Monday, May 30, 2016

The Protector

It is enheartening for us conservatives that Cruz will be in Cleveland to protect the Republican platform from the slippery turncoat, RINO Trump that inevitably will betray the conservative brand and wiggle towards the statist middle just like the New York Republican that he is.

Donald wants to eliminate the pro-life stance from the platform. Ted is not about to allow that to occur.

We conservatives must work to get Donald elected and then immediately leash him going after him to control him so that he does our bidding. We must push him to the right--along with the entire country-- where he seriously seeks to avoid going.

We have barely survived a statist dictator on the Left, and the country cannot stand a RINO dictator on the right, which is the Donald's inclination. He would like to carry on Barack's illicit act as the imperial President.

We conservatives need to evolve into individuated supercitizens that aggressively, belligerently, speedily, aggressively take on all tyrants and power-grabbers at all levels of government for their cumulative, unending, unyielding assault on liberty and the private sphere of the citizen.

We need to reverse their dirty work, and we must corner Donald to make sure he is a good boy and does what he is told.

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