Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Mean Boss

Just because you are my boss and enjoy institutional power over me while I am at work does not make your bullying and mistreatment ethical or acceptable, It is legal for now, but if individuals gain legal, protected class status, such harassment and targeting will be greatly reduced. Nor does your abusiveness make you brave, tough or strong. You just have the institutional position that allows you to be a dictator, often a malevolent one. Most of the time, cruel bosses like you are weak and cowardly but the title you carry has led your ego to swell up. As a result, bosses like you often come to believe you are superior, brave and strong. In actuality, on the street as an anonymous nobody like the rest of us, stripped of the protection of your position and role, you are revealed as an insipid, weak, clueless jellyfish.

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