Saturday, April 9, 2022


When such aggressive proselytizers approach one, it is a groupist seeking power over the individual not part of the pack that follows the cult, and the attempt to capture one for the cause is hostile and unfortunate, good for no one.

As a general rule, being good or holy is a tricky posture to assume. Both roles are positive and desirable, but to talk about either openly, constantly and preaching one's cause's expansion as all are urged to join up--all of this self-conscious strutting and prattle disguises and corrupts the individual aim to be good and holy. 

It is not something to boast about constantly, nor to a worshiped abstraction, nor to be the cause pushed by the state upon citizens.

Being good or holy is a private, personal matter, and the self-realizing individual is best situated to arrange her own life to be good and holy in a way that works for her, and only she knows what is best for her, and her choices usually will be to society's benefit.

We need to talk little about how good and holy we are, and rather work tirelessly to be good and holy, and God and the Good Spirits will notice and approve, and others will notice our good works and example, left done but unstated, and not advertised.

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