Saturday, November 12, 2011

An Empirical Proof That Satan Exists

We have all struggled through the plight of doing what is right versus what is popular. The wise, loving, rational side of our conscience urges us to do our duty. The wily, hateful, instinctive side of our conscience nudges us to do what everyone else is doing to avoid a drop in social standing.

God is an individualist doing De's own thing without much regard for community approval or disapproval.

God's orientation to and treatment of nature reveals who God is by how God conducts Deself,  while encountering nature. God created nature and supervises nature. God decisions and actions are original, creative and alter how nature is, looks and operates. In society, we humans are to live like God does.

Satan is more similar to Nature than is God, but Satan is not the same as Nature. Nature is that battleground, which along with society, are where good and evil duke it out. Satan has immersed Saself in nature and arises up out of nature to infest and take over communities everywhere possible.

Satan is a demagogue and is the leader of the pack. As the hidden, invisible leader of the social pack, all social labels, ranking, the official narrative, the names, ranks and roles assigned and the relationships allowed and nurtured are directed by his whispering into the ears of his social favorites.

Satan is a joiner so joining becomes the desired trait to display in order for social worth and rank to be allotted to each person in question. Satan's brilliantly manipulates the human herding instinct to keep humans natural, subjugated, communally directed, ignorant, oppressed, exploited and yet proud of their wretched lot. In the group what is bad is called good and all or ordered to accept this. What is good is called bad and all are ordered to avoid this. This Big Lie technique has billions of joiners convinced that their lives are admirable and worth replicating.

In the group, in the social setting, is where Satan's core power base is operating. This accursed center of darkness is a natural, supernatural and social phenomena that makes it exceedingly difficult to dislodge and defeat. Little in human history has wrecked so many lives as that social craving to become or remain popular at any cost.  That this primordial motive weighs so heavily upon human minds is proof that Satan the puppet-master is at work here, adroitly pulling the strings like Satan always has.

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