Sunday, September 30, 2012

Those In Charge

It is not uncommon for those in the workplace, situated somewhere vertically along the corporate ladder, to blame what has gone wrong in the workplace on the line workers. It is instinctive if self-serving for managers to blame those without power and authority for what goes wrong in the organization, but they continually, desperately strive to deflect blame from themselves.

My reaction is that this is always at least partially true that line workers could work harder and smarter, but, most of the time, the managers are to blame for most of what goes wrong, due to their lackluster performance, mismanagement and wrong-headed thinking.

Does it follow from my assigning workplace blame primarily at the feet of Management that I believe that genuine change or reform must come from the top down? No, it does not. Lasting deep reform must occur from the bottom-up as the workers take real control of their personal and work lives to succeed in spite of bosses, politicians and the wealthy. Only each individual on her own can really solve her own problems.

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