Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Chicago Project

I propose a 5-year experiment for South Chicago:

First, eliminate the gang presence. Pass an ordinance that more than 2 kids from 9-22 are able to walk together on the street--up to three if an adult, 23 years old or older, accompanies them.

Second, flood the area with hundreds or thousands of Big Brothers and Big Sisters serving their 2 years of national service by mentoring one or more young persons, to keep them on the straight and narrow.

Three, any gang activity will lead to the immediate arrest of all involved.

Four, after school training in individuating principles to encourage young people to develop the self.

Five, help as many young people get and learn how to keep part-time jobs. Busy hands are not the devil's playthings.

Six, all kids in the army, in national service, in school or working full time, until 18 and even after.

Seven, encourage public and private agencies to hire kids, confiscating 20% of their earned checks to be put in a college or trade school escrow account for their future education. Let their hiring agency match the 20% with another 20% fund.

Eight, let the young know that they are expected to join the military, or serve two years of national service. Knowing that they have to make a personal contribution, a personal sacrifice for the country. The idea is to help them grow up and mature.

Nine, may mothers and fathers come forward to be very involved in their child's upbringing.

These proposals are not locked in stone, but some program like this should resuscitate and reform any inner city area.

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