Sunday, April 21, 2013

General Patton

Journal Entry: 12-25-2011 For Christmas evening entertainment we watched the movie Patton with actor George C. Scott as General Patton. Patton was a brilliant, accomplished individuator if there ever was one. But his megalomania, ruthlessness, rash actions and intemperate mouth wiped out the good will engendered by many of his truly heroic, ingenious military campaigns and career accomplishments. The trick for the individuator is to soar as high as she can without undermining her impressive, remarkable feats by terrible lapses in judgment, bad habits indulged in and misbehavior enjoyed. To be esteemed and regarded as worthy, exemplary and worthwhile, she requires the common touch and a good ear to detect early and accurately how she comes off to bosses, peers, neighbors and family. Her caution and temperate hesitating before thinking and acting will often head off committing any gargantuan, Patton-like missteps so easy to anticipate and not step into. Staying out of trouble is almost as important as achieving magnificent feats.

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