Saturday, March 10, 2012

Gratuitous Snottiness

In today's Star & Tribune, a Grand Forks North Dakota columnist, 85year Marilyn Hagerty, wrote glowingly about the great food and service at the new Olive Garden that just opened in Grand Forks. For some reason her column caught on, went viral, and the snooty East Coast elitist panned her appreciation of such a plebian restaurant as Olive Garden fit only for the unwashed masses not knowing any better than to eat there and then rave about it.

People, including elitists, run in packs. As such, group ranking is imposed and where one is ranked is very important to these joiners. This jockeying for position makes the natural inclination to find someone or something to look down on impossible to resist. These cultured elitists, mocking homespun Hagerty and her middlebrow restaurant tastes, are guilty of thinking that they are superior to North Dakotans, though in fact they are not. Dining at a clean, attractive restaurant serving tasty, well-prepared, well-served common food available to customers at an affordable price seems like a slam-dunk to me. To look down their nose at average people for their tastes and choices does nothing to elevate cultured snobs.

The accomplished individual is proud and self-confident, but does not feel compelled by some terrible need to feel good about himself by means of putting down someone nearby for the way they dress or live. Cultured joiners in elite clique cannot feel secure temporarily unless they are constantly putting someone, somewhere down, as voiced in  their displays of oral and written contempt. They are mean, unpleasant people with no manners or class. If they knew better, the way they behave should embarrass them into silence. The way they act is impolite and inferior to basic good manners expected and met in most middle class North Dakota homes.

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