Thursday, June 23, 2022


 Senator John Cornyn and 13 other US Republican Senators are betraying gun-owners’ rights now by working with Democrats in both Houses of Congress to pass major gun control legislation, the most significant in 30 years.

This will do nothing to prevent gun violence, it it will decisviely further erode gun rights.

Why are the Republicans doing this? I have several reasons that might explain their treachery.

First, they are RINOS and RINOS do not know what they stand for, and, if they did, they would betray their own values for political advantage, so they "compromise" and become bipartisan join up with Marxists, Democrats and Leftists seeking to wipe out 2A, to disarm the public, so that the dictatorship of the proletariat will reign unopposed, once triggered. Pure power is the aim for the Democrats, and the RINO traitors are giving it to them.

Second, Cornyn was booed at the Republican convention a few days ago, and he flippantly and scornfully dismissed gun-rights Republicans that booed him, smearing them as the mob that he will not pander to. These are red-blooded, patriotic Americans worried about remaining armed so that they can discourage tyrants and elitists like Cornyn in the Washington swamp from finalizing their implementation of their Marxist tyranny, for fear of a united, fierce, armed public. To disarm them makes it easier to cow and control them. Are the Soviet citizens armed to repel Putin and his thugs? No, they are disarmed, murdered, imprisoned, and abused, and that is what elitists like Cornyn desire for America going forward, but gun-totaling, gun-loving patriots stand in their way to installing their dominion over the American people.

Third, Cornyn, McConnell, other swamp dwellers, Democrats and the Left enjoy power and privilege as their rule the American people from Washington. If these turncoat Senators can ally with the Democrats, then they can send a clear message of rejection to the gun rights folks like the citizens and American Firearms Association that they cannot tell Senators how to vote. The swamp-dwellers will rob the people of their constitutional and gun rights just to keep themselves in power as elite creatures ruling and exploiting the cowed, obedient, long-suffering, brainwashed, disinformed masses. They achieve their retention of power as the ruling elite by sending a message to gun rights advocates that gun control will be implemented, despite their angry protestations.

Fourth, these 14 Republican Senators may be a bit sincere in hoping that doing something to control guns will help deter future Unvaldes from occurring, but there is no chance that severely and incrementally restricting the gun rights of the law-abiding will in any way prevent the evil, the criminal, the terroristic and the mentally ill perpetrators from harming children in mass shooting.

We in the gun rights movement may fail to derail this horrible gun control legislation, the worst in decades. but we are angered, emboldened, better financed, better organized and eager to fight forward to thwart this legislation and take control of the swamp in Washington and all 50 of the state capitols, and make gun rights a pillar to be protected with pro-gun rights laws going forward with sympathetic judges, and we will take back our country from Quislings like Cornyn and McConnell and the Leftist haters of America.

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