Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Today I was listening to Mike Gallagher on the radio, and he lamented that young men today are not as masculine as they once were; that they are being feminized. He is correct. We can raise up a generation of manly young men that individuate without being cave men, or holding down their women and children. Gallagher had some sharp academic woman on talking about young men today as working but unattached to marriage, family, institutions, churches or civic organizations. She contrasted this phenomenon with more mature young men in the 1960s. She is correct. I believe that the solution is to teach young men and young women to individuate. Then, as the Bible urges for believers to put away the ways of a child, and now to act like an adult, then they will mature faster and better and assume their adult roles of running society as did their forefathers before them. Again, the lack of the right set up values is what is allowing them to choose to underachieve

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