Friday, March 29, 2013

Rein Them In

Journal Entry: 12-24-2011: We all have negative impulses, are tempted and develop bad habits growing out of our abbetting these unwholesome desires. Our character and reputation can be permanently scarred--perhaps irreparably--if we do not turn over a new leaf by reining in these bad habits. Developing and leaving unfettered these bad habits in a non-individuator is bad enough. It is far worse when an individuator goes rogue and indulges himself. His heightened energy, discipline, skill, focus, will power, activism, life force and intelligence all now serve bad ends. His lapse is triply dangerous to the community and to himself because he is so able to inflict harm. He has willfully redirected his life mission and is hellbent to career down the path of self-destruction. God holds Mavellonialists extra accountable for they have free will and are awakened. Mavellonialists must ever by keenly aware of this and keep a tight rein on their impulses and behavior. To be intensively focused on personal growth can become such an obsession and unhealthy addiction that their soul and will of the agent are tainted. The Mavellonialist is to individuate but gradually, temperately, while resting and playing as needed. With these built-in precautions noted and heeded, the individual will be able to get back on the right track, living his dream, making it reality. Despite his vast ego--good self-esteem--he must remain humble to the dangers of excess. He must be practical and develop his common sense. He must not be too isolated and too removed from his fellow citizens, losing his common touch. He needs to live among ordinary people with love for God, them and himself. He must employe a sense of humor about himself. Adopting these meliorative traits will go a long ways towards not letting things get out of hand in his personal life.

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