Friday, March 9, 2012

Based On Your Convictions

Journal Entry: 1-13-2012:

It is admirable to act based upon your convictions. You are fired up by what you hate, dislike, fervently oppose and work hard to forestall. Much good and likely more damage has accrued because people like you were only, negatively motivated to prevent something they detested from being achieved.

Being motivated to get involved is an excellent first step. But it is not going far enough in the right direction. You are still playing defense. As Rush notes frequently, to win you must play offense.
You must be upbeat, intent, fired-up and energetic in fighting for something positive. If you champion a constructive cause that would make things cheaper, more humane, safer, more efficient, more inclusive, more modern or more luxurious, and you enthusiastically and publicly tout it over an extended period of time, it should start to catch on.

People should start to take notice and support your program. Then the initial steps on the way to universal acceptance are  well along the path to gaining wide appeal and widespread support.  Long-term support requires a positive message promoting the benefits of your introduced program.

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