Saturday, August 15, 2020

Reverse Racism Defined

In a pure sense, I believe you are right, that racism by anyone against anyone is racism in practice and that is all that needs to be written as a descriptive adjective characterizing practically the vicious act of prejudice in action. My deliberate usage of the phrase reverse racism is to capture and draw attention to current Leftist campaign to invoke racist hatred and attacks on all whites by Leftist whites, by people of color and globalists, foreign or domestic. Anti-semitism is a genocidal stain on the history of humanity that is still alive and flourishing. The Leftists and globalists that seek to overthrow America and set up a one-world socialist dictatorship also have in mind genocidal extermination of white people from the face of the earth. Do not underestimate their murderous intent. I likely sound like an alarmist kook, but I believe that their hammering the drums of identity politics, teaching all the young Americans in school and in college that whites, men, especially heterosexual males, are the most cruel, nasty oppressors that have ever existed--all of this is to stoke the fires of hatred against whites. We need to get organized, armed and alert to keep the haters and revolutionaries from taking over America and teaching the world to loathe whites. They begin with words of hate, but federal soldiers armed and a new Gestapo, in thirty years, could well move against those of European ancestry right here in America.

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