Sunday, April 18, 2021

Come Crashing Down

Mark Levin, in his book, Plunder and Deceit, Page 30 and Page 31, gloomily forsees the economic death of America on the horizon, due to our gross fiscal irresponsibility: "The American people are facing some very unpleasant realities about the nation's financial vulnerabilities. The federal government is deeply in debt; the largest federal program, Social Security, is hemorrhaging; the natioanl birthrate does not provide enough working people from whom money can be transferred to subsidize beneficiaries; and most individuals do not have enough personal savings to get them through severe economic times. As the late economist Dr. Herbert Stein once wrote, 'If something can't go on forever, it will stop.' And in this case, the federal government's biggest program will stop with a crash, taking down the older recipients and the younger payers alike." It may take down our entire country when the government and the overtaxed enocomy collapse togethet.

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