Thursday, May 24, 2012


We are herding creatures, and nothing makes being included so sweet as contrasting that mode of existence with excluding another, less favored human being from the appointed social circle to which we belong.

What is depraved about us is closely linked to this powerful urge to cull some from the social herd. No rival human behavior is so corrupting or cruel. No rival behavior has done some much damage in human history, or inflicted so much ongoing pain.

Satan is nothing if not a clever ecoterrorist. His natural roots are the matrix from which Sa manipulates human instinct to belong. This desire is morphed by Sa into an incomparable tool for terrorizing humans, controlling them and increasing greatly the chance that they will conform to wicked group behavior and group-think.

As we become more civilized, we must love ourselves and esteem ourselves. We must acknowledge that we are all sinners. We must recognize that we include and exclude in the negative way mentioned above. We must only include and exclude others for honorable reasons.

Often insiders engage in this hurtful, hostile process of exclusion without being aware of doing it. We must be sentient always, monitoring the behavior of our peers and ourselves. There may be some unpleasant, crazy or hateful persons that we justifiably can exclude. Beyond that we must cut it out.

Mostly we must rise above our instinctive, conservative tendency to attack and reject what is slightly or considerably varied from ourselves. The rejected ones may be morally superior to us or even smarter or better workers or more successful; it does not matter; as excluded, they are ranked as social inferiors.

Once we are open and welcoming as a natural, learned response to strangers and the different, and this inclusive approach becomes second nature for us, then civilization will begin to advance and much senseless needless suffering will evaporate like the morning dew in the bright, rising sun.

Satan will have lost a huge advantage over God: for where destructive, wasteful social games centered around false including and excluding cease, there room for personal growth and advancement will greatly accelerate and expand, and this allows God's influence to be greatly increased and extended.

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