God and the Good Spirits each day, and, like Joseph, "the Lord was with him and brought success to all he did."

This will give the earth back to the Good Couple, and heaven or near heaven-on-earth is a real possibility.

Let me quote the passage noted above from the Holy Bible (KJV): "And Joseph's master took him, and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were bound: and he was there in prison. But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and gave him favor in sight of the keeper of the prison.

And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the prisoners that were in the prison; and whatsoever they did there, he was the doer of it.

The keeper of the prison looked not to anything that was under his hand; because the Lord was with him, and that which he did, the Lord made it to prosper."

For those that are religious, and believe that God is against worldly prosperity and affluence, note this word prosper and think of Abraham being blessed with worldly wealth, luxury and success, all the while serving the Lord fully and enthusiastically.

Worldly wealth and success are not ends in themselves, but they are comforting, pleasurable, worthy and honorable--mitigating conditions of the existence that the holy and righteous can and should acquire and enjoy, as long as such worldly attachments help them serve not excluded and neglect the worship and love of the Good Spirits and the Divine Couple.

Saturday, August 13, 2022


 The proverb goes that money cannot buy happiness, and that is so. But money can work mightily to prevent one from being unhappy in that it can much reduce unhappiness because money worries recede. 

One could be wealthy and still unhappy, but other character flaws can account for that.

Monday, August 8, 2022


As an epistemic moderate, I believe that objective truth, though desirable and existent somewhere, likely is unknowable, at least for now, for humans. Probably certain truth is the best that we can hope to acquire.

Now, both Eric Hoffer and I, fallibilists both of us, make absolute, emphatic, and totalistic statements that seem to contradict our fallibilist self-identifying.

I think I can explain while denying we are self-contradictory or hypocritical about the issue of epistemic fallibilism. 

Hoffer and I seem more absolutist, opinionated and extreme in what we write and say. This is more a matter of bombastic style than actual point of view. Also, Hoffer often deliberately exaggerated or overstated to make a point, when in fact he was not as black and white in his analysis, as he may be taken by the superficial reader or listener.

The reader and listener need to understand the overall message in order to capture what Hoffer or I wrote or write, or said or say. They must not take our statements out of context.

Saturday, August 6, 2022


Some, maybe most Greeks believed that if the individual knew the difference between right and wrong moral actions, then, most of the time, he would choose the good option.

There seem to be two presuppositions built into this view. First, people are basically good, so they are naturally motivated to do the right thing, most of the time.

Second, if they knew consciously and presently right from wrong, their wise knowledge would lead most people, most of the time to elect to do the right thing.

The solution to conquering evil, then, under this view, is that reducing moral ignorance will induce people to do the right thing.

I argue that the Greeks, so morally constituted, got it wrong more than they got it right. The Hebrews and Jews offered a rival moral theory that comes closer to describing moral reality for humans and then what to do about it.

By contrast, the general Hebrew or Jewish view is that humans are basically wicked, and that they are born with free will, and thereby are responsible directly and personally for their moral decisions. Knowing right from wrong may not lead the agent to choose to be good.

Though moral training is critical to teaching the young right from wrong, if they are raised to be moral and self-controlling ethical agents, they will, most of them, do the right thing most of the time. Their compliance with the social expectation that they will behave and choose to act well is less a matter of their knowledge of good and evil conduct, than it is due to each member of that society--or any society--being brought up and nurtured to sport a good will in their public and private affairs.

They may not do the wrong thing most of the time, though being born depraved, but they will sin a lot because they are naturally wicked through and through, and though the trained will is willing, the flesh is weak. They often choose to do wrong, even though they know it is the wrong thing to do, and is harmful to God, to others and themselves.

Still, over time, if the children of light seek to control themselves, and keep bringing up and expecting their young to do good and do well, over time, there is tangible moral progress that is achievable. Of course, that gain is easily reversed or thwarted should each new generation not be training to know right from wrong and to be raised to sport a good will in their public and private doing. Naturally depraved youth run in packs and grow their bad wills naturally, so great, pervasive social wickedness will abound.

We choose too often to do evil over good though we know right from wrong. We do so because we are weak, because we enjoy sinning and rebelling against God, because we are group-oriented and the pack is where Satan and Lera are at their strongest in this world.

We have learned bad habits and have formed bad wills, and such habits become our destinies once we have lost our way. We are selfless collectivists that seek the cover of tyrants to justify our wrongdoing as we live within societal hierarchies. These are some of the reasons why we sin and so elect to live, though we know better.

If, on the other hand, we choose to live as children of light serving the Mother and Father, then we will become more rational, better educated, much more independent thinking, knowledgeable and wise, so we will habituate our wills to be good and do good until our second natures, our good-willing natures are second nature to us and for us, our habitual love of all things good.

As we maverize and learn to love God, the Good Spirits, the self, and others, then love and God's kingdom will grow and spread on earth.

As such morally accomplished, independent-thinking, higher level moral agents, we will deploy powerful, fully functioning free wills with accompanying deep knowledge and wisdom about what is right or wrong, and we accept our responsible behavioral choices to do good most of the time. This is free will at its finest.

This full-blown Mavellonialist culture would be a real game-changer as the children of light come to rule earth (once again in a new Golden Age?) as the culture of goodness is instantiated.



Zone Of Privacy

 There is no doubt that the world of cameras, satellites and electronics everywhere have shrunk the zone of privacy down to a minimum.

It must not be allowed to shrink further, and, indeed it must be expanded. There can be no great souldom, no advanced individualism, no maverick existents, without a zone of privacy maintained around each individual by that individual, and the rest of society must honor this expression of  universal but personal, human right.

Yes, some will sin and more rarely some may take advantage of that zone of privacy to plot great crimes against society. These exceptions and drawbacks to the right of privacy maintenance acknowledged, a far greater evil permeates society permanently by banning the zone of privacy.

Where personal privacy is disrespected, disallowed, and even outlawed by the state or cult, then there is no individualism allowed. All are pack members, mob constituents and wards of the collective, totalitarian state where all snitch on and betray all, and it is hell on earth.

The lack of privacy is criminal and wicked. It is selfish to deny others their private lives, their time alone with no one but themselves, a zone of personal freedom and expanse where the self can express itself and practice living and flourishing, his vital secrets known by none unless he wills to share them, or make public display of them.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Happiness Defined

 The great Prager, on the radio last week, mentioned that he could come up with no perfect, concise, defining definition for happiness.

I agree with him that semantic and conceptual philosophers struggle incessantly to define any noun, or any other word to construct the perfect definition. It cannot be done because of the limits built into human communicating via language and concepts, as our language and thoughts are imperfect and limited as we are.

Epistemologically, any definition that we offer is inevitably flawed--and at best is only fairly definite and objective, if we are thoughtful and careful in our definition of a concept and its accompanying word.

Thus, I am some sort of epistemological pluralist, fallibilist or moderate.

Let us return to Dennis Prager's definition of happiness. He offers no ironclad definition for it but does define happiness as approximately equivalent to enjoying an emotional and psychological state or status of inner peace, wherein the self is suffused with gratitude.

I believe the wise Prager has nailed it once again.