Saturday, August 28, 2021

Driving Around

I used to be a roving maintenance technician, and one of the perks of that job was listening to talk radio while going from building to building. I am stationary now, but did a part’s run to St. Louis Park yesterday, so I got to hear a few minutes of wise Dennis Prager. It was a physic for my soul: he was on fire. These wise conclusions were the generalizations that he tossed off to the audience in 30 minutes my paraphrases are shared with the reader: 1) It is a common myth of misunderstanding that great art comes from being very unhappy, and this suffering drives genius to create great art to make it all meaningful. Prager denied this, advocating that happy people can crate great art too. My response: Dennis is more right than wrong, for individuators, more from happy ambition than seeking answers for their past sufferings--they do that too--can be highly motivated and highly successful at making great art. Jordan Peterson might be more inclined to believe that great art grows out of great suffering and unhappiness, and that has motivated many artists in the past. 2) When US is weak militarily (As under incompetent Biden and his botched exit from Afghanistan.), evil and brutality grow in the world. My response: This is a brilliant insight and too true. 3) If someone is asked the following question (Which do you fear more--human evil or climate change?), in reveals their cultural outlook, their political stance, the values that they live by. My response: Conservatives fear human evil for humans are evil more than good, especially in this modern age of godlessness and no traditional moral values. Progressives deny that evil exists, that humans are evil, that the Devil is anything more than an imagined construct. Progressive have no value orientation to withstand the growth of evil, let alone confront it early, immediately in their midst. Progressives by omission allow the Dark Couple to expand their kingdom on earth, and by conscious or unconscious commission actually work for these Demons.

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