Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Cornerstone

Journal Entry: 2-4-2012

The philosophy of moderation would make a sturdy cornerstone upon which to construct one's theory describing how the world works. This queen of the philosophical investigations serves to unite and eclecticize all branches of knowledge, taking points from all while not absorbing all points from any point of view. In this way important insights are not downplayed or forgotten. A myriad of sources of information, truths and facts will spur maximum creative philosophizing among individuators.

As philosophy was once the queen of the sciences, let it be so again. We must allow the philosophy of moderation to serve as most productive representative of philosophical outlooks filling this desirable role as queen of the sciences.

The thinker/individuator, trained in moderate philosophy, is in the best position to do original work. Friendly opposition and competition is to be encouraged among rival schools of thought as these opponents advocate and counter-advocate their point of view in the free and open marketplace of ideas. This setup is ideal for generating a profusion of new, profound ideas exotic theories, and promising lines of investigation.

Lack of competition in the marketplace of ideas is the surest way to stagnate intellectually. Original, independent thinking and innovation requires free and open research and expression of personal opinions without consequences for unorthodox positions published. The advancement of civilization  is at stake.

Fanatics (Some of them are brilliant but their narrowness limits their potential.) are one-dimensional. They tolerate no dissent or admittance of persons and points of view that would clash with the official version of how things work. This clash, friendly or unfriendly, is disallowed. It is intellectual and moral death for the populace to reside under the canopy of one universal way of thinking, speaking and acting.

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