Thursday, September 13, 2012

They Are At It Again

With the murder of our ambassador and employees at the consulate in Libya on 9-11, it seems if anti-American elements sought a ruse to become offended and then attack American interests.

I was listening to an expert on Prager today and he made observations that I have been holding forth on for a couple of years. He noted that in Islam there is little self-criticism or willingness to modernize or forsake the divine right to take murderous, violent offensive at any slight of Islam, indigenous or foreign, real or imagined, minor or major.

97% of Muslim must give up mob uprisings. They must embrace Western values to temper their own fanatical leanings. They must eschew violence and holy war. They must tolerate minorities in their midst. They must denounce suicide bombings and the employment of terrorism to gain their ends. They must disassociate with the Muslim Brotherhood ambition for world conquest, setting up sharia law everywhere under a one-world caliphate.

This Israeli pundit noted that we need exposure to many cultures and countries, celebrating the differences and learning from each other.

M realistic fear is that they will start a world war and explode weapons of mass destruction. This being possible, we must build up our missile defense system to protect all nations. We must have a powerful military and be willing to fight them tooth and nail at every turn. We may want to invade Iran and Pakistan to shut down these terrorists havens.

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