Tuesday, December 25, 2012

The False Shepherd

Merry Christmas to all followers of the true shepherd. Unfortunately, too many people are following the false shepherd. Non-individuated people, the vast majority, work and reside in institutional settings. So living begets being groupist and conforming to the group makes the belongers submissive, listless, emotional, unquestioning and dull-witted. This sleepy compliance with what is popular allows people to obey a false shepherd like Obama. This dangerous but predictable acquiescence occurs again and again because people do not live and think as individualists; they do not live by the right values. They are basically evil, so they choose to do self-destructive things. They punish and reject those that challenge them. They enjoy being flattered, coddled, lied to and ordered about like happy slaves. To live apart, following none and doing one's own thinking enables the individual to be smart, moral and impervious to the threats and blandishments from the false shepherd. Massed people become dumb and immoral by virtue of their group status; they are ripe picking for a false shepherd. Then the Pope in his Christmas blessing warns that people not to be so hooked on electronics and be full of themselves, to make room for God instead. Electronic buffs are clique-dwellers who are not near full enough of themselves. Of course my classical frustration with Catholics and other Christians is that they are not egoistic enough. Altruism and sin are linked. Egoism and virtue are connected. Socialists like Obama are anti-individual and anti-progress as they espouse class warfare and class envy. I am a proponent of the capitalist system and an egoist, but beyond a mild, honestly run competition between competing businesses and individuals out there struggling each day to earn their bread and get their share of the economic pie, I am not for survival of the fittest. Mavellonialism teaches that all are born unfit misfits that are weak but that all can be instructed on how to be strong, fit winners by hard work and self-application. The strong are not strong if they seek to prey on others or hold them down; the weak will not get strong by robbing the doers of the wealth that they have justly accumulated. Their collectivist grabbing and tying down the entrepreneurs and doers is a form of power-grabbing. The Left again sets up the narrative that individualists and capitalists are Social Darwinist, selfish and ruthless, recommending that a few naturally superior people should grab all the wealth and power and control. Most capitalists would not be opposed to providing a safety net for the non-producers, the helpless and the have nots. Egoists are more interested in competing with the self of yesterday than with neighbors. Society is improved and advanced by each doing his own thing. The poor can become richer and do well in the free enterprise system where all have a fair window to climb through in pursuit of wealth and their dreams. In America all get equal opportunity, but beyond that no guaranteed outcome except a safety net for the needy poor.

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