Sunday, August 28, 2022

They Are Out There

 There have always been loners among the joiners, and that proclivity is both naturally recurring and socially accentuated.

My research is not extensive--more or less nonexistent and all anecdotal, based upon hunches, observations and generalizations.

Recently, at work, at two different jobs, over a one year period, I worked with two older white males that were bright, talented, ethical, very singular, very eccentric loners. One at least likely was gay and I have long suspected a correlation between being gay and being individualistic. How such creative individuals have advanced human culture would be a great study for Jordan Peterson to undertake.

My generalization is that there are more loners out there among the joiners than we wish to acknowledge or even realize. I keep encountering them without even looking for them.

I would recommend that my Mavellonialist philosophy on how to raise children to be primary loners and secondary joiners is a social science that might help these struggling, lost, lonely, isolated loners to maverize, thus making their suffering and ostracism meaningful and gravid with possibilities.

I propose a brotherhood of loners out there for male loners, white or non-white, straight or gay, and we should extend this invitation to our sisters too.

I also suspect that men are naturally, slightly more inclined to be loners and rational indvidualists, and  women are slightly more incline to be joiners, groupist, and emotional, but there are huge exceptions to these rules, too.

Loners have a natural propensity to transform themselves into great souls that serve God. They are lacking the means to get there, the concept itself and the steps to get it done, but this know-how can be taught and learned. Loners are on their way, but they know no one with the right values to share with them, or the support required to nudge them to dare become more isolated, more self-actualized and extremely unpopular and socially undesirable for daring to be.

I watched a mob of guys go after this rebel loner at work last week, and I intervened and kept them off of him, and diffused the attack. They came for him again within 30 minutes. They were ready to run him out of the workplace--he had already given his 2 weeks’ notice.

I knew this cruel behavior was unjust and immoral, and I talked to the staff about him, and calmed everyone down, and now it seems he can work his last 6 days and leave peacefully.

The corrupt working hierarchy at my place of work, with its severe caste structure does make the in-crowd technicians run in a tight pack, and in 5 months I have seen them try to take out and run out two employees.

This mob-craving to scapegoat is institutionalized there now, and it will happen again--perhaps to me, though I am careful to stay out of their way. We will see.

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