Tuesday, October 31, 2017

John Hawkins


This columnist, maybe for townhall wrote an article that was posted online on 10/29.2017 entitled "the 6 big ways liberals are destroying americas culture."

I want to analyze and comment on this important article. Hawkins notes that America use to push freedom responsibility, decency, patriotism and hard work. These are all great values for maintaining any civil society.

1. The politicization of everything:

My response: It is true. They are attacking the culture, attacking our standards. By politicizing everything, they make every aspect of our private, individual lives of freedom constantly subject to scrutiny, review, censor and correction by the thought police, intellectuals, bureaucrats and humorless college kids. When nothing is private and spontaneous, and all is under constant public review, scrutiny and regulation, there is no diversity of opinion, no individuality left, and no private life. All are puppets on the strings of the state in this burgeoning Ameritopia, which is really the Soviet Union in 1952.

2. Political Correctness:

My response: Again it is to intimidate alternative thinkers, dissidents and those exercising their free speech rights to be intimidated, silenced, driven under ground and made to conform.

Tell them to go pound sand.

3. Victimhood:

My response: Everyone wants to be a victim. They can claim to be offended and demand that others apologize, compensate, grovel and offer reparations for an offense that they never gave.  The self-identifying victims want power over all. They want to hold the whip hand of the federal bureaucrat to control and browbeat millions of people.

Mavellonialists are legitimate victims. They just want legal protection against discrimination and police protection against violent attackers. Beyond that they will make it on their own and they do not want to wear victimhood as a club to gain power over others.

Hawkins notes that conservatives today feel strong, capable and able to handle their own problems, refusing to be victims.

4. Liberal Feminism: Hawkins notes that feminism is universally accepted. So, radical or liberal feminists went crazy bring up man-hating and victimization against patriarchy and rape.

My response: There is little effective racism against blacks anymore. There is little successful misogyny against women anymore. Most new doctors and lawyers are women. Are they still held back in graduate school? Blacks should not hate whites and radical feminists should not hate men. White males are part of the race. If black and women individuate, they will have all they need, and their leaders can quite trying to grow their causes by attacking whites and males.

5. Tribalism: Hawkins notes that all are relegated to identity groups of all hating all, none able to leave their group, nor understand anyone outside their group, and so on. They can no longer share the values and goals of their neighbors, so we cannot unite and make one out of many (E pluribus unum).

My response: The Left promotes tribalism and identity politics because these groupist concepts grow groupism, Statism, factionalism, fighting and the arrival on the scene of an uncivil society. Where most adults were to maverize, tribal competition would wither away. Nothing builds unity and builds one out of many like millions of individualist following their own self-interest on steroids.

6. Non-Judgmentalism: There is a loss of moral absolutism to guide the citizens to acknowledge that one action is wrong, and another action is right, period. Liberals are moral relativists, and encourage all to judge none, and Hawkins describes this has mired our culture in degeneracy.

My response: my moral moderatness is not the same as moral relativism. Nor is it non-judgmental. I urge that we always judge the act, while letting God alone judge the actor.

Hawkins is brilliant. He has identified Leftist tactics used to destroy America. Nice job.


That is the number of Americans that feel pressured to keep their opinions to themselves for fear of social ostracism. This is noted in a Drudge Report article tonight.

The individutor does, thinks, says and writes what he thinks, period, regardless of controversy, push back or community reaction. His liberaty and thinking for himself are sacred trusts and sacred obligations for him.

If 23% of Americans were individuators, only 3% would feel pressured to keep their opinions to themselves.

Reverse Racism

I have been warning and writing about it for years. Now the black professional football player, Michael Bennett, raised his fist in a black power salute when he sacks a white football player. That sure sound like reverse racism in action, to me.

What astounds me is these pampered babies are lauded and coddled with worship, adulation and millions of dollars, and this is how they act.

Actually, they are 75% of all professional football players, so now they feel that they are in the driver's seat so they can express their real feelings" hatred of whitey, attacking him, and seeking to put him in chains.

Now we have Democrats, the Left, the pastors, the rich, he professional athletes, actors, comedians, and college educated professionals all acting as a self-appointed elite out to rule and boss around the middle class. They accuse whites of racism, but that is the old smokescreen: they really want the masses ruled by the government and this new elite.

These black athletes could individuate and individual live, and that would be a real inspiration to all young Americans, regardless of color. Racism too often is an attack word used to crush and silence conservative opposition.

Monday, October 30, 2017

My Medical Certificate

I have carried a commercial driver's license for close to 20 years. The state of Minnesota this winter, sent me a notice to renew the medical certificate, or they would drop my license. I went to a provider and got my medical certificate approved, and then I sent it in to the State. They approved it at the Depart of Transportatin and sent me a letter, writing that the new certificate was accepted. I was supposed to get the letter inviting me to renew by license by my birthday in Junde, 2017.

Instead, the letter I got from the State canceled my commercial driver's license, informing me that I could renew my license as a D category, thus losing my Commercial C license. They had lost the certificate that they just approved earlier and canceled my license for noncompliance.

I got the new copy of the medical certificate from the provider that issued it, and took it to the City of Bloomington Department of Motor Vehicles. Apparently, the stupid provider took my 2 year-old certificate and just changed the date, updating it. She became alarmed and thought it was fraud. She made me go back and get a brand new medical certificate. She told me loftily that when I came back, I would need a birth certificate to get my commercial license back. I got upset, and told her that I will have to take another half day off of work to visit you again, with all these special conditions.

Snottily, she replied, "You will just have to stand in line and take a number You can thank the terrorists for commercial drivers having to show a passport."

I went a got a third, original copy of the birthcertificate from the provider, and went back to the Bloomington site. This clerk was smart, friendly and efficient. She called the State and they said I have no record of a certificate submitted earlier. She asked them about Class C licenses, and spent 20 minutes helping them find it. Apparently, Minnesota took Class C licenses and put them on a separate server, and did not link that data to the latest and different type of licenses. When staff encountered the misssing certificates, they did not or could not find the lost data on the other server, so they just canceled licenses like they did with me. This tenacious Bloomington clerk helped them find their own records.

We need to downsize government and simplify things. Think what the government and the Left would do to gun rights if they licensed gun owners.

Live For The Moment

It may astound the reader to hear me offer assent to this advice, but, the present is where life is lived. We should savor each moment while in the moment. That is how we come to life, stay vibrant and extract joy from living.

As individuators we have our precious life-goals and ambitious plans. Nevertheless, we will work our plan while living for the moment.

Keep Going

Keep moving on. You must rally, get up and go again. That is what the upbeat, resilient Good Spirits do each day, and they expect no less from you.

Trump's Vow

He promised to stop the attacks on Christian values. About time someone did. I have some significant differences with Christian values but, nonetheless, Christian and Jewish values may have made Western civilization more successful and enduring than even the Greek and Roman contributions.

Much of what is spiritually and morally good in our world is due to their influence, and input from Yahweh and Jesus.

Let us preserve and celebrate their values, not attack and undercut them. I think we should teach the Bible in public school as theology, philosophy and literature, as the most widespread book in the world.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Am I The Conscience Of America?

I do not know. This seems like a grandiose, show-off claim. If anyone is willing to listen, I do know a lot about how to lead the moral life. In that way I could advise people on how to act.


Who needs transhumans that are part robot, part metal, part machine, part super-drugs and part genetic modification. All you need to do is maverize, and the transhuman new you will out pace and pass by the old you from which you originated.


When you individuate, especially in these early days, where those few of us that advocate Mavellonialist living are operating alone, shut off and shunned by community, neighbors, coworkers and family members, it is vital that you do positive self-talk to keep yourself cheerful, loving, at peace, calm enthusiastic, resolved and brave.

To embrace the everythingness of God and Fate head on, and the bleak nothingness of Satan, without group comfort and solace, it would be easy to lose it.

It may help you, as it helps me, to realize that none of us is ever really alone (We have shut the Good Spirits out of our souls and psyche, but they are only 3 inches outside our heads, waiting to be invited in.). Let the immortal field of Good Spirits and the good divinities be your substitute family, community, coworkers and neighbors. That way, you can grow in divine love and wholesome spirituality, while becoming very strong and very self-sufficient in spite of human ostracism.

Pope Francis Gets It Wrong

Pope Francis, the titualar, spiritual leader of the world Communist movement, is at it again. Matters of faith and morals are not enough for this ambitious, dangerous, ecclesiastical bureaucrat. Mindful of Popes of yesteryear, he wants the Church to run the State so he spouts off at length. Between the mullahs in Iran and the leader of the Catholic behemoth, aspiring to world-wide  religious domination is power they mightily lust after, but their power lust does not come from or represent God. They work for the opposition, if you know what I mean.

Thomas D. Williams did an article the Pope on 10/29/27, and Breitbart picked it up. The gist of the article is that humanity must rethink the role of the nation-state in a globalized world. The Pope lectured that the international order has been so altered by globalization that the new world order requires something other than or besides the state to be included as a significant and included guardian of the common good.

My response: the world order is fundamentally altered, but replacing nation states with one world government, likely Red China, is a horrible alternative. Utterly centralized power under one-world government is not good for anyone and bad for everyone, a disaster for the common good.

I like his concept of subsidiarity but making individual rights be secondary in importance to sacrificing personal interests for the common good undercuts the benefits of subsidiarity as the call for solidarity leads us to groupism, groupthink, caste society, bureaucrats everywhere, totalitarian elites running roughshod over the little people, and finally and ultimately, one world government.

The Pope wants the markets and nation states to be submitted to the needs and prioritization of a united Europe, so populist and nationalist drives are undercut and brought in line. He repeats his Marxist analysis, but Marxism always fails in action, and it always is about huge, tyrannical centralized government oppressing and exploiting the masses. I wish he would pray and do good works, and stay out of politics.

His solutions would make Satan proud.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

That Occurs

Is what occurs of necessity, or need it not have occurred? This is a great question for which there is no easy answer. There is freedom, randomness and free will at work in the universe, so at least these occurrences need not have occurred.

The Accidental

It was just a traffic accident. Something accidental is sudden, unexpected, unpredictable, without cause or anticipation. There are accidents or random events that occur in the universe, but I do not believe there are the majority of events. Most things are caused, and happen for a reason, and may be predicted if one but knew their antecedents.

The Balance

As a lawful anarchist, I have great sympathy for the concept of self-rule, home rule, and maximum local independence. I wish to see the people of Catalonia be totally independent, but Prime Ministoer Rajoy, a federalist, says no way.

For those within a nation state, breaking away, without mutual agreement on the subject will cause a conflagration to erupt. There must be a principled agreement reached among the people of a nation that local autonomy is maximized, without willingness to sacrifice a rule by central authority under a federal system. The latter must be a patriotic duty.

Civil war over this ,when an imbalance emerges, is very bloody and very costly. It must absolutely be a last resort.

Friday, October 27, 2017

Sin: Psalm 51 5-6

When you sin against nature, family, country, others, the self and the Good Spirits, you also sin against God because, under De's natural law, you are to obey De's laws and commandments, and to live well and lawfully. Failure to do so is to sin: "for I acknowledge my offense, and my sin is before me always: 'Against you only I have sinned and done evil in our sight--That you may be justified in your sentence, vindicated when you condemn.'"


Remind yourself 4 times a day that you work for God directly, and that your life, thoughts and efforts are dedicated to promoting De's general welfare. Remind yourself a lot to do your job and not to complain about it.


There is a lot of what appears to be pointless wickedness and excessive suffering at work int he world. To some degree that is true, but Mavellonialism a profoundly optimistic creed, under which it is asserted that the world makes sense. There is order, structure and a rational, guiding hand at work  in the affairs of humans.

It can be painful, but the struggle between good and evil is understandable and meaningful. Winning the fight for God and the Good Spirits could make living a rewarding experience--rewarding in terms of emotional satisfaction and in terms of getting into heaven.

Here Comes Mavllonialism

In the battle of ideas in modern days, the introduction of Mavellonialist values will be viciously attacked as its enemies seek to destroy it and its purveyors, but they can only imprison us for awhile. There is no holding us back for long, because we carry God's message to De's people, so desperately in need of guidance and answers.

Control The Language

Control the language used to communicate, and you are on your way to controlling the narrative as you get your message out there.

Their Money

It is none of your business how much money your neighbor has inherited or accrued. Go make your own and leave him alone.

Class Does Not Matter

The Left likes to divide us so that they can control us, and makes us all wards of the State. One way to divide us is to stress and identify all Americans by their class status and socioeconomic reality. This is done to advance the narrative of them versus us, the rich versus the poor, to spread the world that inequality, class envy and class warfare are pressing social concerns.

The individual citizen must cast off all identity or group labels that shackle him. The class that he is in now, or was born in, is irrelevant. It is but a bare reality for now, one that he is working to transcend as he amasses more wealth. Class for him is a steppingstone to further achievement, no a millstone around his neck convincing him that he can do nothing on his own to better himself.


Weary though you have become from standing up for what is right in this wicked world, you must not succumb to the temptation to seek to leave this world, to see comfort in death and escape in the next world--that comfort will come soon enough.

Remember that life is sacred. Our job is to stay and fight as long as it takes to win the battle, or until God calls you home, in De's own good time.


The maverizer will not conform to the ways of the world. As a good man, in that special, moderate way, he conducts himself as a fine person does, though he predictably is punished for rebelling against evil and excessive joiners.

Joiners, that have sold their souls to the Evil Spirits, cannot resist the temptation to fight, to attack and to break good nonconformists, who oppose and limit the spread of the power and influence.

Joiner enhance their social rank by hunting and destroying good nonconformists like this maverizer. Because they are weak and evil, they cannot resist the alluring suggestion from the netherworld that he is to be taken out.

The Good Person

You need the right set of values to live by. Then you have to practice these values through how you act. You must practice these values consistently, permanently.

You cannot set them aside when it is embarrassing, costly or inconvenient to practice them. You cannot put them on and discard them for worldly gain, to gain favor or popularity, when being promised material and social upgrading, or out of love of, loyalty to or fear of Evil Spirits.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Misuse Of The Truth

The Left seek to repeat the Statist propaganda to the public over and over again, until people come to believe its lies and exaggerations.

All lwe can do is keep speaking the truth over and over again until a majority catches on and joins our conservative cause.

Morally Good

To aspire to be and to be a good personal morally, you must obtain and adopt the right set of ethical principles, and the Good Spirits gladly will supply you with Mavellonialist ethics to guide and secure you.

Folow The Good Spirits

Love and serve the Good Spirits, and your reward will  be that your good soul will be permeated with good spirituality. Out of this good spirituality grows and extends moral goodness. One thing does lead to another.

Make A Profit

Make a holy profit and help an angel earn his wings.

Even If Lonely

Even if a loner is lonely and feels inferior to the groupists around him pressuring him, excluding him and putting him down, he must not surrender, give in and rejoin the group. He must stay apart. Once apart, he must maintain his individuating, his independence and hard-won independence.

He will not return to the group. Her will not surrender to evil and death. He has come to understand and accept that that he is a maverizing individualist meant to serve individualist God and the Good Spirits by staying separated from and distant from the mob.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

God, Have Mercy Psalm 51

Please be merciful towards us sinners as we backslide, under-perform and outright betray you: "Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me."

God Grant You These

God grant you and me love, wisdom, intelligence and holiness to be worthy to be referred a faithful, honored willing followers of God.

Women In The Military

They should be in combat as a last resort, but they should all serve in the military, as well as all men and even 3rd gender people.


It is not thinking: rather it is group mental unity, a whimsical, felt way of choosing and it means neither individualists nor the world well.

Flake Goes Flaky

So Corker, Flake and McCain are RINO Republicans showing public, terrible disrespect for our Commander In Chief, the Donald.

Donald is a mouth ass who is an embarrassment and has some dictatorial tendencies. We need to make him more conservative and more republican, but, he is still doing a lot of good. The RINOS to be primaried and run out of office by Bannon and the TEA Party, never talked about Obama this way.

Obama was a very evil man, and did great damage, transforming America into Ameritopia. Obama is a demon and yet these RINOS had no problem with him.

This goes to show that it is an evil world, run by Satan, and groupists members of the Establishment like the RINOs, also basically evil, are less upset and outraged by the wicked destruction of a Leftist than by an insecure, out-of-control yammering Donald, who likely is not very wicked, but his optics and irritating theater turn off millions.

They know, on some level, that Donald is the crude RINO front-runner for hard-core, noble conservatism that will follow him, and it scares the crap out of them. They are evil and part of the old system and they viciously seek to obliterate the symbol of the conservative reform tide to come--that is they group that they detest the most.

Gun-Wielding For The LGBT Community

They are quoted on Facebook as learning to handle guns to protect themselves against white supremacists. Well, three responses. First, there are about 2000 white supremacists, sick, twisted, fringe nuts that they are. They could not hurt an armed LGBT community running into the millions of members.

Second, when all use guns, in creates a rough equality between friends and between enemies. When all use guns and love guns, perhaps they can be converted into a trained, organized militia--God's army to protect the homeland, and to protect the people against tyrannical feds.

Third, the group that will need to be repelled are the Left, should Obamacare become Obamaland, and those secret police and state police will abuse and terrorize the people--including the LGBT community.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


We humans are beasts, beasts.We are depraved because Satan is half angel and half beast. He is a natural beast.

If you wish to conquer your wicked, beastly, basic self, you need to be much less groupist, and begin to live as an individuated individuator. Become less beastly, and more angelic as are the Good Spirits.


Is it a fallacy to assume that an abstract noun refers to something real and concrete? Maybe in some cases, but I do believe that universals are real in that the idea is given to us by God, and though the actual name attributed to the idea is arbitrary  (but later used by all), the abstraction may refer back to the spiritual/ideational source that is spiritually existing.


Do a Google Search on the word Mavellonialism. Many entries come up. Do a Wikipedia search on this same word and they respond that such word does not exist. What is going on here? Do I neeed to hire a lawyer or publicist to fight Wikipedia to get my philosophy admitted and known? I should fight Wikipedia on this.

Am I blocked by Leftists, groupists and powerful elites in the status quo that have isolated and suppressed my writings so that the common people. Probably.

I am not getting the name recognition that I have earned and deserve.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Lurching Left

It is hard to know how sick and corrupt we are as a nation. We lose our historical perspective. Levin tonight was lambasting Republicans for not just lowering tax rates across the board and reducing the debt and reducing the size of the government.

As the Democrats have become radicalized and socialized, Republicans have become very liberal. All are big government advocates, and they are dooming our greatest nation.

We have lost our way. We need to return to the size of federal government that existed in 1882--yes, Barack, we need to go back to the 19th century to return to our political and economic roots, the source of liberty and prosperity.

Abstract Thinking

Thinking is more good, and feeling is more evil, although there are many good, felt impulses, while serial killers can use logic, and careful planning to maximize the damage they do.

Still, thinking leads us to God. God and the Good Spirits not only feel brilliantly and originally, but they are thinkers and intellectual of the first rank, on a divine plane.

Abstract thinking will set us free, and make our individuated living much more successful.

Psalm 50

Herein Yahweh chides his people that the acceptable sacrifice cannot just be surface piety, but must include genuine ethics, real reverence and praise of God: "Offer to God praise as your sacrifice and fulfill your vows to the Most High; Then call upon me in times of distress; I will rescue you, and you shall glorify me." Psalm 50, 14-15

Be moral, praise God by glorifying De with sincere sacrifice, and then your offering will well received: Do evil and abandone God and you will reap the whirlwind: "Consider this, you who forget God, lest I rend you and there be no one to rescue you. He that offers praise as a sacrifice glorifies me; and to him that goes the right way I will show the salvation of God." Psalm 50, 22-23

California, Once More

California just recognized a 3rd gender. According to the urban dictionary, gender is a state of mind, and sex is a what genitalia that one is born with, either male or female. Sex is what what , and is is also one's gender. This is from God, natural law and the Constitution. Leftists playing footsie to destroy the West by blurring gender roles to grow boys into masculine men, and grow girls into feminine but liberated women.

These aberrant abominations will not stand.

Ryan, Get Going

According  to AWR Hawkins today, as noted in Breitbart, Ryan is holding up two gun rights bills: national reciprocity for conceal carry and the Hearing Protection Act. We gun rights citizens, our our advocacy groups, need to hold Ryan's feet to the fire to get these passed now, before we run out of time.

Hawkins reports that the mass murdering in Las Vegas has not swayed Americans towards gun control on proposed gun control laws on the "assault weapon" ban, universal background checks, a ban on bump stock, a ban on semiautomatic guns and a ban on "high capacity: magaznines. This is good news.

We have a natural right to bear arms and defend ourselves, and this blessedly is encoded in our Constitutional under the Second Amendment. If mass murderers decide to break the law, all the gun control laws in the world do little or nothing to contain them. It is all a ruse to limit gun rights for clean-living, law-abiding Americans and that cannot be allowed to gain ground.

Putin in Drudge Report

He warned about supermen soldiers that feel no fear, nor pain nor compassion so they could butcher millions and feel no remorse whatsoever.

I do not dismiss his warnings as silly. I regard them as possible and doable, eventually. What we need are supermen and superwomen soldiers of God whose individuating makes them feel no fear nor pain while still connected to the Good Spirits, ethics and compassion. They are best line of defense against future cyborg killer warriors.

Holy Profits

I sincerely believe that God commands us to make holy profits: that solid, wealthy material base will set the stage for God to return to run the world, with a high civilization, both humanist and God-centered, in place to prepare us to accept the return of the Good Spirits.

Quantum Computers

It sounds like this new level of computing speed and multiple platforms of doing diverse and interrelated functions at the same time is something that the Chinese government is perfecting now, though an actual quantum computer is still years away.

I have often urged Americans to individuate and Maverize. The application of Mavellonialist technique has real survival and competitive advantages in the commercial and national security arenas--should officials ever adopt it.

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Many are repulsed by what they  conceive of is  my smug assertion that I have all the answers. i do not have all the answers but I have enough of them as God's prophet to make it worth my enemies time to listen and heed, to the benefit of all.

The Qualification

My nephew is a Libertarian intellectual that posted on Facebook that taxation is theft. Excessive taxation and progressive taxation are theft, but we all need to pay some taxes to make government function. That is our civic duty to keep the gears of government turning.

An UnPleasant World

The world is often a jungle, an unfriendly and unpleasant place where no one seems trustworthy or allied with you. The need  for ethics is huge in this setting. One definition of ethics could be: to make the world a little more pleasant to live in.

Why They Move On

One of the primary causes of workers moving on and on, never staying very long at a job is that most workplaces are havens for joiners. They do not accept or treat loners very well. Loners are worked harder, have to meet a higher standard, and they face double standards. They are the last hired and the first fired.

If loners were allowed to work  without being harassed, in most work places, their tendency to move on would plummet.

One In Every Neighborhood

Anecdotally, many people, that do not know each other, have said the same thing to me. Our block, nearby community and the immediate neighborhood is a great place to live--except for one jerk that is miserable and territorial. He gets along with no one, fights with everyone and is disliked even hated by everyone. Since his unpopularity does not rise to the level of lawbreaking, they cannot run him, and so he becomes a disliked fixture in that neighborhood.

Now, these allegedly troublemakers may be good people, or they may just be jerks. They may be the victim of neighborhood, organized hostility by a bunch of mean, united joiners that have ganged up on him. They may be nice people that he is just nasty towards.

Without doing the research in each unique case, it is hard to generalize that most neighborhood fights are between a joiner and a loner, or a clique of joiners against a loner, but that is my conjecture. It may be the case that this the case in the majority of instances. If the joiners in the neighborhood had training in Mavellonialist techniques for dealing with a loner in their midst, it is my educated assumption that peace would break out in a lot of conflicted neighborhoods.

Grim Me

I am not at all a happy-go-lucky person, but I finally see the appeal and the advantage to adopting that attitude or some like carrying a positive attitude. We should take life and our responsibilities seriously, but we should not take ourselves seriously.

Dennis Prager is likely the leading authority on earth about how to get happy and stay happy, so just follow Prager U and he can guide you to a more cheerful outlook, even if you never quite make it to the happy-go-lucky outlook


If you hang around people long enough and watch for trends and patterns, they begin to emerge. Just as tradespeople in Germany during the Third Reich years treated Jewish and gypsy customers very differently and poorly in comparison to "normal" people in the majority, so did white tradespeople in the South snub and refuse to do business with oppressed blacks, even though it often was not profitable to so exclude them.

As a great soul and individuator, I have often  noticed that the chiropractor, the dentist, the doctor and the carpenter give me a much harder time than they give their regular customers. They want and love money, but not as much as they hate and resent dealing with and providing care or service to a maverizer. They are much more inclined to switch and bait, to rip off, or make service difficult for such customers.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Manager

I work with a manager, a very talented woman in her 40s. She is a gifted violinist and loves to ride her stable horse for recreation and release. They have no children but have a strong marriage. She tells me that her husband gently resents the tranquility and happiness that time spent playing the violin and riding her horse. These leisure activities give her great solace, comfort, peace and happiness.

Her husband must be devoted to her. He made the sentient remark that that happiness that she derives from  these leisure activities are a different and separate kind of happiness that he cannot provide her. He likely would never be jealous of her for talking to another man (she is religious and deeply faithful), but he is jealous of her separate self, doing her own thing, a kind of happiness producer that has nothing to do with him, no matter how he reacts to it.

So, I am going to go out on a limb and label this fine woman an individuator. She is also a very successful businesswoman, manager, budget-wielder and boss to 60 college educated employees.

As I often alert the reader, my philosophy largely grows out of the experiences I have enjoyed, and lessons learned from the people that I have met.

What she has taught me is that an individuator lives two lives at once. The first role played is that of a parent, partner, spouse and community member. What she does in that area demands much of her time, energy, love and handling abilities.

What time she has left is dedicated to her passions, her interests. These activities deepen and develop her personality. They give her an opportunity to explore her personality, her soul, her aptitudes, and expanding the thresholds of her talent. These opportunities will take her away from everyone else, but they will provide her with a type of happiness and contentment that are very unique and totally satisfying.

All individuators are moderate (note that this woman excels in the world of art and music as well as inthe busness world), so she will still be a parent, a partner, a spouse and a community member. Indeed, time spent away, developing and exercising the self like she exercises her horse, will enrich her relationships with the dear others in her life as she returns to the close friends, the community, etc.

8 Foot Fences

Stephen Paddock, the mass murderer, wanted high fences so his neighbors could not see him, and they fought through public officials to prevent him from building an high fence.

When people are loners, or just want privacy or just not to see obnoxious or nosy neighbors, they want to build a fence between the two properties. Often they want to build 8 feet high to give them more privacy, but local ordinances limit the height to 6 feet. As a loner that has built privacy fences to keep joiner, hostile neighbors at bay, I wish that people could build 8 foot fences because it would help keep discriminating, bossy, snoopy quarrelsome joiner neighbors at bay, and help the loner enjoy his home and yard in peace and quiet, and so his home is his safe haven. It would prevent fighting from escalating into open war, even violence. Better a cold peace than the police being called.

Several people have informed me that there is one bad neighbor in every neighborhood that no one likes or can get along with.  The majority of these unpleasant people might be unpleasant joiners, disliked by other neighbors that have formed a clique, but I doubt it is so in most situations.

'More likely this unpopular, unpleasant neighbors that fights with everyone is a loner among joiners, and they clumsily, socially discriminate against him, not even realizing what they are doing. Where loners meet joiners, clashes inevitably erupt, and joiners are everywhere, and in the great numerical majority, so loners have a tough row to hoe. What percentage of these neighborhood disputes arise from individuals fighting groupists surrounding and harassing him?

We need to be able to build 8 foot fences until groupists neighbors are socialized to leave individualists alone if quiet and peace, until they are ready to be social for awhile again.

Interlachen Road

I take a short cut through Edina with the company van when I have to work in the western suburbs on a Wednesday morning. Gridlock shuts down Highway 110 going north so I bail on 50th street, working my way to Interlachen Rd which eventually comes out at Highway 7, my shortcut for getting to the Western suburbs.

I use the road weekly but this past Wednesday was like I saw the street, really saw it for the first time. This rich enclave of rich Edina, for a mile or so, is graced with million dollars homes--maybe more--that have walls all around the yard. Some of them have done the same thing with shrubbery.

One would have to be hammerheaded not to notice how unusual such a degree of privacy that is demanded here. Most suburban houses in Minnesota may have a wood fence in the back yard to hold in small children and pets, but it is unusual to detect 6 foot wood fences between houses running to the front sidewalk or the front curb. You can drive for blocks in Bloomington and not observe such a fence.

I think I know what is going on here. The rich or very upper class are more individualistic. Their superior abilities or superior work ethic has made them more exceptional and less normal. Their wealth has launched them out of the middle class group-living routine--of course these are general remarks with many exceptions. Still, excellence in money-making, in high professional status, or celebrity status gained as a writer or inventor--these blessing carry the price of making the high achiever more isolated and more of a loner, relatively speaking, than the average achiever.

What does the severe privacy demanded by those residents on Interlachen Road tell us about human nature? It informs us that semi-individuated people, like the millionaires along that road require more privacy and separation from the herd. They require it, they want it, and they get it.

For me, this discovery of such concentrated, emphasized individualism on display right here in Minnesota is an empirical corroboration of my own philosophy that predicts that very high achievers become inevitably isolated from the masses, and they want to be so isolated, and their personality gravitates towards living alone. It also suggests that living alone triggers the tendency to seek to self-actualize.

If we would fence off all our houses on all sides from the neighbors, these neighborhoods would be cold places, but the level of communal achievement would skyrocket.

Now, if you drive around Lake Harriet and observe that those millionaire mansions are open on the front to the rich people living there being viewed by thousands of walkers, drivers and bikers going around the lake just 200 feet away. This seems to disprove my theory just as Interlachen Rd. supports it.

My guess is that Minneapolis was founded and run by British Isles types, the Scandinavians and the Germans. Their sense of civic pride and involvement over 100 to 150 years ago may not have nurtured that level of the pursuit of individualism.

If the homes on Interlachen Road came much later-say 60 to 70 years ago-- the neighborhood mores may have been utterly different from the Park Avenue in Minneapolis where the rich were not secluded from their neighbors.

Bad Diversity?

Constitutional conservatives deplore multiculturalism as a main means of Obama and the Left fundamentally transforming America. Therefore, from our point of view, multiculturalism is a pernicious influence in America and must be reversed and opposed.

We do need and multi-ethnic groups of Americans, but we require a mono-culture, the traditional American values, to halt the creep of foreign and multicultural attacks on our greatest way of life.

How do I square my opposition to multiculturalism with my advocacy of moderation? The way that I reconcile these conflicting ideas is to suggest that I can be a moderate while choosing sides--American mono-culturalism as our way of life while rejecting and suppressing multicultural encroachments in our society.

The moderate does not land mathematically right in the middle. If the Left is 0 and the right is 6, the middle of the road on this multicultural issue--or any other issue--is 4 or 4.5.

The moderate has a majority emphasis (American mono-culturalism) and and a minor emphasis for multiculturalism (it can be enjoyed by ethnics at home).

Once we have taken America back and made it great again, a little more multicultural influence could be safely tolerated.

Drudge And Faith

Millennials are abandoning traditional religions in droves for witchcraft and astrology acoridng to Drudge Report today.

Many doubt that God exists, and we proselytizers must fight that. Many believe that we can have morals without God, and that must be rejected as Prager has so articulately laid out.

The old faiths must change or die, and we are in transition to new faiths, so I am not as disturbed as many by the young reaching out for faith in many places and forms. We have a soul apiece, and we crave divine conversation, presence, guidance, love and instruction to order our world, and to give  us meaning and purpose.

How people find that faith--as long as the spirits behind the astrology are Good Spirits and not Evil Spirits, or the witches serve the Mother and the Father but not Lera and Satan--then the religion investigated, adopted and followed is morally and spiritually acceptable.


Constitutional Conservatives like me are accused and demonized by the hard Left as being racist, bigoted and white supremacists.

To equate nonviolent, peaceful, legal conservatives like I am with Nazi thuggery and evil is another example of those that are Communist and totalitarian in their tactics and strategy seeking to intimidate, silence and brutalize into submission we conservatives with a reform agenda.

My response. Take a hike. We will fight if attacked. We will be coming right at the Left to their faces, behind their backs in Court, in the Press, in Congress, at the ballot boxes, in Hollywood, in Academia and in social media. We will win the fight but they are vicious, despotic liars that will make it rough  for us on the way to ultimate victory.

Out Of Europe

There are some ape teeth found by researchers in Germany that appear to to be 9.7 years old and may suggest that humanity came out of Europe, and not out of Africa after all.

Before we overreact and do a lot of hand-wringing over this fantastic discovery and all the disturbing things that it implies, we need to show interest and suspend judgment. Science is marvelous but the phony science of global warming being debunked should lead us to move slowly before accepting a sea change rewriting of human history based on this new theory of origins growing out of disturbing but not conclusive evidence.

Allow A Little Variance

We have a legal tradition, a wise one, in America of separation of church and state. Some legal scholars testify that this is not in the Constitution, and maybe these thinkers are correct. If it is not in the Constitution, we should pass an Amendment to put it in. Yes, I know, that would never get in.

Now from  my nonexistent handbook on moderation as applied to worldly concerns, it is written in the second paragraph on Page 17, that interpreting the US Constitution, requires some judgement, give, mercy and common sense, so that we know when to judge in favor of the letter of the law interpretation versus the spirit of the law interpretation and application.

Where a breach is major, patent and dangerous (like Obama through execcutive orders doing legislating, a strictly Congressional power under the Constitution), the letter of the law should apply immediately and swiftly in court.

Where the Constitutional violation is harmless (Printing In God We Trust on the side of police cars) or some village in South Dakota with mangers and baby Jesus on the ground of city hall, then we do not want atheist fanatics and the ACLU suing to spirit-of-the-law local enjoyment of minor, insignificant breaching our separation of church and state Constitutional arrangement.

Where Muslims in America use sharia law courts to flout the Constitution, that rises to the level of letter of the law Constitutional breaching that cannot be countenanced. Should I run for President and be elected, and seek to assume dictatorial powers, and make Mavellonialism the official state religion for all of America, that radical breach of the separation-of-church-and-state would have to be aggressively blocked while I was impeached and run out of office.

We need to know when to wink and look the other way, and when to enforce rigidly all infractions of the legal letter of the law situations.

The Silocon Valley of Agriculture

My brother Tom listed a Facebook article on the remarkable amount of fruits and vegetables being exported from Netherlands, a tiny country. It is from National Geographic and is a most promising development.

I propose that we allow peoples around the world to individual-live more than group-live, and train the young to self-realize, and then these microcosms of growth, wealth, ingenuity and expanded technology and ideational innovation would set up by the hundreds and thousand around the globe. This could be an important, vital cultural shift in paving the way to local culture developing into a high civilization.

There are three thoughts that come to mind. First, it is a most impressive accomplishment. Second, it gives me hope that these bastions of micro-agriculture will be able by 2050 to feed our population of 10 billion people. Third, it is another example of pockets of ingenuity in diverse populations. For example, some island peoples in the Caribbean love baseball, so their native farm teams provide a disproportionate number of players of professional baseball on the mainland. If only we could excite those in Puerto Rico or Haiti to develop some local brilliance and expertise that would lead humanity in new discoveries while at the same time generating jobs and wealth for the local people.

Psalm 49

This Psalm is a lecture to humans to forsake not their primary interest in, love for and devotion to Yahweh. Worldly riches will not be taken with them after death, and it cannot be used to redeem their way into heaven--indeed, it is implied that worldly wealth may lead them right down to hell.

It could, but being prudent, we apply the law of moderation. We need to work and acquire worldly wealth to take care of ourselves materially, and to be happy and enjoy life. We need enough wealth to have a sound financial foundation from which to launch our life of individuating.

After that point is reached then obsessing about amassing worldly wealth could be a vain and sinful pursuit. Money is a tool not an end, and can be used for good or evil.

If one is poor but evil in the world, then one can burn. If one is rich but good in the world, then one can b saved. Wealth is a tool wield by the willful intent of the wielder--so land on the right side of things.

Friday, October 20, 2017

The Globalist

Pope Francis is coming out aganst nationalism, in favor of globalism. Sure, Francis, just wait we need--a one world government so Satan can rule this world openly. Thank you for spouting off.

Learning, Learning

Ever learn and learn more. You cannot know to much. You knowledge and experience help you choose wisely, and how to avoid evil and champion good.

White Privilege

White privilege does not account for white success. It is white values: it is the love of liberty, self-sufficiency, self-reliance, hard work, activism, individual living and willingness to make a profit. This list is not exhaustive but it is illuminating.

If you love God and work hard as De commands you to do, if you apply these white values, then you will enjoy all the success and wealth accumulation that you need to live well. You earned your success.

You no longer need to whine about inequality. You no longer have to have the feds confiscate the wealth of the achievers and redistribute it to whiny, parasitic drones like you. Class envy and class warfare become irrelevant, because you, with action and the right values, you will do so well that your merited achievement will be earned, not based on privilege.

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Is there the Absolute, Unlimited, unchanging, forever reality, supreme deity or ultimate truth out there that exists. Maybe. If they exist, they would not be knowable by us, most likely.

Absolute Truth

Does it exist? As a a moderate I doubt it, but if it does, only Fate knows and understands what is absolutely true or absolutely false. God, the angels and maybe smart, educated humans can know and understand very high probability truth and very high probability falsehood, and these  exist and are accessible to us.

Abandoning The Kurds

The Kurds of Kurdistan deserve a homeland, but Trump apparently has abandoned them to imperialist strikes from Iran and Shia Irag. This is a crime against a great people and faithful American ally.

The Official Language

Yes, English should be the official language, serving as the linchpin for reasserting cultural dominance here of our traditional way of life.

Build The Wall

Build the wall on our southern border to keep illegal aliens, criminals, and terrorists from infiltrating our greatest nation. Close the border to protect our culture and way of life from invading multiculturalism.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Psalm 49--The Vanity Of Worldly Riches

One of my profound disagreements with Christianity, Judaism and almost all the world faiths is their false, mistaken contrast between world riches and otherworldly, holy poverty.

This violate my core spiritual and ethical beliefs in 3 important ways. How can these ancient world religions, each claiming to be the one true faith, while violating what is true and good under Mavellomialist principles?

The law of moderation informs us that a stance that is pure, extreme and all or none is wicked and from Satan.

Yahweh, Christ and probably Allah and Buddha all see being of the world and wealth accumulation as pure evil, and to be immaterial and other-worldly. But I teach that the good and holy person is a follower of rational religion, and is more otherworldly than worldly, and is more immaterial than material, while announcing that each child of light must  have plenty of money and things, and be savvy and competent in the world, navigating the ways of the world to keep the predators and the wicked at bay My recommendation is moderate and moral but it contradicts directly what the divine founders of the great traditional faiths preached. How is this to be resolved? They are great and good, but had to put ideas in more dumbed-down, extreme, primitive all or none, black or white terms to nudge a wicked, primitive, uneducated unwashed humanity to slowly attempt to progress and come up for air.

The second natural law that is flouted by traditional faiths is the emphasis on the superiority of collective economics, self-sacrifice and communal ownership of everything.

The second natural law of Mavellonialism is that traders, bankers, artisans, laborers should work for compensated wages and profits that generate wealth and a prosperous standard of living through out the community. Prosperous people are better behaved and now have some leisure time to ponder maverizing and leading the advanced life.

The third law of Mavellonialism that is dismisses outright under the great traditional faith is egoistic ethics. If people were not told that self-denial was a virtue, and that self-assertion is a sin, then individualism could be front and center, not group issues and collective decision-making.

Under Psalm 49, the Psalmist warns the rich and worldly that they will burn in hell, and that their weakth will not open the gates of heaven for them once they die: Psalm 49, 6-10: "Why should I fear in evil days when my wicked ensnarers ring me round? They trust in their wealth; the abundance of their riches is their boast.Yet in no way can a man redeem himself, or pay his own ransom to God. Too high is the price to redeem one's life; he would never have enough to remain alive always and not see destruction."

He cannot buy immortal live with his stash.

Love God

Love God so spiritual goodness flows to you and through you,

Now Is The Time

Now is the time for you to meet God, to answer De's call to maverize. If you do not take the right step in the right direction today, you likely never will. What are you waiting for? There comes a time when you must act while there is still an open window of opportunity, The time to dawdle, to analyze and to hesitate is over.

No moment for making momentous decisions is perfect, or ideal. Right now is the opportune moment--come to life and make the leap to leading a God-centered life. It may be your last chance.

Standard Of Living

You should be well-off, even a little cushy. A little materialism and a little capitalism go a long way towards serving as a great base for maverizing and serving God. Make your pile while serving the Good Spirits. Profits are good for the soul.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Never Great

Colin Kaepernick declares that American will never be great again, because it never was great. What a mouthy punk. He should be a Professor with a PhD at Columbia University mouthing such filth.

It is a fact that America is the greatest nation the world has ever known; what makes someone like Kaepernick tick that he hates this greatest and best nation so much, that he believes the lies that he espouses, and he works tirelessly to destroy this lovely nation?

Like other members of the elite, he has a lasting resentment of common, working people here that do the work, make the country function, pay the bills, pay the taxes, and fight in her wars. That liberty-loving middle class people are free, independent, incurious and defiant of the dictums and opinions from elitists like Kaepernick is an affront to their self-appointed role to rule and kick around the inferior masses.That affront is one that they will not forgive. They are animated by a deep loathing of free, happy, prosperous capitalists. They scheme endlessly to destroy their country, gut their Constitution, make all wards and slaves of an ever-expanding state and to reduce a free people to cowering serfdom right out of the Middle Ages.

These motives are what make Colin tick, and we need to tell him to his face--him and his kind--to go to hell, and to fight each and every encroachment every time.

Then we go on offense to shrink the government, restore the constitutional republic, close the borders and build our supercitizen, Mavellonialist world. That will torque Colin off so he can go to Cuba and enjoy Havanna.

Free College?

There should not be free college for anyone and here is why.

1. Our young people need to learn to make it on their own--so doing makes them sturdy individualists and solid citizens.
2. We cannot afford the old entitlements. We need to balance the budget and pay off our national debt. New entitlements like Obamacare and free universal college will tank the country when the government cannot meet its bills, already, nearly 21 trillion dollars.
3. What we get free does not build character. We need smart, credentialed, disciplined, hard-working and self-made college graduates. They are the citizens and leaders of tomorrow.

What Brings Out The Best In You?

What brings out the best in you? If there are philosophies like Maveloonialism and holy, loving people that you can associate that can nudge you towards a life of goodness and holiness, go that way.

What will bring out the worst in you? Moving in cliques, growing big government, following progressive policies and living as altruists--these policies are unhelpful. Let them go.

Sneer At Me

Go ahead sneer at me. Mock me to my face. Make sure that everyone turns their back on me, and pretends that I do not exist. Trash talk me to the neighbors.

We will see who makes it in the long run. In the afterlife, we will see what God has to say about it all.

Your Role

Do you mend and fix the world? Do you restore what is damaged? Or are you a vandal, a desecrator, a flame-thrower that burns things down?If you live to inflict damage, it is obvious that you work for the Bad Spirits.

A Healthy Fatalism

I am an activist and suggest that the vigorous, engaged lifestyle out there in the world is the maverized life. Having said that, as one gets a little older, one learns that there are reverses, disappointments and setbacks that one cannot whitewash, go around or do much to ameliorate.

Ones has to quietly calmly embrace the new reality with full acceptance (not acceptance of giving up or giving in, but accepting that the change is here, really hurts and is a permanent condition). Overcoming or dealing with the setback is a psychic way of making lemonade out of a lemon.

One can and should remain and activist, move, improve, love, create, intellectualize and progress, but the unwelcome changes are now part of one's set of tools for repairing the creature called chaos that life has dumped on one.

The Prudent Man

As a rule, each adult should great care in how he goes forward. A moral person is brave but cautious, not impulsive, but willing to act boldly and immediately when needed, or in an emergency.

He is considerate but assertive, rational but sympathetic. He is an egoist but is concerned with the welfare of others. He is a skilled, able technician. He is an intellectual and idealist, but operates well in the real world. His world is structured, organized and well-planned, while accepting that following hunches, changing direction without notice, adjusting to chaos and randomness.

He is prudent and operates with great care, though spontaneous upon occasion.

Sunday, October 15, 2017


So, you feel that you are better than anyone else! Well, God people to be equally valuable, and about as smart as one another and about as sinful as one another.

So, feel superior, but it is an illusion. And it is an attitude insulting and offensive to others, and to the Good Spirits that do not approve of or associate with haughty, discourteous subordinates. If, through genetics, circumstances of birth or hard work, you are a little smarter, a little richer and a little better than most people--yes, there are always those greater than yourself--be proud of what you are and have become, but treat others with courtesy and personal attention, for with training and hard work, most of them can get as far as you have gotten, or maybe land a little farther ahead.

Pressure Helps

If good, common people get involved, and push hard enough, long enough, without relenting, they will take over the system, restore sanity to the government and stabilize the celebration and living our our constitutional republic with all that it offers.

Why Do They Not Unite?

Why don't Republicans unite, stick together and vote as an unanimous block like to Democrats in Congress? There are several reasons.

First, a wholesome, healthy unity demands principled, commanding leaders that followers will follow, and vote with. Does Mitch inspire this? No.

Second, principled followers must be willing to unite behind a good cause like voting for conservative legislation. Congress is filled with Republicans that are weak, selfish, cowardly, lazy and disunited. They will not unite a a block.

Third, those that do not vote as a block and do the  circular firing squad routine against their own people do so for this reason. They hate conservatives and the little people finally getting involved. To thwart the votes, to discourage them and make them feel feckless and powerless--so they will quit lobbying the government-- the disunited, entrenched Republican politicians keep them at bay while further enriching themselves, and increasing their power and influence with lobbyists and other intelligentsia populating the swamp.

Fourth, insider, establishment Republicans are still not utterly rotten like the Democrats are. As lip-service individualists, pro-capitalist and pro-limited government, the Establishment Republicans  like making up their own mind and going their own way like the maverick, traitor McCain.

As principled conservatives instead, they could  independent and think for themselves while still working together and voting together to advance Trump's agenda.

Fifth, the remarkable unity practiced by the Democrats is an ominous development for our country. The Progressives have purged themselves of nonconformists, Jackson Democrats and Reagan Democrats. They are now a mob, a fanatical, humorless pack of committed socialists that have sold their souls to Satan in exchange for worldly power. They hope to erect and rule, under the mantle of justice, equality and fairness, a socialist, totalitarian dictatorship, Stalinist in intent, with a bloated federal apparatus controlling every aspect of private life forever.

Saturday, October 14, 2017

The Absolute

The Absolute is likely, never ascertainable with full understanding by humans. And that is fine. We are to know, love, worship, obey, understand and serve God and that is enough.

Comprehending the full nature of the Absolute/Fate/the Nothingness is beyond our ken. We have not the IQ, the descriptive language, the mathematical models, nor the imaginaiton to grasp the essence of the Absolute.

Worry not about it. Fussing about it will not bring you happiness, nor save your soul.

Bless The Entrepreneur

The entrepreneurial spirit is blessed by God for two reasons. First, it is the individual as an individualist, that demonstrates the entrepreneurial spirit, risking all of his wealth in an economic venture for profit. God wants more and more individualists that maverize and do God's work; running a business is an excellent introduction to living God's way.
Second, the entrepreneur generates lots of wealth in the community and society as a whole, and that ripples out to create prosperity for many. A prosperous people are a materially satisfied people, and such people see entrepreneurs as heroes, so living as individualists and making money are akin to maverizing, a most godly activity. For this reason, God approves of and blesses the entrepreneur.


So you, Mr. and Mrs. Progressive, worship the federal government. Just remember, that you can only worship one deity at at time. If you worship a dark and wicked deity, you have abandoned God, a treachery that will not go well for you in the afterlife.

If you worship God, then you cannot worship the federal government. If progressivism is your religion, and the government and/or society are your deities, you, however unwittingly, are following Lera and her Evil Spirits.

Now that you know, is that  how you want to be remembered, and is that still  your intent. Answer very carefully, for the future of your soul depends upon your answer.
No it should not be illegal to desecrate the American flag, but the scumbag flag-abusers should be denounced, shunned and economically boycotted.

God Is

God is and is the only reason that you have made it this far. But you can get quite a bit farther, largely on your own if you determine to do so, serve God and maverize.


Yes, homeowners should have the right to use lethal force on intruders, especially inside the home. Criminals have rights but their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness ends during the commitment of a felony, advises Mark Walters.

Now a drunk entering the wrong house, or a family member coming home late, or a sales-person working houses after dark--these exceptions are legitimate exemptions. But, generally, the victimized homeowner should be able to blast away any creep forcing his way into her home, and the police, judges, juries and prosecutors should give them wide latitude if not a pass, stop intruders dead when necessary.


Susan Collins likely will run for the Senate again, and looks forward to working across the aisle in a bipartisan fashion. Can someone primary this RINO fraud?

Girls To Be Admitted To The Boy Scouts

I guess I do not mind that girls are in boys' clubs or vice versa. What is diabolical about this is that the Left is attacking Western culture and American culture on a thousand fronts at one time. They aim to wipe out the European, Western, Caucasian and American values altogether. Our culture is dying the death of a thousand cuts. The wickedness, rage and hatred by the Left of all things Western is shocking and alarming. These grim, cheerless and unhappy people want a socialist dictatorship and all liberty gone. That is the only solution they have. If they can indoctrinate our children in school to hate their tradition, flag and anthem, they win. If they blur the gender lines between girls and boys, then without gender, there can be no individual core upon which to build a personal life of liberty, prosperity and happiness. That is why they want girls in boys clubs. It has little to do with gender equality, the ruse under which they inflict collective tyranny upon society. We conservatives much fight back hard and loud and long to regain control of America.

Yes, Mark

Levin keeps pounding on us to be consistent, to never abandon our conservative principles.

This sage advice applies not only in the field of politics, but in the world of ethics, personally, generally and globally.

The ethical principles that guide us should grow out of the Ten Commandments, out of egoism, out of the Golden Rule, and with a touch of teleological intent that our actions must advance God's cause and be such as the Good Spirits would approve of what we are up to.

We seek to act well much of the time--we are sinners, weak, we fall down like the backsliders that we are--and do so to be consistent with our principles, and that is moral goodness and ethics in action.

Friday, October 13, 2017

No, Maxine

No, Maxine Waters, housing for all is not a human right guaranteed by the goverment. Nor is health care, a minimum wage or a college education.

The think the right to work is a human right, or at least it is a human duty for us to make money by working and to support ourselves.

We do not want the government involved in much of anything, and all these soft, social Roosevelt rights are to be met by the individual by working and making money to care for his own needs.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The Main Problem

Prager notes that evil in the world is our most serious problems, and we must confront it on all fronts all the time. He accuses the Left of worrying about classism, environmentalism, racism, climate change and social injustice, but not immoral pushes.

Dennis is right as usual.

If we defeat evil in our time, all secondary concerns will dwindle in their threat capacity.

All Men, all White

This is how Michelle Obama describes the Republican Party, as if all conservatives are Nazis, white supremacists and are heartless bigots.

How narrow and wrong can someone be?


There is a growing movement to force McConnell and his buddies to resign. They have done nothing to advance the conservative cause.

We can only hope.

It is my fear that McConnell is deliberately dragging his feet to thwart the people and the conservative reform, because these two groups are ones that insider progressives and Chamber Of Commerce Big Government Rpublicans, like McConnell and cronies, truly despise. They are the swamp and they want to raise the water level, not drain it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Take A Stand

You are not Kentucky blue grass growing out on the berm. You are to face what is going on and take a firm, loud, coherent, public stand on declaring what is wrong and is to be opposed, or what is right and receives the green light treatment.


The great soul looks at the earth, the world and social reality. He forges and reshapes reality and the world to be in life with his dream. This is as it should be at along as he does the right thing, in service to God.


Go ahead and individuate. Once Mavellonialism catches on, having a life, a social life, some friends and love relationships are all possible while essentially still doing your own thing most of the time.

All Are Ethical

Each thought, word and deed is not just true or false, or exists or does not exist. There is a moral category that is ontologically real. Each word, thought or deed that are  spoken, thought or doing have a moral status naturally and spiritually categorizing each happening.

In light of these realities, ethics is all. Each happening is right or wrong, even while it is or is not, and is true or false.

our Destiny

Can you assert with exactitude and certainty that your destiny is inescapable? I do not agree that your destiny is your pre-ordained, unalterable fate. God, chance, nature, Satan and Fate do steer us in certain directions and that can be alluded to as one's destiny.

I believe we also have free will and a thinking mind. We can take what nature has given us, and head it in a direction that appeals to us, whether or not natural or supernatural forces are in agreement about the direction of our enterprise chosen.

Any and all of these powerful, influential forces that direct our chosen destiny may not be able to compel us to accept our lot in life, but there may be worldly or otherworldly repercussions for noncompliance.

Resign, Mitch

Breitbart reports tonight that many are calling for the resignation of Mitch and other Senate leaders that have done nothing but sin on their hands. Amen.

In Politics?

Should religion be in our politics? Directly no, but indirectly definitely. Separation of church and state, yes, but may all citizens, bureaucrats, judges and politicians should be God-centered.

Monday, October 9, 2017


The nonindividuator in his herd needs to be reborn as a God-centered, individuating individual that now individual lives. By answering God's call to maverize, he is being reborn and his willing it to be his destinyy is how he is self-reborn, or born again as an adult.

The Great-Souled Lament

My enemies are my enemies. My friends are my enemies to various degrees, proportionate to their level of joining and the wickedness of the pack whom they belong to.

Enhanced Humans?

Do humans require genetic engineering to keep pace with AI robots coming on line, a race of very bright creatures, created by humans, but whom may surpass, spurn and and turn on their masters? Do humans need to be bred with robots parts to make them able to compete with future robots? Do humans need to take fantastic drugs so that they can morph quickly and compete with the future robots?

These steps could be taken, but are unnecessary. Self-actualizing will physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally empower and enable each great soul to reify and activate her superhuman potential, allowing her to compete with anything that robots can throw at her.

The Lord Works In Mysterious Ways

The Lord works in mysterious ways. Amen to the sagacity inherent in this proverb.

Guided--Psalm 48, 15

God will guide you: "Our God forever and ever; he will guide us."

Picking Your Friends

May God help you pick your friends and your life partner.. May God warn you away from evil people. groupists seeking to lure you into the popularity game, against toxic people. May God warn you about social traps: they are tricky, numerous, alluring, disguised and wicked.

The cunning in this world ensnare the good, the free the innocent, the individualists and producers.

Select friends and soul mates that elevate not corrupt your soul.

Happy Columbus Day!

Get rid of statues, Columbus, Westernism and Americanism. The Left fights their cultural war to end the West, to end Chrisitanity, to extirpate Conservativism and to oppress and enslave if not eventually kill off whites.

It is time to go back to American monoculturalism, with ethnic diversity and closed borders. Save America. Save the West, and save yourselves.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Psalm 48, 2

Praise God for De has taken good care of you: "Great is the Lord and wholly to be praised in the city of our God."


These cult dictators set themselves up as the Absolute Rulers and Fathers of their nation to be worshiped without qualification, and to be obeyed unstintingly, and whose word should be adopted by followers as Gospel. Bullfeathers to that I say.

Absolutely True

There is likely only one absolute truth. Be moderate in all things. That a statement is objectively real and forever binding is not a position that I can embrace, or believe is metaphysically in existence.

David Frum

He said that one is a  bad parent if one owns guns. I disagree completely.

I would argue that you are a bad parent if you do not bring up your children with guns in the house, kept safe, but for the kids to train with. The Mother and the Father want their human children to raise children that are warrior princes and warrior princesses. This entails that children learn about courage, physical conditioning,, martial arts and the skillful use of weapons of many kinds, including firearms.

God's army will be courageous, assertive, civilized and peaceful, but armed to the teeth and able to overthrow their government should it lose its way towards tyranny. Foreign invaders beware of 150 million Americans armed to the teeth. You will not take the first beach in Oregon without suffering catastrophic casualties.

Such feisty, individuating, fearless, intelligent, questioning, armed supercitizens will turn this nation around, heading it towards greatness and excellence.

No, Mr. Frum, the Devil wants no guns in the house. God wants them and demands them, especially where there are 3 little kids underfoot.

Those capable of wielding and brandishing guns will be the most peaceful, civilized, law-abiding generation ever.

Bobby Jindal

Tonight he is quoted as urging that we pass term limits for all Washington members of Congresss of both parties. Great idea. It is one of the few ways to drain the swamp.

Trump's Team

The Tea Party sent out a questionnaire in which it asked if I was on Trump's team, and, yes, I am, as are all bonafide conservatives and constitutional conservatives--unless they are bitter Never-Trumpers.

My fear is that the Donald is a New York Republican, an actual RINO, and capable of swing very far to the Left to appease Schumer and Pelosi.

We are on his team, but is he on our team? Now, he is talking gun control. It never ends--the RINO betrayal of the Right.

We Can So Choose

We can choose not to be free and moral, but such election is immoral and suicidal.


Society illegally, fraudulently takes our speech our thought, our property, our wealth, our liberty and even our lives.


Our rights come from God first, and then from the state as expressed in our Constitution.

Page 40 and Page 41

The Brandens in their book, Who Is Ayn Rand, point out that the moral principles that humans follow determines the kind of society that they will create and the kind of laws that govern that society. The moral principles also determine the economic and political system that follow. Amen.

Egoism leads to democracy, capitalism and individualism whereas altruism leads to dictatorship and collectivism.

Add in Mavellonialist philosophy and egoist ethics will lead to capitalism, constitutional republicanism and the rise of supercitizens that are anarchist individuators.

Ed, The Social Scientist

I learn a lot from other thinkers, but much of my thoughts grow out of pondering about what I experience in everyday life. Interacting with others is the catalyst for my theorizing about people, about life, about the universe.

As a ontological moderate, it should not be surprising that I hold conflicting, contradictory views about  people. On one hand, people possess free will and each person is singular, unique.

On the other hand, there are overriding, natural laws that govern human behavior. How groups and individuals interact and clash is the obsession and fascination of my life. I try to uncover the genetically conditioned, archetypal roles undertaken and enacted over and over again, generation after generation, a complex, painful often tragic play and stage upon which rigid roles are adopted and carried through in the group versus loner interactions. These deterministic role-playing and behaviorial exchanges do much to constrict human liberty and truncate reaching out for happiness.

If we can get all to admit that they are sinners, and natural herders,and then, admit and accept that if they are in the herd (a joiner by choice, heredity or social assignation) and invariably, daily encounter loners and individualists of various degrees of greatness and independence exerted, that the encounter between joiners and loners is usually negative, then we have an ethical baseline for raising group consciousness about how to get along with and accept and tolerate each other.

What Would Jesus Say?

If you invited Jesus over for Sunday brunch, and mentioned Ed Ramsey and Mavellonialism, what would Jesus say?

I believe that Jesus would not impugn me, or have a problem with more modern, updated faiths. I believe that he would urge you to accept Mavellonialists and Mavellonialism into the fellowship of good faiths and good deities, and quit fussing about and competing against adherents of other good faiths.

He would advise you to individuate, love, create and be moderate, and to blend these virtues and theological doctrines with your traditional Christian faith. That way you can have the old and mix it with the new without too much clashing, uproar, confusion or ensuing panic.

Jesus would advise the followers of Allah, Buddha, Taoism and Wicca to accommodate Mavellonialists as Christians will need to and be required by God to assimilate.

Is God Lonely?

I would think so. God made humans, so that De would have someone to talk to, to worship De, and assist De in running and expanding De's worldly and otherworldly kingdom.

God feels loneliness, but love, the highest self-esteem, a powerful, durable will to live and triumph, explore and feel joy and contentment--these divine attributes afford God the transformative ability to be alone and yet enjoy the loneliness and aloneness.

God is cheerful, calm, at peace, enthusiastic, resolved and courageous about being alone.

God has made the right and wise choice to individuate, work and create, and this transmutes loneliness into the joy of living and creating. While creating and building (love in action) the creator never feels lonely, empty or without purpose.

By avoiding life, by cowering and hiding in the pack and avoiding living and refusing to execute one's divine duty to create and build, these actions of self-sacrifice put one in the category of being an active sinner, in rebellion against God, and God's expressed commandments.

It is our separation from God, and our refusal to assist the Good Spirits in adminstrating God's realm here on earth that makes us feel lonely.

There is the good loneliness of the individuator about to create and work, thus obeying God.

There is the bad loneliness that hollows out the heart and soul of the nonindividuator, who feels rotten for refusing to obey God's invitation to become a good angel while still alive. The bad loneliness eventually eats away the heart and soul of the nonindividuator until loathing of the self and everyone else is the addictive drug of choice compelling her to dig deeper and deeper into sin and rebellion to keep the guilt and loneliness at bay.

The Chief Individuator

Creators and creative spirits are individualists, and love is their motive.

 Those that just maintain what they inherited, or were given by nature or decent and ordinary, but they are not originators, ambitious trailblazers or inventors. They are altruists and herd creatures.

A few are wicked  joiners, fanatical groupists that destroy. Their hatred motivates them.

God is the Creator. Since all creators and creative spirits are individualists individuators, it logically and metaphysically follows that God is the Chief Individuator. It also follows that God is a loner of profound depth, unlimited intellect, and of bottomless love.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

The False Contrast

Secular humanists on the Right--like Ayn Rand--and secular humanists on the Left that may be atheists too--believe that theists are anti-human, antintellectual, and anti-life in the case of Rand according to the Brandens in their book on her, Who Is Ayn Rand?

That may be so, but as a Mavellonialist, I suggest instead that a rational believer like me assumes that God is an individualist and maverizer. God is rational, intellectual pro-human as a sacred humanists advising that humans are to maverize like God does and is. There can be no contrast because God as a creator is pro-life and pro-human.

I reject the false dichotomy of atheistic, secular humanist that is pro-human, pro-life here on earth in the material world, on one hand, and the irrational believer that is pro-God, pro-spirit, pro-otherworldly focus, that utterly rejects human thought or effort in this world. Faith, feeling and irrational devotion to an all-powerful, inscrutable God is the only human option.

We can have  our cake and eat it too--that is the message of moderation. We can think, be worldly, individuate, have blind faith, be irrational, be secular and still worship God that is pro-human because our humanness is what God is, only more so. There is no contrast, just us deciding whose team we are on; God's or Satan's.

Friday, October 6, 2017

The Source

The source of ethical principles, standards of behavioral goodness, are rooted in divine and human spiritual goodness. These are not absolute principles, but are close to it. What is felt to be good, or is tribal custom or brand new are all derviative from divine goodness, both spiritual and moral.

Let It Stay

In God We Trust can remain printed on our money.

Our Rights

They come from God to us, and they are encoded in natural and in our Constitution. Let the Libs keep their hands off of our 2nd Amendment and other rights.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Clean Up

Try to do good work but where you mess up and make messes, clean up after yourself, and strive to do better in the future. These actions are central parts of self-realizing as we learn from our mistakes and improve over time. The failures and recoveries are not pretty to watch.

Not each experiment and undertaking, and each attempt is brilliantly devised and flawlessly executed. How your plans play out there in reality is a whole lot messier than you could have imagined. But, if you are adaptable and a quick study, you still may make gains at what you seek to achieve.

Those that succeed in the world are tenacious, energetic, hard-working, patient and creative. They are versatile, make plans and then make adjustments upon their unexpected need to make adjustments. These plans, actions and responses are all part of meeting aims set by the yourself for the self.

Trump Going RINO

Now the Donald wants to talk about gun control. The NRA says to restrict bump stocks and that is it. Give the Left an inch and they will take a mile. The NRA wants national reciprocity.

Donald, do not open the door to gun control, for they will begin their cherished run, by incremental steps, to confiscate our civilian guns.

As Levin reports tongitht, we have a natural right to defend ourselves with gun, and that is codified in the Constitution. No to gutting the Constitution. No to taking our guns. No to restrict liberty, a human right.

StephenPaddock, I May Have Been Able To Help Thee

I may have been able to help him. That he planned so carefully, and was so technically proficient, made millions and manipulated the casinos for profit is revealing. This man was a loner and a recluse, and, whether or not he was radicalized by antifa, or ISIS or nobody, that he was a bright, talented loner made him a prime candidate for being an individuator. Where that kind of talent, individualism and ability is not used to love, build and create, that twisted, dark soul is capable of vicious destruction, murder, bottomless hatred and tearing the world apart, as he did.

With Mavellonialist training, he may have come to know God, to love, to create. Las Vegas did not have to happen.

That he planned this for months indicates to me that this man was utterly cut off from everyone and everything, keeping all his dark secrets to himself, like a serial killer does.

For joiners, it is almost impossible to know what it feels like to be that far out, that isolated, that totally removed from human warmth and companionship. I do know because I have lived that emptiness, sheer loneliness and extreme encounter with Nothingness up close and personal for over 60 years.  That someone like Paddock, without proper training to handle such traumatic encounter with aloneness, Being and apartness, it is little wonder that the uninitiated, great nonindividuator turns to mass murder, suicide or madness to cope with the horror of encountering raw Being and naked Nothingness without the illusions of comfort, warmth and human closeness to repel the awesome and awful truth of incoming Reality.

For the wicked, stupid, emotional Left that wants to ban guns, the key is inviting these loners into groups everywhere around the world all the time, and then emotional desperation will much more infrequently propel them to attack uncaring and oblivious humanity, innocent and weighed down by collective guilt and collective neglect, all at the same time.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


Of course, I want converts to Mavellonialism, but appeals to dark urges or to someone's feelings or delusional presuppositions are not how I reach other to the public.

I appeal to their better nature's. I invite them to visit God, and answer thereby De's call to them to join God, and maverize. They must join up freely or not at all. The individual will decide.

Totalitarian types use force, fear and terror to crush opposition, and force conversion, a fake conversion. If the dictator can get people running in packs, it is easier to convert large numbers of forced join-ups. They appeal to their feelings, and do push them around.

Conclusion: the only desirable and acceptable conversion is a sincere, permanent, unwavering conversion. A  genuine conversion is a conversion prompted by gentle persuasion. Once the proselytizer has made his pitch, he must pull back and leave the target to her own devices. She must choose to become a Mavellonialist of her own free will, or not at all.

God and the Good Spirits have no use for forced conversions based on flattery, intimidation, terror, misleading statements, outright lies, empty promises, manipulation,violence, law-induced, or based in deception of any kind.

There is an extra divine punishment for wicked converters that bind, extort or pressure potential converts.

Psalm 47, 7

Praise God: "God mounts his throne amid shouts of joy; the lord, amid trumpet blasts. Sing praise to God, sing praise; sing praise to our king, sing praise."

Ratings Sinking

There is a report online tonight that as anthem protests continue NFL tv ratings are sinking. Good, maybe there is hope after all.

Pulled Through: Psalm 46, 2

God will pull you through: "God is our refuge and our strength, an ever -present help in distress."

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Kept Back

Liberal thinkers and altruists defamed and discredited Rand's egoist ethics some 40 years ago, dismissing her theory about the virtue of selfishness as juvenile, a philosophy appealing to the young until they grow up, and leave her callow ethics behind.

Actually, the ancient, traditional, altruistic systems of ethics that are shallow, delimiting. These systems detain people and keep them poor, suffering and ensnared.

It is egoism that is the loving, empowering, enlightening, modern, liberating, progressive system of ethics. It helps each person grow up, and begin to maverize and actualize her talents, and that is a very mature and difficult initial choice to make.

Ayn Rand is making a come back, and she is solidly accepted by millions of conservatives and libertarians.

This is heartwarming for me as a next-generation egoist. If she goes mainstream, that brings me closer to being accepted by a wary, indifferent, hostile public.

Drexel Professor

Professor John Ciccraiello-Maher hopes that white genocide becomes a reality.

This vicious ideologue blames the Las Vegas massacre on Stephen Paddock's violent bursting out over thwarted ambitions and objectives. The Professor accuses white males of using guns and murder to get their way if society does not yield to their demands. He describes the white male supremacy as an abomination.

Why do fund the haters of whites and America. Defund the universities and quit going to Hollywood movies and NFL football games so that all the haters of America lose wealth. Punish them where it hurts.

No, Donald

It looks like all the squishy liberals--among his kinfolk--and RINOS in his Administration are getting to him over this Paddock massacre, because two-faced Donald is hinting at working on gun laws with Congress, whereas when he wanted the NRA endorsement he was all about gun rights.

We need to send him and the Left a loud and clear message to keep their darn hands off of our gun rights.

The Left never fails to use tragedy to advance their totalitarian agenda in the name of morality and the common good. We have a God-given, natural right to keep and bear arms without government regulation, registering, confiscating, taxing or any other restriction that these warped, diabolical fiends can dream up. No, Donald, go conservative and keep your word like McCain and the Senatorial traitors fail to do routinely.

Will We Never Learn?

Refer back to my blog site entry (Adam Lanza) from 12/16/12: I opined that when loner psychopaths turn against society and commit mass murder with guns, it is partially or mostly their fault, but partially and sometimes,  maybe most of the blame rests with traditional society, whose majorities have victimized individualists and loners with its groupist discrimination practises.

Let me speculate about the Las Vegas Shooter of October, 2017, while freely admitting it is just conjecture with the facts not in. If he was mentally ill, all speculation is suspect anyway. Let us assume that he was just a vicious, sane man with an axe to grind against the world, and that much of his assault on innocent people was carefully, skillfully planned to maximize the amount of murder and hurt that he could inflict upon an uncaring world.

All are wondering what motivated Stephen Paddock to commit mass murder with automatic weapons. He apparently was a millionaire, but his gambling addiction may have been growing apace, so that he knew he would soon be impoverished. If he felt his life was over, and he was suicidal, being selfish and nasty, he decided to take lots of people with him because the world has always treated him like crap, so mass murder was his revenge on a cruel world that had abused him for decades.

His father was a famous criminal wanted by the government. Right there, is a hint. Those with the genetic predisposition to make great criminals or great art stand out, but his father chose to be a skilled criminal instead of individuating.

Stephen apparently made money but lived and moved around to many houses. This is another hint. I move from property to property (home base excluded) to keep groups in each place at bay to prevent them from breaking me, from controlling me, from forcing me back into herd serfdom.  Individualists love their freedom, and keep breaking communal bonds to keep groupists from getting a grip on them.

He may have been alienated from society over his dad's war with society, and never really recovered from the wounding experience.

That brings us to the present. If he has lived 64 years with no earthly ability to bond with any group, but in secret is a wicked loner, his hatred of others could flash out as mass killing.

We Americans and people worldwide have not decided yet to individual-live. Until we do the Adam Lanzas and likely the Stephen Paddocks of the world will attack a society that has left them absolutely alone, friendless and without hope. A heart filled with Satan, hate and despair, is a person capable of doing horrible, cruel things to his neighbors.

I may be off the mark with what motivated Paddock, but I may have captured his motive better than anyone else.

For you bitter, slighted, angry loners and individuators out there. First, bring God into your heart so hope and love and comfort and happiness are yours. Second, forgive the vicious, unjust discrimination against your kind, perpetrated against us every day for decades by a cruel, cocky, stubborn, defiant, insolent majority that do not allow loners group-access when they want or need it and group-abandonment when they desire to be asocial.

Third, do not abuse the gun rights movement, by using your guns to kill innocent neighbors. They have some collective guilt for your problem but patience, outreach and education are how we approach them, not force and vengeful violence.

The gun-grabbers want to take our guns away and set up a socialist dictatorship under which only federal and secret police have guns. That proposal is repugnant, a nonstarter.

Monday, October 2, 2017


Can you be a good person and seek after money and power? Absolutely. Do it honesty and by fair play and you will remain not corrupted by the world.

Can you see power over others? Absolutely not. You may seek dominion over the earth, the businessworld and of nature, but such self-seeking will not lead to power over other, a moral prohibition.

And one is never to allow those that seek corrupt power over others and you to gain their sick aim--fight them off even if it costs you your life.

The Idealist

Can our ideals work in reality. To somedegree they will, and to some degree they will fail or not apply. The trick is to remain mentally nimble and adapt different tactics to bring ideal objective and worldly complexities and obstacles closer together. That is as much as any human can do.

Meekly Accepting Your Given Lot

Do you meekly accept your given lot?

 Are you a deep pessimist, believing and asserting that evil and tragedy are the human lot, and that there is no alternative way to go, that there is no hope?

Just know that belief is destiny. If you honestly believe that life is bleak and that we are bred to suffer, and that there is no way to go, then that is your reality.

Should you talk to God and the Good Spirits, and adopt a program of self-realization, then you come to a radically different conclusion: life is exciting, promising and the opportunity for unlimited growth, personal talent development, and gaining access to prosperity and liberty. Heaven awaits you. The destiny that you believe in is a wonderful, happy, joyful outcome.

In Theory

A moral ideal sounds grand and can be most impressive. But it must guide behavior, and let us see how it holds up in the real world among people bustling, living their lives.

Hint; if the agents were individuators, the ideal in action would be a lot more wowing  because the mavericks are disciplined enough to come closer to reaching the moral ideal.


There is something Delphian about my  juxtaposing egoism (enlightened self-love) with a prime emphasis upon good manners towards neighbors, seeking to treat all with courtesy and respect.

It may seem inconsistent to promote self-interest all the while I insist that each agent practice good manners towards his neighbor, an altruistic concession.

Not really, it is but the Golden Rule from the moderate and egoist point of view. Charity does begin at home. If the self-loves the self and treats the self with courtesy and respect, then he is inclined to treat all other people with courtesy and respect.

If we are mean to, attack and degrade another first, or the self first, then that is generally how we treat others. There is behavioral and attitudinal linkage here.

Whether we are kind first and foremost to the self or too others, we will also be kind to others and too the self if one is being kind to others first.

What we do to others, we do to the self; what we do to the self, we do to others. Therefore, treating others with kindness, courtesy and respect is as much egoistic as it is altruistic. Therefore, we are commanded by God, the Chief Egoist, to treat others well as a corollary to treating the self well

Whether we refer to ourselves as egoists or altruists, the moral truth is that we treat the self the way that we treat others. How we treat others is how we treat the self. Courteous, kind, respectful behavior is the moral ideal, the standard that the Good Spirits set for us, and we are to live moderately, as egoists first with minor altruistic considerations second. So be courteous, and be respectful. It is the loving, divine way to act.

The Living Word

I admire the Christian phrase, the living word, of God. If God is alive and lively, then if you hear, heeed and live by God's word, you will be more spiritually alive, by heeding biblical, sacred word that still live for/are relevant to the lives of people today.