Thursday, March 9, 2017

World Day Of Prayer

This was held on 3/4/2017 according to the Cavalier Chronicle. And it is a worthy, admirable push: let people arround the world, from all denominations and creeds, praying for peace, justice, healing and wholeness. They pray to end poverty, violence and injustice.

Now, those are worthy things to pray for, and should be prayed for. To make them more efficacious, and to move beyond the easy, emotional comfort of just wishing for a few nice moments around the world, before the return to the jungle of group living to snarl at others, and to be snarled at in return, I would like to add some conservative prayers to reallly get the job done.

Let us pray for the moderation and modernization of the Muslim faith as the most vital gain to make to realize world peace.

To end poverty, let all nations adopt our constitution, our constitutional republicanism, and embrace the free market system, and the elimination of big government. These reforms will do more than anything else to wipe out poverty, and make all people everywhere prosperous. Let us pray for these human reforms.

To end violence, give or sell everyone in the world about six hand guns, and 3 semiautomatic rifles. And teach them to be individuating anarchists. Violence would be much reduced and crime would disappear. Let us pray for these gains.

To end injustice, educate all youngsters in all nations on how to function as militant individualists and run their governments on all levels, as supercitizens. Such powerful, empowered citizens will endure no tyranny or justice, and nor will they serve any longer as members of elite groups enslaving, exploiting and oppressing others on the outside of their group.

Let us pray that each person will be made whole, but that will not come about until each maverizes as an individual-liver, and then her entire personhood will be brought forward.

Let us pray for the end of or the much reduced reliance on group-living. Each will be sinful, sick, deluded, corrupt, jaded and hurt as long as he is separated from the Good Spirits, our individualistic masters and mistresses.

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