Saturday, June 30, 2018

Classical Education

Larry Arnn and Hillsdale college emphasize these three missing components for K-12 schools: Rigorous classical education. Moral character formation. And deep civic knowledge.

It occurred to me that the individuator of the future will have a special area of interests and expertise, but she will also be a polymath. A deep understanding of classical education, able to read original old texts in Latin, Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic would open up new worlds for the avid adult student. The indviduator grows morally and intellectually as well as artistically and spiritually.  Ongoing moral development must be added to this.

Our supercitizens must be very logical, very skeptical of authority, widely read and understanding of history and civic knowledge. The informed voter will run society well and give the politicians their walking orders.

Friday, June 29, 2018


The Left accuse those of us opposing open borders and illegal immigration as being white racists that are afraid of being replaced by brown-skinned people from the Third World, that will take over our country, and end our way of life.

There may be some truth in that, because we want to pure whites to live as a minority of earth for the next thousand years. We must preserve the most superior American way of life, and limiting the illegal immigration invasion and building a wall, and sending illegals home are all ways to preserve that way of life.

We are not racist, but are a sovereign people whose country is for the citizens, for for foreigners and refugees.

The Invasion

Some conservative intellectual accurately described the millions of illegal aliens crossing our ridiculous, open borders as an invasion. The Left wants to breed us out, and destroy our way of life with poor, non-American socialist-leaning foreigners.

We must build the wall and stop illegal and illegal immigration now to save our country. Those here illegally should be allowed to stay, but without a pathway to citizenship or voting as a just punishment for cheating to go to the front of the line, seeking amnesty and a fast track to citizenship.

The Worst Hit

Satan, as a named, recognized, known and worshipped prince of darkness, is wicked and destructive enough.

But identifying and labeling accurately this fell deity can be therapeutic for fallen and suffering humans. To know who the enemy is, and how he functions, can enable and empower struggling humans to find ways to be good and spiritually heal as living, soon-to-be angelic followers of the Good Spirits and God Deself.

Where one is amoral, irreligious, agnostic or atheist, where there are no named and categorized beings at serve and, like Satan, to oppose.

If the enemy if unnamed and not known to exist, or that Sa and Lera are attacking and undermining one, then one is unable to withstand or dislodge them. Satan is most effective where disguised or even presumed to not exist.

If  besieged earthling feel anxious, helpless, put upon and miserable, without being able to specify what or whom is plaguing them, then one cannot heal or adopt beneficial strategies for righting ones thinking and behavior.

These unhappy, put-upon earthlings will find little relief until they identify who and what is attacking them and undermining them.

Reassuring, Psalm 71, 5

You reassure me that there is always hope and a brighter future for the children of light--in the next world if nothing else: "For you are my hope, O Lord; my trust, O God, from my youth."

My Safe Haven, Psalm 71, 3

O God, be my safe haven in this dark and dangerous world: "Br my rock of refuge, a stronghold to give me safety, for you are my rock and my fortress."

Keep Them At Bay: Psalm 71, 4

Dear God, please keep the children of darkness at bay, and may they not know triumph  over me here on earth: "O my God rescue me from the hand of the wicked, from the grasp of the criminal and the violent."

Psalm 71, 2

Dear God: please rescue me from ill-wishers and evildoers: "In your justice rescue me, and deliver me; incline your ear to me and save me."


There are situations that call for indignation, anger, outrage and outspoken condemnation.

Nonetheless, we should be grateful and happy most of the time, especially if we live in America and walk with God.

Most of the minor things that grate on our nerves are tolerble and even seem to disappear if we but ignore them.

Forego being worked up and torqued over many of the small irritations that get your goat. That way, you will be happier and more content, and the world will have the benefit of seeing you smile more, and fuss much less.

Heather Locklear

Negative individuation occurs when a person overcomes all the demons that haunt her to make it big, to be rich, famous and an iconic sex symbol as Heather Locklear was in the 90s.

Now with alcohol and substance abuse, hitting cops and first responders, rehab treatments and serious depression issues afflicting her, it appears that the demons that drove her to success are now eating her up as her life has fallen apart at the age of 56.

I carry many of the same demons and psychic wounds inside me: the presence of God, temperate living, prudence and my self-taught mantra of emotional positives help keep me going in spite of the gnawing old insecurities, the group discriminating, the brutal loneliness and corrosive depression.

I remind myself to be cheerful, calm, loving, at peace, enthusiastic, resolved and brave. It is not a perfect solution, but it helps, along with the constant healing presence of good spirituality healing my soul.

Positive individuation is being and becoming all that one can be and was meant to be because it makes one happy, and because God and the Good Spirits expect us to maverize, and our doing so makes them very pleased.

May Heather find some inner peace so that she can keep her demons at bay, and recover and surmount her current difficulties and making a brilliant actress for the lifetime that she has left to live.

Agreeing To Disagree

There is a preferred and wide acceptance of libertarian tolerance of differing others, excercised prudently and honesty by mavericks. They agree to disagree with this differing others in a tolerant, peaceful, respectful exchange of ideas and opinions without repercussions for people thinking, doing and speaking in alternative ways to the popular will.


With an individuator, think for herself, saying what she intends and pleases to say, and doing her own thing are paramount for her. Acting and so doing is  the essence of exercising her free will, and living her life in perfect liberty. She could not and would not forego so doing, to obey group commands and subjecting herself to a self-imposed silence and inaction under duress to please the popularity. It would not happen, and she would fling off all efforts to constrain her.

To Attend Or Not

Would a principled individuator be able to or want to attend university, dogged by the current cloud of conformity to progressive ideals, conformity to groupthink, to speaking only the politically correct way and its approved subject matter, conformity to approved ideology, and willingness to atack and intimidate those that dare to think for themselves?

The answer is with difficulty. It may these institutions of higher learning are so poisoned by thinking and speaking under duress that a person of integrity would not be able to abide studying at university.


Thursday, June 28, 2018


Never has America been as polarized as she is today. The Left may finally be losing sway after 120 years of dominating public policy, but the Left is not buying it. The mobs and Maxine Waters with their incivility, mob attacks on conservative women, etc., is indicative of their violent, riotous, intolerant, totalitarian approach to political dialogue.


If making God and the Good Spirits front and center to all your thoughts, activities and conversations that you will engage in today, you do not have your priorities straight.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Get Moving, Donald

Ann Coulter wants Trump to have the military build the wall right now. I love it. Let us get it done.

Road Kill Education

Even road kill can teach those that are willing to learn. I have seen two dead, large beavers along the sides of the road going up to the lake, and to our hunting property, this spring. In 64 yerars, I have never seen dead beaver by the side of the road. Then I see two of them a week apart.

My speculation is that it is the spring of the year and healthy male adults are nudged out of their parent's home, or are driven by biological urges to go out on their own, to find new creeks and new territories to set themselves up with a missus, down the road.

Muskrats are common road kill in April or May in Minnesota, but are not seen otherwise. I speculate again that they looking for mates or their own territories.

What Gets Into People?

At one of the clinics that I care for in Eagan, Minnesota, there is a12-15 story apartment building 2 blocks away. A few days ago, a distraught woman got out onto the roof, and was attempting to jump to her death. Fortunately, the Eagan police go her down.

Many of our nurses and doctors were gawking out the window in excitement and anticipation, enjoying ring side seats to the main attraction. If I was a popcorn vendor, I could have rake it in selling concessions.

The site director was revolted by their behavior, lamenting that if they saw the woman fall and die, then they would have to live with that memory.

I asked her why such skilled, highly paid, highly educated people would be thrilled by such a sight. I told her that I consider it deeply immoral to sit and watch a tragedy, fire or accident unfold. If one is not a first responder or assisting, it is one's moral duty to leave and not watch. The Good Spirits do not approve of our getting our morbid jollies met by watching the suffering of other unfold.

Their eager willingness to watch such indicates again, that the beast inside all of us is a savage creature never far from enjoying gladiators fighting, or cockfights.

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Do you unleash a scorched-earth tirade against people that frustrate you, every time you open yor mouth? If you end up shot, shunned, hated or abandoned, you know why.

Your Hope, Psalm 71, 6

God is your refuge, your hope: "For you are my hope, O Lord; my trust, O God, from my youth."

Be Decorous

You do not have to mince words to get the truth out there and state, but you can speak the truth directly and plainly in non-inflammatory, non-insulting and non-accusatory language.

Lawful Anarchist

Yes, I am a lawful anarchist. I have no truck with instigating chaos, system collapse, system dismantling, terrorism or rioting in the street to destabilize society, An individuating anarchist has no truck with those  destructive approaches to government.

Finding God

How can you come to know God. Well, is breathing hard? Finding God is that easy, too. Just talk to De, who is at your elbow all the time. It is that simple, that available, that automatic and that comforting.

Sarah Sanders

She and her family were ejected from a restaurant in Virginia recently because she works for Trump. Leftists are so tacky and nasty. Their vicious intolerance and hatred of such a good, conservative woman and her family is reprehensible. I say cut off the funding to Washington city, and boycott that damn restaurant.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Does It Feel Good?

Prager's video on this is where he characterizes impractical Leftists with asking if something feels good as a public policy approach rather that asking does it do good as conservatives ask. Prager identifies too many Progressive as sentimental idealists that do not understand the world, or impractically force round things into square holes, and have no concept of unforeseen, negative consequences.

Conservatives are also, as a rule, more rational and logical than are emotional Leftists. Their throwing tradition and caution to the wind, while brashly inflicting involuntarily, misunderstood, untested changes upon society, often does great damage to the common good.

Living Oxymoron

We are leaving the hypocritical, antisemitic UN Human Rights Council (now there is a contradictory phrase for you). We might quit UN, as well throw them out of our country--they are totalitarian, globalist and socialist, deeply troubled and very wicked.

I Count On You, Psalm 71, 3

God, I rely on you totally: "Be my rock of refuge, a stronghold to give me safety."

The Contributing Anarchist

Set up your life the way that you want to as long as how you live violates no moral law, natural law or legal code.


If you are arrogant, you do not esteem yourself. If you doubt yourself to the point that you put yourself down, then you have no self-esteem.

Self-esteem is about loving oneself, not narcissistic or selfishly, but calmly, deeply and thoroughly. Self-esteem is about loving oneself by not being discourteous, snooty and self-abasing.

Courteousy towards others boosts their self-esteem, and makes them and you feel good about the interchange. Courtesy towards others is now all should treat all.

Courtesy towards the self prevents all kinds of acting out against others around us.

Pecking Order

We are not born good. What this translates into is that we loathe ourselves. Since we hate ourselves and have no self-esteem, we are mean to ourselves and others, unless reared to be decent to ourselves and others too by extension.

Because we are so naturally insecure, and crave esteem and pride, when we seek short cuts and artificial self-exultation, then we set up cliques with ins and out, and a pecking order with those down below to snub and pick on.

All of this is generated from human egos that are shattered and frustrated. When we do not feel good about ourselves no matter how hard we try, it is very tempting to feel temporarily superior by putting down someone weaker or less fortunate than ourselves.


Dennis Prager has a video out that I have not yet reviewed by the subject is that a human being is worth more than any animal. He is correct of course, because in the Old Testament Yahweh gave humans ownership of the earth and all upon it, but that comes with responsibility and decency.

No animal is to be mistreated. Nor should its like be taken cruelly or wanton sport. If it is needed for food or whatever, okay. God treats humans, an inferior creature by far, with respect, kindness and dignity.

Animals are inferior to humans, but not by much in comparison to the gulf between God and humans. If God cherishes us and is kind to us, then we are to cherish all life and be kind to God's creatures, for they have rights too.

Michael Knowles

This articulate, young conservative thinker just did a video for Prager U. He researched the Alt-Right movement and noted that they are not conservatives and are very different from conservatives. They are racist, preaching white supremacy and white identity politics. Conservatives do not support white supremacy or racist behavior.

Alt-Rightist are atheistic. Conservatives, by and large, are Christian. I am a Mavellonialist, but I know that God exists.

Knowles argues that the Alt-Rights has more in common with Leftists that conservatives. Both groups are racist, the Left being reverse-racist against whites. Both champion the collective over the individual. Both see people as of value only in terms of their racial or identity in terms of political categories.

Coservatives see the indivdidual as important, much more than the collective. Knowles asserts that entrepreneurship, personal responsibility and the pioneering desire are American, conservative attributes with the individual at the center of society, not groups.

I would suggest to Knowles and other mainline conservatives that they are only mildly conservative, the nonindividuating kind. Their start is good and worthy but they need to do much more and go much farther as individuating individualists to really earn the title of being individualists.

All and all and excellent video.


I found out when reading a email from Hillsdale College that in last year's presidential primaries, more millennials voted for Sanders--who proposes socialism--than voted for Trump and Clinton combined.

That is very worrisome. This tells us that those that run the liberal media, the liberal churches, Hollywood, the tech giant mind controllers, the universities and school systems have successfully divorced the latest young adults from their traditional way of life, its economic and political institutions, its philosophy and culture.

There is no future without the new young adults absorbing and receiving transmitted learning, mores values and customs from the older generation. If this transmission ceases, the our way of life perished--and that is the aim of the America-hating left. They may yet have their way, but we conservatives are rallying and fighting back. We may yet carry the day, save America and then the world.

Alan Dershowitz

Alan Morton Dershowitz does a powerful Prager U video on the BDS movement against the state of Israel. This is to boycott, divest and sanction Israel, one of the freest and best practitioner of human rights around the world.

I was not even aware of the movement. It reminds of the what Nazis did to Jewish Germans. None will marry or have relations with them, or do business with them. Finally, the Nazis just grabbed their property and murdered them. This BDS movement is the more of the same: end the Jewish state and kill the Jews.

The Palestinian sysmpathizers, the vicious Left and radical  Islamists have murder in their hearts.


Yes, I am proud to be an American. I will even be prouder and more satisfied if we can continue to restore the American Way, humanity's last, best hope.

Left-Wing Mob

Breitbart reported that a left-wing mob descended upon the Homeland Secretary's home to intimidate and punish her for her strong support of Trump's immigration policies. Kirstjen Nielsen is being hassled by mobs has she eat lunch in restaurants or goes to and from her home in Alexandria.

The Left loves violent demonstrations, angry protests, mob coercion, mob rioting and mob aggression. These thugs are totalitarian and their bad means indicates their bad ends once they inaugurate their socialist dictatorship and one-party rule in America.

The Predictions

Global warming predictions from 30 years ago put out dour warnings from 2018, and we are only mildly warmer than 30 years ago.

Fake alarmist science by Leftist ideologue pseudoscientists seek to destroy cars, free society, fossil fuels and capitalism, and they need to be loudly, firmly and consistently debunked and rejected.

The environmental  movement is progressive, emotional ideology and needs to be downplayed.

Prager U

Southern Poverty Law Center, a well-financed, rich, dangerous and effective source of Progressive fascism out to silence conservative and traditional voices in America, has place Prager U on its HateWatch list.

They do not know I exist or I will end up on there too.

Friday, June 22, 2018

The Profit-Makers

Turn those profit-makers loose, and watch the GNP soar.

Keeping Their Guns

Breitbart reports that the Czechs are defying EU crackdown of legal gun owners, stating that free countries do not disarm their citizens. They need guns for self-defense and against invaders.

Would it not be wonderful to see small arms gun rights and gun ownership go worldwide? Then dictators and terrorists would have a harder time of it.

A Real Leader

Be a real leader. Live as the authentic you is meant by God to live.


Ben Shapiro at Prager U draws our attention to this concept coined and named by Professor Kimberle Krenshaw. The idea is that we are but a sum of the identity groups that we belong to. The more victim groups that we belong to, the higher is our status, and the more valued are our opinions, in the world of intersectionality. These various groups of victims are to intersect or unite so that they can work together to gain justice and equality and fair treatment from their oppressors, most straight, white males.

Shapiro points out that America is the most open and least racist country in the world.

Mavellonialism is the exact opposite to intersectionality. The more individual-living and the more individuated that one becomes, that voice matters more than those less developed and more grouped. Great souls deserve no special treatment, nor a large share of the economic pie, but when they speak, they should be heeded.

Intersectionality--this concept needs to be roundly disregarded and discarded.

Open Borders

Keep the borders open. Do not build the wall. The result: America will cease to exist.

Peter Fonda

For this aging Hollywood liberal to tweet about ripping Barron Trump from the arms of his mother and placing him into a cage with pedophiles is a new low even for evil Leftists.

Huckabee wants him charged with a crime, but I do not know if that is warranted. It is shameless to talk of an innocent child this way. The hateful speech and cruelty of Progressives knows no limits, no bounds. I condemn it in the roundest terms.

Campus Speech Codes

How did college campuses degenerate into thought control and speech control centers where speech codes suppress independent, free thinking and free speech? The campus bureaucrats and Leftist professors have wrecked these centers of high learning and fearless search for the truth by instilling conformity, groupthink and sterile political correctness.

We must take our per capita dollars going to universities from Congress and the President and send those to young people to study at Hillsdale College or online with courses from around the country at home so they can get their degrees without the stifling, oppressive university thought police damaging the minds and spirits of young people.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


Do not settle for being a slugabed, a dolittle that wants to get as much fun, pleasure and a free ride out of life for as little worked for and slaved over in return.

The nonindividuator is relatively lazy. The individuator is bursting with plans, programs, ambitious goals and tasks already achieved. Laziness is not his trait by a long shot.

Celebrate A Businessperson

We are all doing more to celebrate and honor our veterans, and these efforts are critical needed and to be applauded.

There are other groups to single out for praise and appreciation, but celebrating business persons and the free market system under which they generate profits in goods and services is a worthy notice. AS they generate wealth, the rising tide lifts all boats, and the kingdom of God has never been so close to be realized here on earth.

Pray for profits. Pray for lots of wealth for lots of people. It fulfills and satisfies millions of successful people.

The Anarchist Mentality

I accept the social compact between all other Americans and me to give up so power and freedom in exchange for legal protection and the rule of law to provide law and order, protecting the rights of the lawful against stronger and violent criminal elements that are lawless, and who would prey upon us, without repercussion, otherwise.

I will accept small government, and a slim but powerful federalist political and institutional machine to run things. Beyond that point, I demand to live my life as I see fit in perfect happiness and harmony with what pleases and fulfills my nature. I will be left alone to chase after life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness, while individuating, and that does serve the common good nicely.

Mocked: Psalm

As a Great Soul, God, I have dedicated my life to you and the expansion of your cause. Please save me from the mob of ill-wishers and haters that surround and attack me: "In you, O Lord, I take refuge; let me never be put to shame."

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Psalm 70, 6

Help, dear God, help!: "You are my help and my deliverer. O Lord, hold not back!


Good anarchy rears up a generation of Mavellonialist self-realizers.

Bad anarchy destroys society and its culture  to the point that the gutten and forsaken rule of law lead of a harvents of extended urban ghetto life.


You demand minimum guaranteed income. You demand equality of outcome. Looks like you desire a ruined world where all are equal living in poverty, filth and starvation. Make inequity be the law and practice of our land.


Do you favor diversity? Good, so do I. How about 7 billion anarchist individuators doing their own thing chasing after their dream. Now that is radical diversity.

Objective Truth

Truth exists as an foreordained ontological condition. Truth is objective and timeless more than subjective and provisional, but it is both.


You can spend your life being crabby, but that just makes you a mserable, unpleasant loser. Why do you not shed the winy pose, and embrace life head on with a little gusto.


We in the West oppress our own citizens and international victims too? Really? We oppress them with freedom, capitalist prosperity, democracy and our wonderful American heritage. How can they bear the pain of it all?

The Children

Suddenly Democrats care about children. Not those that are aborted. Not those that are raised as non-individuators and group-livers. Not those indoctrinated and brainwashed at school and university as good little socialist dogmatists.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Not Proud

You are not proud to be an American? That is sad and unfortunate. Either you are angry and feel aggrieved, you are a victim of some injustice, you are and ideologue, traitor  misinformed  or stupid. Which of these  poses describe your outlook on America. If it is more than one, you are are pathetic and not worth talking to.

So You Made A Mess Of Things

So you have made a mess of things. If  you are willing to not give up, to get up and try again, your guardian angel just may be able to nudge you towards a clean, sober, productive life. Later, you may even graduate into self-realizing.

We are all flawed. We are all mortal and limited. We are failures and imperfect, making a mess of things far more than we are successes, self-perfecting and running our affairs smoothly. These latter three occurrences can occur but it takes some effort, discipline and focus to turn things around.

Clean up your messes, and be grateful that you have another shot at getting it right, enjoying life, being justly proud of your efforts, and feel grateful to be alive.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day! Everyone has a father, and that father should have done or be doing his job to support his children financially, spiritually and emotionally.  He should be strong and masculine and in their lives, but not in their face.

They should be prepared to accept the mantle of adulthood, make a living, serve Go, bear arms and learn to love and contribute.

These are some roles that fathers should teach his children. There are not many more important days on the calendar.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Grow Up

It is time to grow up and take on the role of adulthood. Be mature, be responsible. Amount to someone.


May the Good Spirits be an ever-present set of beings in your live, consciousness and considerations.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Why are you resentful? Does it solve anything? Do you feel better after you vent and vent. Take action to make things better, and then be at peace, and shed the resentful attitude. In this way, a little happiness and a little peace will come your way.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Prager U

Dennis Prager has an insightful and honest video out on male sexuality. He asserts that men are not socialized to see women as sex objects, but that nature programs them to be attracted many times a day to alluring sights of women. It is natural, not socialization.

Prager cautions that nothing excuses men harassing women, or attacking them, or making rude remarks or pawing them. Men must always behave but they will be sexually attracted to women, and feminism and Leftist neutering of male masculinity are lies that disguise that men are animals that are attracted to the opposite sex.

That is reality, not an excuse. Prager suggests that we factor these basic urges into honest gender relation issues.

Robert De Niro

He used the F word about President Trump. We should be fighters, but not filthy, insulting and vulgar. You Lefties: your foul-mouthed, hateful attacks on the President neither impress us or intimidate us one bit. We only feel vindicated when your filthy mouths represent what fanatical, intolerant, violent socialists that you really are. Go pound sand. We will not shut up. We will not be scared. We will not quit pushing our excellent agenda.  Get out of the way or we will run you over.

Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Universe

Is the universe one of many universes, and just what it is for us by accident, whose lack of design represents its undirected, and nonpurposeful nature? I firmly believe it was created and is directed by God its designer, I believe that I believe based on logic and faith, but it is of course not provable or disprovable.

Your Rights

Your civil right comes from God per natural law. Your rights are not conferred on you by the Constitution, by Congress, by Government or by overactive judges.

All these derivative forces and agencies can outlaw your rights or protect your rights, but they  are not the source of your rights. God and nature are.


Prager comments that atheists never doubt their atheism, but believers often doubt the existence of God. This is a brilliant insight.

It really seems parallel to the universal law of moderation. The one that is absolutely certain is often an ignorant fool. The one, that loves truth and discovering what actually is, is more cautious about what he assumes to be true and asserts that is true.This tentative opinion-holder is much more likely to be wise and correct.


As you elect to maverize, your journey of self-perfecting will lead you to heightened and higher levels of consciousness, greatly enhanced intelligence and much extended awareness.You may even become a magician, but it is expected and preferred that your becoming very, very skilled will come across as magical or miraculous to the unitiated, nonindividuators.

You will grow in power, influence, reach and respectability. You will become more a force to be reckoned with.

Your journey of self-improvement may be so spectacular that you come close to breaking through into divine levels of being, the levels of Enlightened existing. This likely will not happen, but such an occasional accomplishment could be feasible.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Be Armed

May be reinstitute the draft, and not just for the young. Conscript the young first, but also older people if needed, even if they served prior tours. All sane, healthy, able-bodied American women and men should be conscripts and then reserves until they are 60 years of age.

We should have a professional army of 1 million soldiers, and active, trained 10 million more or so citizen-soldier reservists, ready to jump in and fill in the gaps.

We must have the most advanced and most powerful military in the world so that we can be the world cop when necessary, and stabilize and provide peace everywhere while keeping the imperialists like radical Islam, Iran, China and Russia from taking over the world.

We must have a viable military so that we continue to have a country. We need a state of the art Iron-Dome, laser-firing missile defense system able to shoot down missiles and to zap missile silos anywhere, at any time, with pinpoint accuracy.

Low Birth Rate

Thirty years ago I have money to outfits like Zero Population Growth. I did not want overpopulation to endanger our planet and our chances for survival. I still do not, though I do not give them money anymore because I am much more squeamish about abortion than I used to be. I think abortion should be legal, rare, a last resort and perhaps in the first trimester of pregnancy.

These radical environmentalists and radical feminists that forego having children to save the planet do reveal a complaint that I have had about the Left for decades. God made humans and gave us Biblical authority to rule (not abuse or make creatures extinct) the earth, and extract what resources that we needed to live, prosper and flourish.

Radical environmentalism and antihumanistic. It is proven when radicals today celebrate low human birthrate or no human birthrate as a victory for protecting and salvaging the planet.

Satan hates humans and wants us wiped out, and these wacko environmentalists have a demonic urge to kill all humans, but especially Westerners, Jews and whites.

The Ninth Commandment

I just watched a Dennis Prager viedo on Facebook on the 9th commandment: "Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor." Dennis notes that God gave this commandment to the Hebrew people for 2 reasons. First, they are not to lie in court. For without truth in court, there can be no justice, and without justice, there can be no civilization.

Second, the bulk of Prager's 5 minute Prager U video is about God prohibiting our lying in general. Dennis urges people to be good and compassionate, but micro-living is okay with that, though, truth-telling is important there too. Where lying, Dennis reminds us, is most damaging is on the macro-level, out there in society, where the whole society of decent, locally/mostly truthful people live and believe national lies that allow slavery against "inferior" blacks, authorize Hitlerian genocide against subhuman Jews, or sanction world-wide invasion and war to spread totalitarian, Communist conquest upon on people, everywhere.

These macro lies refer to what is evil as good, and to what is good as evil.

Even good causes served by liars corrupt the good cause with a bad means.

I would like to add a third reason why God does not want us to lie. Because, all are instinctive collectivists and herd-creatures all are innate liars and self-deceivers, justifying by lying to make attractive their enslaving, wretched group-living, selfless nonindividuated lives of quiet desperation, all lying to themselves and to each other, allows the dominance of Lera on earth to continue. No generation of the children of darkness can continue without rife, en masse lying.

This is now great souls, truth-tellers and truth-livers, individuating and individual-living, are denied social participation and societal support. This is how they are socially and legally discriminated against. Because they are God's most active and authentic souls on earth in their generation, they are a threat to ending the reign of Satan, and lying by the majority allows all of this to be kept unacknowledged, unatoned for and allowed to continue in practice.

Dick Morris

Breitbart today carries a trenchant article by Dick Morris, warning Republicans to not just take credit for low unemployment enriching tax cuts. The people may not be listening.

Morris advises that the Republicans will be believed and reelected if they claims to have given terminally ill patients the right to try experimental medicines, to have eliminated the requirement to buy health insurance, for increasing military spending, for the Gorsuch appointment, for tariffs increases to push fair trade, for forsaking the Iran deal.

I think he is cautious and sensible.

Leaker Arested

Trump tweeted today that is was great that a leaker of classified documents, a DOJ employee named James Wolfe, was arrested for leaking classified documents and lying to the FBI. He gave info to 3 reporters, including Ali Watkins.

It would be fantastic if Wolfe would turn to Congress, be granted immunity, and then rat out his Deep State superiors at DOJ, et al we can begin to get the inside dope on what has been going on with these villains and traitors.


Why is the Left united and working and thinking and politicking as one whole, Prager U asks? I have the answers. Conservatives and individualists are loners, relatively speaking, and we are polite, quiet, busy working, just wanting to be left alone to get on with our lives.

Leftists are joiners and do everything as herd creatures, With that in mind, they disrespect and resent independent, self-reliant, rugged individualists int heir community that do their own thing, completing ignoring and disregarding groupists in their midst telling them what to do and how to live.

Leftists are pure socialists, completely united, and ever fighting to run political systems on all levels of government, speaking with one voice, which gives them impressive power. They lust after evermore power. They want Big Government running every aspect of every citizens' life. Wiping out private property, eliminating for-profit businesses, wiping out personal privacy and personal freedom are but a few of the changes that they seek to foist off on the unsuspecting American people, all imposed by self-righteous elites in the name of equality, fairness and compassion.

The Right is now waking up. We need Tea Party control of the Republican Party at all levels of government. We need supercitizen voters, informed, engaged and demanding real change, real reforms, emphasizing maximum liberty for the private citizen as individuating anarchists. But they need to unite and work together as the Left is doing to thwart the schemes being unleashed against society and its best interest, by the Left.


We must close our borders. We must limit legal immigration to 100,00 a year for 15 years. We must end illegal immigration. Those illegal aliens here now must never be allowed to vote because they cheated to get here and stay here. We cannot have them voting to turn red states into blue ones.

They must learn English, our soon to be declared official language. No more multiculuralism. Many different ethnic groups are welcome, but only one language and one traditional American culture for them to assimilate into.

The American Way

We conservatives are proud of our beliefs in our culture, our political system, or free market economic system.

We wish to restore our traditional way of life, the most legitimate civilization yest constructed, the most advanced Western culture, the prelude to high civilized living as mavericks in a small government, vibrant capitalist setting.

Applaud Achievers

Applaud achievers. Question them as to how they got educated, smart, energetic, willful, ambitious, rich recognized as experts in their fields. If theyhave gone a few rungs higher up that ladder of real success, and, become skilled individutors, ask them how they accomplished it.

Envy them not. Deny their success and excellence not at all. Do not discredit, ignore or socially isolate them. Do not make excuses for your own lackluster performance as nonindividuators. Praise them. Give them accolades and social rewards. Emulate their way of living and become an ultra-success yourself.

None need be victims. All can be opportunists on the make to improving themselves, and amassing some comfortable and comforting wealth.

Hit The Road

Hit the road today. Drive your care when you want to, where you want to, on your own schedule. Express your individuality in this most American way.

Amazing God

There really is very little that God cannot do. God may work miracles for you, or grant you the confidence, will, strength, and know-how to go ahead and work miracles in De's name.

You can ask for anything, and, sometimes, it might be granted. But, not always, and maybe not often; because we know not what are God's motives, will and responsibilities. We just must realize and accept that God loves us, and that things will work out in the end, perhaps in the next world for us.

The Left Is United

The Left is United. Shouldn’t We Be?

There’s more of us than there are of them. But sometimes it doesn’t feel that way, does it? Conservatives just don’t tend to be as outspoken, as determined, or as united as those on the Left.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Debunk White Privilege

What is white privilege? It does not exist and never did. It is a fiction invented by the Left to demonize whites to take away our constitutional republic, our liberty, our property and eventually our lives, as is happening in South Africa.

Whites must refutes are reverse-racist Leftists and all their evil rhetoric.

There is no white privilege, but there is human privilege. That divine gift is built into us by our Creators, the Mother and the Father. We are to answer their summoning for us to maverize, becoming all that we can become. That is the humans privilege, and that is what we are to explore and maximize, through hard, hard work and our imaginative, novel experiments with self-development.

Waste no more time on dead end streets like discussing white privilege. What a boring waste of breath.


There is no system made by humans that cannot fail, and predictably will fail. Our control is never complete. Our plans, however carefully construed and implemented, always have weak spots.

Our best efforts to safeguard things is still our best hope. Our second best hope is to be humble enough to admit and accept that our best plans are always flawed. With this admission, our plan should be to monitor our safeguards constantly and repeatedly, and then find the weak spots, and shore them up effectively and immediately every time a crack in the dam is exposed.

That will still fail sooner or later, but the time of failure thus can be delayed for years.

The Rule Of Law

We under this constitutional republic will not survive unless there is one set of rules for everyone, not one for the Media and Deep State darlings that are Lefist, and another for conservatives and Republicans of all kinds.

There must be a rule of law. A second special prosecutor must end Mueller's witch hunt, ferret out and convict felons in all level of federal hierarchies and agencies that were and are involved in dethroning Trump Those complicit but not guilty of crimes against the state must be outted, demoted or outright fired.

It is time for full transparency. It is time for justice to be visited upon the wrongdoers. It is time to eliminate those secretive FISA courts.

We need the rule of law, and we need virtuous, law-biding, supercitizens legislators to make the equitable and just laws, and then to obey them once they are passed. Bad laws, intrusive laws and outmoded laws need to go off the books.


Despite all the Leftist nonsense deemphaszing gender traits and roles, we still need to bring up our girls to be feminine and bring up our boys to be masculine. Let the Girl Scouts be the Girl Scouts, and let the Boy Scouts be the Boy Scouts. These two genders are equal but not identical.

With these basic assumptions of mine laid out, I wish to point out that manly boys become heterosexual, manly men. This does not mean that they are bully-boys, in any manner abusing loners, gays, women or animals. Graatuitous cruelty vented on any target is not manly, but is vicious weakness, a clear indicator of no self-control, a manly attribute. Cruelty is always cowardly and immature. It is not about being a strong, violent if self-defense of oneself, one's family and one's country, and protective. Being cruel is about inflicting harm and that is never acceptable, and never the way a mature, responsibile, contributing male acts.

Allow the Left to concoct a world brew in which there are 9 or 17 genders in our world. Most youths are heterosexual, so we will honor the traditional values and behaviors associated with raising healthy boys and girls.

Girls can be feminine and yet liberated, and boys can be stoic, strong and manly without being rowdy or cruel.

Psalm 70, 1-4

Help!: Deign, O God, to rescue me; O Lord, make haste to help me. Let them be put to shame and confounded who seek my life. Let them be turned back in disgrace who desire my ruin. Let them retire in shame who say to me, 'Aha, aha!'

This lamentation and pleading to God for help, rescue and protection could serve as my motto for facing down my myriad of worldly enemies, the grouped, attacking nonindividuators that surround and harass this great soul.


It is always difficult to enjoy a linkup of the minds, where people are encouraged to share their honest, heartfelt opinions.  To get things done, and to live harmoniously does require some compromising where possible and honorable, without either party to a dispute selling out core values.

Beyond that, they must tolerate each other, coexist peacefully, and allow the other room to lives as she pleases without nagging or interference.

They must agree to disagree and still be friends, or at least get along civilly, with mutual respect.

What It Is

Each thing, each person, each event in the universe has its own penchant, its own nature, its own instinctive, native or willed preference as to what it will tolerate or not, or be forced to do or not, or be transformed or not.

This resistance to moving from where it belongs or cherishes being at is what makes it unique and singular. No force in the universe can move it without its willingness to alter.

As a persuader, it would be wise to work with his or its proclivities.

As an individuator, it would behoove the self-reflector to understand his deep, primordial penchant, and work with it to set up a plan for maverizing. In this way,  he will maximize development of his potential into actuality.

Thursday, June 7, 2018


So they are mad at Trump about tariffs, a potential trade war, environmental policy and climate change rejection.

These globalist/socialists are not going to tell us what to do. Trump, tell them to hit the road.

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

If You Want A Life

If you want a life, build a life. If group-living has puliverized your ego and will down to the size of that strapped onto a gnat, it is time to pull yourself up, and get going. The sky is the limit.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018


Individualism is more fully expressed when the wielder of his own fate and possessor of his own power and God-devised life called posses money, things and property rights protected so that he can maverize to the maximum doable.

Free Frade

Free trade: practice it. Free trades leads to lots of trading. Lots of goods and services flowing  between nations allows free enterprise to bring, wealth, prosperity and a growing standard of living to all the participants.

Banning AR-15s

They are banned in Deerfield, Illinois and in Boulder, Colorado. These illegal, unlawful gun grabs cannot be allowed to go unpunished.

Traveling To The Stars

We can travel to the stars, and will, as soon as our technological mastery of science, communication, survival, viability and space travel are mastered by us.

It may be that there are alternative universes that operate under different laws, moral systems diametrically opposed to our own, and with different sets of natural laws. We do not know that that is the case. Fancying different power-rules probably just does not apply or work.

We know that humans are sick from birth, and are addicted to and corrupted by power. With that in mind, we must work hard to make people moral and free--even in space--as we are imagining what it will be like out there.


The earth has suddenly become a very small planet, and the rallying cry to globalize everything is a dangerous trend. We should have trade deals all across the globe, and Internet open and free to all across the globe (China, Russia and Turkey, are you listening?).

But one world governement theory is very dangerous. Monopolisitic, centralized power will turn poisonous and murderous rather quickly. We need a federation of countries and cantons, with self-rule and home-rule.

You Have Power

You have the power instilled in your heart and soul, by God, to be or come close to being whatever it is that you desire to be. Go do just that, and you will never regret, it, and, rarely look back.

Your Nature

Every person, every blade of grass, and every atom in the universe have unique natures. For outside forces or entities to remake that person or thing in ways incompatible with, and overriding the intrinsic bent and will of the targets is to destroy them, to meet fierce resistance to being "transformed" or to distort their natural way to be.

To love and allow liberty for a being, creature or blade of grass may be to allow them to live as their nature dictates.

Neighborhood Parties

I have a pet peeve to share with you. As you know, I am a radical loner, and not on good speaking terms with many people, including neighbors here in Blomington.

I recently attended a party thrown by new neighbors to celebrate their arrival in our neighborhood. Now, we seem to get along all right, but that often does not last, but, for now we are getting along, and I wish to give them the benefit of the doubt, and to be friendly and welcoming.

My wife could not go, and no other neighbors were there (some came later), so, when I went, I was the only neighbor there. It was a mixed-raced couple, and they were friendly. The people there were from their church and immediate family. I was off by myself.

I stayed for 1 & 1/2 hours and the left, and the husband seemed miffed that I left, but I insisted.

They should have 3 parties. One for church members, one for immediate family and one for neighbors, because the three groups do not know each other, do not mix and end up sticking with the people they are already familiar with.

This imitates another such party I went to. The hosts, trying to save time and energy, have one party to invite all kinds of dissimilar people to get the meeting the neighbors over with. It does not work. Do not do it.

Psalm 69, 35

Praise God: "Let the heavens and the earth praise him, the seas and whatever moves in them."

Psalm 69, 25

Where evildoers are not only unrepentant, but aggressively, violently persecuting the just and godly, it may be acceptable for the beleaguered children of light to pray that God rain down lighting upon their enemies to save them from annihilation: "Pour out your wrath upon them; let the fury of your anger overtake them."

Capitalism Works

Jobs are up. The economy is flourishing again. Unemployment rates are down. Trump, the free markets and conservative policies are working.

Capitalism has rarely failed. It gives people jobs so all share in the growing prosperity.

So, why does capitalism have such an evil name, and is opposed in so many circles?

Deep down, we wicked, selfless and collectivist. Capitalism is an economic philosophy that grates on basic human nature, coaching and scolding us to be good, hard-working, productive wealth-producers, that are individualists motivated by enlightened self-interest.

The elites that run the government, the various institutions, and are at the top of the heap, love socialism because it keeps all down and poor, and the few at the top stay wealthy and powerful, running everything.

A free, and wealth-amassing populace torpedo their world, their values, their control, so the Left brainwashed the masses into despising and rejecting capitalism, the economic breadbasket feeding all individuating dreams.

The Baker

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Colorado baker that refused to bake a wedding cake for the gay same-sex couple.  It was a just decision. In cases of free speech and religious freedom, a gay couple demanding that a pastor marry them, or a  baker bake for them, who reject gay marriage on religious and moral grounds (as I do), the pastor and the baker do not have to oblige them.

If the gay couple, married or cohabiting, wanted to rent a car from me, or hire me as a handyman, I could not legally deny them service due to their sexual orientation or their commitment to gay marriage.

This compromise seems fair. Gays are not denied their civil rights, and conservative believers are not denies their human rights and civil rights. Solomon could have done no better.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Hate Speech

Hate speech is free speech that your enemies speak, and it that which repulses you, so you censor the speaker to shut him up, to ban him and the truth that he speaks.

Now there is speech that is hateful, but that should never worry us. We speak out against it, and we get our guns and stand up to the hateful speaker if he plans to use guns and force to force and terrorize us to subjugate ourselves to his views and sway, but we do not ban almost any speech for being hateful.

Free speech and free thought at vital for individuators to think, question, dialogue and uncover new insights and truth. There is no liberty, no goodness, no advancement without free speech and free thought.

The Future

We do not know what the future will bring, and we do not have much control over it. Only Fate, God and the Good Spirits know what in store for us. The solution; love, pray, work hard and play a little; self-realize and be right with God, and the rest will have to take care of itself.

David Hogg

Prager U has a new video out where young Hoggs call politicians whores and the NRA child-killers, because the NRA gives money to politicians. Prager argues that about 11,000 gun death occur a year, but Planned Parenthood does 320,000 abortions and gives money to politicians but Leftists like Hogg have no problem with that. Brilliant example of cognitive dissonance and rank hypocristy, revealed by Prager.

There are 6 million of us in the NRA, and we are growing in number and influence. The Left is so power-hungry, freedom hating, and totalitarian, that they will register and then confiscate our guns as soon as possible.

We in the oldest civil rights association in America will fight this to the end.


Prager has a new video out asking if the American flag is a symbol of hate speech? If anyone answers yest to that, they are ignorant, heedless and bigoted--hating America and all that is good, desperately seeking to take America down so they can spread collective darkness, groupist despair and wretchedness, and tyranny to all corners of the globe. Take out America, and it is all doable.

Friday, June 1, 2018

I Disagree

I saw it said on Facebook tonight that once corrupt politicians started being jailed, then we can start trusting the government again. It is incorrect. Government can never be  trusted. It is a necessary evil to enforce contracts and provide ordered liberty for all, but it inevitably grows and its elite handlers get sick on power acquisition, only gained by robbing and attacking the citizens. The acquired power has to come from somewhere.

Government is always evil, and it always deteriorates and turns on its citizens. It can only be provisionally trusted when run by individuating anarchist supercitizens. Even then we must remain wary of growing govenment.


Is human nature basically good, and thus perfectible, so Progressivism is the means to take us to Utopia on Earth?

 Absolutely not. We are depraved, but can lead good, productive lives if we are brought up right, and work hard at being ethical adults. We can enjoy freedom, prosperity and fabulous opportunities under free market constitutional republicanism, but it is not utopia, and never will be. But it is good enough for what we need and could want.

The Strongest

Yes, America must continue to be the strongest military on earth. And while we do not want to be at war unless so engaging is critical for national security reasons, we must be strong, be involved and be the world's cop where needed. None other is kind enough and judicious enough to fill this vital role.

Egoistic Outlook

From an Egoist point of view: Yes, we should almost always tell the truth, but those white lies are morally acceptable to save you needless social embarrassment, or to save the feelings of another, when nothing dire is at stake. We should not harm others, but we should not harm ourselves either, and the wicked human propensity to attack the self, creates such self-loathing that the urge to lash out at innocent victims is almost to much of a temptation to resist. Though none of us is ever the most important thing in thing on earth, but individuating humans are a living miracle, and a joy to observe. Confidence gained by so living is not only acceptable but is vital for maintaining good emotional and spiritual health. And, yes, rich or poor, or of middle income, you should be able to look anyone in the eye, admitting that you are not better than they are, but you are no worse either. Life and liberty entail accepting that we are all born equal, but that is no guarantee of equality of outcomes. And if the government clumsily, artificially fumbles around mandating equality of income and outcomes, then bureaucratic result holds back all.