Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Effective Fighters

It occurred to me today that if the Elves of Tokien are immortal, purely good angels without free will, and the orcs are mortal, wholly evil creatures that cannot help but be what they are, then men, dwarves and hobbits are basically evil creatures with some residual capacity for good who wield some free will.

My mind was wandering in speculation as I dreamily wondered who would be the most effective fighter against evil, elves or men. The elves might be the most powerful and constant opponents of the Dark Lord, but it would be men that would be the most effective fighter against the orcs and their master.

Why you ask? It is because being born part evil allows humans to understanding the evil foes of God and De's followers. It takes a thief to catch a thief and an evil person to know how an evil foe thinks, and how to best take advantage of their flaws and weaknesses.

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