Friday, May 17, 2019

Puzzled Rush

I know that Rush is opinionated and has a huge ego, but I enjoy his deep understanding of the Left, and his uncanny and prescient delineation of what Leftists think, and what they are up to.

He knows them as well as anyone in America. He spoke yesterday of some outfit (on 5/17/19) that gives talking points to the various news outlets to make sure that they all use the same words, and use the same responses to the events of the day. He and conservatives are noticing that Leftist journalists and politicians, and Progressive pundits across the land how all speak with one voice.

Rush expressed puzzlement and amazement that they continue to speak with one voice and none dissented in the 2 &1/2 year soft coup attempt to take out Trump, based upon an obviously fraudulent dossier and dirty tricks about non-existent Donald-Russian collusion to impede, smear and ultimately remove a sitting President.

Rush is astounded that none of them broke ranks with their peers to protest that it was all a malicious hoax, even though such an honest, courageous, public protest would make great career sense--if they could stand the heat and rejection. Not one intellectual from the ruling class elite broke ranks, not one. Why is that  Rush asked. I believe I have the answer.

The Leftist infection has been spreading through the body of American culture, government and its politics for over a century now. It culminated with Obama, a nasty, true believer, dictator and pure hater of all things American.

He is gone from the scene now but his minions and converts are everywhere in Hollywood, in think tanks, in Academia, the school system, traditional media, in the churches, in the court system, in the innumerable bureaucracies, in political offices on every level across the land.

These educated, intellectuals have come into their own, and they are the ruling class clerisy that seek to wipe out the common person, constitutional republic that was traditional America. They are powerful, smart, cunning, organized, excellent communicators all singing the same song, and all are on the same team: they would wipe out Western values, the white race, capitalism, liberty of any kind, our constitutional republic, our right to keep and bear arms as individuals. They are pure Marxists, and they love totalitarian despotism, and that is what they are bringing to America, and they may very well be unstoppable.

Rush, these Progressive intellectuals speak with one voice, because they are groupists, joiners, conformists and group-thinkers. They are true believers advancing their religion, Leftism. They are at the vanguard of this mass movement to cover America and then the world with Marxist, globalist darkness. They are enslaved to this dark cause that they deserved. They no longer have good wills, free wills, independent thinking, or the courage of dissent. They all serve their Master, Obama. No matter how brilliant, how credentialed and how promising they once were as separate individuals of integrity, now are now servants of that Master, and his faith, Progressivism. They have sold their souls to this cause, and must speak with one voice as true believers must do.

They have but one desire: to advance their cause across America and enjoy complete and total victory over traditionalists, freedom-lovers, resisters of any ilk and conservatives of any stripe. They will wipe out the American Way Of  Life, and bring atheistic, Communism to our shores. They will sacrifice anyone and anything to gain their end, and their addiction to corrupt and total power if bottomless, and it compels them to seek after it without yielding, without compromising, without pause.

These journalists on the Left speak with one voice, Rush, because the cause they serve deserves it, and demands it of them. They can and will do as they are told.

Eric Hoffer warned us 70 years ago that intellectuals have always sided with those in power and those in power unite in their perpetual conspiracy to hold down, hold back and to supervise those in bondage, the common people, those inept naughty children so naturally in need of direction from their betters, their rulers that rule by natural right--so they think.

Rush, that journalists speak with one voice against Trump over a hoax that they invented, and that they are militant in still back it does reveal how sick they are, how determined they are to bring darkness, suffering and tyranny to Americans, and how close we are to losing our freedom, our prosperity, our wonderful way of life to these educated haters, conspirators and vile people

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