Sunday, December 16, 2012

Adam Lanza

This troubled, perhaps insane, perhaps evil young man killed 27 people including 20 small children. Our untrustworthy, freedom-hating, dictator-aspiring President and all his Leftist buddies are politicizing this to the max, once again striking while the iron is hot, taking quick advantage of this tragedy to exploit the horrified masses, hoping finally to build momentum to stampede through gun control legislation, which would restrict or take away our unfettered right to bear arms. We must fight to keep our arms. We must pass no restrictive legislation. Indeed, were the principal and cook armed and ready, they would have shot Adam down before he got rolling, and his execution would be both justified and satisfying for society. All the sanctimonious experts are beating their gums, wagging their heads in befuddlement as to what motivated this sick young loner to commit this heinous crime. Violent video games, declining moral standards, mental illness and a host of secondary motives must have compelled this young man do commit mass murder. Maybe so. I have a theory--though I do not know the young man or his family at all--that I think likely provides the motive for why this vengeful killer went on his violent rampage. He was brilliant. He was a misfit. He was disabled. He had no friends. He was a loner. His mother pushed him very hard to excel. This young man was a victim of society and its members that legally and socially discriminate against an actual individual who may be a budding individualist. Without social acceptance, with no sense that things will ever get better, without befriending, welcoming, inclusion and respect, the young man may have become more and more isolated. Without training in Mavellonialist values to sublimate his anger against society, alone, desperate, frustrated and emotionally a volcano, after one last insufferable snub, he snaps. He erupts into violent action. Brandishing guns, his brutal behavior sends a clear, melodramatic but very destructive communication against society that it has let him down and pushed him over the brink. No one understands why he did what he did. No one knows how to prevent this event from recurring. Nobody learned anything from it, and no steps of reform were instituted. I hope I can help make this understandable and provide solutions. Where a potential individualist has no training or awareness for how to regard his gifts as an opportunity and a blessing, he turns to doing evil. Al Capone, with proper training, may have been a great philosopher or painter. My description above of Adam's motive is my theory for why he did as he did. I may be wildly off base. There are tens of thousands of loners, individuals, and disabled adults, treated as bad or worse than Adam was treated, and they never gave in to their urge to strike back at cruel, indifferent, cold people around them. He might just have been a spoiled, vicious loser who took the cowardly, easy way out by slaughtering innocent first graders. You notice he killed himself rather than shoot at the armed, adult oncoming cops. The Lefists are exploiting this evil event to restrict freedom for citizens. Let me use this occasion to offer a solution that will help future Lanzas going forth the option of God-guided path to self-realization as a enlightened individualist who transcend being a social pariah. This individual forgives slighters around him. He no longer wants revenge upon them. He just desires to be left alone in peace to do his own thing. Two conditions from society are necessary prerequisites to making his life successful. He must be socially welcomed by all groups to enter or leave any group at any time without being punished, teased, censored, slighted or even physically threatened. The second condition is that he needs local, state, federal and international legal and constitutional protection as an individual and individualist, protected against being discriminated against in any setting. The individual is the ultimate minority. Democracy only thrives where the rights of the minority are protected against tyranny by the majority. So far in human history this legal discrimination by the grouped against the distributed has gone unrecognized and unchecked. Pure democracy must be set up where the rights of the individual are paramount and he is set free in the state of anarchist individualism. This will be the pioneer attempt from the Right to advocate for human rights. Championing human rights for the ultimate minority is for any individual; it is color blind; it is gender neutral. Color or creed are irrelevant. Each is a private citizen first and foremost; ethnic, class and others affiliations are less important. Let America be a country of two billion guns in private hands. Where these fire arms are disseminated without restriction among 311 million anarchist individuators, there will be a very low crime rate and quite rare incidences of abusing guns to hurt others. For the developing individualist will be self-regulating by a very strict and powerful private conscience, that will not allow her to hurt another individual for petty reasons. Killing or assaulting another without just, grave cause shatters society and the victim's private life, as he is unjustly denied life, liberty, happiness; no respect for his dignity as a separate person is forthcoming. The mass killing scenario involves a central actor that is a sick, bitter, stunted potential young individualist with no way out and no intelligent, mature, imaginative, alternative for expressing his remarkable personality in a wholesome way. It is groupism that made him the monster that he is and he kills members of the group or community directly responsible for his suffering and unhappiness or indirectly as fellow joiners. According to the 12-15-2012 Stat Tribune newspaper, Lanza was intellectually disconnected from those around him. He tried not to stand out.He was teased and did not fit in. His peers did not reach out to him. This sort of pathetic and repulsive young man needs to be reached out to. All kids should be raised as individualists, but as self-controlling, kind, civilized, reasonable young people working towards adulthood. Hurting others, no matter how uncaring and mean they have been to him, is no justification for revenge. His response must be threefold. First individuate, individuate, individuate. Second, push for the passing of constitutional protections for the individual and individualist against any type of discrimination. He needs equal opportunity, not a handout, pity or dependency. Third, he must proudly and openly come out of the closer and admit to the world that he is a loner. He should persuade and invite conversations with all groups to let him in and out when and as he sees fit, to whatever degree that he chooses to affiliate or disaffiliate. Over time time things will get better as we move towards a Mavellonialist society.

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