Monday, April 8, 2013

Women Shaping Our Lives

It is almost impossible to overstate how powerful is the impact emanating from the women in our lives as they influence us in wrenching, lasting ways. As sisters, daughters, wives, mothers, coworkers, voters and citizens, women shape and redirect society in their own image. My concern is that that image be one of being women that are individualistic and being individuators with a conservative worldview. It is politically incorrect to say this and I will be demonized and belittled as a caveman for saying so, but in the 19th century, women more than men were characterized as making decisions often based more on feelings and passions than on logic. I believe this is how it is. Tjis is how women are wired. Women are smarter than men on average, but they are also more emotional and less rational. They are also joiners more than men are. Being emotional and being a joiner can lead to unwise, unhealthy choices that negatively affect all. We need our women to be very self-conscious about adopting values and behaviors that are not so often chosen based on feelings. We need our women to make decisions as seen through an individualist prism, not a group window. Emotional people are more fanatical and unable to grow and evolve, so we need our women to be a bit more practical, temperate an logical, so ideology is put aside in favor of behaviors and policies that benefit all. The philosophy of Mavellonialism can only take hold if our women are on board.

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