Monday, December 26, 2016

Following Your Conscience

Each child requires two loving, firm heterosexual parents to bring them up right, to teach them right from wrong, and to instill a conscience in them.

Now there are sociopaths like Jeffrey Dahmer hat are unable to receive moral training. There are those that are mentally ill that likely do not recognize right from wrong.

There are those that are spiritually as wicked as an orc, so their free willed choice will be to commit cruel, selfish, hurtful acts upon others, from a very tender age.

There are those that are wired to loved wickedness, so the instilling of conscience in their psyche will not take due to their genetic, feral affinity to demonic pursuits.

These exceptions to the contrary, if most children are reared in a normal, nuclear family, with a strict but kindly Mom and Dad, their natural wickedness can be tamed as they grow to adulthood with a self-loving outlook, a healthy functioning conscience intact, and with their parentally activated, burning desire to maverize in the service of the Good Spirits, established.

These young maverizers of conscience would run a society well.

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