Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Noble Savage Reconsidered

Journal Entry: 12-3-2011:

Because we are not naturally good from birth, the raw child of nature and in nature is not a noble savage, but is a selfish, violent savage.

Social conventions and human institutions like the family, church and legal system all work to rear these little savages into productive, law-abiding citizens. These constraints and influences will function to guide the average youth to develop at least minimally into civilized adulthood.

If the parents are ambitious and far-sighted, in addition they would steer their children to, as individuals, actualize their potential.These children will become self-starters, anarchists that are nonviolent law-makers, law-givers and law-abiders, sophisticated, scientific citizens.

In the midst of his presidential run, Newt Gingrich made some remark about poor children being required to work some to learn the useful habit of working.

Liberals sniped that this remark was cruel. Actually, all children need to learn to work and work hard. Soon they will desire to live as self-starters, driven, disciplined and self-disciplining, a generation of potential individuators.

This in no way is inconsistent with keeping child labor laws on the books, but kids that work--especially for their parents on the family farm, or in the family business--are learning the liberating power of work. Also, they are not running the streets getting in to trouble.

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