Sunday, June 14, 2020

Non-Racist America

America are the least racist country in the world, and white privilege does not exist. Whatever whites have achieved, they have worked for on a level playing field with people of color.

Today, 6/14/2020, Mark Levin carried a Facebook article about his interview with a famous black activist. Shelby Steel informs Mark Levin that 'Blacks have never been less oppressed. In a news article from INSURRECTIOB dated 6/8/20, written by one Jeff Reyolds.

Reynolds writes: "Steele fully rejects the concept of systemic racism. Steele held court for the first eight minutes and fifty seconds of the program, and Levin sat back and let him drop truth bomb after truth bomb. Steele flat out said blacks have never faced less oppression, and that they need to take responsibility for their position at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures."

Steele criticizes fellow blacks to Levin: "Society is responsible for us, because racism is so systemic. Well, that’s a corruption, and I know it’s a corruption, because the truth of the matter is blacks have never been less oppressed than they are today. Opportunity is around every corner. In all of this, no one ever stops to say, well, you’re unhappy with where minorities are at in American life, and blacks continue to be at the bottom of most socioeconomic measures. You’re unhappy about that. Well, why don’t you take some responsibility for that? Why don’t you take more responsibility? I would be happy to look at all the usual bad guys, the police and so forth, if we had the nerve, the courage to look at black people. To look at black Americans, minority Americans, and say, you’re not carrying your own weight."
I am not without sympathy for blacks for continuing to feel like victims even though they are not. What we need to do is teach black youths to abandon the Left and tribal identity politics, freeing up each young  black woman and man to work hard in the capitalist system here, and maverize, and most of this talk of racism would dissipate.

Let us abandon this whining about victimhood and oppression and move on to self-help, acquiring wealth and healthy power, originating from personal effort and initiative.

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