Friday, November 4, 2011


There are many emotions that propel humans to act. Some of them are positive in influence, and some are quite destructive in impact.

One of the most--if not the most--destructive emotions felt by people is jealousy. The reader may ask why I bother dusting off this old criticism for new visitation when this subject was covered in the Bible thousands of years ago.

Notice that the subject has been covered for thousands of years and yet the moral imperative as traditionally brandished by well-meant reformers has had little lasting influence.

Note that jealousy is the emotion of envy communicated between two people where one doubts the trueness of the other's affections, or is torqued off at attention shown to her. That kind of jealousy is not what I am discussing here.

The very dangerous jealousy occurs as Muslims are jealous of the more successful Israelis or how non-individuators hate and mistreat an individuator. This type of jealousy has driven many collective acts of evil and systemic persecution through out human history. No force can rival jealousy in retarding human advancement. How does this play out?

The individuator is independent, self-reliant and actualizing his potentiality. He is psychologically secure. He loves himself and is at peace with himself. How others, superior or inferior to him in some way or talent, perform is irrelevant. He enjoys being free, neither controlling another, or being controlled by her.

He applauds the other that does well and who is pursuing his dream.

It is the joiners that are jealous and worried about what their neighbors are up to and achieving. No one is to be free and apart. No one can be successful. No one can leave the group and do his own thing. All must loathe themselves, indulge themselves, baby themselves and expect little from themselves. All are to keep an eye on their neighbor to prevent anyone from rising up and amounting to something. Where neighbors watch over each other, jealously spying on each other to keep everyone down, they are reminding everyone that is is never acceptable to stand out and excel.

Jealousy is a groupist, wicked emotion that we must grow out of. Class warfare and robbing from the neighbor what he has earned are  variations of this theme.

When we are jealous of another, we will take steps to humble him, and such atrocious acts hurt and hold back all. Dispense with this jiggery-pokery.

Be free. Be well. Rejoice for another as he succeeds, while taking your steps to succeed too.

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