Saturday, September 12, 2015

Take Me As I Am

It is fatal for the career of a wannabe individuator not to demand this approach to his liberty-based lifestyle of doing his own thing.

As a non-maverizer, without plans to live any other way, his right to make this demand of the world is much less appropriate. For how the non-maverizer is right now makes it difficult for onlookers to accept him as he is, but he must still be left alone to decide how he will live, or if he will commit himself to ever amount to much of anything.

They that are cruel, law-breaking or wicked have little or no right to be taken as they are. Even then, there must be a streak of libertarianism in most neighbors towards the fallen, an live-and-let-lie approach.

Genuine, lasting reform must be freely adopted by each sinner, one at a time.

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