Sunday, October 28, 2012

Maintain The Revolution

If Mitt Romney becomes President, just maybe we have a shot at a conservative resurgence int this country. For too long academics, clergy, intellectuals, professional workers, bureaucrats, Hollywood-types and journalists fronting the Old Media have brainwashed the masses into yielding our superior heritage for some half-baked, inferior European-made socialist and secular humanist society that reduces the individual to mob existence. If the conservative revolution is finally in ascendancy, then what can we do to keep it fresh and in control for 300 years? It must be grounded in the political principles of Mavellonialism with the maverization of the private citizen. Where the New Media and a Republican majority blending conservative Christian values with Mavellonialism, we have a chance to set in place a powerful, lasting intellectual and spiritual regime to keep society on the straight and narrow far into the future. We must be alert to counter-revolutionaries, slowly psychologically whittling away at the proper mindset brainwashing the masses to arrange it so America becomes Europe on steroids.

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