Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Version Of What Moderation Indicates

Emotionally I am a ideologue, a zealot. There is an element of acerbic melodrama and exaggeration that I wield,as a writer, for the sake of making the point in accents. These techniques are stylistics, not the core person. In substance I am a moderate as I define being moderate. The moderate person is naturally conservative, more truthful, more rational, more reasonable, more individual, more humane and more loving. The liberal is naturally more evil, more hating, more selfish, immoderate, falsehood-loving, emotional and groupist. We conservatives are struggling mightily to turn around the ship of state which has been sailing in progressive waters for 100 years. America has been greatly damaged and is in deep decline because Obama is so unrelentingly dedicated to installing his revolutionary Marxist dictatorship. He is brilliant at seducing, deceiving and misleading the masses; he is a radical in disguise. This most dangerous President must be checked and backed down. While we are in the midst of our cultural and political wars we must not be so tactically engaged that we forget what we are up against and aiming to defeat. America is no so liberal and debased, so wicked and so immoderate, that fighters like me must be extra-conservative temporarily to counter-balance the ballast on the left side of the hull of the ship of state, now close to capsizing the ship. More temperate and practical liberal values should be tolerated and entertained by conservatives--while held in check and regulated by citizens operating out of the conservative, traditional and constitutional political and cultural framework. This level of honoring the opposition and including their ideas is wise, sufficient, just and moderate.

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