Monday, September 28, 2015

The People's Pope

That is the affectionate, admiring moniker awarded to Francis by the liberal press as he visited America this past week. They regard him as a saint out for the poor, the minorities, the workers, the sick and the downtrodden.

But Francis is a totalitarian dictator running a theocracy, a massive hierarchy and institution over which he has sole and final say. So we have the humbling-acting dictator of a theocracy enjoying, retaining and not speaking out against his abnormal, greedy appetite for centralized power and interference in the lives of private individuals, both Catholics and non-Catholics.

If this were not enough, he wants socialist dictatorships and huge, centralized government tyrannies exercising unlimited power over the lives of all its subjects.

God wants people to be free from groups, free from any centralized institution, free from any hierarchy, free from centralized governmental tyranny, free to maverize and free to live as they see fit and so select without outside influence or meddling.

If what Francis wants is the antithesis of what God wants, and God is good, where does that leave Francis and his liberation theology? It makes Francis an appealing, alleged saint, that is doing all he can to grow groupism, totalitarianism, uniformity, poverty and tyranny. These conditions are ideal for establishing the reign of Lera and the Devil.

I think we should not dethrone Francis, but we must loudly and actively denounce his wicked programs. He may be a good man, but his evil solutions will destroy humanity, and that cannot be ignored or countenanced.

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