Thursday, February 2, 2017

Unalterably Opposed

So, you and your political opponents are unalterably oppositional and clashing over everything. Okay, you have nothing in common, and no common ground can be found.

 Given this principled, ideological gridlock, how do you, an unwavering, uncompromising conservative remain a good person, a moderate person? Are you a fanatic, an evil person as a result of your staunch stance? I say no for two reasons.

First, Democrats are now socialists, and their outlook is so extreme that they are black and conservatives are white. They want a one-party, Communist dictatorship. That is so un-American that conservatives must hold an absolutist, rejectionist stance just to keep them from completing their gutting the American culture, the American Constitution, the American economy and the American governmental system. When one's enemies are evil fanatics, it is justifiable to take a firm, consistent, hard line against them.

Second, no matter how we disagree and fight against each other, if conservatives tolerate their enemies, and never seek coerce them into giving up their alternatives views, their expressed, political statements, their peaceful, nonviolent, nonauthoritarian respect of and forebearance of others' continued divergent outlooks is a deeply moderate, ethical stand to adopt and live. That is real tolerance, real goodness and tangible moderation in action.

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